Esempio n. 1
        private void AddNewHorse(string selectedHerd, HorseBuilder newHorse)
            var newEntity = new HorseEntity
                ID = HorseEntity.GenerateNewHorseID(_context),
                Name = newHorse.Name,
                Herd = selectedHerd,
                Age = _newHorse.Age,
                TakenCareOfBy = newHorse.CaredBy,
                BrandedFor = newHorse.BrandedBy,
                FatherName = newHorse.Father,
                MotherName = newHorse.Mother,
                Traits = newHorse.Traits,
                TraitsInspectedAtSkill = newHorse.InspectSkill,
                IsMale = newHorse.IsMale,
                PregnantUntil = newHorse.PregnantUntil,
                SecondaryInfoTagSetter = newHorse.SecondaryInfo

            newEntity.EpicCurve = newHorse.ServerGroup == WurmServer.ServerInfo.ServerGroup.Epic;
            if (newHorse.ServerGroup == WurmServer.ServerInfo.ServerGroup.Unknown)
                Logger.LogError("Adding horse with unknown server group, name: "+newHorse.Name);

            _grangerDebug.Log("successfully inserted horse to db");
            Popup.Schedule("HORSE ADDED", String.Format("Added new horse to herd {0}: {1}", selectedHerd, newEntity));
Esempio n. 2
        void AttemptToStartProcessing(string line)
            _grangerDebug.Log("attempting to start processing horse due to line: " + line);
            //clean up if there is still non-timed out process

            //it is unknown if smiled at horse or something else
            //attempt to extract the name of game object
                //[20:48:42] You smile at Adolescent diseased Mountainheart.
                _grangerDebug.Log("extracting object name");
                string objectNameWithPrefixes = line.Remove(0, 13).Replace(".", "");
                if (!GrangerHelpers.IsBlacklistedCreatureName(objectNameWithPrefixes) && GrangerHelpers.HasAgeInName(objectNameWithPrefixes))
                    _grangerDebug.Log("object asumed to be a horse");
                    var ahSkill = _playerMan.GetAhSkill();
                    var currentGroup = _playerMan.GetCurrentServerGroup();
                    if (ahSkill != null && currentGroup != WurmServer.ServerInfo.ServerGroup.Unknown)
                        _grangerDebug.Log("building new horse object and moving to processor");

                        _isProcessing = true;
                        _startedProcessingOn = DateTime.Now;
                        _verifyList = new ProcessorVerifyList();
                        _newHorse = new HorseBuilder
                            Name = GrangerHelpers.ExtractHorseName(objectNameWithPrefixes),
                            Age = GrangerHelpers.ExtractHorseAge(objectNameWithPrefixes),
                            ServerGroup = currentGroup,
                            InspectSkill = ahSkill.Value,
                            //IsDiseased =
                            //    (GrangerHelpers.LineContainsDiseased(objectNameWithPrefixes) != null)

                        var fat = GrangerHelpers.LineContainsFat(objectNameWithPrefixes);
                        if (fat != null) _newHorse.SecondaryInfo = HorseEntity.SecondaryInfoTag.Fat;

                        var starving = GrangerHelpers.LineContainsStarving(objectNameWithPrefixes);
                        if (starving != null) _newHorse.SecondaryInfo = HorseEntity.SecondaryInfoTag.Starving;

                        var diseased = GrangerHelpers.LineContainsDiseased(objectNameWithPrefixes);
                        if (diseased != null) _newHorse.SecondaryInfo = HorseEntity.SecondaryInfoTag.Diseased;

                        _verifyList.Name = true;
                        _grangerDebug.Log("finished building");
                        Popup.Schedule("CAN'T PROCESS HORSE", "Cannot gather data for " + _playerMan.PlayerName + " yet, please try again once Granger fully loads.", 5000);
                        _grangerDebug.Log("processing horse cancelled, still waiting for AH skill or server group searches to finish (skill: " + ahSkill + " ; server group: " + currentGroup);
                else _grangerDebug.Log(objectNameWithPrefixes + " cannot be added. Only named creatures can be added to Granger.");
            catch (Exception _e)
                //this shouldn't happen, there is always something player is smiling at, unless error happened elsewhere
                _grangerDebug.Log("! Granger: error while BeginProcessing, event: " + line, true, _e);
Esempio n. 3
        void VerifyAndApplyProcessing()
            if (_newHorse != null)
                _grangerDebug.Log("finishing processing horse: " + _newHorse.Name);
                //verify if enough fields are filled to warrant updating
                if (_verifyList.IsValid)
                    _grangerDebug.Log("horse data is valid");

                    var selectedHerds = GetSelectedHerds();

                    //string[] herdsToCheck = selectedHerds;

                    var herdsFinds = GetHerdsFinds(selectedHerds, _newHorse.Name);
                    var selectedHerdsFinds = herdsFinds;
                    // if there isn't any horse found in selected herds,
                    // try all herds if setting is set
                    bool allHerdSearch = false;
                    if (herdsFinds.Length == 0 &&
                        allHerdSearch = true;
                        string[] allHerds = GetAllHerds();

                        herdsFinds = GetHerdsFinds(allHerds, _newHorse.Name);

                    // first try to update
                    // update only if found exactly one horse
                    if (herdsFinds.Length == 1)
                        HorseEntity oldHorse = herdsFinds[0];

                        bool sanityFail = false;

                        #region SANITY_CHECKS

                        //perform sanity checks
                        string sanityFailReason = null;
                        //horses cant suddenly get younger
                        if (oldHorse.Age > _newHorse.Age)
                            sanityFail = true;
                            if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                sanityFailReason = "New horse data would make the horse younger than it was";
                        //basically if both horses HAVE a mother name or father name, they cant have different names
                        //but its entirely possible a mother or father dies and reference is lost, with it the name
                        //no longer is shown, horse appears then as if it had no father or mother

                        //2 cases to check
                        //if current father name is blank, new name can not suddenly hold a name!
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldHorse.FatherName) &&
                            sanityFail = true;
                            if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                sanityFailReason = "Old father was blank but new data has a father name";

                        //if both names are not blank, then they can't be different!
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldHorse.FatherName) &&
                            !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_newHorse.Father) &&
                            oldHorse.FatherName != _newHorse.Father)
                            sanityFail = true;
                            if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                sanityFailReason = "Old data father name was different than new father name";

                        //same for mother
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldHorse.MotherName) &&
                            sanityFail = true;
                            if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                sanityFailReason = "Old mother was blank but new data has a mother name";

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldHorse.MotherName) &&
                            !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_newHorse.Mother) &&
                            oldHorse.MotherName != _newHorse.Mother)
                            sanityFail = true;
                            if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                sanityFailReason = "Old data mother name was different than new mother name";

                        //need to compare traits up to lower AH inspect level,
                        //if they mismatch, thats also sanity fail
                        //we should treat null ah inspect value as 0

                        if (oldHorse.TraitsInspectedAtSkill.HasValue)
                            //exclude this check if horse had genesis cast within last 1 hour
                            _grangerDebug.Log(string.Format("Checking horse for Genesis cast (horse name: {0}",
                            if (!_parentModule.Settings.Value.HasGenesisCast(_newHorse.Name))
                                _grangerDebug.Log("No genesis cast found");
                                var lowskill = Math.Min(oldHorse.TraitsInspectedAtSkill.Value, _newHorse.InspectSkill);
                                HorseTrait[] certainTraits = HorseTrait.GetTraitsUpToSkillLevel(lowskill,
                                    oldHorse.EpicCurve ?? false);
                                var oldHorseTraits = oldHorse.Traits.ToArray();
                                var newHorseTraits = _newHorse.Traits.ToArray();
                                foreach (var trait in certainTraits)
                                    if (oldHorseTraits.Contains(trait) != newHorseTraits.Contains(trait))
                                        sanityFail = true;
                                        if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                            sanityFailReason = "Trait mismatch below inspect skill treshhold (" +
                                                               lowskill + "): " + trait.ToCompactString();
                                _grangerDebug.Log("Genesis cast found, skipping trait sanity check");
                                _grangerDebug.Log(string.Format("Removed cached genesis cast data for {0}",
                        //is new horse server group not within allowed ones?
                        if (_newHorse.ServerGroup == WurmServer.ServerInfo.ServerGroup.Unknown)
                            sanityFail = true;
                            sanityFailReason = "New horse data had unsupported server group: " + _newHorse.ServerGroup;
                        //if old horse isEpic != new horse isEpic
                        bool oldIsEpic = oldHorse.EpicCurve ?? false;
                        bool newIsEpic = _newHorse.ServerGroup == WurmServer.ServerInfo.ServerGroup.Epic;
                        if (oldIsEpic != newIsEpic)
                            sanityFail = true;
                            sanityFailReason = "Old horse is of different server group than current player server group";


                        if (sanityFail)
                            _grangerDebug.Log("sanity check failed for horse update: " + oldHorse + ". Reason: " +
                            Popup.Schedule("COULD NOT UPDATE HORSE",
                                "There was data mismatch when trying to update horse, reason: " + sanityFailReason, 8000);
                            oldHorse.Age = _newHorse.Age;
                            oldHorse.TakenCareOfBy = _newHorse.CaredBy;
                            oldHorse.BrandedFor = _newHorse.BrandedBy;
                            oldHorse.FatherName = _newHorse.Father;
                            oldHorse.MotherName = _newHorse.Mother;
                            if (oldHorse.TraitsInspectedAtSkill <= _newHorse.InspectSkill ||
                                _newHorse.InspectSkill >
                                HorseTrait.GetFullTraitVisibilityCap(oldHorse.EpicCurve ?? false))
                                oldHorse.Traits = _newHorse.Traits;
                                oldHorse.TraitsInspectedAtSkill = _newHorse.InspectSkill;
                            else _grangerDebug.Log("old horse data had more accurate trait info, skipping");
                            oldHorse.SetTag("dead", false);
                            //oldHorse.SetTag("diseased", _newHorse.IsDiseased);
                            oldHorse.IsMale = _newHorse.IsMale;
                            oldHorse.PregnantUntil = _newHorse.PregnantUntil;

                            _grangerDebug.Log("successfully updated horse in db");
                            Popup.Schedule("HORSE UPDATED", String.Format("Updated horse: {0}", oldHorse));

                        _newHorse = null;
                        _grangerDebug.Log("processor buffer cleared");
                        // we are done here

                    // no update performed, try to add
                    bool entireDB = _parentModule.Settings.Value.DoNotBlockDataUpdateUnlessMultiplesInEntireDb;
                    if (selectedHerds.Length == 1 ||
                        (entireDB && selectedHerds.Length > 0))
                        // can't add a horse if it's already in selected herds
                        // also with entireDB, this will trigger if for some reason 2 or more horses are already in db (update is skipped)
                        if (selectedHerdsFinds.Length == 0)
                            //do a sanity check to verify this horse name is not in current herd already
                            string herd = selectedHerds[0];
                            bool exists =
                                _context.Horses.AsEnumerable().Any(x => _newHorse.Name == x.Name && x.Herd == herd);

                            if (!exists)
                                //add horse
                                AddNewHorse(herd, _newHorse);
                                var message = "Horse with name: " + _newHorse.Name +
                                              " already exists in herd: " + herd;
                                Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD HORSE", message, 4000);

                            _newHorse = null;
                            _grangerDebug.Log("processor buffer cleared");
                            // we are done here
                        else if (!entireDB)
                            string message = "Horse with name: " + _newHorse.Name +
                                             " already exists in active herd";

                            Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD HORSE", message, 4000);

                    // no update or add performed, figure what went wrong

                    if (herdsFinds.Length > 1)
                        var partialMessage = allHerdSearch ? "database" : "selected herds";
                        _grangerDebug.Log("many horses named " + _newHorse.Name + " found in " + partialMessage +
                                          ", add/update aborted");
                        Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD OR UPDATE HORSE",
                            partialMessage + " contain many horses named " + _newHorse.Name + ", narrow herd selection",
                        //notify user to narrow the herd selection
                    else if (!entireDB && (selectedHerds.Length == 0 || selectedHerds.Length > 1))
                        const string message = "exactly one herd has to be active to add new horse";
                        Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD OR UPDATE HORSE", message, 4000);
                    else if (entireDB && selectedHerds.Length == 0)
                        const string message = "at least one herd must be select to add new horse";
                        Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD OR UPDATE HORSE", message, 4000);
                        //shield against any possibly missed situations
                        const string message = "add/update horse failed for unknown reasons";
                        Logger.LogError(message, this);
                        Popup.Schedule("CAN'T ADD OR UPDATE HORSE", message, 4000);
                    _grangerDebug.Log("horse data was invalid, data: " + GetVerifyListData(_verifyList));
                //clear the buffer
                _newHorse = null;
                _grangerDebug.Log("processor buffer cleared");