// THIS IS WHERE I WILL ADD CODE TO MAKE GAZE INTREACTIONS private void Update() { if (!FindGazeTransform()) { return; } if (DebugDrawRay) { // GazeOrigin is the HoloLens device, or my head // HitPosition is the closest object a ray from the HoloLens hits Debug.DrawRay(GazeOrigin, (HitPosition - GazeOrigin), Color.white); Debug.Log("My head is at position: " + GazeOrigin.ToString()); Debug.Log("Object closest to me is at position: " + HitPosition.ToString()); } // If I see the pink cube it should spin if (HitObject.transform.name == "SpinningCube") { HitObject.transform.GetComponent <CubeManager>().SpinCube(); seenObjects.Add(HitObject.transform.name); } if (HitObject.transform.name != "SpinningCube") { HitObject.transform.GetComponent <CubeManager>().StopSpinCube(); } // Homework: Detect the hidden object }
public void UpdateBulletData(float time, ref WorldMovement Movement) { if (Movement != default) { Vector3 currentPos = Movement.Position; Vector3 nextFramePos = Movement.Position + (Movement.MoveDirection * MuzzleVelocity * time); RayDistance = Vector3.Magnitude(nextFramePos - currentPos); if (RayDistance > 0) { if (IsHit) { Movement.SetPosition(HitPosition); } else { NextFramePos = nextFramePos; Movement.SetPosition(nextFramePos); } } else { "Log: Bullet is hit, position is ({0})".Log(HitPosition.ToString()); } } }