///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private private static void generateGeneralSettings() { // Pin Size { float value = HoudiniHost.prPinSize; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "pin_size", "Pin Size", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.pinSize); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPinSize = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Pin Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prPinColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "pin_colour", "Pin Color", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.pinColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPinColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Auto pin { bool value = HoudiniHost.prAutoPinInstances; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "auto_pin_instances", "Auto Pin Instances", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.autoPinInstances); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prAutoPinInstances = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Enable Support Warnings { bool value = HoudiniHost.prEnableSupportWarnings; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "enable_support_warnings", "Enable Support Warnings", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.enableSupportWarnings); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prEnableSupportWarnings = value; } } }
public void OnGUI() { bool gui_enable = GUI.enabled; #if !( UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || ( UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR ) ) HoudiniGUI.help( HoudiniConstants.HAPI_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MSG, MessageType.Info ); GUI.enabled = false; #else if ( !HoudiniHost.isInstallationOk() ) { HoudiniGUI.help( HoudiniHost.getMissingEngineInstallHelpString(), MessageType.Info ); GUI.enabled = false; } #endif // !( UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || ( UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR ) ) myUndoInfo = HoudiniHost.prHostUndoInfo; myScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( myScrollPosition ); if ( GUILayout.Button( HoudiniGUIUtility.myRevertAllSettingsLabel ) ) { if ( EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Revert all settings?", "Are you sure you want to revert ALL Houdini plugin settings?", "Yes", "No" ) ) { HoudiniHost.revertAllSettingsToDefaults(); HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); GUIContent[] modes = new GUIContent[ 6 ]; modes[ 0 ] = new GUIContent( "General" ); modes[ 1 ] = new GUIContent( "Materials" ); modes[ 2 ] = new GUIContent( "Cooking" ); modes[ 3 ] = new GUIContent( "Geometry" ); modes[ 4 ] = new GUIContent( "Curves" ); modes[ 5 ] = new GUIContent( "Advanced" ); mySettingsTabSelection = GUILayout.Toolbar( mySettingsTabSelection, modes ); switch ( mySettingsTabSelection ) { case 0: generateGeneralSettings(); break; case 1: generateMaterialSettings(); break; case 2: generateCookingSettings(); break; case 3: generateGeometrySettings(); break; case 4: generateCurveSettings(); break; case 5: generateAdvancedSettings(); break; default: Debug.LogError( "Invalid Settings Tab." ); break; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.enabled = gui_enable; }
private static void generateMaterialSettings() { // Gamma { float value = HoudiniHost.prGamma; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "gamma", "Gamma", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.gamma); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prGamma = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Don't Create Texture Files { bool value = HoudiniHost.prDontCreateTextureFiles; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "dont_create_texture_files", "Don't Create Texture Files (use in-memory textures)", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.dontCreateTextureFiles); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prDontCreateTextureFiles = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Rebuilds Required", "This change will take affect for new instantiations or rebuilds.\n" + "A full Unity restart is recommended.", "Ok"); } } // Extract Textures In Raw Format { bool value = HoudiniHost.prExtractTexturesInRawFormat; bool was_gui_enabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = HoudiniHost.prDontCreateTextureFiles; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "extract_textures_in_raw_format", "Extract Textures In Raw Format (only works for in-memory textures)", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.extractTexturesInRawFormat); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prExtractTexturesInRawFormat = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } GUI.enabled = was_gui_enabled; } }
protected void drawLicenseLogo() { if (HoudiniHost.getCurrentLicense() != HAPI_License.HAPI_LICENSE_HOUDINI_ENGINE_INDIE) { return; } HoudiniGUI.separator(); int skin = EditorPrefs.GetInt("UserSkin"); bool is_light_skin = skin == 0; #if false if (myDarkSkinLogo == null && is_dark_skin) { myDarkSkinLogo = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("hEngine_white_color"); } if (myLightSkinLogo == null && is_light_skin) { myLightSkinLogo = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("hEngine_black_color"); } Texture2D logo = (is_light_skin ? myLightSkinLogo : myDarkSkinLogo); float pane_width = (float)Screen.width - 60; float ratio = Mathf.Min(0.2f, pane_width / logo.width); GUIStyle image_style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label); image_style.normal.background = logo; image_style.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageAbove; EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "", image_style, GUILayout.Height(logo.height * ratio), GUILayout.Width(logo.width * ratio)); #endif GUIStyle label_style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label); label_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; label_style.normal.textColor = is_light_skin ? Color.red : Color.yellow; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Houdini Engine Indie - For Limited Commercial Use Only", label_style); HoudiniGUI.separator(); }
public void OnGUI() { bool gui_enable = GUI.enabled; #if !( HAPI_ENABLE_RUNTIME ) HoudiniGUI.help(HoudiniConstants.HAPI_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MSG, MessageType.Info); GUI.enabled = false; #else if (!HoudiniHost.isInstallationOk()) { HoudiniGUI.help( HoudiniHost.getMissingEngineInstallHelpString(), MessageType.Info); GUI.enabled = false; } #endif // !( HAPI_ENABLE_RUNTIME ) if (GUILayout.Button(HoudiniGUIUtility.myLoadAssetLabel)) { string asset_file_path = HoudiniGUIUtility.promptForOTLPath(); HoudiniAssetUtility.instantiateAsset(asset_file_path); } if (GUILayout.Button(HoudiniGUIUtility.myLoadHipLabel)) { string hip_file_path = HoudiniGUIUtility.promptForHIPPath(); HoudiniAssetUtility.loadHipFile(hip_file_path); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); if (GUILayout.Button(HoudiniGUIUtility.mySaveHoudiniSceneLabel)) { HoudiniGUIUtility.saveHoudiniScene(myLockNodesOnHipSave); } { bool undo_value = myLockNodesOnHipSave; HoudiniGUI.toggle( "lock_nodes", "Lock Nodes On Scene Save", ref myLockNodesOnHipSave, null, ref undo_value); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); if (GUILayout.Button("Check for New Untracked Asset Nodes")) { HoudiniAssetUtility.checkForNewAssets(); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); if (HoudiniGUI.floatField("global_time", "Global Time", ref myTime, null, ref myTime)) { HoudiniHost.setTime(myTime); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); string path = Application.dataPath; myScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(myScrollPosition); if (GUILayout.Button("Instantiate Core Assets")) { try { DirectoryInfo core = new DirectoryInfo(path + "//OTLs/Core"); if (!core.Exists) { throw new HoudiniError("Project/Assets/OTLs/Core directory does not exist!"); } foreach (FileInfo fi in core.GetFiles()) { if (fi.Extension == ".otl") { loadOTL(fi); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Directory navigation failed: " + e.ToString()); } } #if ( HAPI_ENABLE_RUNTIME ) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path + "//OTLs"); try { if (!di.Exists) { throw new HoudiniError("Project/Assets/OTLs directory does not exist!"); } foreach (DirectoryInfo child_directory in di.GetDirectories()) { OTLDirectory otlDir = null; foreach (OTLDirectory existingOTLDir in myOTLDirectories) { if (existingOTLDir.myDirectoryName == child_directory.Name) { otlDir = existingOTLDir; break; } } if (otlDir == null) { otlDir = new OTLDirectory(); otlDir.myDirectoryName = child_directory.Name; otlDir.myDirectoryPath = child_directory.FullName; otlDir.myExpanded = false; myOTLDirectories.Add(otlDir); } otlDir.myExpanded = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(otlDir.myExpanded, new GUIContent(otlDir.myDirectoryName)); if (otlDir.myDirectoryName == "Core") { otlDir.myExpanded = true; } if (otlDir.myExpanded) { DirectoryInfo dirContents = new DirectoryInfo(otlDir.myDirectoryPath); foreach (FileInfo fi in dirContents.GetFiles()) { if (fi.Extension == ".otl") { genOTLEntry(fi); } } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Directory navigation failed: " + e.ToString()); } #endif // ( HAPI_ENABLE_RUNTIME ) GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.enabled = gui_enable; }
protected bool generateAssetControls() { if (myParms.prParms == null) { return(false); } bool changed = false; int current_index = 0; HAPI_ParmInfo[] parms = myParms.prParms; HAPI_ParmInfoStrings[] parm_strings = myParms.prParmInfoStrings; bool join_last = false; bool no_label_toggle_last = false; int folder_list_count = 0; // These stacks maintain the current folder depth, parent id, and how many more child // parameters are still contained in the current folder. Stack <int> parent_id_stack = new Stack <int>(); Stack <int> parent_count_stack = new Stack <int>(); int instance_length = -1; // Loop through all the parameters. while (current_index < myParms.prParmCount) { int current_parent_id = HoudiniConstants.HAPI_INVALID_PARM_ID; // The root has parent id -1. // If we're not at the root (empty parent stack), get the current parent id and parent // count from the stack as well as decrement the parent count as we're about to parse // another parameter. if (parent_id_stack.Count != 0) { current_parent_id = parent_id_stack.Peek(); // Get the leftover parameter count of the current folder. int current_parent_count = parent_count_stack.Peek(); // The only reason current_parent_count would be 0 at this point is if we start off // with an empty folder. Pop it and move on, but do not increment the current_index! if (current_parent_count <= 0) { parent_id_stack.Pop(); parent_count_stack.Pop(); continue; } // If the current parameter, whatever it may be, does not belong to the current active // parent then skip it. This check has to be done here because we do not want to // increment the top of the parent_count_stack as if we included a parameter in the // current folder. if (parms[current_index].parentId != current_parent_id) { current_index++; continue; } // Decrement the leftover parameter count. current_parent_count--; // If we've reached the last parameter in the current folder we need to pop the parent // stacks (we're done with the current folder). Otherwise, update the top of the // parent_count_stack. if (current_parent_count <= 0) { parent_id_stack.Pop(); parent_count_stack.Pop(); } else { parent_count_stack.Pop(); parent_count_stack.Push(current_parent_count); } } else if (parms[current_index].parentId != current_parent_id) { // If the current parameter does not belong to the current active parent then skip it. current_index++; continue; } if (parms[current_index].type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_MULTIPARMLIST) { changed |= generateAssetControl(current_index, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); //int instance_count = myParms.prParmIntValues[ parms[ current_index ].intValuesIndex ]; int instance_count = parms[current_index].instanceCount; instance_length = parms[current_index].instanceLength; if (instance_length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < instance_count; i++) { parent_id_stack.Push(parms[current_index].id); parent_count_stack.Push(1); } } current_index++; } else if (parms[current_index].type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_FOLDERLIST) { // The current parameter is a folder list which means the next parms[ current_index ].size // parameters will be folders belonging to this folder list. Push to the stack a new // folder depth, ready to eat the next few parameters belonging to the folder list's // selected folder. bool folder_list_invisible = parms[current_index].invisible; int folder_count = parms[current_index].size; int first_folder_index = current_index + 1; int last_folder_index = current_index + folder_count; // Generate the list of folders which will be passed to the GUILayout.Toolbar() method. List <int> tab_ids = new List <int>(); List <string> tab_labels = new List <string>(); List <int> tab_sizes = new List <int>(); bool has_visible_folders = false; for (current_index = first_folder_index; current_index <= last_folder_index; ++current_index) { if (parms[current_index].type != HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_FOLDER) { Debug.LogError("We should be iterating through folders only here!" + "\nCurrent Index: " + current_index + ", folder_count: " + folder_count); } // Don't add this folder if it's invisible. if (parms[current_index].invisible || folder_list_invisible) { continue; } else { has_visible_folders = true; } tab_ids.Add(parms[current_index].id); tab_labels.Add(parm_strings[current_index].label); tab_sizes.Add(parms[current_index].size); } current_index--; // We decrement the current_index as we incremented one too many in the for loop. // If there are no folders visible in this folder list, don't even append the folder stacks. if (has_visible_folders) { folder_list_count++; // If myObjectControl.myFolderListSelections is smaller than our current depth it means this // is the first GUI generation for this asset (no previous folder selection data) so // increase the size of the selection arrays to accomodate the new depth. if (myParms.prFolderListSelections.Count <= folder_list_count) { myParms.prFolderListSelections.Add(0); myParms.prFolderListSelectionIds.Add(HoudiniConstants.HAPI_INVALID_PARM_ID); } int selected_folder = myParms.prFolderListSelections[folder_list_count]; selected_folder = Mathf.Clamp(selected_folder, 0, tab_labels.Count - 1); selected_folder = GUILayout.Toolbar(selected_folder, tab_labels.ToArray()); myParms.prFolderListSelections[folder_list_count] = selected_folder; // Push only the selected folder info to the parent stacks since for this depth and this folder // list only the parameters of the selected folder need to be generated. parent_id_stack.Push(tab_ids[selected_folder]); parent_count_stack.Push(tab_sizes[selected_folder]); } current_index++; } else if (parms[current_index].isChildOfMultiParm) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Create the add / remove buttons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("X")) { myParms.removeMultiparmInstance(parms[current_index]); changed = true; } if (GUILayout.Button("+")) { myParms.insertMultiparmInstance(parms[current_index]); changed = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Create the parms within the multiparm instance GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int i = 0; i < instance_length; i++) { changed |= generateAssetControl(current_index, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); current_index++; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (instance_length > 1) { HoudiniGUI.separator(); } } else { // The current parameter is a simple parameter so just draw it. if (parms[current_index].type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_FOLDER) { Debug.LogError("All folders should have been parsed in the folder list if clause!"); } changed |= generateAssetControl(current_index, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); current_index++; } } if (myLastFocusedControl != GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl()) { //Debug.Log( "Changed focus from " + myLastFocusedControl + " to " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() ); // We changed focus. Signal a build myLastFocusedControl = GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl(); myFocusChanged = true; myDelayBuild = false; } return(changed); }
protected bool generateAssetControl(int index, ref bool join_last, ref bool no_label_toggle_last) { if (myParms.prParms == null) { return(false); } if (myParms.prParms[index].invisible) { return(false); } bool changed = false; HAPI_ParmInfo[] parms = myParms.prParms; HAPI_ParmInfo parm = parms[index]; HAPI_ParmInfoStrings parm_strings = myParms.prParmInfoStrings[index]; int[] parm_int_values = myParms.prParmIntValues; float[] parm_float_values = myParms.prParmFloatValues; HoudiniGUIParm gui_parm = new HoudiniGUIParm(parm, parm_strings); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Integer Parameter if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_MULTIPARMLIST) { changed = HoudiniGUI.multiparmField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref parm_int_values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); } else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_INT) { if (parm.choiceCount > 0 && parm.choiceIndex >= 0) { // Draw popup (menu) field. List <string> labels = new List <string>(); List <int> values = new List <int>(); // Go through our choices. for (int i = 0; i < parm.choiceCount; ++i) { if (myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId != parm.id) { Debug.LogError("Parm choice parent parm id (" + myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId + ") not matching current parm id (" + parm.id + ")!\n" + "Choice index: " + (parm.choiceIndex + i) + ", " + "Choice count: " + parm.choiceCount); } labels.Add(myParms.prParmChoiceInfoStrings[parm.choiceIndex + i].label); values.Add(i); } changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( ref gui_parm, ref parm_int_values, labels.ToArray(), values.ToArray(), ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_int_values); } else { changed = HoudiniGUI.intField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref parm_int_values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_int_values); } // if parm.choiceCount } // if parm.type is INT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Float Parameter else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_FLOAT) { changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref parm_float_values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_float_values); } // if parm.type is FLOAT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // String Parameter else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_STRING) { if (parm.choiceCount > 0 && parm.choiceIndex >= 0) { // Draw popup (menu) field. List <string> labels = new List <string>(); List <string> values = new List <string>(); // Go through our choices. for (int i = 0; i < parm.choiceCount; ++i) { if (myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId != parm.id) { Debug.LogError( "Parm choice parent parm id (" + myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId + ") not matching current parm id (" + parm.id + ")!\n" + "Choice index: " + (parm.choiceIndex + i) + ", " + "Choice count: " + parm.choiceCount); } labels.Add(myParms.prParmChoiceInfoStrings[parm.choiceIndex + i].label); values.Add(myParms.prParmChoiceInfoStrings[parm.choiceIndex + i].value); } string[] values_temp = myParms.getParmStrings(parm); gui_parm.valuesIndex = 0; // Since we're piping a de-handled temp array. changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( ref gui_parm, ref values_temp, labels.ToArray(), values.ToArray(), ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref values_temp); if (changed) { myParms.setParmStrings(parm, values_temp); } } else { string[] values = myParms.getParmStrings(parm); // The given string array is only for this parm so we need to set the values index to 0. gui_parm.valuesIndex = 0; changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref values); // Set the to be changed strings into the cache if (changed) { myParms.setParmStrings(parm, values); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File Path Field else if (parm.isPath()) { string[] path = myParms.getParmStrings(parm); if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_PATH_FILE_GEO) { gui_parm.label += " (geo)"; } else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_PATH_FILE_IMAGE) { gui_parm.label += " (image)"; } // Asset ID might still be invalid here so don't fail if it is. // It is invalid if the asset didn't cook yet after a scene load. try { string file_pattern = parm.typeInfo; if (file_pattern != "") { gui_parm.label += " (" + file_pattern + ")"; } } catch {} HAPI_Permissions permissions = parm.permissions; if (permissions == HAPI_Permissions.HAPI_PERMISSIONS_READ_ONLY) { gui_parm.label += " (read-only)"; changed = HoudiniGUI.fileOpenField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref path[0], ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); } else { if (permissions == HAPI_Permissions.HAPI_PERMISSIONS_WRITE_ONLY) { gui_parm.label += " (write-only)"; } changed = HoudiniGUI.fileSaveField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref path[0], ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); } if (changed) { myParms.setParmStrings(parm, path); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Node Path Field else if (parm.isNode()) { // Asset ID might still be invalid here so don't fail if it is. // It is invalid if the asset didn't cook yet after a scene load. try { string op_filter = parm.typeInfo; if (op_filter != "") { gui_parm.label += " (" + op_filter + ")"; } } catch {} HAPI_ParmInput parm_input = myParms.prParmInputs[parm.id]; UnityEngine.Object temp_object = parm_input.inputObject; GameObject undo_object = null; changed = HoudiniGUI.objectField( ref gui_parm, ref temp_object, typeof(GameObject), ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref undo_object); if (changed) { parm_input.newInputObject = (GameObject)temp_object; myParms.prParmInputs[index] = parm_input; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Toggle Parameter else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_TOGGLE) { changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( ref gui_parm, ref parm_int_values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_int_values); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Color Parameter else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_COLOR) { changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( ref gui_parm, ref myDelayBuild, ref parm_float_values, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_float_values); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Button Parameter else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_BUTTON) { if (parm.choiceCount > 0 && parm.choiceIndex >= 0) { // Draw popup (menu) field. List <string> labels = new List <string>(); List <int> values = new List <int>(); // Go through our choices. for (int i = 0; i < parm.choiceCount; ++i) { if (myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId != parm.id) { Debug.LogError( "Parm choice parent parm id (" + myParms.prParmChoiceLists[parm.choiceIndex + i].parentParmId + ") not matching current parm id (" + parm.id + ")!\n" + "Choice index: " + (parm.choiceIndex + i) + ", " + "Choice count: " + parm.choiceCount); } labels.Add(myParms.prParmChoiceInfoStrings[parm.choiceIndex + i].label); values.Add(i); } changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( ref gui_parm, ref parm_int_values, labels.ToArray(), values.ToArray(), ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last, null, ref parm_int_values); } else { changed = HoudiniGUI.button(ref gui_parm, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Label else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_LABEL) { HoudiniGUI.label(ref gui_parm, ref join_last, ref no_label_toggle_last); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Separator else if (parm.type == HAPI_ParmType.HAPI_PARMTYPE_SEPARATOR) { HoudiniGUI.separator(); } if (myAsset.hasProgressBarBeenUsed() && parm.id == myParms.prLastChangedParmId) { // TODO: Set the focus back to this control since the progress bar would have stolen it. } if (changed) { myParms.prLastChangedParmId = parm.id; } return(changed); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (myGeoAttributeManager == null) { return; } bool is_editable = true; // We can only build or do anything if we can link to our libraries. #if !(UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || (UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR)) is_editable = false; HoudiniGUI.help(HoudiniConstants.HAPI_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MSG, MessageType.Info); #else if (!is_editable) { HoudiniGUI.help("This mesh is not editable.", MessageType.Info); } #endif // !( UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || ( UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR ) ) bool gui_enable = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = is_editable; myAssetInput.prShowHoudiniControls = HoudiniGUI.foldout("Houdini Controls", myAssetInput.prShowHoudiniControls, true); if (myAssetInput.prShowHoudiniControls) { if (!myAssetInput.isPrefab()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Rebuild")) { myAssetInput.buildAll(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Recook")) { myAssetInput.buildClientSide(); } } } // Draw Help Pane myAssetInput.prShowHelp = HoudiniGUI.foldout("Asset Help", myAssetInput.prShowHelp, true); if (myAssetInput.prShowHelp) { drawHelpBox(myHelpText); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw Asset Settings // These don't affect the asset directly so they don't trigger rebuilds. myAssetInput.prShowAssetSettings = HoudiniGUI.foldout("Asset Settings", myAssetInput.prShowAssetSettings, true); if (myAssetInput.prShowAssetSettings) { // Enable Cooking Toggle createToggleForProperty( "enable_cooking", "Enable Cooking", "prEnableCooking", ref myUndoInfo.enableCooking, null, !HoudiniHost.isEnableCookingDefault()); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks Toggle createToggleForProperty( "cooking_triggers_downstream_cooks", "Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks", "prCookingTriggersDownCooks", ref myUndoInfo.cookingTriggersDownCooks, null, !HoudiniHost.isCookingTriggersDownCooksDefault(), !myAssetInput.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Push Unity Transform To Houdini Engine Toggle createToggleForProperty( "push_unity_transform_to_houdini_engine", "Push Unity Transform To Houdini Engine", "prPushUnityTransformToHoudini", ref myUndoInfo.pushUnityTransformToHoudini, null, !HoudiniHost.isPushUnityTransformToHoudiniDefault()); // Transform Change Triggers Cooks Toggle createToggleForProperty( "transform_change_triggers_cooks", "Transform Change Triggers Cooks", "prTransformChangeTriggersCooks", ref myUndoInfo.transformChangeTriggersCooks, null, !HoudiniHost.isTransformChangeTriggersCooksDefault(), !myAssetInput.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw Point Attributes myAssetInput.prShowAttributesTable = HoudiniGUI.foldout("Point Attributes", myAssetInput.prShowAttributesTable, true); if (myAssetInput.prShowAttributesTable) { // Draw Create Point Attributes Action Bar { string[] preset_labels = new string[] { "Create Point Attribute:", "Custom", "Color", "UV", "Normal", "Bool", "Int", "Float", "String" }; int[] preset_values = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.popup); style.fixedHeight = 18; style.margin.bottom = 6; int preset_selected = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup( 0, preset_labels, preset_values, style); if (preset_selected == 1) { myGeoAttributeManager.createAttribute(); myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } else if (preset_selected > 1) { HoudiniGeoAttribute.Preset preset = (HoudiniGeoAttribute.Preset)(preset_selected - 2); myGeoAttributeManager.createAttribute(preset); myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } } // Draw recook notice. string help_msg = "There are uncommitted attribute changes. Press 'Recook' when ready."; if (myAssetInput.prHasError) { help_msg += "\nError: " + myAssetInput.prErrorMsg; } if (myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges) { HoudiniGUI.help(help_msg, MessageType.Info); } else { HoudiniGUI.help("Ready", MessageType.Info); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); string[] type_labels = new string[] { "bool", "int", "float", "string" }; int[] type_values = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; string[] tuple_labels = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }; int[] tuple_values = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // Draw table header. { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUIStyle label_style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); label_style.padding.right = -5; label_style.margin.left = -5; label_style.border.right = -10; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name", GUILayout.MinWidth(100)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type", GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Tuple", GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("|", GUILayout.Width(8)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Min", GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Max", GUILayout.Width(50)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.Width(27)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } for (int i = 0; i < myGeoAttributeManager.prAttributes.Count; ++i) { HoudiniGeoAttribute attrib = myGeoAttributeManager.prAttributes[i]; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Attribute Name string new_name = EditorGUILayout.TextField(attrib.prName, GUILayout.MinWidth(100)); if (new_name != attrib.prName) { attrib.prName = new_name; myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } // Attribute Type HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type new_attrib_type = (HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type)EditorGUILayout.IntPopup( (int)attrib.prType, type_labels, type_values, GUILayout.Width(50)); if (new_attrib_type != attrib.prType) { attrib.prType = new_attrib_type; myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } // Attribute Tuple Size int new_tuple_size = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup( attrib.prTupleSize, tuple_labels, tuple_values, GUILayout.Width(50)); if (new_tuple_size != attrib.prTupleSize) { attrib.prTupleSize = new_tuple_size; myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("|", GUILayout.Width(8)); // Range if (attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.STRING) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("N/A", GUILayout.MinWidth(20)); } else { if (attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.BOOL || attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.INT) { attrib.prIntMin = EditorGUILayout.IntField("", attrib.prIntMin, GUILayout.Width(50)); } else if (attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.FLOAT) { attrib.prFloatMin = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", attrib.prFloatMin, GUILayout.Width(50)); } if (attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.BOOL || attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.INT) { attrib.prIntMax = EditorGUILayout.IntField("", attrib.prIntMax, GUILayout.Width(50)); } else if (attrib.prType == HoudiniGeoAttribute.Type.FLOAT) { attrib.prFloatMax = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", attrib.prFloatMax, GUILayout.Width(50)); } } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("|", GUILayout.Width(8)); GUIStyle label_style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); label_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; if (GUILayout.Button("X", label_style, GUILayout.Width(15), GUILayout.Height(15))) { myGeoAttributeManager.deleteAttribute(attrib.prName); myAssetInput.prHasAttributeChanges = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUIStyle label_style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); label_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; label_style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; label_style.padding.left = 0; label_style.margin.left = 0; label_style.padding.right = 0; label_style.margin.right = 0; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Delete Attribute", label_style, GUILayout.MinWidth(40)); label_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; label_style.padding.left = 0; label_style.margin.left = 6; label_style.padding.right = 5; label_style.margin.right = 5; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("↲", label_style, GUILayout.Width(10)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } // Show Attributes Table GUI.enabled = gui_enable; }
private static void generateAdvancedSettings() { if (!myEnableAdvancedSettings) { if (HoudiniGUI.button( "allow_advanced_settings", "Allow Editing of Advanced Settings")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Careful!", "Changing these settings can cause the Houdini Engine plugin to stop working. " + "Are you sure you want to edit them?", "Yes", "No")) { myEnableAdvancedSettings = true; } } } else { if (HoudiniGUI.button( "disallow_advanced_settings", "Disallow Editing of Advanced Settings")) { myEnableAdvancedSettings = false; } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); bool gui_enabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = myEnableAdvancedSettings; // Collision Group Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prCollisionGroupName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "collision_group_name", "Colli. Grp.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.collisionGroupName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prCollisionGroupName = value; } } // Rendered Collision Group Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prRenderedCollisionGroupName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "rendered_collision_group_name", "Rendered Colli. Grp.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.renderedCollisionGroupName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prRenderedCollisionGroupName = value; } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Unity Material Attrib Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prUnityMaterialAttribName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "unity_material_attrib_name", "Unity Mat. Attrib.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unityMaterialAttribName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnityMaterialAttribName = value; } } // Unity Sub Material Name Attrib Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prUnitySubMaterialNameAttribName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "unity_sub_material_name_attrib_name", "Unity SubMat. Name Attrib.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unitySubMaterialNameAttribName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnitySubMaterialNameAttribName = value; } } // Unity Sub Material Index Attrib Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prUnitySubMaterialIndexAttribName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "unity_sub_material_index_attrib_name", "Unity SubMat. Index Attrib.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unitySubMaterialIndexAttribName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnitySubMaterialIndexAttribName = value; } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Unity Tag Attrib Name { string value = HoudiniHost.prUnityTagAttribName; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.stringField( "unity_tag_attrib_name", "Unity Tag Attrib.", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unityTagAttribName); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnityTagAttribName = value; } } GUI.enabled = gui_enabled; }
private static void generateGeometrySettings() { // Paint Brush Rate { // Everything is opposite here because the higher the number the slower // the paint rate and we want the user to think the higher the number // the FASTER the rate - so we have to invert. float value = HoudiniHost.prPaintBrushRate; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "paint_brush_rate", "Paint Brush Rate", ref value, 0.0f, 1.0f, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintBrushRate); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintBrushRate = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Mode Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingModeHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "painting_mode_hot_key", "Painting Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingModeHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingModeHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Mode Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingModeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "painting_mode_colour", "Painting Mode", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingModeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingModeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Node Switch Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingNodeSwitchHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "painting_node_switch_hot_key", "Node Switch Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingNodeSwitchHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingNodeSwitchHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Attribute Switch Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingAttributeSwitchHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "painting_attribute_switch_hot_key", "Attr. Switch Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingAttributeSwitchHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingAttributeSwitchHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Value Change Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingValueChangeHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "painting_value_change_hot_key", "Value Change Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingValueChangeHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingValueChangeHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Painting Falloff Change Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prPaintingFalloffChangeHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "painting_falloff_change_hot_key", "Falloff Change Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.paintingFalloffChangeHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPaintingFalloffChangeHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Adding Points Mode Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prAddingPointsModeHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "adding_points_mode_hot_key", "Adding Points Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.addingPointsModeHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prAddingPointsModeHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Adding Points Mode Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prAddingPointsModeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "adding_ponits_mode_colour", "Adding Points Mode", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.addingPointsModeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prAddingPointsModeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Editing Points Mode Hot Key { KeyCode value = HoudiniHost.prEditingPointsModeHotKey; string[] labels = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .Select(v => v.ToString()) .ToArray(); KeyCode[] values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)) .Cast <KeyCode>() .ToArray(); bool changed = HoudiniGUI.dropdown( "editing_points_mode_hot_key", "Editing Points Key", ref value, labels, values, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.editingPointsModeHotKey); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prEditingPointsModeHotKey = (KeyCode)value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Editing Points Mode Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prEditingPointsModeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "editing_ponits_mode_colour", "Editing Points Mode", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.editingPointsModeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prEditingPointsModeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Wireframe Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prWireframeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "wireframe_colour", "Wireframe", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.wireframeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prWireframeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Guide Wireframe Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prGuideWireframeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "guide_wireframe_colour", "Guide Wireframe", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.guideWireframeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prGuideWireframeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Unselectable Guide Wireframe Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prUnselectableGuideWireframeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "unselectable_guide_wireframe_colour", "Unselectable Guide", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unselectableGuideWireframeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnselectableGuideWireframeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Unselected Guide Wireframe Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prUnselectedGuideWireframeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "unselected_guide_wireframe_colour", "Unselected Guide", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.unselectedGuideWireframeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prUnselectedGuideWireframeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Selected Guide Wireframe Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prSelectedGuideWireframeColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "selected_guide_wireframe_colour", "Selected Guide", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.selectedGuideWireframeColour); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prSelectedGuideWireframeColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Guide Point Size { float value = HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "guide_point_size", "Guide Point Size", ref value, 4.0f, 40.0f, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.guidePointSize); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prGuidePointSize = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Min. Distance For Point Selection { float value = HoudiniHost.prMinDistanceForPointSelection; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "min_distance_for_point_selection", "Min. Distance For Point Selection", ref value, 1.0f, 20.0f, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.minDistanceForPointSelection); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prMinDistanceForPointSelection = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Guide Min. Distance For Mid Point Insertion { float value = HoudiniHost.prGuideMinDistanceForMidPointInsertion; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "guide_min_distance_for_mid_point_insertion", "Guide Min. Distance For Mid Point Insertion", ref value, 1.0f, 20.0f, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.guideMinDistanceForMidPointInsertion); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prGuideMinDistanceForMidPointInsertion = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Create Groups from Bool Attribute { bool value = HoudiniHost.prCreateGroupsFromBoolAttributes; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "create_groups_from_bool_attributes", "Create Groups from Bool Attributes", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.createGroupsFromBoolAttributes); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prCreateGroupsFromBoolAttributes = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } }
private static void generateCookingSettings() { // Enable Cooking { bool value = HoudiniHost.prEnableCooking; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "enable_cooking", "Enable Cooking", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.enableCooking); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prEnableCooking = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks { bool value = HoudiniHost.prCookingTriggersDownCooks; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "cooking_triggers_downstream_cooks", "Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.cookingTriggersDownCooks); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prCookingTriggersDownCooks = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Playmode Per-Frame Cooking { bool value = HoudiniHost.prPlaymodePerFrameCooking; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "playmode_per_frame_cooking", "Playmode Per-Frame Cooking", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.playmodePerFrameCooking); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPlaymodePerFrameCooking = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Push Unity Transform To Houdini Engine { bool value = HoudiniHost.prPushUnityTransformToHoudini; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "push_unity_transform_to_houdini", "Push Unity Transform to Houdini Engine", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.pushUnityTransformToHoudini); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prPushUnityTransformToHoudini = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Transform Change Triggers Cooks { bool value = HoudiniHost.prTransformChangeTriggersCooks; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "transform_change_triggers_cooks", "Transform Change Triggers Cooks", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.transformChangeTriggersCooks); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prTransformChangeTriggersCooks = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Import Templated Geos { bool value = HoudiniHost.prImportTemplatedGeos; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "import_templated_geos", "Import Templated Geos", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.importTemplatedGeos); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prImportTemplatedGeos = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Split Geos by Group { bool value = HoudiniHost.prSplitGeosByGroup; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "split_geos_by_group", "Split Geos by Group", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.splitGeosByGroup); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prSplitGeosByGroup = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Rebuild Required", "This change will take affect only after a full asset rebuild.", "Ok"); } } // Split Points by Vertex Attributes { bool value = HoudiniHost.prSplitPointsByVertexAttributes; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "split_points_by_vertex_attributes", "Split Points by Vertex Attributes", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.splitGeosByGroup); if (changed) { HoudiniHost.prSplitPointsByVertexAttributes = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Rebuild Required", "This change will take affect only after a full asset rebuild.", "Ok"); } } }
private void generateCookingSettings() { // Enable Cooking Toggle createToggleForProperty( "enable_cooking", "Enable Cooking", "prEnableCooking", ref myUndoInfo.enableCooking, null, !HoudiniHost.isEnableCookingDefault()); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks Toggle createToggleForProperty( "cooking_triggers_downstream_cooks", "Cooking Triggers Downstream Cooks", "prCookingTriggersDownCooks", ref myUndoInfo.cookingTriggersDownCooks, null, !HoudiniHost.isCookingTriggersDownCooksDefault(), !myAsset.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); // Playmode Per-Frame Cooking Toggle createToggleForProperty( "playmode_per_frame_cooking", "Playmode Per-Frame Cooking", "prPlaymodePerFrameCooking", ref myUndoInfo.playmodePerFrameCooking, null, !HoudiniHost.isPlaymodePerFrameCookingDefault(), !myAsset.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Push Unity Transform To Houdini Engine Toggle createToggleForProperty( "push_unity_transform_to_houdini_engine", "Push Unity Transform To Houdini Engine", "prPushUnityTransformToHoudini", ref myUndoInfo.pushUnityTransformToHoudini, null, !HoudiniHost.isPushUnityTransformToHoudiniDefault()); // Transform Change Triggers Cooks Toggle createToggleForProperty( "transform_change_triggers_cooks", "Transform Change Triggers Cooks", "prTransformChangeTriggersCooks", ref myUndoInfo.transformChangeTriggersCooks, null, !HoudiniHost.isTransformChangeTriggersCooksDefault(), !myAsset.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Import Templated Geos Toggle createToggleForProperty( "import_templated_geos", "Import Templated Geos", "prImportTemplatedGeos", ref myUndoInfo.importTemplatedGeos, null, !HoudiniHost.isImportTemplatedGeosDefault(), !myAsset.prEnableCooking, " (all cooking is disabled)"); HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Split Geos by Group Toggle { createToggleForProperty( "split_geos_by_group_override", "Override Split Geos by Group", "prSplitGeosByGroupOverride", ref myUndoInfo.splitGeosByGroupOverride, null); createToggleForProperty( "split_geos_by_group", "Split Geos by Group", "prSplitGeosByGroup", ref myUndoInfo.splitGeosByGroup, () => EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Rebuild Required", "This change will take affect only after a full asset rebuild.", "Ok"), false, !myAsset.prSplitGeosByGroupOverride, " (check the override checkbox to enable)"); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Omit Part Name Enumeration createToggleForProperty( "omit_part_name_enumeration", "Omit Part Name Enumeration", "prOmitPartNameEnumeration", ref myUndoInfo.omitPartNameEnumeration, null); }
public void OnGUI() { bool gui_enable = GUI.enabled; #if !(UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || (UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR)) HoudiniGUI.help(HoudiniConstants.HAPI_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MSG, MessageType.Info); GUI.enabled = false; #else if (!HoudiniHost.isInstallationOk()) { HoudiniGUI.help( HoudiniHost.getMissingEngineInstallHelpString(), MessageType.Info); GUI.enabled = false; } #endif // !( UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || ( UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR ) ) if (GUILayout.Button(HoudiniGUIUtility.mySaveHoudiniSceneLabel)) { HAPI_License license = HoudiniHost.getCurrentLicense(); string ext = "hip"; if (license == HAPI_License.HAPI_LICENSE_HOUDINI_ENGINE_INDIE || license == HAPI_License.HAPI_LICENSE_HOUDINI_INDIE) { ext = "hiplc"; } string hip_file_path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save HIP File", "", "hscene", ext); if (hip_file_path != "") { HoudiniHost.saveScene(hip_file_path); } } if (GUILayout.Button(HoudiniGUIUtility.myLoadAssetLabel)) { string asset_file_path = HoudiniGUIUtility.promptForOTLPath(); HoudiniAssetUtility.instantiateAsset(asset_file_path); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); if (GUILayout.Button("Check for New Untracked Asset Nodes")) { HoudiniAssetUtility.checkForNewAssets(); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); if (HoudiniGUI.floatField("global_time", "Global Time", ref myTime, null, ref myTime)) { HoudiniHost.setTime(myTime); } HoudiniGUI.separator(); string path = Application.dataPath; myScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(myScrollPosition); if (GUILayout.Button("Instantiate Core Assets")) { try { DirectoryInfo core = new DirectoryInfo(path + "//OTLs/Core"); if (!core.Exists) { throw new HoudiniError("Project/Assets/OTLs/Core directory does not exist!"); } foreach (FileInfo fi in core.GetFiles()) { if (fi.Extension == ".otl") { loadOTL(fi); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Directory navigation failed: " + e.ToString()); } } #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || (UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR)) DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path + "//OTLs"); try { if (!di.Exists) { throw new HoudiniError("Project/Assets/OTLs directory does not exist!"); } foreach (DirectoryInfo child_directory in di.GetDirectories()) { OTLDirectory otlDir = null; foreach (OTLDirectory existingOTLDir in myOTLDirectories) { if (existingOTLDir.myDirectoryName == child_directory.Name) { otlDir = existingOTLDir; break; } } if (otlDir == null) { otlDir = new OTLDirectory(); otlDir.myDirectoryName = child_directory.Name; otlDir.myDirectoryPath = child_directory.FullName; otlDir.myExpanded = false; myOTLDirectories.Add(otlDir); } otlDir.myExpanded = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(otlDir.myExpanded, new GUIContent(otlDir.myDirectoryName)); if (otlDir.myDirectoryName == "Core") { otlDir.myExpanded = true; } if (otlDir.myExpanded) { DirectoryInfo dirContents = new DirectoryInfo(otlDir.myDirectoryPath); foreach (FileInfo fi in dirContents.GetFiles()) { if (fi.Extension == ".otl") { genOTLEntry(fi); } } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Directory navigation failed: " + e.ToString()); } #endif // ( UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || ( UNITY_METRO && UNITY_EDITOR ) ) GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.enabled = gui_enable; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private private static void generateGeneralSettings() { // Pin Size { float value = HoudiniHost.prPinSize; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.floatField( "pin_size", "Pin Size", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.pinSize ); if ( changed ) { HoudiniHost.prPinSize = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Pin Colour { Color value = HoudiniHost.prPinColour; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.colourField( "pin_colour", "Pin Color", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.pinColour ); if ( changed ) { HoudiniHost.prPinColour = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } // Auto pin { bool value = HoudiniHost.prAutoPinInstances; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "auto_pin_instances", "Auto Pin Instances", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.autoPinInstances ); if ( changed ) { HoudiniHost.prAutoPinInstances = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Enable Support Warnings { bool value = HoudiniHost.prEnableSupportWarnings; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "enable_support_warnings", "Enable Support Warnings", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.enableSupportWarnings ); if ( changed ) HoudiniHost.prEnableSupportWarnings = value; } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Auto Select Asset Root Node { bool value = HoudiniHost.prAutoSelectAssetRootNode; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "auto_select_asset_root_node", "Auto Select Asset Root Node", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.autoSelectAssetRootNode ); if ( changed ) { HoudiniHost.prAutoSelectAssetRootNode = value; HoudiniHost.repaint(); } } HoudiniGUI.separator(); // Enable particles { bool value = HoudiniHost.prEnablePointsAsParticles; bool changed = HoudiniGUI.toggle( "enable_points_as_particles", "Create Points as Particles", ref value, myUndoInfo, ref myUndoInfo.enablePointsAsParticles ); if ( changed ) { HoudiniHost.prEnablePointsAsParticles = value; } } }