public Player(string playerName,
               decimal startingStack,
               int seatNumber)
     PlayerName    = playerName;
     StartingStack = startingStack;
     SeatNumber    = seatNumber;
     HoleCards     = HoleCards.NoHolecards(playerName);
 private HoleCards ParseHoleCards(string handText, string playerName)
         string regexString = GetHoleCardsRegex(playerName);
         var    regex       = Regex.Match(handText, regexString);
         if (regex.Success)
             return(HoleCards.FromCards(playerName, CardGroup.Parse(regex.Value)));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new CardException(handText, "ParseHoleCards: Exception " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
            XDocument document = GetXDocumentFromLines(handLines);

            XElement gameElement = GetGameElementFromXDocument(document);
            XElement players     = gameElement.Element("players");

            PlayerList playerList = new PlayerList();

            //Build a query for all cards elements which are "SHOWN" or "MUCKED" rather than "COMMUNITY"
            IEnumerable <XElement> cardElements = gameElement.Elements("round").Elements("cards").Where(element => element.Attribute("type").Value[0] != 'C').ToList();

            foreach (XElement playerElement in players.Elements())
                //Player Element looks like:
                //<player seat="0" nickname="GODEXISTSJK" balance="$269.96" dealtin="true" />
                decimal stack      = decimal.Parse(playerElement.Attribute("balance").Value.Substring(1), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string  playerName = playerElement.Attribute("nickname").Value;
                int     seat       = Int32.Parse(playerElement.Attribute("seat").Value);
                Player  player     = new Player(playerName, stack, seat);

                bool dealtIn = bool.Parse(playerElement.Attribute("dealtin").Value);
                player.IsSittingOut = !dealtIn;

                //<cards type="SHOWN" cards="Ac,4c" player="7"/>
                XElement playerCardElement =
                    cardElements.FirstOrDefault(card => Int32.Parse(card.Attribute("player").Value) == seat);

                if (playerCardElement != null)
                    string cardString = playerCardElement.Attribute("cards").Value;
                    player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();


Esempio n. 4
        private void ParseDealtHand(string[] handLines, int currentLine, Player player)
            const int maxCards = 4;

            for (int i = 1; i <= maxCards; i++)
                string Line = handLines[currentLine + i];
                if (Line[1] != 'C')

                Card parsedCard = ParseCard(Line);
                if (!parsedCard.isEmpty)
                    if (player.HoleCards == null)
                        player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();
Esempio n. 5
        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
            int        currentLine = 1;
            PlayerList plist       = new PlayerList();

            //Parsing playerlist
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //<PLAYER NAME="fatima1975" SEAT="6" AMOUNT="4.27"></PLAYER>
                string Line = handLines[i + 1];
                if (Line[1] != 'P')
                    currentLine = i + 1;

                const int playerNameStartIndex = 14;
                int       playerNameEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', playerNameStartIndex);
                string    playerName           = Line.Substring(playerNameStartIndex, playerNameEndIndex - playerNameStartIndex);

                if (playerName == "UNKNOWN")

                int seatStartIndex = playerNameEndIndex + 8;
                int seatEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', seatStartIndex);
                int seatNumber     = int.Parse(Line.Substring(seatStartIndex, seatEndIndex - seatStartIndex));

                int     stackStartIndex = seatEndIndex + 10;
                int     stackEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', stackStartIndex);
                decimal stack           = decimal.Parse(Line.Substring(stackStartIndex, stackEndIndex - stackStartIndex), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                plist.Add(new Player(playerName, stack, seatNumber));

            //Parsing dealt cards
            for (int i = currentLine; i < handLines.Length; i++)
                string Line      = handLines[i];
                char   firstChar = Line[1];
                if (firstChar == 'A')
                    //<ACTION TYPE="HAND_BLINDS" PLAYER="ItalyToast" KIND="HAND_BB" VALUE="200.00"></ACTION>
                    //<ACTION TYPE="HAND_DEAL" PLAYER="AllinAnna">
                    const int actionTypeCharIndex = 19;
                    char      actionTypeChar      = Line[actionTypeCharIndex];
                    if (actionTypeChar == 'D')
                        string playerName = GetXMLAttributeValue(Line, "PLAYER");
                        ParseDealtHand(handLines, i, plist[playerName]);
                if (firstChar == 'S')
                    currentLine = i + 1;

            //Parse Showdown cards
            for (int i = handLines.Length - 1; i > currentLine; i--)
                string Line      = handLines[i];
                char   firstChar = Line[1];

                if (firstChar == 'C')

                //<RESULT PLAYER="ItalyToast" WIN="10.00" HAND="$(STR_BY_DEFAULT)" WINCARDS="14 1 50 5 14 ">
                if (firstChar == 'R')
                    const int playerNameStartIndex = 16;
                    int       playerNameEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', playerNameStartIndex);
                    string    playerName           = Line.Substring(playerNameStartIndex, playerNameEndIndex - playerNameStartIndex);
                    Player    player = plist[playerName];

                    if (!player.hasHoleCards)
                        for (int cardIndex = i + 1; cardIndex <= i + 4 && cardIndex < handLines.Length; cardIndex++)
                            string cardLine = handLines[cardIndex];
                            if (cardLine[1] != 'C')

                            Card parsedCard = ParseCard(cardLine);
                            if (!parsedCard.isEmpty)
                                if (player.HoleCards == null)
                                    player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();

                if (firstChar == 'S')
Esempio n. 6
        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
            //Expected Start
            //Game started at: 2014/2/28 15:59:51
            //Game ID: 258592968 2/4 Gabilite (JP) - CAP - Max - 2 (Hold'em)
            //Seat 4 is the button
            //Seat 1: xx59704 (159.21).
            //Seat 4: Xavier2500 (110.40).
            PlayerList playerList       = new PlayerList();
            int        CurrentLineIndex = 3;

            //The first line after the player list always starts with "Player "
            while (handLines[CurrentLineIndex][0] == 'S')
                string playerLine = handLines[CurrentLineIndex++];

                const int seatNumberStart = 5;
                int       colonIndex      = playerLine.IndexOf(':', seatNumberStart + 1);
                int       SeatNumber      = int.Parse(playerLine.Substring(seatNumberStart, colonIndex - seatNumberStart));

                //Parsing playerName
                //PlayerName can contain '(' & ')'
                int    NameStartIndex = colonIndex + 2;
                int    NameEndIndex   = playerLine.LastIndexOfFast(" (");
                string playerName     = playerLine.Substring(NameStartIndex, NameEndIndex - NameStartIndex);

                int    stackSizeStartIndex = NameEndIndex + 2;
                int    stackSizeEndIndex   = playerLine.Length - 2;
                string stack = playerLine.Substring(stackSizeStartIndex, stackSizeEndIndex - stackSizeStartIndex);
                //string playerName = playerLine.Substring(NameStartIndex, stackSizeStartIndex - NameStartIndex - 2);
                playerList.Add(new Player(playerName, decimal.Parse(stack, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), SeatNumber));

            //HandHistory format:
            //Player NoahSDsDad has small blind (2)
            //Player xx45809 sitting out
            //Player megadouche sitting out
            //Player xx59704 wait BB

            //Parsing Sitouts and HoleCards
            for (int i = CurrentLineIndex; i < handLines.Length; i++)
                const int NameStartIndex = 7;
                string    line           = handLines[i];

                bool   receivingCards = false;
                int    NameEndIndex;
                string playerName;

                //Uncalled bet (20) returned to zz7
                if (line[0] == 'U')

                switch (line[line.Length - 1])
                //Player bubblebubble received card: [2h]
                case ']':
                    receivingCards = true;

                case '.':
                    //Player bubblebubble is timed out.
                    if (line[line.Length - 2] == 't')
                    receivingCards = true;

                case ')':

                case 'B':
                    //Player bubblebubble wait BB
                    NameEndIndex = line.Length - 8;    //" wait BB".Length
                    playerName   = line.Substring(NameStartIndex, NameEndIndex - NameStartIndex);
                    playerList[playerName].IsSittingOut = true;

                case 't':
                    //Player xx45809 sitting out
                    if (line[line.Length - 2] == 'u')
                        NameEndIndex = line.Length - 12; //" sitting out".Length
                        playerName   = line.Substring(NameStartIndex, NameEndIndex - NameStartIndex);
                        if (playerName == "")            //"Player  sitting out"
                        playerList[playerName].IsSittingOut = true;
                    //Player TheKunttzz posts (0.25) as a dead bet

                    throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled Line: " + line);
                if (receivingCards)
                    CurrentLineIndex = i;

            //Parse HoleCards
            for (int i = CurrentLineIndex; i < handLines.Length; i++)
                const int NameStartIndex = 7;
                string    line           = handLines[i];
                char      endChar        = line[line.Length - 1];

                if (endChar == '.')
                else if (endChar == ']')
                    int    NameEndIndex = line.LastIndexOfFast(" rec", line.Length - 12);
                    string playerName   = line.Substring(NameStartIndex, NameEndIndex - NameStartIndex);

                    char rank = line[line.Length - 3];
                    char suit = line[line.Length - 2];

                    var player = playerList[playerName];
                    if (!player.hasHoleCards)
                        player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();
                    if (rank == '0')
                        rank = 'T';

                    player.HoleCards.AddCard(new Card(rank, suit));

            //Expected End
            //*Player xx59704 shows: Straight to 8 [7s 4h]. Bets: 110.40. Collects: 220.30. Wins: 109.90.
            //Player Xavier2500 shows: Two pairs. Js and 8s [10h 8c]. Bets: 110.40. Collects: 0. Loses: 110.40.
            //Game ended at:
            for (int i = handLines.Length - playerList.Count - 1; i < handLines.Length - 1; i++)
                const int WinningStartOffset = 1;
                const int PlayerMinLength    = 7; // = "Player ".Length

                string summaryLine = handLines[i];

                int playerNameStartIndex = PlayerMinLength + (summaryLine[0] == '*' ? WinningStartOffset : 0);
                int playerNameEndIndex   = summaryLine.IndexOf(' ', playerNameStartIndex);

                int ShowIndex = summaryLine.IndexOfFast(" shows: ");
                if (ShowIndex != -1)
                    string playerName = summaryLine.Substring(playerNameStartIndex, ShowIndex - playerNameStartIndex);

                    int pocketStartIndex = summaryLine.IndexOf('[', playerNameEndIndex) + 1;
                    int pocketEndIndex   = summaryLine.IndexOf(']', pocketStartIndex);

                    Player showdownPlayer = playerList[playerName];
                    if (!showdownPlayer.hasHoleCards)
                        string cards = summaryLine.Substring(pocketStartIndex, pocketEndIndex - pocketStartIndex);
                        cards = cards.Replace("10", "T");
                        showdownPlayer.HoleCards = HoleCards.FromCards(cards);

Esempio n. 7
        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
             *  <player seat="3" name="RodriDiaz3" chips="$2.25" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0.08" rebuy="0" addon="0" />
             *  <player seat="8" name="Kristi48ru" chips="$6.43" dealer="1" win="$0.23" bet="$0.16" rebuy="0" addon="0" />
             *  or
             *  <player seat="5" name="player5" chips="$100000" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" />

            string[] playerLines = GetPlayerLinesFromHandLines(handLines);

            PlayerList playerList = new PlayerList();

            for (int i = 0; i < playerLines.Length; i++)
                string  playerName = GetNameFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                decimal stack      = GetStackFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                int     seat       = GetSeatNumberFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                playerList.Add(new Player(playerName, stack, seat)
                    IsSittingOut = true

            XDocument       xDocument      = GetXDocumentFromLines(handLines);
            List <XElement> actionElements =

            foreach (Player player in playerList)
                List <XElement> playerActions = actionElements.Where(action => action.Attribute("player").Value.Equals(player.PlayerName)).ToList();

                if (playerActions.Count == 0)
                    //Players are marked as sitting out by default, we don't need to update

                //Sometimes the first and only action for a player is to sit out - we should still treat them as sitting out
                bool playerSitsOutAsAction = playerActions[0].Attribute("type").Value == "8";
                if (playerSitsOutAsAction)

                player.IsSittingOut = false;

             * Grab known hole cards for players and add them to the player
             * <cards type="Pocket" player="pepealas5">CA CK</cards>

            string[] cardLines = GetCardLinesFromHandLines(handLines);

            for (int i = 0; i < cardLines.Length; i++)
                string handLine = cardLines[i];
                handLine = handLine.TrimStart();

                //To make sure we know the exact character location of each card, turn 10s into Ts (these are recognized by our parser)
                //Had to change this to specific cases so we didn't accidentally change player names
                handLine = handLine.Replace("10 ", "T ");
                handLine = handLine.Replace("10<", "T<");

                //We only care about Pocket Cards
                if (handLine[13] != 'P')

                //When players fold, we see a line:
                //<cards type="Pocket" player="pepealas5">X X</cards>
                //<cards type="Pocket" player="playername"></cards>
                //We skip these lines
                if (handLine[handLine.Length - 9] == 'X' || handLine[handLine.Length - 9] == '>')

                int    playerNameStartIndex = 29;
                int    playerNameEndIndex   = handLine.IndexOf('"', playerNameStartIndex) - 1;
                string playerName           = handLine.Substring(playerNameStartIndex,
                                                                 playerNameEndIndex - playerNameStartIndex + 1);
                Player player = playerList.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(playerName));

                int    playerCardsStartIndex = playerNameEndIndex + 3;
                int    playerCardsEndIndex   = handLine.Length - 9;
                string playerCardString      = handLine.Substring(playerCardsStartIndex,
                                                                  playerCardsEndIndex - playerCardsStartIndex + 1);
                string[] cards = playerCardString.Split(' ');
                if (cards.Length > 1)
                    player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards(player.PlayerName);
                    foreach (string card in cards)
                        //Suit and rank are reversed in these strings, so we flip them around before adding
                        player.HoleCards.AddCard(new Card(card[1], card[0]));

Esempio n. 8
        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
            int        currentLine = 1;
            PlayerList plist       = new PlayerList();

            //Parsing playerlist
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //<PLAYER NAME="fatima1975" SEAT="6" AMOUNT="4.27"></PLAYER>
                string Line = handLines[i + 1];
                if (Line[1] != 'P')
                    currentLine = i + 1;

                const int playerNameStartIndex = 14;
                int       playerNameEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', playerNameStartIndex);
                string    playerName           = Line.Substring(playerNameStartIndex, playerNameEndIndex - playerNameStartIndex);
                playerName = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(playerName);

                if (playerName == "UNKNOWN" || playerName == "")

                int seatStartIndex = playerNameEndIndex + 8;
                int seatEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', seatStartIndex);
                int seatNumber     = FastInt.Parse(Line, seatStartIndex);

                int     stackStartIndex = seatEndIndex + 10;
                int     stackEndIndex   = Line.IndexOf('\"', stackStartIndex);
                decimal stack           = decimal.Parse(Line.Substring(stackStartIndex, stackEndIndex - stackStartIndex), provider);

                var state = GetXMLAttributeValue(Line, "STATE");

                bool sitout = IsSitOutState(state);

                plist.Add(new Player(playerName, stack, seatNumber)
                    IsSittingOut = sitout

            //Parsing dealt cards
            for (int i = currentLine; i < handLines.Length; i++)
                string Line      = handLines[i];
                char   firstChar = Line[1];
                if (firstChar == 'A')
                    //<ACTION TYPE="HAND_BLINDS" PLAYER="ItalyToast" KIND="HAND_BB" VALUE="200.00"></ACTION>
                    //<ACTION TYPE="HAND_DEAL" PLAYER="AllinAnna">
                    const int actionTypeCharIndex = 19;
                    char      actionTypeChar      = Line[actionTypeCharIndex];
                    if (actionTypeChar == 'D')
                        string playerName = GetPlayerXMLAttributeValue(Line);
                        ParseDealtHand(handLines, i, plist[playerName]);
                if (firstChar == 'S')
                    currentLine = i + 1;

            //Parse Showdown cards
            int showDownIndex = GetShowdownStartIndex(handLines);

            if (showDownIndex != -1)
                Player currentPlayer = null;
                for (int i = showDownIndex; i < handLines.Length; i++)
                    string Line      = handLines[i];
                    char   firstChar = Line[1];

                    //<SHOWDOWN NAME="HAND_SHOWDOWN" POT="895.02" RAKE="15.00" MAINPOT="895.02" LEFTPOT="" RIGHTPOT="" STARTING="Player4">
                    //<RESULT PLAYER="Player4" WIN="0.00" HAND="$(STR_G_WIN_PAIR) $(STR_G_CARDS_DEUCES)" WINCARDS="40 1 0 9 45 ">
                    //<CARD LINK="46"></CARD>
                    //<CARD LINK="1"></CARD>
                    //<CARD LINK="9"></CARD>
                    //<CARD LINK="47"></CARD></RESULT>
                    if (firstChar == 'R')
                        string playerName = GetPlayerXMLAttributeValue(Line);
                        var    player     = plist[playerName];
                        if (!player.hasHoleCards)
                            currentPlayer = player;
                            currentPlayer = null;

                    //<CARD LINK="9"></CARD>
                    if (firstChar == 'C' && currentPlayer != null)
                        Card?parsedCard = ParseCard(Line);
                        if (parsedCard.HasValue)
                            if (currentPlayer.HoleCards == null)
                                currentPlayer.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();

        protected override PlayerList ParsePlayers(string[] handLines)
             *  <player seat="3" name="RodriDiaz3" chips="$2.25" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0.08" rebuy="0" addon="0" />
             *  <player seat="8" name="Kristi48ru" chips="$6.43" dealer="1" win="$0.23" bet="$0.16" rebuy="0" addon="0" />
             *  or
             *  <player seat="5" name="player5" chips="$100000" dealer="0" win="$0" bet="$0" />

            List <string> playerLines = GetPlayerLinesFromHandLines(handLines);

            PlayerList playerList = new PlayerList();

            for (int i = 0; i < playerLines.Count; i++)
                string  playerName = GetNameFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                decimal stack      = GetStackFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                int     seat       = GetSeatNumberFromPlayerLine(playerLines[i]);
                playerList.Add(new Player(playerName, stack, seat)
                    IsSittingOut = true

            var actionLines = handLines.Where(p => p.StartsWithFast("<act"));

            foreach (var line in actionLines)
                string player = GetPlayerFromActionLine(line);
                int    type   = GetActionTypeFromActionLine(line);

                //action line may have an empty name and then we skip it
                //<action no="3" sum="€0" cards="" type="9" player=""/>
                if (type != 8 && player != "")
                    playerList[player].IsSittingOut = false;

             * Grab known hole cards for players and add them to the player
             * <cards type="Pocket" player="pepealas5">CA CK</cards>

            List <string> cardLines = GetCardLinesFromHandLines(handLines);

            for (int i = 0; i < cardLines.Count; i++)
                string line = cardLines[i];

                //Getting the cards Type
                int  typeIndex = line.IndexOfFast("e=\"", 10) + 3;
                char typeChar  = line[typeIndex];

                //We only care about Pocket Cards
                if (typeChar != 'P')

                //When players fold, we see a line:
                //<cards type="Pocket" player="pepealas5">X X</cards>
                //<cards type="Pocket" player="playername"></cards>
                //We skip these lines
                if (line[line.Length - 9] == 'X' || line[line.Length - 9] == '>')

                int    playerNameStartIndex = line.IndexOfFast("r=\"", 10) + 3;
                int    playerNameEndIndex   = line.IndexOf('"', playerNameStartIndex) - 1;
                string playerName           = line.Substring(playerNameStartIndex,
                                                             playerNameEndIndex - playerNameStartIndex + 1);
                Player player = playerList.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(playerName));

                int    playerCardsStartIndex = line.LastIndexOf('>', line.Length - 11) + 1;
                int    playerCardsEndIndex   = line.Length - 9;
                string playerCardString      = line.Substring(playerCardsStartIndex,
                                                              playerCardsEndIndex - playerCardsStartIndex + 1);

                ////To make sure we know the exact character location of each card, turn 10s into Ts (these are recognized by our parser)
                ////Had to change this to specific cases so we didn't accidentally change player names
                playerCardString = playerCardString.Replace("10", "T");

                if (playerCardString.Length > 1)
                    player.HoleCards = HoleCards.NoHolecards();

                    for (int j = 0; j < playerCardString.Length; j += 3)
                        char suit = playerCardString[j];
                        char rank = playerCardString[j + 1];

                        player.HoleCards.AddCard(new Card(rank, suit));
