public ActionResult CancellationList(int?page) { HotelBookingCancelModel _model = new HotelBookingCancelModel(); HotelBookingCancelRepository _rep = new HotelBookingCancelRepository(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); _model.TabularList = _rep.GetPagedList(page); return(View(_model)); }
// // GET: /Hotel/HotelOfflineIssueTicket/ public ActionResult Index(int?page) { HotelOfflineBookModel _model = new HotelOfflineBookModel(); HotelOfflineIssueTicketRepository _rep = new HotelOfflineIssueTicketRepository(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); _model.TabularList = _rep.GetPagedList(page); return(View(_model)); }
public ActionResult Index(int?page) { HotelBookingProcessModel _model = new HotelBookingProcessModel(); HotelBookingProcessRepository _rep = new HotelBookingProcessRepository(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); HotelMessageModel msg = new HotelMessageModel(); _model.Message = msg; _model.TabularList = _rep.GetBranchOfficeHotelBookingProcessPagedList(page); return(View(_model)); }
public ActionResult Index(ExportModel Expmodel, HotelBookingRecordModel model, FormCollection frm, int?page) { HotelBookingRecordRepository _rep = new HotelBookingRecordRepository(); HotelMessageModel msg = new HotelMessageModel(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); model.TabularList = _rep.GetPagedList(page); GetExportTypeClicked(Expmodel, frm); if (Expmodel != null && (Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel != null || Expmodel.ExportTypeWord != null || Expmodel.ExportTypeCSV != null || Expmodel.ExportTypePdf != null)) { try { if (Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel = Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel; } else if (Expmodel.ExportTypeWord != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypeWord = Expmodel.ExportTypeWord; } else if (Expmodel.ExportTypePdf != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypePdf = Expmodel.ExportTypePdf; } var exportData = _rep.List().Select(m => new { SNo = m.SNo, GuestName = m.GuestName, Location = m.CityName + "" + m.CountryName, HotelDetails = m.HotelName, Rooms = m.NoOfRoom, CheckIn = m.CheckInDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), CheckOut = m.CheckOutDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), BookingDate = m.CreatedDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), Status = m.TicketStatus }); App_Class.AppCollection.Export(Expmodel, exportData, "HotelBookingRecord"); } catch (Exception ex) { ATLTravelPortal.Utility.ErrorLogging.LogException(ex); } } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Index(int?page) { HotelBookingRecordModel _model = new HotelBookingRecordModel(); HotelBookingRecordRepository _rep = new HotelBookingRecordRepository(); HotelMessageModel msg = new HotelMessageModel(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); _model.Message = msg; _model.TabularList = _rep.GetDistributorPagedList(page); return(View(_model)); }
public ActionResult PendingCancellationList(ExportModel Expmodel, HotelBookingCancelModel model, FormCollection frm, int?page) { int SNO = 0; HotelBookingCancelModel _model = new HotelBookingCancelModel(); HotelBookingCancelRepository _rep = new HotelBookingCancelRepository(); HotelGeneralRepository.SetRequestPageRow(); model.TabularList = _rep.GetPagedList(page); GetExportTypeClicked(Expmodel, frm); if (Expmodel != null && (Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel != null || Expmodel.ExportTypeWord != null || Expmodel.ExportTypeCSV != null || Expmodel.ExportTypePdf != null)) { try { if (Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel = Expmodel.ExportTypeExcel; } else if (Expmodel.ExportTypeWord != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypeWord = Expmodel.ExportTypeWord; } else if (Expmodel.ExportTypePdf != null) { Expmodel.ExportTypePdf = Expmodel.ExportTypePdf; } var exportData = _rep.PendingList().Select(m => new { SNO = m.SNo, GuestName = (m.BookingDetail.Guests[0].Title) + " " + (m.BookingDetail.Guests[0].FirstName) + " " + m.BookingDetail.Guests[0].MiddleName + " " + m.BookingDetail.Guests[0].LastName, HotelName = m.BookingDetail.HotelName, RequestDate = m.CreatedOn.ToShortDateString(), Status = m.CancelStatus }); App_Class.AppCollection.Export(Expmodel, exportData, "HotelBookingRecord"); } catch (Exception ex) { ATLTravelPortal.Utility.ErrorLogging.LogException(ex); } } return(null); }
public ActionResult ProcessCancellation(HotelBookingCancelModel model) { HotelBookingCancelRepository _rep = new HotelBookingCancelRepository(); HotelBookingCancelModel _model = new HotelBookingCancelModel(); _model = _rep.GetCancelRequestStatus(model.BookingCancelId); GeneralRepository gProvider = new GeneralRepository(); TravelSession sessionObj = (TravelSession)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["TravelSessionInfo"]; string ReservationEmail = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReservationEmail"]; var agent = gProvider.GetAgentInfo(ATLTravelPortal.Repository.GeneralRepository.LoggedUserId()); string subject = "Hotel Booking Cancilation Status # Ref No : " + _model.BookingDetail.BookingRecordId + "#" + _model.BookingDetail.BookingId + "#" + _model.BookingDetail.ConfirmationNo + "#" + _model.BookingDetail.ReferenceNo + "|" + _model.BookingDetail.HotelName + ", " + _model.BookingDetail.CityName + ", " + _model.BookingDetail.CountryName; HotelGeneralRepository.sendEmial(agent.Email, ReservationEmail, "", subject, subject, "HTML", ""); return(View(_model)); }
public ActionResult EmailCancel(long?id, string emal) { HotelBookingRecordRepository _rep = new HotelBookingRecordRepository(); HotelItinearyModel _model = new HotelItinearyModel(); HotelMessageModel _msg = new HotelMessageModel(); if (ATLTravelPortal.Areas.Hotel.Repository.HotelGeneralRepository.ValidateEmail(emal) == false) { _msg.ActionMessage = "Invalid Email address."; _msg.MsgNumber = 1001; _msg.MsgStatus = true; _msg.MsgType = 3; _model.Message = _msg; } else { _model = _rep.CancelEmailFormat(id); if (_model.Message.MsgNumber == 1) { List <string> emailList = new List <string>(); emailList.Add(emal); if (_model.Itineary.GuestEmail != emal) { emailList.Add(_model.Itineary.GuestEmail); } string body = RenderPartialViewToString("VUC_CancellationEmail", _model); GeneralRepository gProvider = new GeneralRepository(); //use ohter way to send email. var agent = gProvider.GetAgentInfo(GeneralRepository.LoggedAgentId()); string emailId = agent.Email + "," + emal; string subject = "Hotel Booking Cancellation #: " + _model.Itineary.HotelName + ", " + _model.Itineary.CityName + ", " + _model.Itineary.CountryName; string HTML = HotelGeneralRepository.sendQuotation(emailId, subject, body, "", false); _msg.ActionMessage = "Booking Cancellation Email has been sent."; _msg.MsgNumber = 1; _msg.MsgStatus = true; _msg.MsgType = 0; _model.Message = _msg; } } return(PartialView("Utility/VUC_Message", _model.Message)); }
public ActionResult EmailItinerary(long?id, string emal) { HotelBookingRecordRepository _rep = new HotelBookingRecordRepository(); HotelItinearyModel _model = new HotelItinearyModel(); HotelMessageModel _msg = new HotelMessageModel(); if (ATLTravelPortal.Areas.Hotel.Repository.HotelGeneralRepository.ValidateEmail(emal) == false) { _msg.ActionMessage = "Invalid Email address."; _msg.MsgNumber = 1001; _msg.MsgStatus = true; _msg.MsgType = 3; _model.Message = _msg; } else { _model = _rep.Itineary(id); if (_model.Message.MsgNumber == 1) { List <string> emailList = new List <string>(); emailList.Add(emal); if (_model.Itineary.GuestEmail != emal) { emailList.Add(_model.Itineary.GuestEmail); } string body = RenderPartialViewToString("Common/VUC_Itinerary", _model); //use ohter way to send email. string subject = "Hotel Booking Itinerary Ref No : " + _model.BookingRecordId + "#" + _model.Itineary.BookingId + "#" + _model.Itineary.ConfirmationNo + "# " + _model.Itineary.HotelName + ", " + _model.Itineary.CityName + ", " + _model.Itineary.CountryName; HotelGeneralRepository.sendEmial(emal, "", "", subject, body, "HTML", ""); _msg.ActionMessage = "Itinerary has been sent."; _msg.MsgNumber = 1; _msg.MsgStatus = true; _msg.MsgType = 0; _model.Message = _msg; } } return(PartialView("Utility/VUC_Message", _model.Message)); }