Esempio n. 1
 internal static List <Posts> GetPosts(int departmentId)
     using (var db = new HrContext())
         return(new List <Posts>(db.Posts.Where(x => x.DepartmentId == departmentId).ToList()));
Esempio n. 2
 public static bool IsPostsEmpty()
     using (var db = new HrContext())
         return(db.Posts.Count() == 0);
Esempio n. 3
 public static bool IsDepartmentsEmpty()
     using (var db = new HrContext())
         return(db.Departments.Count() == 0);
        public AddBranchViewModel ReadBranch(int id, string culture)
            var branch = (from l in context.Branches
                          where l.Id == id
                          select new AddBranchViewModel
                Id = l.Id,
                Code = l.Code,
                Name = l.Name,
                TimeZone = l.TimeZone,
                LName = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                Longitude = l.Longitude,
                Latitude = l.Latitude,
                Address1 = l.Address1,
                CityId = l.CityId,
                CountryId = l.CountryId,
                DistrictId = l.DistrictId,
                Telephone = l.Telephone,
                CreatedTime = l.CreatedTime,
                ModifiedTime = l.ModifiedTime,
                CreatedUser = l.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedUser = l.ModifiedUser

Esempio n. 5
        public IQueryable <EmpChkListViewModel> GetEmpCheckLists(string culture, int companyId)
            var EmpList = from el in context.EmpChkLists
                          where el.CompanyId == companyId
                          join p in context.People on el.EmpId equals p.Id into g
                          from p in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new EmpChkListViewModel
                Id                                           = el.Id,
                EmpId                                        = el.EmpId,
                ListEndDate                                  = el.ListEndDate,
                ListStartDate                                = el.ListStartDate,
                PicUrl                                       = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender                                       = p.Gender,
                ListType                                     = el.ListType,
                Name                                         = el.Name,
                Employee                                     = p != null?HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture) : "",
                                                 Status      = el.Status,
                                                 CreatedUser = el.CreatedUser,
                                                 ManagerId   = el.ManagerId,
                                                 Count       = context.EmpTasks.Where(a => a.EmpListId == el.Id).Count(),
                                                 PrograssBar = context.EmpTasks.Where(a => a.EmpListId == el.Id && a.Status == 2).Count()

        public CompanyFormViewModel ReadCompany(int id, string culture)
            var query = (from c in context.Companies
                         where c.Id == id
                         select new CompanyFormViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                CommFileNo = c.CommFileNo,
                Consolidation = c.Consolidation,
                CountryId = c.CountryId,
                Email = c.Email,
                InsuranceNo = c.InsuranceNo,
                Language = c.Language,
                Name = c.Name,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(c.Name, culture),
                Memo = c.Memo,
                Purpose = c.Purpose,
                TaxCardNo = c.TaxCardNo,
                WebSite = c.WebSite,
                TaxAuthority = c.TaxAuthority,
                SearchName = c.SearchName,
                CreatedTime = c.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = c.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedTime = c.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = c.ModifiedUser,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("Company", c.Id),
                LegalForm = c.LegalForm,
                Office = c.Office,
                Region = c.Region,
                Responsible = c.Responsible

        public CompanyStructureViewModel GetStructure(int?Id, string culture)
            var Compastruc = (from c in context.CompanyStructures
                              where c.Id == Id
                              select new CompanyStructureViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                Code = c.Code,
                ModifiedTime = c.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = c.ModifiedUser,
                Name = c.Name,
                ParentId = c.ParentId,
                PlannedCount = c.PlannedCount,
                ParentName = c.Parent.Name,
                NodeType = c.NodeType,
                StartDate = c.StartDate,
                EndDate = c.EndDate,
                Icon = c.Icon,
                IsVisible = c.IsVisible,
                ColorName = c.ColorName != null? c.ColorName:"",
                CreatedTime = c.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = c.CreatedUser,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(c.Name, culture),

Esempio n. 8
        public RecievedCustodyForm ReadEditRecievedCustody(int id, string culture)
            var res = (from e in context.EmpCustodies
                       where e.Id == id && e.delvryDate == null
                       join c in context.Custody on e.CustodyId equals c.Id
                       select new RecievedCustodyForm
                Id = e.Id,
                CustodyId = c.Id,
                Name = c.Name,
                CompanyId = c.CompanyId,
                CustodyCatId = c.CustodyCatId,
                PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate,
                RecvStatus = c.Status,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                ItemCode = c.ItemCode,
                Qty = 1,
                SerialNo = c.SerialNo,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("RecieveCustody", id),
                EmpId = e.EmpId,
                RecvDate = e.RecvDate,
                Notes = e.Notes,
                BranchId = e.BranchId

Esempio n. 9
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadEmpCustody(int CompanyId, string culture)
            var result = (from c in context.Custody
                          where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && c.InUse == true)
                          join Emp in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals Emp.CustodyId
                          where Emp.delvryDate == null
                          join p in context.People on Emp.EmpId equals p.Id
                          join l in context.Sites on Emp.BranchId equals l.Id into j
                          from l in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new CustodyViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                EmpCustodyId = Emp.Id,
                Code = c.Code,
                Name = c.Name,
                SerialNo = c.SerialNo,
                CompanyId = c.CompanyId,
                CustodyCatId = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Status = c.Status,
                InUse = c.InUse,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Branch = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                EmpId = Emp.EmpId,
                Description = c.Description,
                Qty = Emp.Qty,
                RecvDate = Emp.RecvDate,
                PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate,
                AttUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("RecieveCustody", Emp.Id),
                Filename = context.CompanyDocsView.Where(a => a.Source == "RecieveCustody" && a.SourceId == Emp.Id).Select(c =>

Esempio n. 10
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadCustody(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, string culture, int CompanyId)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);

            var custody = from c in context.Custody
                          where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && !c.CustodyCat.Disposal && !c.InUse)
                          select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = c.Id,
                Code           = c.Code,
                Name           = c.Name,
                SerialNo       = c.SerialNo,
                CompanyId      = c.CompanyId,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                PurchaseDate   = c.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Status         = c.Status,
                InUse          = c.InUse,
                Freeze         = c.Freeze,
                Description    = c.Description,
                Qty            = c.Qty

            if (Range != 10)
                custody = custody.Where(c => Start <= c.PurchaseDate && End >= c.PurchaseDate);

Esempio n. 11
        public CustodyFormViewModel ReadCustObject(int id, string culture)
            var res = (from c in context.Custody
                       where c.Id == id
                       select new CustodyFormViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                Name = c.Name,
                Code = c.Code,
                CustodyCatId = c.CustodyCatId,
                Description = c.Description,
                SerialNo = c.SerialNo,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("Custody", c.Id),
                PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate,
                JobId = c.JobId,
                BranchId = c.BranchId,
                Status = c.Status,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                ItemCode = c.ItemCode,
                Qty = c.Qty,
                Curr = c.Curr,
                Freeze = c.Freeze,
                CurrencyRate = c.CurrencyRate == 0 ? 1 : c.CurrencyRate,
                CreatedTime = c.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = c.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedTime = c.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = c.ModifiedUser

Esempio n. 12
        public ComplaintRequestViewModel GetRequest(int requestId, string culture)
            ComplaintRequestViewModel Request = (from req in context.ComplainRequests
                                                 where req.Id == requestId
                                                 join p in context.People on req.EmpId equals p.Id
                                                 select new ComplaintRequestViewModel()
                Id = req.Id,
                RequestDate = req.RequestDate,
                EmpId = req.EmpId,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                ApprovalStatus = req.ApprovalStatus,
                RejectReason = req.RejectReason,
                RejectDesc = req.RejectDesc,
                CancelReason = req.CancelReason,
                CancelDesc = req.CancelDesc,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("ComplaintRequest", req.Id),
                CreatedTime = req.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = req.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedTime = req.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = req.ModifiedUser,
                ComplainType = req.ComplainType,
                Description = req.Description,
                Against = req.Against

        public DocTypeFormViewModel ReadDocType(int Id, string culture)
            var query = (from d in context.DocTypes
                         where d.Id == Id
                         select new DocTypeFormViewModel
                Id = d.Id,
                EndDate = d.EndDate,
                IsLocal = d.IsLocal,
                Name = d.Name,
                RequiredOpt = d.RequiredOpt,
                StartDate = d.StartDate,
                DocumenType = d.DocumenType,
                HasExpiryDate = d.HasExpiryDate,
                AccessLevel = d.AccessLevel,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(d.Name, culture),
                IJobs = d.Jobs.Select(a => a.Id),
                INationalities = d.Nationalities.Select(a => a.Id),
                ModifiedTime = d.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = d.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedUser = d.CreatedUser,
                CreatedTime = d.CreatedTime,
                Gender = d.Gender,
                NotifyDays = d.NotifyDays

Esempio n. 14
        public CheckListFormViewModel ReadCheckList(int id, string culture)
            var Job = (from J in context.CheckLists
                       where J.Id == id
                       select new CheckListFormViewModel
                Id = J.Id,
                Name = J.Name,
                IsLocal = J.IsLocal,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(J.Name, culture),
                StartDate = J.StartDate,
                EndDate = J.EndDate,
                Duration = J.Duration,
                CompanyId = J.CompanyId,
                Default = J.Default,
                Description = J.Description,
                ListType = J.ListType,
                ModifiedTime = J.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = J.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedTime = J.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = J.CreatedUser,

Esempio n. 15
 public static List <Departments> GetDepartments()
     using (var db = new HrContext())
         return(new List <Departments>(db.Departments.ToList()));
Esempio n. 16
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadConsumeCustody(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, string culture, int CompanyId)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);
            var query = from c in context.Custody
                        where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && c.CustodyCat.Disposal)
                        join ec in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals ec.CustodyId into g
                        from ec in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        group ec by new { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name, PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate, PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount, Qty = c.Qty, Description = c.Description, CustodyCat = c.CustodyCat.Name, CurrRate = c.CurrencyRate }  into g
                select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = g.Key.Id,
                Name           = g.Key.Name,
                PurchaseDate   = g.Key.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = g.Key.PurchaseAmount,
                Qty            = g.Key.Qty,
                CurrencyRate   = g.Key.CurrRate,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(g.Key.CustodyCat, culture),
                RestQty        = g.Key.Qty - (g.Sum(x => x.Qty) == null ? 0 : g.Sum(x => x.Qty)),
                Description    = g.Key.Description

            if (Range != 10)
                query = query.Where(c => Start <= c.PurchaseDate && End >= c.PurchaseDate);
            return(query.Where(a => a.RestQty > 0));
        public List <StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel> GetDocsViews_Uploaded(string Source, int SourceId, string CodeName /*,int SysCodeId*/, string Lang)
                var BasicQuery = GetDocsViews_Queryable(Source, SourceId);

                var DocsViews = (from c in BasicQuery
                                 join d in context.DocTypes on c.TypeId equals d.Id
                                 //join l in context.LookUpUserCodes on d.DocumenType equals l.SysCodeId//new { p1 = d.Name, p2 = d.DocumenType } equals new { p1 = l.CodeName, p2 = l.CodeId }
                                 // where c.Source == Source /*&& l.CodeName == CodeName *///&& l.SysCodeId == SysCodeId
                                 select new StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel
                    Stream_Id = c.stream_id,
                    DocTypeFormViewModel = new DocTypeFormViewModel
                        Id = d.Id,
                        Name = HrContext.TrlsName(d.Name, Lang),
                        RequiredOpt = d.RequiredOpt,
                        HasExpiryDate = d.HasExpiryDate
                return(new List <StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel>());
Esempio n. 18
        //read Borrow Document with Employee
        public IEnumerable <EmpDocBorrowViewModel> ReadDocBorrow(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, int CompanyId, string culture)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);
            var query = (from d in context.EmpDocBorrow
                         where (d.CompanyId == CompanyId && d.delvryDate == null)
                         join p in context.People on d.EmpId equals p.Id
                         select new EmpDocBorrowViewModel
                Id = d.Id,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                EmpId = d.EmpId,
                Purpose = d.Purpose,
                Notes = d.Notes,
                RecvDate = d.RecvDate,
                Site = d.Site,
                ExpdelvryDate = d.ExpdelvryDate,
                AttUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("BorrowPapers", d.Id),
                Document = context.DocBorrowList.Where(a => a.DocBorrowId == d.Id).Select(s => s.Doc.Name).ToList()

            if (Range != 10)
                query = query.Where(c => Start <= c.RecvDate && End >= c.RecvDate).ToList();
Esempio n. 19
        public string DeleteFlexColumns(FlexColumn model, string culture)
            string msg = "OK";

            if (model == null)
            // Check before delete
            var columnNames = model.ColumnName;
            var page        = model.PageId;
            var related     = (from fc in context.FlexColumns
                               where fc.PageId == page && columnNames.Contains(fc.ColumnName)
                               join fd in context.FlexData on new { fc.PageId, fc.ColumnName } equals new { fd.PageId, fd.ColumnName }
                               join pd in context.PageDiv on fc.PageId equals pd.Id
                               join m in context.Menus on pd.MenuId equals m.Id
                               select new { name = fc.ColumnName, page = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Name + m.Sequence, culture) }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (related != null)
                msg = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls(culture, "DeleteRelatedRecord").Replace("{0}", + ": " +;

            var Id        = model.Id;
            var titles    = context.ColumnTitles.ToList();
            var DeleteObj = model;

            context.Entry(DeleteObj).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            var DeleteTitles = titles.Where(a => a.ColumnName == model.ColumnName).ToList();

Esempio n. 20
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> GetEmpCustody(int EmpId, int CompanyId, string culture)
            var result = from c in context.Custody
                         where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId)
                         join Emp in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals Emp.CustodyId
                         where Emp.delvryDate == null && Emp.EmpId == EmpId
                         join p in context.People on Emp.EmpId equals p.Id
                         join l in context.Sites on Emp.BranchId equals l.Id into j
                         from l in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = c.Id,
                Code           = c.Code,
                Name           = c.Name,
                SerialNo       = c.SerialNo,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                Disposal       = c.CustodyCat.Disposal,
                Status         = c.Status,
                InUse          = c.InUse,
                Description    = c.Description,
                PurchaseDate   = c.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Employee       = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Branch         = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                EmpId          = Emp.EmpId,
                Qty            = Emp.Qty

        public IQueryable <MeetingAgendaViewModel> GetAgenda(int Id, string culture)
            var query = (from m in context.MeetScheduals
                         where m.MeetingId == Id
                         join p in context.People on m.EmpId equals p.Id into j
                         from x in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new MeetingAgendaViewModel
                Id = m.Id,
                StartTime = m.StartTime.ToString(),
                EndTime = m.EndTime.ToString(),
                Description = m.Description,
                EmpId = m.EmpId,
                EmpName = HrContext.TrlsName(x.Title + " " + x.FirstName + " " + x.Familyname, culture),
            }).ToList().Select(l => new MeetingAgendaViewModel
                Id          = l.Id,
                EmpId       = l.EmpId,
                StartTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(l.StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt"),
                EndTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(l.EndTime).ToString("hh:mm tt"),
                Description = l.Description,
                Time        = (Convert.ToDateTime(l.EndTime) - Convert.ToDateTime(l.StartTime)).ToString(@"hh\:mm")

Esempio n. 22
        public IEnumerable <EmployeeTrainPathViewModel> TrainPathProgress(int id, string culture)
            var q = context.TrainPath.Where(a => a.Id == id).Select(a => new { c = a.Courses.Select(b => b.Id), id = a.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (q != null)
                var Emp = context.PeopleTraining.
                          Where(a => q.c.Contains(a.CourseId) && a.Status == 2).GroupBy(a => new { person = a.EmpId, Emp = a.Person }).
                          Select(a => new EmployeeTrainPathViewModel
                    EmpId      = a.Key.person,
                    Id         =,
                    Percent    = a.Count() * 100 / q.c.Count(),
                    Employee   = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Key.Emp.Title + " " + a.Key.Emp.FirstName + " " + a.Key.Emp.Familyname, culture),
                    CourseName = a.Select(j => j.Course.Name).ToList(),
                    CourseIds  = a.Select(j => j.Course.Id).ToList(),
        // Get the employee with Dept manger role only  // Done By fatma
        public IQueryable <FormList> GetActiveMangers(int companyId, string culture)
            var today = DateTime.Today.Date;
            //Get Departments managers
            var query1 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today && a.IsDepManager == true
                          select new FormList
                id = a.EmpId,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId),
                Gender = a.Employee.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.Employee.Id)

            var query2 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today
                          join p in context.People on a.ManagerId equals p.Id
                          select new FormList
                id = p.Id,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender = p.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)

            var query3 = query1.Union(query2);

Esempio n. 24
        public EmpTasksViewModel GetEmployeeTask(int Id, string culture)
            EmpTasksViewModel task = context.EmpTasks.Where(t => t.Id == Id)
                                     .Select(t => new EmpTasksViewModel
                Id           = t.Id,
                EmpList      = t.EmpChklist.Name,
                Manager      = HrContext.TrlsName(t.Manager.Title + " " + t.Manager.FirstName + " " + t.Manager.Familyname, culture),
                Description  = t.Description,
                Priority     = t.Priority,
                Status       = t.Status,
                TaskCategory = HrContext.GetLookUpCode("EmpTaskCat", t.TaskCat.Value, culture),
                TaskNo       = t.TaskNo,
                AssignedTime = t.AssignedTime,
                Attachments  = HrContext.GetAttachments("EmpTasksForm", t.Id),
                StartTime    = t.StartTime,
                EndTime      = t.EndTime,
                Duration     = t.Duration,
                EmpListId    = t.EmpListId,
                ExpectDur    = t.ExpectDur,
                Unit         = t.Unit,
                Required     = t.Required,
                Employee     = HrContext.TrlsName(t.EmpChklist.Employee.Title + " " + t.EmpChklist.Employee.FirstName + " " + t.EmpChklist.Employee.Familyname, culture),
