protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal amount = 0M; Decimal.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, out amount); if (amount == 0) { return; } // create transaction // get settings from web.config string merchantId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantID"]; string merchantPassword = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantPassword"]; string preSharedKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PreSharedKey"]; string serverCallBack = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerCallBackUrl"]; string callBackUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CallbackUrl"]; string postUrl = ""; var request = new HostedTransactionRequest { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(amount * 100), OrderID = "123456", OrderDescription = "Test Order", TransactionType = TransactionType.SALE, CallbackURL = callBackUrl, ServerResultURL = serverCallBack }; var processor = new HostedPaymentProcessor(merchantId, new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)); processor.SubmitTransaction(request, merchantPassword, preSharedKey, postUrl); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string merchantId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantId"]; var processor = new HostedPaymentProcessor(merchantId, new HttpContextWrapper(context)); try { if (!processor.ValidateRequest()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Request came from an invalid source"); } var result = new ServerTransactionResult(context.Request.Form); processor.ValidateResult(result); // will throw if merchant ids do not match // at this point we can get order and work with the result if (result.Successful) { // update our order to say payment sucessful } // now we need to let Cardsave know we've received the result context.Response.Write( processor.CreateServerResponseString(TransactionStatus.Successful)); } catch (Exception ex) { // let cardsave know there was a problem context.Response.Write( processor.CreateServerResponseString(TransactionStatus.Exception, ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult Pay(WorldpayViewModel model) { ViewBag.WorldpayModel = model; //Retrieve the InstallationID, MD5SecretKey and SiteBaseURL values from the web.config int installationID = Convert.ToInt32(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InstallationID"]); string MD5secretKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MD5secretKey"]; string WebsiteURL = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebsiteURL"]; int testMode = Convert.ToInt32(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["testMode"]); HostedTransactionRequest PRequest = new HostedTransactionRequest(); PRequest.instId = installationID; //amount - A decimal number giving the cost of the purchase in terms of the major currency unit e.g. 12.56 PRequest.amount = Convert.ToDouble(model.Total); //cartId - If your system has created a unique order/cart ID, enter it here. PRequest.cartId = string.Format("{0:00}", model.OrderID);//Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //desc - enter the description for this order. PRequest.desc = model.Description; //currency - 3 letter ISO code for the currency of this payment. PRequest.currency = "GBP"; //name, address1/2/3, town, region, postcode & country - Billing address fields = model.CustomerName; PRequest.address1 = model.Address; //PRequest.address2 = TxtAddress2.Text; //PRequest.address3 = TxtAddress3.Text; // = "BKK"; //PRequest.region = TxtRegion.Text; PRequest.postcode = model.PostCode; // = DdlCountry.SelectedValue; ////tel - Shopper's telephone number // = TxtTelephone.Text; ////fax - Shopper's fax number //PRequest.fax = TxtFax.Text; ////email - Shopper's email address = model.Email; ////If passing delivery details, set withDelivery = true. //PRequest.withDelivery = true; ////delvName, delvAddress1/2/3, delvTown, delvRegion, delvPostcode & delvCountry - Delivery address fields (NOTE: do not need to be passed/set if "withDelivery" set to false. PRequest.delvName = model.CustomerName; PRequest.delvAddress1 = model.Address; //PRequest.delvAddress2 = TxtdelvAddress2.Text; //PRequest.delvAddress3 = TxtdelvAddress3.Text; //PRequest.delvTown = "ABC"; //PRequest.delvRegion = TxtdelvRegion.Text; PRequest.delvPostcode = model.PostCode; //PRequest.delvCountry = DdldelvCountry.SelectedValue; //authMode - set to TransactionType.A for Authorise & Capture, set to TransactionType.E for Pre-Auth Only. PRequest.authMode = TransactionType.A; //testMode - set to 0 for Live Mode, set to 100 for Test Mode. PRequest.testMode = testMode; //hideCurrency - Set to true to hide currency drop down on the hosted payment page. PRequest.hideCurrency = false; //fixContact - Set to true to stop a shopper from changing their billing/shipping addresses on the hosted payment page. PRequest.fixContact = false; //hideContact - set to true to hide the billing/shipping address fields on the hosted payment page. PRequest.hideContact = false; //MC_callback - the URL of the Callback.aspx file. SiteBaseURL is set in the web.config file. PRequest.MC_callback = WebsiteURL + "/Payment/WorldPayCallback"; HttpContext httpa = default(HttpContext); httpa = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; HostedPaymentProcessor process = new HostedPaymentProcessor(httpa); process.SubmitTransaction(PRequest, MD5secretKey); return(View()); }
// // POST: /WorldPay/API public void ProcessTransaction(Order order) { HostedTransactionRequest PRequest = new HostedTransactionRequest(); PRequest.instId = installationID; //amount - A decimal number giving the cost of the purchase in terms of the major currency unit e.g. 12.56 PRequest.amount = (double)order.Total; //450.00; //cartId - If your system has created a unique order/cart ID, enter it here. PRequest.cartId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //desc - enter the description for this order. PRequest.desc = "Test Order from my .net site word"; //currency - 3 letter ISO code for the currency of this payment. PRequest.currency = "GBP"; //If passing delivery details, set withDelivery = true. PRequest.withDelivery = false; //name, address1/2/3, town, region, postcode & country - Billing address fields = order.FirstName + ' ' + order.LastName; PRequest.address1 = order.Address1; PRequest.address2 = order.Address2; PRequest.address3 = order.Address3; = order.Town; PRequest.region = order.County; PRequest.postcode = order.PostalCode; = order.Country; //tel - Shopper's telephone number = order.Phone; //fax - Shopper's fax number //PRequest.fax = TxtFax.Text; //email - Shopper's email address = order.Email; //If passing delivery details, set withDelivery = true. PRequest.withDelivery = false; //delvName, delvAddress1/2/3, delvTown, delvRegion, delvPostcode & delvCountry - Delivery address fields (NOTE: do not need to be passed/set if "withDelivery" set to false. //PRequest.delvName = TxtdelvName.Text; //PRequest.delvAddress1 = TxtdelvAddress1.Text; //PRequest.delvAddress2 = TxtdelvAddress2.Text; //PRequest.delvAddress3 = TxtdelvAddress3.Text; //PRequest.delvTown = TxtdelvTown.Text; //PRequest.delvRegion = TxtdelvRegion.Text; //PRequest.delvPostcode = TxtdelvPostcode.Text; //PRequest.delvCountry = DdldelvCountry.SelectedValue; //authMode - set to TransactionType.A for Authorise & Capture, set to TransactionType.E for Pre-Auth Only. PRequest.authMode = TransactionType.A; //testMode - set to 0 for Live Mode, set to 100 for Test Mode. PRequest.testMode = 100; //hideCurrency - Set to true to hide currency drop down on the hosted payment page. PRequest.hideCurrency = true; //fixContact - Set to true to stop a shopper from changing their billing/shipping addresses on the hosted payment page. PRequest.fixContact = true; //hideContact - set to true to hide the billing/shipping address fields on the hosted payment page. PRequest.hideContact = false; //MC_callback - the URL of the Callback.aspx file. SiteBaseURL is set in the web.config file. PRequest.MC_callback = _websiteUrl + "/Callback.aspx"; HttpContext httpa = default(HttpContext); //httpa = HttpContext.Current; httpa = System.Web.HttpContext.Current; HostedPaymentProcessor process = new HostedPaymentProcessor(httpa); process.SubmitTransaction(PRequest, _md5SecretKey); }