public async Task<ActionResult/*HomeViewModels*/> Index()
            // Two Models in Single View
            HomeViewModels viewModel = new HomeViewModels();
            // Find all types with number of items
            //var properties = db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
            //      .GroupBy(p => p.OfType)
            //      .Select(p => new ofTypeViewModel
            //      {
            //          Type = p.Key.ToString(),
            //          Count = p.Count()
            //      }).ToList();

            // Find 3 Latest Feature Properties
            var allFeatured = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.Featured.ToString().Equals("Yes")).OrderBy(p => p.Id).Take(3).ToListAsync();

            List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel> allFeaturedPhoto = new List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel>();
            foreach (var property in allFeatured)
                HomePropertyPhotoViewModel model = new HomePropertyPhotoViewModel();
                model.Property = property;
                model.Photo = await db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyId == property.Id).OrderBy(ph => ph.Id).Take(1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.FeaturePropertyPhoto = allFeaturedPhoto.ToList();

            // Find all Types with related SubTypes
            //var types = db.OfSubTypes.Include(o => o.OfType).OrderBy(o => o.OfTypeID).ToList();
            //viewModel.Types = types;
            var allTypeSubTypes = await db.OfTypes.ToListAsync();

            List<HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel> allTypeSubTypesL = new List<HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel>();
            foreach (var type in allTypeSubTypes)
                HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel model = new HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel();
                model.Type = type;
                model.SubTypes = await db.OfSubTypes.Where(o => o.OfTypeID == type.ID).OrderBy(o => o.ID).ToListAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.TypeSubTypes = allTypeSubTypesL.ToList();

            // Find all For with number of items count
            var fors = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                 .GroupBy(p => p.For)
                 .Select(p => new HomeForViewModel
                     Title = p.Key.ToString(),
                     Count = p.Count()
            viewModel.For = fors;

            // Find all AllowBidding with number of items count
            var biddings = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                 .GroupBy(p => p.AllowBidding)
                 .Select(p => new HomeBiddingsViewModel
                     Status = p.Key.ToString(),
                     Count = p.Count()
            viewModel.Biddings = biddings;

            var allProperties = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes")).OrderByDescending(p => p.Views).Take(6).ToListAsync();

            List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel> allPropertyPhoto = new List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel>();
            foreach (var property in allProperties)
                HomePropertyPhotoViewModel model = new HomePropertyPhotoViewModel();
                model.Property = property;
                model.Photo = await db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyId == property.Id).OrderBy(ph => ph.Id).Take(1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.PropertyPhoto = allPropertyPhoto.ToList();

            var allRecents = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.AllowBidding.ToString().Contains("Disabled")).OrderBy(p => p.Id).Take(4).ToListAsync();

            List<HomeRecentPhotoViewModel> allRecentPhoto = new List<HomeRecentPhotoViewModel>();
            foreach (var property in allRecents)
                HomeRecentPhotoViewModel model = new HomeRecentPhotoViewModel();
                model.Property = property;
                model.Photo = await db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyId == property.Id).OrderBy(ph => ph.Id).Take(1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.RecentPropertyPhoto = allRecentPhoto.ToList();

            var allBiddings = await db.Biddings.Where(b => b.BiddingStatus.ToString().Contains("Active")).OrderByDescending(b => b.Id).Take(4).ToListAsync();

            List<BiddingsPhotoViewModel> allBiddingPhoto = new List<BiddingsPhotoViewModel>();
            foreach (var bidding in allBiddings)
                BiddingsPhotoViewModel model = new BiddingsPhotoViewModel();
                model.Bidding = bidding;
                model.Property = bidding.Property;
                model.OfSubType = (model.Property.OfSubType != null) ? await db.OfSubTypes.FindAsync(model.Property.OfSubType) : null;
                model.Photo = await db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyId == model.Property.Id).OrderBy(ph => ph.Id).Take(1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.BiddingPropertyPhoto = allBiddingPhoto.ToList();
            return View(viewModel);
        public async Task<ActionResult/*HomeViewModels*/> Properties(string filterType, string filterSuType, string filterFor, string filterBidding, int? filterRangeMi, int? filterRangeMx, int? page)
            // Two Models in Single View
            HomeViewModels viewModel = new HomeViewModels();
            // Find all Types with related SubTypes
            //var types = db.OfSubTypes.Include(o => o.OfType).OrderBy(o => o.OfTypeID).ToList();
            //viewModel.Types = types;
            var allTypeSubTypes = await db.OfTypes.ToListAsync();

            List<HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel> allTypeSubTypesL = new List<HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel>();
            foreach (var type in allTypeSubTypes)
                HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel model = new HomeTypeSubTypesViewModel();
                model.Type = type;
                model.SubTypes = await db.OfSubTypes.Where(o => o.OfTypeID == type.ID).OrderBy(o => o.ID).ToListAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();
            viewModel.TypeSubTypes = allTypeSubTypesL.ToList();

            IEnumerable<Property> allProperties = null;
            //ViewBag.CurrentSort = filterType;
            //ViewBag.TypeSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterType) ? filterType : "";
            if (filterType != null && filterSuType != null && page == null)
                page = 1;
                var subType = await db.OfSubTypes.Where(sb => sb.Title.ToString().Equals(filterSuType)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                allProperties = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType) && p.OfSubType == subType.ID).OrderBy(p => p.Views).ToListAsync();
            else if (filterType != null  && page == null)
                page = 1;

                allProperties = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType)).OrderBy(p => p.Views).ToListAsync();
                allProperties = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes")).OrderBy(p => p.Views).ToListAsync();

            if (filterFor != null)
                allProperties = allProperties.Where(p => p.For.ToString().Contains(filterFor)).ToList();

            if (filterBidding != null)
                allProperties = allProperties.Where(p => p.AllowBidding.ToString().Contains(filterBidding)).ToList();

            if (filterRangeMi != null && filterRangeMx != null)
                allProperties = allProperties.Where(p => p.Price > filterRangeMi && p.Price < filterRangeMx).ToList();

            ViewBag.CurrentType = filterType;
            ViewBag.CurrentSubType = filterSuType;
            ViewBag.CurrentFor = filterFor;
            ViewBag.CurrentBidding = filterBidding;
            ViewBag.CurrentRangeMi = filterRangeMi;
            ViewBag.CurrentRangeMx = filterRangeMx;

            // Update Side menu items count according to filter
            if ((filterType != null && filterSuType != null))
                var subType = await db.OfSubTypes.Where(sb => sb.Title.ToString().Equals(filterSuType)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                // Find all For with number of items count
                var fors = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType) && p.OfSubType == subType.ID)
                     .GroupBy(p => p.For)
                     .Select(p => new HomeForViewModel
                         Title = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.For = fors;

                // Find all AllowBidding with number of items count
                var biddings = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType) && p.OfSubType == subType.ID)
                     .GroupBy(p => p.AllowBidding)
                     .Select(p => new HomeBiddingsViewModel
                         Status = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.Biddings = biddings;
            else if (filterType != null && filterSuType == null)
                // Find all For with number of items count
                var fors = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType))
                     .GroupBy(p => p.For)
                     .Select(p => new HomeForViewModel
                         Title = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.For = fors;

                // Find all AllowBidding with number of items count
                var biddings = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes") && p.OfType.Title.ToString().Equals(filterType))
                     .GroupBy(p => p.AllowBidding)
                     .Select(p => new HomeBiddingsViewModel
                         Status = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.Biddings = biddings;
            else if (filterType == null && filterSuType == null && filterFor == null && filterBidding == null && filterRangeMi == null && filterRangeMx == null)
                // Find all For with number of items count
                var fors = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                     .GroupBy(p => p.For)
                     .Select(p => new HomeForViewModel
                         Title = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.For = fors;

                // Find all AllowBidding with number of items count
                var biddings = await db.Properties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                     .GroupBy(p => p.AllowBidding)
                     .Select(p => new HomeBiddingsViewModel
                         Status = p.Key.ToString(),
                         Count = p.Count()
                viewModel.Biddings = biddings;

            if (filterFor != null || filterBidding != null || (filterRangeMi != null && filterRangeMx != null))

                if (viewModel.For == null)
                    // Find all For with number of items count
                    var fors = allProperties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                            .GroupBy(p => p.For)
                            .Select(p => new HomeForViewModel
                                Title = p.Key.ToString(),
                                Count = p.Count()
                    viewModel.For = fors;

                if (viewModel.Biddings == null)
                    // Find all AllowBidding with number of items count
                    var biddings = allProperties.Where(p => p.Availability.ToString().Contains("Yes"))
                            .GroupBy(p => p.AllowBidding)
                            .Select(p => new HomeBiddingsViewModel
                                Status = p.Key.ToString(),
                                Count = p.Count()
                    viewModel.Biddings = biddings;

            List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel> allPropertyPhoto = new List<HomePropertyPhotoViewModel>();
            foreach (var property in allProperties)
                HomePropertyPhotoViewModel model = new HomePropertyPhotoViewModel();
                model.Property = property;
                model.Photo = await db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyId == property.Id).OrderBy(ph => ph.Id).Take(1).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
                //model.Products = db.Photos.Where(ph => ph.PropertyID == property.ID).ToList();

            int pageSize = 9;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);
            viewModel.PropertyPhotoFilterable = allPropertyPhoto.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);

            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterType))
            //    properties = properties.Where(p => p.Title.ToUpper().Contains(searchProperty.ToUpper())
            //                           || p.Title.ToUpper().Contains(searchProperty.ToUpper()));

            //return View(properties.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));

            return View(viewModel);