public void WriteHost(string message, bool newLine = true, ConsoleColor?foregroundColor = null, ConsoleColor?backgroundColor = null) { // Technique learned from PSv5+ Write-Host implementation, which // works by sending specially-marked messages to the information // stream. // // var data = new HostInformationMessage { Message = message, NoNewLine = !newLine }; if (foregroundColor.HasValue || backgroundColor.HasValue) { try { data.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor; data.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor; } catch (HostException) { // Host is non-interactive or does not support colors. } } WriteInformation(data, HostTag); }
protected PSWhatIfOperationResult ExecuteWhatIf() { const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources..."; var clearMessage = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length); var information = new HostInformationMessage { Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true }; var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage { Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true }; var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" }; try { // Write status message. this.WriteInformation(information, tags); PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(this.WhatIfParameters); // Clear status before returning result. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); return(whatIfResult); } catch (Exception) { // Clear status before on exception. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); throw; } }
public void WriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { var record = new InformationRecord(info, Source); record.Tags.Add(HostTag); DoWriteInformation(record); }
public virtual void WriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { if (_Writer == null) { return; } _Writer.WriteHost(info); }
public void WriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { if (info == null) { return; } DoWriteHost(info); }
protected override void DoWriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { if (_Inner == null) { return; } _Inner.WriteHost(info); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { HostInformationMessage informationMessage = new HostInformationMessage(); informationMessage.Message = Text.GetString(ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor, Object, Separator.ToString(), true, true); informationMessage.NoNewLine = NoNewline.IsPresent; this.WriteInformation(informationMessage, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); // this.Host.UI.TranscribeResult(result); }
protected void WriteSurvey() { HostInformationMessage newLine = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = "\n" }; HostInformationMessage howWas = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = ": How was your experience using Azure PowerShell?\nRun ", NoNewLine = true }; HostInformationMessage survey; HostInformationMessage link; try { survey = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = "Survey", NoNewLine = true, ForegroundColor = (ConsoleColor)Host.PrivateData.Properties.Match("ProgressForegroundColor").SingleOrDefault().Value }; link = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = "Open-AzSurveyLink", NoNewLine = true, ForegroundColor = (ConsoleColor)Host.PrivateData.Properties.Match("ProgressbackgroundColor").SingleOrDefault().Value }; } catch { survey = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = "Survey", NoNewLine = true, }; link = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = "Open-AzSurveyLink", NoNewLine = true, }; } HostInformationMessage action = new HostInformationMessage() { Message = " to fill out a short Survey" }; WriteInformation(newLine, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); WriteInformation(survey, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); WriteInformation(howWas, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); WriteInformation(link, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); WriteInformation(action, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); }
public override void WriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { if (OnWriteInformation == null) { return; } var record = new InformationRecord(info, Source); record.Tags.Add(HostTag); OnWriteInformation(record); }
internal override void WriteProgress(string msg) { var himsg = new HostInformationMessage { Message = msg, ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, NoNewLine = false }; Cmdlet.WriteInformation(himsg, tags); }
private string ExecuteWhatIf() { const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources..."; var clearMessage = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length); var information = new HostInformationMessage { Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true }; var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage { Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true }; var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" }; try { // Write status message. this.WriteInformation(information, tags); var parameters = new PSDeploymentWhatIfCmdletParameters { DeploymentName = this.Name, Location = this.Location, Mode = DeploymentMode.Incremental, TemplateUri = TemplateUri ?? this.TryResolvePath(TemplateFile), TemplateObject = this.TemplateObject, TemplateParametersUri = this.TemplateParameterUri, TemplateParametersObject = GetTemplateParameterObject(this.TemplateParameterObject), ResultFormat = this.WhatIfResultFormat }; PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(parameters, this.WhatIfExcludeChangeType); string whatIfMessage = WhatIfOperationResultFormatter.Format(whatIfResult); // Clear status before returning result. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); // Use \r to override the built-in "What if:" in output. return($"\r \r{Environment.NewLine}{whatIfMessage}{Environment.NewLine}"); } catch (Exception) { // Clear status before handling exception. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); throw; } }
protected override void OnProcessRecord() { const string statusMessage = "Getting the latest status of all resources..."; var clearMessage = new string(' ', statusMessage.Length); var information = new HostInformationMessage { Message = statusMessage, NoNewLine = true }; var clearInformation = new HostInformationMessage { Message = $"\r{clearMessage}\r", NoNewLine = true }; var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" }; try { // Write status message. this.WriteInformation(information, tags); var parameters = new PSDeploymentWhatIfCmdletParameters { DeploymentName = this.Name, Location = this.Location, Mode = DeploymentMode.Incremental, TemplateUri = TemplateUri ?? this.TryResolvePath(TemplateFile), TemplateObject = this.TemplateObject, TemplateParametersUri = this.TemplateParameterUri, TemplateParametersObject = GetTemplateParameterObject(this.TemplateParameterObject), ResultFormat = this.ResultFormat }; PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = ResourceManagerSdkClient.ExecuteDeploymentWhatIf(parameters); // Clear status before returning result. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); this.WriteObject(whatIfResult); } catch (Exception) { // Clear status on exception. this.WriteInformation(clearInformation, tags); throw; } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { HostInformationMessage informationMessage = new HostInformationMessage(); informationMessage.Message = Text.GetString(ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor, Object, Separator.ToString(), true, true, PersistentColor); informationMessage.NoNewLine = NoNewline.IsPresent; var tags = new string[] { "PSHOST" }; // Discuss: is it worth implementing this, even though Cmdlet.WriteHost won't respect it? var value = GetVariableValue("HostPreference", ActionPreference.Continue); // NOTE: Anything but Continue and SilentlyContinue (or Ignore) is pointless, since you can set them on Information if (value is ActionPreference preference && (preference == ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue || preference == ActionPreference.Ignore)) { tags = new string[] { }; } WriteInformation(informationMessage, tags); }
/// <summary> /// /// Outputs the object to the host console, with optional newline /// /// </summary> protected override void ProcessRecord() { string result = ProcessObject(Object) ?? ""; HostInformationMessage informationMessage = new HostInformationMessage(); informationMessage.Message = result; informationMessage.NoNewLine = NoNewline.IsPresent; try { informationMessage.ForegroundColor = ForegroundColor; informationMessage.BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor; } catch (System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException) { // Expected if the host is not interactive, or doesn't have Foreground / Background // colours. } this.WriteInformation(informationMessage, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); this.Host.UI.TranscribeResult(result); }
protected override void OnProcessRecord() { string whatIfMessage = null; string warningMessage = null; string captionMessage = null; if (this.ShouldExecuteWhatIf()) { PSWhatIfOperationResult whatIfResult = this.ExecuteWhatIf(); string whatIfFormattedOutput = WhatIfOperationResultFormatter.Format(whatIfResult); if (this.ShouldProcessGivenCurrentConfirmFlagAndPreference() && this.ShouldSkipConfirmationIfNoChange() && whatIfResult.Changes.All(x => x.ChangeType == ChangeType.NoChange || x.ChangeType == ChangeType.Ignore)) { var whatIfInformation = new HostInformationMessage { Message = whatIfFormattedOutput }; var tags = new[] { "PSHOST" }; this.WriteInformation(whatIfInformation, tags); this.ExecuteDeployment(); return; } string cursorUp = $"{(char)27}[1A"; // Use \r to override the built-in "What if:" in output. whatIfMessage = $"\r \r{Environment.NewLine}{whatIfFormattedOutput}{Environment.NewLine}"; warningMessage = $"{Environment.NewLine}{Resources.ConfirmDeploymentMessage}"; captionMessage = $"{cursorUp}{Color.Reset}{whatIfMessage}"; } if (this.ShouldProcess(whatIfMessage, warningMessage, captionMessage)) { this.ExecuteDeployment(); } }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { IEnumerable <ErrorRecord> records = null; base.ExecuteCmdlet(); switch (ParameterSetName) { case LastErrorParameterSet: var errors = GetErrorVariable(); if (errors != null) { var error = errors.FirstOrDefault(); if (error != null) { records = new ErrorRecord[] { error }; } } break; default: records = Error ?? GetErrorVariable(); break; } if (records != null) { foreach (var error in records) { ErrorRecord record = error as ErrorRecord; HandleError(record); } } var informationMessage = new HostInformationMessage(); informationMessage.Message = $"{Environment.NewLine}{AzureProfileConstants.AzurePowerShellFeedbackMessage}{Environment.NewLine}"; informationMessage.NoNewLine = false; WriteInformation(informationMessage, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); }
protected virtual void DoWriteHost(HostInformationMessage info) { }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); using (var reader = new AnonymousPipeServerStream(PipeDirection.In, HandleInheritability.None, 65536)) { var tarTask = Task.Run(async() => { using (var writer = new AnonymousPipeClientStream(PipeDirection.Out, reader.ClientSafePipeHandle)) { var tar = new TarWriter(writer); await tar.CreateEntriesFromDirectoryAsync(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "." : Path, "."); await tar.CloseAsync(); writer.Close(); } }); var parameters = new ImageBuildParameters { NoCache = SkipCache.ToBool(), ForceRemove = ForceRemoveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), Remove = !PreserveIntermediateContainers.ToBool(), }; string repoTag = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Repository)) { repoTag = Repository; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { repoTag += ":"; repoTag += Tag; } parameters.Tags.Add(repoTag); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag)) { throw new Exception("tag without a repo???"); } string imageId = null; bool failed = false; var buildTask = DkrClient.Miscellaneous.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(reader, parameters, CancelSignal.Token); using (var progress = buildTask.AwaitResult()) using (var progressReader = new StreamReader(progress, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { string line; while ((line = progressReader.ReadLine()) != null) { var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonMessage>(line); if (message.Stream != null) { if (message.Stream.StartsWith(_successfullyBuilt)) { // This is probably the image ID. imageId = message.Stream.Substring(_successfullyBuilt.Length).Trim(); } var infoRecord = new HostInformationMessage(); infoRecord.Message = message.Stream; WriteInformation(infoRecord, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); } if (message.Error != null) { var error = new ErrorRecord(new Exception(message.Error.Message), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null); WriteError(error); failed = true; } } } tarTask.WaitUnwrap(); if (imageId == null && !failed) { throw new Exception("Could not find image, but no error was returned"); } WriteObject(ContainerOperations.GetImageById(imageId, DkrClient)); } }
public void WriteJsonMessage(JsonMessage message) { if (message.Error != null) { var error = new ErrorRecord(new Exception(message.Error.Message), null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null); _cmdlet.WriteError(error); } else if (message.Progress != null) { var id = message.ID ?? ""; int activity; if (!_idToActivity.TryGetValue(id, out activity)) { activity = _nextActivity; _nextActivity++; _idToActivity.Add(id, activity); } var activityName = new StringBuilder(id); if (activityName.Length == 0) { activityName.Append("Operation"); } if (message.From != null) { activityName.AppendFormat("(from {0})", message.From); } var record = new ProgressRecord(activity, activityName.ToString(), message.Status ?? "Processing"); var progress = message.Progress; if (progress.Total > 0) { record.PercentComplete = (int)(progress.Current * 100 / progress.Total); } if (progress.Current > 0) { record.CurrentOperation = string.Format(" ({0} bytes)", progress.Current); } _cmdlet.WriteProgress(record); } else { var info = new StringBuilder(); if (message.ID != null) { info.Append(message.ID); info.Append(": "); } if (message.From != null) { info.AppendFormat("(from {0})", message.From); } var infoRecord = new HostInformationMessage(); if (message.Stream != null) { info.Append(message.Stream); infoRecord.NoNewLine = true; } else { info.Append(message.Status); } infoRecord.Message = info.ToString(); _cmdlet.WriteInformation(infoRecord, new string[] { "PSHOST" }); } }