Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult FaleConosco()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Fale Conosco";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Fale Conosco - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Fale conosco para sugerir ideias, anunciar, enviar pautas, reportar erros ou trabalhar no Massa News.";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/institucional/fale-conosco";

Esempio n. 2
 public ActionResult Index()
     //Capsule db = new Capsule();
     using (Capsule db = new Capsule())
         HomeIndex model = new HomeIndex();
         model.BestSellingProducts = db.Products
                                     .OrderBy(p => p.ProductId)
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Sobre()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Sobre Nós";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Sobre Nós - Massa News";
            model.Description = "O Massa News é uma empresa de conteúdo e tecnologia do Grupo Massa, focada na produção e distribuição online de jornalismo local, com cobertura em todas as regiões do Paraná. Saiba mais!";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/institucional/sobre";

        public ActionResult CalendarioCompeticoes()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Calendário de Competições";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Calendário de competição dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Calendário de competição dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Massa News";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/calendario-competicoes-jogos-olimpicos";

        public ActionResult Envie()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Envie sua Notícia";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Envie sua Notícia - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Envie sua Notícia para a redação do Massa News por e-mail, Whatsapp ou Facebook. Não esqueça de anexar fotos, áudios ou vídeos sobre o assunto.";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/institucional/envie-sua-noticia";

Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult CandidatosEleicoes()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Guia de Candidatos";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Eleições Municipais 2016 - Candidaturas e Contas Eleitorais - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Informações detalhadas sobre todos os candidatos que pediram registro à Justiça Eleitoral e sobre as suas contas eleitorais e as dos partidos políticos. Eleições Municipais 2016.";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/tags/eleicoes-2016/candidatos";

Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult CalendarioEleicoes()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Calendário";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Calendário das Eleições Municipais 2016 - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Acompanhe os eventos mais importantes das Eleições Municipais 2016.";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/tags/eleicoes-2016/calendario";

Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult ATochaOlimpica()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "A Tocha Olímpica";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Por dentro da tocha olímpica Rio 2016 - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Tocha olímpica tem sistema inédito – pela primeira vez o famoso símbolo terá movimento para receber a chama.";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/tocha-olimpica";

        public ActionResult LegadoOlimpico()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Legado Olímpico";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Rio 2016: O Legado Olímpico - Massa News";
            model.Description = "omplexos esportivos em construção na Barra e Deodoro vão transformar a cidade após os Jogos de 2016, prometem organizadores e poder público. O Legado Olímpico!";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/legado-olimpico";

Esempio n. 10
        public ActionResult Cookies()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Política de Uso de Cookies";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Política de Uso de Cookies - Massa News";
            model.Description = "Cookies são pequenos arquivos de textos gerados pelo portal Massa News enquanto você o visita. Saiba mais!";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/institucional/cookies";

        public ActionResult PlacarImpeachmentSenado()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Placar do Impeachment";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title        = "Placar do Impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff no Senado - Massa News";
            model.Description  = "Intenções declaradas de voto dos senadores em relação à abertura de processo por crime de responsabilidade contra a presidente Dilma Rousseff.";
            model.Robots       = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical    = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/placar-do-impeachment-senado";
            model.ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/banners/avatar-placar-impeachment-senado.jpg";

Esempio n. 12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(Form sendForm)
            var model = new HomeIndex();
            await _storage.UploadObjectAsync(
                _options.BucketName, _options.ObjectName, "text/plain",
                new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sendForm.Content)));

            model.Content         = sendForm.Content;
            model.SavedNewContent = true;
            var storageObject =
                await _storage.GetObjectAsync(_options.BucketName, _options.ObjectName);

            model.MediaLink = storageObject.MediaLink;
        public ActionResult PlacarImpeachment()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Placar do Impeachment";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title        = "Placar do Impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff - Massa News";
            model.Description  = "Intenções declaradas de voto dos deputados federais no processo de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff. A votação na Câmara está prevista para ocorrer no domingo (17).";
            model.Robots       = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical    = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/placar-do-impeachment";
            model.ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/banners/avatar-placar-impeachment.jpg";

Esempio n. 14
        public ActionResult Index()
            BuscadorPrincipal bp = new BuscadorPrincipal();

            if (Session["fechas"] != null)
                bp = (BuscadorPrincipal)Session["fechas"];
            HomeIndex hi = new HomeIndex()
                ListaVehiculos    = db.Vehiculo.ToList(),
                busquedaPrincipal = bp

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(SendForm sendForm)
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sendgridApiKey) ||
                "your-sendgrid-api-key" == _sendgridApiKey)
                model.MissingApiKey = true;
            else if (ModelState.IsValid && HttpContext.Request.Method.ToUpper() == "POST")
                model.Recipient        = sendForm.Recipient ?? "";
                model.sendGridResponse = await CallSendGrid(sendForm.Recipient);
Esempio n. 16
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";

            var viewModel = new HomeIndex();

            viewModel.Boards = ThreadedCommentsContext.Boards
                               .OrderBy(b => b.Name)
                               .Select(b => new HomeIndex.BoardInfo {
                BoardId = b.BoardId, Name = b.Name

        public ActionResult WhereAniversario()
            //Redirect 301 to Home
            return(new RedirectResult("/", true));

            var model = new HomeIndex();

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Where 15 anos";

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Where Curitiba 15 anos - Massa News";
            model.Description = "A Where Curitiba completa 15 anos de idade, e oferece 15 experiências incríveis para você. Participe!";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/aniversario";

Esempio n. 18
        public IActionResult Create()
            HomeIndex homeIndex = new HomeIndex()
                Posts = new Posts(),
                CategoriesSelectList = _appDbContext.Categories.Select(item => new SelectListItem
                    Text  = item.Title,
                    Value = item.ToString()
                TagsSelectList = _appDbContext.Categories.Select(item => new SelectListItem
                    Text  = item.Title,
                    Value = item.ToString()

Esempio n. 19
        //[OutputCache(Duration = 60, VaryByCustom = "Location", VaryByParam = "*", Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient)]
        public ActionResult CotacoesProduto(string tipo, string cidade, string produto)
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Cotações de Arroz - Negócios da Terra";
            model.Description = "Confira as cotações de Arroz no Paraná e Santa Catarina - Negócios da Terra";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/cotacoes/arroz";

            //Set viewbag's
            ViewBag.Pagina        = "cotacoes-produto";
            ViewBag.ActiveNav     = "Negócios da Terra";
            ViewBag.Editorial     = Editorial.Load(EditorialEnum.NegociosDaTerra.GetHashCode());
            ViewBag.ExibirLogo    = true;
            ViewBag.LinkActiveNav = "/negocios-da-terra";

            //return the model to the view
Esempio n. 20
        public ActionResult Regulamento()
            var model = new HomeIndex
                Title        = "Regulamento do Concurso Cultural Natal de Luz de Curitiba",
                Description  = "Confira o Regulamento do Concurso Cultural Natal de Luz de Curitiba. Envie sua foto mostrando 'Qual é a casa/rua mais decorada de Curitiba para você?'. Participe!",
                Robots       = "index, follow",
                Canonical    = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/natal-de-luz/regulamento",
                ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/landing/natal-de-luz/avatar.jpg"

            var promocao = Promocao.Load(2);

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Natal de Luz";
            //ViewBag.Editorial = Editorial.Load(EditorialEnum.WhereCuritiba.GetHashCode());
            //ViewBag.ExibirLogo = true;
            ViewBag.ConcursoAberto = promocao.Status;

Esempio n. 21
        //[OutputCache(Duration = 60, VaryByCustom = "Location", VaryByParam = "*", Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient)]
        public ActionResult CotacoesCepeaUSP()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            /* base model defaults */
            model.Title       = "Cotações CEPEA USP - Negócios da Terra";
            model.Description = "Confira as cotações CEPEA USP - Negócios da Terra";
            model.Robots      = "index, follow";
            model.Canonical   = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/cotacoes/cepea-usp";

            //Set viewbag's
            ViewBag.Pagina        = "cotacoes-cepea-usp";
            ViewBag.ActiveNav     = "Negócios da Terra";
            ViewBag.Editorial     = Editorial.Load(EditorialEnum.NegociosDaTerra.GetHashCode());
            ViewBag.ExibirLogo    = true;
            ViewBag.LinkActiveNav = "/negocios-da-terra";

            //return the model to the view
        public ActionResult QuizUnifil()
            //Redirect 301 to Home
            //return new RedirectResult("/", true);

            //Create a model
            var model = new HomeIndex
                Title        = "Quiz UniFil – Descubra a sua profissão",
                Description  = "Qual profissão combina com você? Responsa o Quiz e em poucos minutos você descobrirá. É rápido, fácil e grátis!",
                Robots       = "index, follow",
                Canonical    = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/quiz-unifil",
                ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/quiz-unifil/avatar.jpg"

            ViewBag.Pagina    = "quiz-unifil";
            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Quiz UniFil";

        public ActionResult Index(HomeIndex formData)
            User user = Database.Session.Query <User>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.KullanıcıAdı.Equals(User.Identity.Name));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var rapor = new Rapor()
                RaporTarihi = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd").Substring(0, 10),
                KullanıcıId = user.KullanıcıId,
                RaporSaati  = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(),
                FirmaId     = user.FirmaId

            SyncHatalar(formData.Konu, rapor.Hata);
Esempio n. 24
        public ActionResult Premiacao()
            //Redirect 301 to Home
            return(new RedirectResult("/", true));

            var model = new HomeIndex
                Title        = "Premiação do Concurso Cultural Natal de Luz de Curitiba",
                Description  = "Confira a Premiação do Concurso Cultural Natal de Luz de Curitiba. Envie sua foto mostrando 'Qual casa/rua mais decorada de Curitiba;'. Participe!",
                Robots       = "index, follow",
                Canonical    = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/natal-de-luz/premiacao",
                ImgOpenGraph = $"{Constants.UrlWeb}/content/images/landing/natal-de-luz/avatar.jpg"
            int promocaoId = 2;
            var promocao   = Promocao.Load(promocaoId);

            ViewBag.ActiveNav = "Natal de Luz";
            //ViewBag.Editorial = Editorial.Load(EditorialEnum.WhereCuritiba.GetHashCode());
            //ViewBag.ExibirLogo = true;
            ViewBag.ConcursoAberto = promocao.Status;

Esempio n. 25
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            // [END cloud_storage]
            if (new string[] { null, "", "your-google-bucket-name" }
                model.MissingBucketName = true;
            // [START cloud_storage]
                // Get the storage object.
                var storageObject =
                    await _storage.GetObjectAsync(_options.BucketName, _options.ObjectName);

                // Get a direct link to the storage object.
                model.MediaLink = storageObject.MediaLink;
                // Download the storage object.
                MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
                await _storage.DownloadObjectAsync(
                    _options.BucketName, _options.ObjectName, m);

                m.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] content = new byte[m.Length];
                m.Read(content, 0, content.Length);
                model.Content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content);
            catch (GoogleApiException e)
                when(e.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    // Does not exist yet.  No problem.
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(Form sendForm)
            var model = new HomeIndex();

            model.Content         = sendForm.Content;
            model.SavedNewContent = true;

            // Spanner connection string.
            string connectionString =
                $"Data Source=projects/{_options.ProjectId}/instances/{_options.InstanceId}"
                + $"/databases/{_options.DatabaseId}";

            // Insert Player if PlayerID not present in sent form data.
            string playerId = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendForm.PlayerId))
                // Insert Player Code
                using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
                    await connection.OpenAsync();

                    using (var tx = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                        using (var cmd = connection.CreateInsertCommand(
                                   "Players", new SpannerParameterCollection
                            { "PlayerId", SpannerDbType.String },
                            { "PlayerName", SpannerDbType.String },
                            { "PlanetDollars", SpannerDbType.Int64 }
                            cmd.Transaction = tx;
                            playerId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                            cmd.Parameters["PlayerId"].Value      = playerId;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlayerName"].Value    = sendForm.Content;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlanetDollars"].Value = 1000000;
                        await tx.CommitAsync();
                model.PlayerId = playerId;
                model.PlayerId = sendForm.PlayerId;
                playerId       = sendForm.PlayerId;

            // Submit transaction for Player purchase of 1 planet share.
            using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                using (var transaction =
                           await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                    long   planetId        = 0;
                    string planetName      = "";
                    long   sharesAvailable = 0;
                    long   costPerShare    = 0;
                    //string playerId = playerId;
                    string playerName    = "";
                    long   planetDollars = 0;

                    // Create statement to select a random planet
                    var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
                        "SELECT PlanetId, PlanetName, SharesAvailable, DIV(PlanetValue, SharesAvailable) as ShareCost "
                        + "FROM (SELECT * FROM Planets TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI (10 PERCENT)) "
                        + "WHERE SharesAvailable > 0 LIMIT 1");

                    // Excecute the select query.
                    using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                        while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                            // Read the planet's ID.
                            planetId = reader.GetFieldValue <long>("PlanetId");
                            // Read the planet's Name.
                            planetName = reader.GetFieldValue <string>("PlanetName");
                            // Read the planet's shares available.
                            sharesAvailable = reader.GetFieldValue <long>("SharesAvailable");
                            // Read the planet's cost per share.
                            costPerShare = reader.GetFieldValue <long>("ShareCost");
                    // Create statement to select player details.
                    cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
                        "SELECT PlayerId, PlayerName, PlanetDollars FROM Players "
                        + "WHERE PlayerId = @playerId",
                        new SpannerParameterCollection {
                        { "playerId", SpannerDbType.String }
                    cmd.Parameters["playerId"].Value = playerId;

                    using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                        while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                            playerId      = reader.GetFieldValue <string>("PlayerId");
                            playerName    = reader.GetFieldValue <string>("PlayerName");
                            planetDollars = reader.GetFieldValue <long>("PlanetDollars");
                    if (planetDollars >= costPerShare && planetId != 0)
                        // Subtract 1 from planet's shares available.
                        using (cmd = connection.CreateUpdateCommand(
                                   "Planets", new SpannerParameterCollection
                            { "PlanetId", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                            { "SharesAvailable", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlanetId"].Value        = planetId;
                            cmd.Parameters["SharesAvailable"].Value = sharesAvailable;
                            await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                        // Subtract cost per share from player's planet dollars.
                        using (cmd = connection.CreateUpdateCommand(
                                   "Players", new SpannerParameterCollection
                            { "PlayerId", SpannerDbType.String },
                            { "PlanetDollars", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                            planetDollars  -= costPerShare;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlayerId"].Value      = playerId;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlanetDollars"].Value = planetDollars;
                            await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                        // Insert record of transaction in Transactions table.
                        using (cmd = connection.CreateInsertCommand(
                                   "Transactions", new SpannerParameterCollection
                            { "PlanetId", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                            { "PlayerId", SpannerDbType.String },
                            { "TimeStamp", SpannerDbType.Timestamp },
                            { "Amount", SpannerDbType.Int64 }
                            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlanetId"].Value  = planetId;
                            cmd.Parameters["PlayerId"].Value  = playerId;
                            cmd.Parameters["TimeStamp"].Value = SpannerParameter.CommitTimestamp;
                            cmd.Parameters["Amount"].Value    = costPerShare;
                            await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                        await transaction.CommitAsync();

                        model.Status = $"1 Share of {planetName} sold to {playerName} "
                                       + $"for {costPerShare.ToString("N0")} Planet Dollars. "
                                       + $"{playerName} now has {planetDollars.ToString("N0")} Planet Dollars.";
                        if (planetId == 0)
                            model.Status = "Failed to acquire a valid Planet share. Please retry.";
                            // Player doesn't have enough Planet Dollars to purchase planet share
                            model.Status = $"{planetDollars.ToString("N0")} Planet Dollars is not enough to purchase a share of {planetName}";
Esempio n. 27
        public IActionResult Index()
            var model = new HomeIndex();

Esempio n. 28
        private void TransformViewsHomeHomeIndex(SmartAppInfo manifest)
            var template = new HomeIndex(manifest);

            _writingService.WriteFile(Path.Combine(_context.BasePath, template.OutputPath), template.TransformText());
Esempio n. 29
        public void HomeIndex_Template_NullParameter_Test()
            var template = new HomeIndex(null);

            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => template.TransformText());
Esempio n. 30
        private HomeIndex GetHomeIndexModel(int locationId)
            var cacheSrv = new RedisCacheService();

            //Get the city
            var city = Cidade.Load(locationId);

            //Get the home object
            var objHome = city.Microregion.Home;

            #region GET CACHE

            //Set the const time value
            const int time = 1;

            //Set the cache key
            var key = $"Home:{objHome.Id}";

            //Find in the cache for the model
            var objModel = cacheSrv.Get <HomeIndex>(key);

            //If model exists in cache return the object
            if (objModel != null)

            //Save the current home state
            var currentHome = objHome;

            //If Home is disabled load the main home
            if (!objHome.Status)
                objHome = Home.Load(1); //Home Curitiba
            //Get list of news highlights
            var lstHighlights = Noticia.GetHighlightNewsByHome(objHome.Id).ToList();

            //Create initial negation list with hiloghts id's
            var notInList = lstHighlights.Select(s => s.Id).ToList();

            objModel = new HomeIndex
                Title       = "Massa News - A notícia em movimento!",
                Description = "O Massa News oferece a melhor cobertura jornalística do Paraná com notícias personalizadas da sua região.",
                Robots      = "index, follow",
                Canonical   = Constants.UrlWeb,

                Cidade           = Cidade.Load(12), //Curitiba //objCidade,
                SidebarHighlight = objHome.SidebarHighlight,
                TemplateId       = objHome.Highlight.TemplateId,
                Highlights       = lstHighlights

            //SUA REGIÃO
            //Este módulo recebe a cidade original
            objModel.DestaqueComTagsSuaRegiao = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.SuaRegiao, currentHome, ref notInList);

            objModel.DestaqueComTagsEsportes = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.Esportes, currentHome, ref notInList);

            objModel.DestaqueComTagsEntretedimento = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.Entretenimento, currentHome, ref notInList);

            objModel.DestaqueComTagsParana = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.Parana, currentHome, ref notInList);

            objModel.CategoriasDestaquesModel = GetCategoriaDestaquesModel(objHome.Id, ref notInList);

            //VIAJAR É MASSA
            objModel.DestaqueComTagsViajarEMassa = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.ViajarEMassa, currentHome, ref notInList);

            //WHERE CURITIBA
            if (currentHome.Id == 1)
                objModel.DestaqueComTagsWhereCuritiba = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.WhereCuritiba, currentHome, ref notInList);

            //NEGÓCIOS DA TERRA
            objModel.DestaqueComTagsNegociosDaTerra = GetDestaquesComtags(Section.NegociosDaTerra, currentHome, ref notInList);

            objModel.DestaqueVideo = GetVideoHighlights(city, ref notInList);

            //FOTOS (GALERIAS)
            objModel.HighlightsFotos = Noticia.GetBySection(8, Section.Fotos, 1, ref notInList, true).ToList();

            objModel.Blogs = GetBlogListByMicroregion(currentHome.MicroregiaoId);

            #region ENQUETE
            var statusEnquete = EnqueteSrv.GetStatusEnquete();

            switch (statusEnquete.Status)
            case (int)EnqueteEnum.Estadual:
                objModel.ShowEnquete = true;
                objModel.EnqueteId   = Constants.EnqueteRegionalId;

            case (int)EnqueteEnum.Regional:
                foreach (var item in statusEnquete.RegioesEnquetes.Where(item => objHome.MicroregiaoId == item.MicroregiaoId && item.Status))
                    objModel.ShowEnquete = true;
                    objModel.EnqueteId   = item.EnqueteId;

                objModel.ShowEnquete = false;

            //Set the cache
            cacheSrv.Set(key, objModel, time);
