/// <summary> /// Добавление нового дома /// </summary> /// <param name="city">Город</param> /// <param name="street">Улица</param> /// <param name="number">Номер</param> /// <returns>Результат добавления дома</returns> public async Task <string> AddHouse(string city, string street, string number) { if (GetHouseByCityAndStreetAndNumber(city, street, number) != null) { return("Not add. House Present."); } var counter = new Counter() { FactoryNumber = "None", VerificationTimeOver = DateTime.Now, Indications = new List <Indication>() { new Indication() { CurrentIndication = 0, FillingTime = DateTime.Now, PreviousIndication = 0 } } }; var house = new House() { City = city, Street = street, Number = number, Counter = counter }; _context.Add(counter); _context.Add(house); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return("OK"); }
public IActionResult Register(Reg newUser) { System.Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------"); System.Console.WriteLine(newUser); if (ModelState.IsValid) { // If a User exists with provided email if (dbContext.Users.Any(u => u.Email == newUser.Email)) { // Manually add a ModelState error to the Email field, with provided // error message ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Email already in use!"); return(View("Log-Reg")); // You may consider returning to the View at this point } else { // Initializing a PasswordHasher object, providing our User class as its PasswordHasher <Reg> Hasher = new PasswordHasher <Reg>(); newUser.Password = Hasher.HashPassword(newUser, newUser.Password); dbContext.Add(newUser); dbContext.SaveChanges(); HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("UId", newUser.UserId); HttpContext.Session.SetString("UName", newUser.Username); } return(RedirectToAction("Main", "Main")); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------"); System.Console.WriteLine("User not created"); return(View("Log-Reg")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("LocationID,Name,Place,Adress")] Location location) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(location); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(location)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,Characteristic,Title,Price,SuitesNumber,Size,Cep,City,District,PhoneNumber,ParkingSpace,Leasing,Sale")] House house) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(house); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(house)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ProfessionID,Description")] Profession profession) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(profession); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(profession)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateRoomViewModel viewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(viewModel.Room); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } viewModel.Locations = new SelectList(_context.Location, "LocationID", "NameAndPlace", viewModel.Room.LocationID); return(View(viewModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("CustomerID,Firstname,Lastname,ProfessionID,UserID")] Customer customer) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(customer); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["UserID"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "Id", "Id", customer.UserID); ViewData["ProfessionID"] = new SelectList(_context.Profession, "ProfessionID", "Description", customer.ProfessionID); return(View(customer)); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Interior entity) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (entity.DefinitionID == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError <Interior>(e => e.Definition, "Could not determine type of interior, please specify the type."); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } entity.ID = 0; _context.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Created(entity)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateInvoiceViewModel viewModel) { viewModel.Invoice = new Invoice(); viewModel.Invoice.Date = DateTime.Today; viewModel.Invoice.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(14); viewModel.Invoice.Paid = false; viewModel.Invoice.CustomerID = viewModel.SelectedCustomer ?? -1; double Total = 0; if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(viewModel.Invoice); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); List <ReservationInvoice> newInvoices = new List <ReservationInvoice>(); foreach (int reservationID in viewModel.SelectedReservations) { Reservation reservation = _context.Reservation.Find(reservationID); Total = Total + reservation.Price; newInvoices.Add(new ReservationInvoice { ReservationID = reservationID, InvoiceID = viewModel.Invoice.InvoiceID }); } viewModel.Invoice.TotalPrice = Total; _context.Update(viewModel.Invoice); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); Invoice invoice = await _context.Invoice.Include(x => x.ReservationInvoices) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.InvoiceID == viewModel.Invoice.InvoiceID); invoice.ReservationInvoices.AddRange(newInvoices); _context.Update(invoice); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } //zaken terug opvullen return(View(viewModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateReservationViewModel viewModel) { viewModel.Reservation = new Reservation(); ClaimsPrincipal currentUser = this.User; var currentUserID = currentUser.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; List <Customer> customers = await _context.Customer.ToListAsync(); Customer currentCustomer = new Customer(); foreach (Customer customer in customers) { if (customer.UserID == currentUserID) { currentCustomer = customer; } } viewModel.Reservation.CustomerID = currentCustomer.CustomerID; viewModel.Reservation.RoomID = viewModel.SelectedRoom ?? -1; viewModel.Reservation.Date = viewModel.SelectedDate ?? default; viewModel.Reservation.PeriodID = viewModel.SelectedPeriod ?? -1; Room room = _context.Room.Find(viewModel.SelectedRoom); if (ModelState.IsValid) { viewModel.Reservation.Price = room.PriceHour * 2; _context.Add(viewModel.Reservation); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Own))); } viewModel.LocationList = new SelectList(_context.Location, "LocationID", "NameAndPlace"); viewModel.RoomList = new SelectList(_context.Room, "RoomID", "Description"); viewModel.PeriodList = new SelectList(_context.Period, "PeriodID", "Hour"); return(View(viewModel)); }
private void AddTestData(HouseContext context) { // NOTE: save changes inbetween ensure we have IDs for our entities // Add interior definitions for chairs and tables: // class Chair // { // public string Manufacturer {get;set;} // public string Model {get;set;} // public int Year {get;set;} // public double Weight {get;set;} // } var chairDefinition = new InteriorDefinition { Name = "Chair", }; context.Add(chairDefinition); context.SaveChanges(); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Manufacturer", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.String, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.StringProperty1), DefinitionID = chairDefinition.ID, Definition = chairDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Model", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.String, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.StringProperty2), DefinitionID = chairDefinition.ID, Definition = chairDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Year", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Int, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.IntProperty1), DefinitionID = chairDefinition.ID, Definition = chairDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Weight", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Double, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.DoubleProperty1), DefinitionID = chairDefinition.ID, Definition = chairDefinition, }); context.SaveChanges(); // class Table // { // public string Manufacturer {get;set;} // public string Model {get;set;} // public int ExpansionPanels {get;set;} // public int SuitablePersonCount {get;set;} // public double Width {get;set;} // public double Height {get;set;} // public double Depth {get;set;} // } var tableDefinition = new InteriorDefinition { Name = "Table", }; context.Add(tableDefinition); context.SaveChanges(); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Manufacturer", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.String, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.StringProperty1), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Model", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.String, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.StringProperty2), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "ExpansionPanels", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Int, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.IntProperty1), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "SuitablePersonCount", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Int, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.IntProperty2), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Width", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Double, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.DoubleProperty1), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Height", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Double, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.DoubleProperty2), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.Add(new InteriorPropertyDefinition { Name = "Depth", PropertyType = InteriorPropertyType.Double, PropertyName = nameof(IUserDefinedPropertyBag.DoubleProperty3), DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Definition = tableDefinition, }); context.SaveChanges(); // Add some test houses and rooms (random data) var deskManufacturers = new[] { "Desk Inc.", "Desktopia", "Desk4You", "WeLoveDesks" }; var deskModels = new[] { "Dining Table", "Couch Table", "Pool Table", "Table Football Table", "Poker Table" }; var chairManufacturers = new[] { "Chair Inc.", "Chairtopia", "Chair4You", "WeLoveChairs" }; var chairModels = new[] { "Armchair", "Rocking Chair", "Stool", "Wheelchair", "Deckchair" }; var random = new Random(); for (int houseIndex = 0; houseIndex < random.Next(1, 5); houseIndex++) { var house = new House { Name = "House " + houseIndex, Address = "Main Street " + random.Next(1, 100) }; context.Add(house); context.SaveChanges(); for (int roomIndex = 0; roomIndex < random.Next(1, 10); roomIndex++) { var room = new Room { Name = house.Name + " - Room " + roomIndex, House = house, HouseID = house.ID }; context.Add(room); context.SaveChanges(); for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < random.Next(1, 5); tableIndex++) { var table = new Interior { Definition = tableDefinition, DefinitionID = tableDefinition.ID, Room = room, RoomId = room.ID, StringProperty1 = deskManufacturers[random.Next(deskManufacturers.Length)], StringProperty2 = deskModels[random.Next(deskModels.Length)], IntProperty1 = random.Next(0, 2), // ExpansionPanels IntProperty2 = random.Next(4, 10), // SuitablePersonCount DoubleProperty1 = random.NextDouble() * 300, // Width (0-300cm) DoubleProperty2 = random.NextDouble() * 120, // Height (0-120cm) DoubleProperty3 = random.NextDouble() * 800, // Depth (0-800cm) }; context.Add(table); } context.SaveChanges(); for (int chairIndex = 0; chairIndex < random.Next(1, 10); chairIndex++) { var chair = new Interior { Definition = chairDefinition, DefinitionID = chairDefinition.ID, Room = room, RoomId = room.ID, StringProperty1 = chairManufacturers[random.Next(deskManufacturers.Length)], StringProperty2 = chairModels[random.Next(deskModels.Length)], IntProperty1 = random.Next(2000, DateTime.Now.Year + 1), // Year DoubleProperty1 = 500 + random.NextDouble() * 500, // Weight (500-1000g) }; context.Add(chair); } context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public IActionResult Message(Message newMsg) { dbContext.Add(newMsg); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Community")); }