void Start() { //Pause Game on Start Time.timeScale = 0; player = gameObject; levain = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LevainScript>(); doughMaker = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DoughMaker>(); hoven = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Hoven>(); counter = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Counter>(); Hud = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <HUDScript>(); audioManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>(); moveSpeed = normalSpeed; currentTimer = 0; }
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { Collectible collectibleCol = other.GetComponent <Collectible>(); LevainScript levainCol = other.GetComponent <LevainScript>(); DoughMaker doughMakerCol = other.GetComponent <DoughMaker>(); Hoven hovenCol = other.GetComponent <Hoven>(); Dispenser dispenserCol = other.GetComponent <Dispenser>(); Counter counterCol = other.GetComponent <Counter>(); //LEVAIN if (levainCol != null) { if (isHolding && !isPourring) { canFeed = true; Hud.OpenLevainPanel("Press E to feed " + currentCollectibeType); } else { Hud.OpenLevainPanel("Press E to collect starter"); canCollect = true; } } //DOUGH if (doughMakerCol != null) { if (isHolding && !isPourring) { canAddIngredient = true; Hud.OpenDoughMakerPanel("Press E to add " + currentCollectibeType); } else { Hud.OpenDoughMakerPanel("Press E to collect dough"); canCollectDough = true; } } //HOVEN if (hovenCol != null) { if (isHolding && !isPourring && currentCollectibeType == CollectibleType.Dough) { canPutDoughHoven = true; Hud.OpenHovenMakerPanel("Press E to add bread"); } else { Hud.OpenHovenMakerPanel("Press E to collect bread"); canCollectBread = true; } } //COUNTER if (counterCol != null) { if (isHolding && !isPourring) { canSell = true; Hud.OpenCounterPanel(); } } //COLLECT if (collectibleCol != null) { Pickable = collectibleCol.gameObject; canPickUp = true; Hud.OpenPickUpPanel(collectibleCol.type.ToString(), collectibleCol.gameObject); } //DISPENSER if (dispenserCol != null) { Dispenser = dispenserCol.gameObject; canOrder = true; Hud.OpenDispenserPanel(dispenserCol.type.ToString()); } }