Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive an HL7 message over the connected network stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageDelimiters">Initial HL7 message delimiters - updated to actual delimters during method.</param>
        /// <returns>Correctly instantiated HL7 message.</returns>
        public Hl7Message ReceiveMessage(out Hl7MessageDelimiters messageDelimiters)
            // initialize the message delimiters to the default values
            messageDelimiters = new Hl7MessageDelimiters();

            Hl7Message hl7Message = new Hl7Message();

            if (_networkStream == null)

            // set the read / write timeouts for this stream - zero means no timeout.
            if (_readTimeout != 0)
                _networkStream.ReadTimeout = _readTimeout;
            if (_writeTimeout != 0)
                _networkStream.WriteTimeout = _writeTimeout;

            // initialise the segment content
            System.String rxSegment = System.String.Empty;

            // initialise the MLLP state
            MllpStateEnum mllpState = MllpStateEnum.WaitingForStartOfMessageChar;

            // loop waiting for the end of message character
            while (mllpState != MllpStateEnum.DoneWaiting)
                // check if data is available on network
                    // get the next character from the stream
                    int rxCode = _networkStream.ReadByte();
                    if (rxCode < 0)

                    char rxChar = (char)rxCode;

                    // switch on MLLP state
                    switch (mllpState)
                    case MllpStateEnum.WaitingForStartOfMessageChar:
                        // check if we have got the SOM
                        if (rxChar == _StartOfMessageChar)
                            // reset the segment
                            rxSegment = System.String.Empty;

                            // change state to waiting for end of segment
                            mllpState = MllpStateEnum.WaitingForEndOfSegmentChar;
                            Console.WriteLine("HL7 - MLLP: Waiting for SOM - got {0}...", rxChar);

                    case MllpStateEnum.WaitingForEndOfSegmentChar:
                        // check if we have got the end of segment
                        if (rxChar == _EndOfSegmentChar)
                            // check if we have the MSH segment
                            // - we need to get the message delimiters
                            if (rxSegment.StartsWith("MSH") == true)
                                // set the message delimiters to the values received
                                // - we assume that the MSH segment is formatted properly at least in the first few bytes
                                messageDelimiters = new Hl7MessageDelimiters(rxSegment.Substring(3, 5));

                            // segment is complete
                            Hl7Segment segment = new Hl7Segment();
                            segment.Decode(rxSegment, messageDelimiters);

                            // add the segment to the HL7 message

                            // reset the segment
                            rxSegment = System.String.Empty;
                        else if (rxChar == _EndOfMessageChar1)
                            // we have the first end of message - that's OK
                            // check if any characters have been received since the last end of segment
                            if (rxSegment == System.String.Empty)
                                // change state to waiting for second end of message
                                mllpState = MllpStateEnum.WaitingForEndOfMessageChar;
                                Console.WriteLine("HL7 - MLLP: First EOM does not immediately follow an EOS");
                            // save the received character in the current segment
                            rxSegment += rxChar;

                    case MllpStateEnum.WaitingForEndOfMessageChar:
                        // check if we have got the second end of message
                        if (rxChar == _EndOfMessageChar2)
                            // message is complete
                            mllpState = MllpStateEnum.DoneWaiting;
                            Console.WriteLine("HL7 - MLLP: Second EOM does not immediately follow first EOM");

                catch (System.Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("HL7 - MLLP: ReceiveMessage() Exception: {0}", e.Message);

            // return the correct instantiation of the received HL7 message
            return(Hl7MessageFactory.CreateHl7Message(hl7Message, messageDelimiters));