Esempio n. 1
        public void applyBlink(float elapsedTime, Player player, Vector3 move)
            BoundingBox playerBoundingBox = player.getBoundingBox();
            Vector3     cent = center(playerBoundingBox);

            //fix the move with a hitscan
            HitScan hs = hitscan(cent, Vector3.Normalize(move), null);

            if (hs != null && hs.Distance() < Math.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(move, move)))
                move = Vector3.Normalize(move) * hs.Distance() + hs.collisionFace.plane.getNormal() * 70;

            Vector3 offset       = center(playerBoundingBox) - player.getPosition();
            Vector3 playerRadius = size(playerBoundingBox) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 basePoint    = toESpace(playerRadius, cent);
            Vector3 evelocity    = toESpace(playerRadius, move);
            Vector3 pos          = collideWithWorld(playerRadius, basePoint, evelocity, 0, player);

            player.setPosition(toWorldSpace(playerRadius, pos) - offset);
Esempio n. 2
 public void splashDamage(Vector3 position, float size, float damage)
     foreach (Agent a in core.allAgents())
         if (a.spawnTime > 0)
         BoundingBox bb   = a.getBoundingBox();
         Vector3     cent = bb.Min + (bb.Max - bb.Min) * 0.5f;
         float       dist = Vector3.Distance(cent, position);
         if (dist < size)
             //do hitscan check
             HitScan hs = hitscan(position, cent - position, null);
             if (hs == null || hs.Distance() > dist)
        -= (int)Math.Ceiling(damage * Math.Pow(1 - dist / size, 0.5));