Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <List <DataPoint> > FetchData(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            List <DataPoint> dataPoints = new List <DataPoint>();

            // using data layer for fetching data
            ConfigurationManagerJSON configManager = new ConfigurationManagerJSON();

            HistoryDataAdapter adapter = new HistoryDataAdapter(configManager);
            List <int>         measIds = new List <int> {
            Dictionary <object, List <PMUDataStructure> > res = await adapter.GetDataAsync(startTime, endTime, measIds, true, false, 25);

            // check if result has one key since we queried for only one key
            if (res.Keys.Count == 1)
                // todo check the measId also

                List <PMUDataStructure> dataResults = res.Values.ElementAt(0);
                for (int resIter = 0; resIter < dataResults.Count; resIter++)
                    DateTime dataTime = dataResults[resIter].TimeStamp;
                    // convert the time from utc to local
                    dataTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind((TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dataTime, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, TimeZoneInfo.Local)), DateTimeKind.Local);
                    DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(dataTime), dataResults[resIter].Value[0]);

                // Create dataPoints based on the fetch strategy and max Resolution
                dataPoints = FetchHelper.GetDataPointsWithGivenMaxSampleInterval(dataPoints, MaxResolution, SamplingStrategy, DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(startTime));
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task GetDataAsyncTestAsync()
                HistoryDataAdapter adapter   = new HistoryDataAdapter(new ConfigurationManagerJSON());
                DateTime           startTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-2);
                DateTime           endTime   = startTime.AddMinutes(1);
                List <int>         measIds   = new List <int> {
                Dictionary <object, List <PMUDataStructure> > res = await adapter.GetDataAsync(startTime, endTime, measIds, true, false, 25);

                // check if start time is expected
                DateTime dataTime = res.Values.ElementAt(0)[0].TimeStamp;
                // convert the time from utc to local
                dataTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind((TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dataTime, TimeZoneInfo.Utc, TimeZoneInfo.Local)), DateTimeKind.Local);
                TimeSpan timeDiff = dataTime - startTime;
                Assert.AreEqual(timeDiff.TotalMilliseconds, 0);

                // check of result has keys with count same as measIds
                Assert.AreEqual(measIds.Count, res.Keys.Count);

                // since we are testing for full resolution, check if we have numSecs*25 samples
                Assert.AreEqual(res.Values.ElementAt(0).Count, Math.Floor((endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds) * 25);
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.Fail($"PMU History Data adapter get async data failed by throwing error - {e.Message}");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <Dictionary <object, List <PMUDataStructure> > > GetLineDataAsync(Dictionary <string, int> measDict, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            List <int> measIds  = measDict.Values.ToList();
            int        dataRate = 25;
            Dictionary <object, List <PMUDataStructure> > data = await historyDataAdapter.GetDataAsync(startTime, endTime, measIds, true, false, dataRate);

Esempio n. 4
        private async void FetchTestBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // test the data fetch
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
            DateTime endTime   = startTime.AddSeconds(5);

            Dictionary <Object, List <PMUDataStructure> > fetchResp = await historyDataAdapter.GetDataAsync(startTime, endTime, new List <int> {
            }, true, false, 25);
        public async Task GetDataTestAsync()
                ConfigManager configurationManager = new ConfigManager();
                HistoryDataAdapter historyDataAdapter = new HistoryDataAdapter();
                // test the data fetch
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
                DateTime endTime   = startTime.AddSeconds(5);

                int testKey  = 5505;
                int dataRate = 25;
                Dictionary <Object, List <PMUDataStructure> > fetchResp = await historyDataAdapter.GetDataAsync(startTime, endTime, new List <int> {
                }, true, false, dataRate);

                // check if we got exactly one key
                Assert.AreEqual(fetchResp.Count, 1);

                Assert.AreEqual((uint)fetchResp.Keys.ElementAt(0), (uint)testKey);

                // get the data of the key
                if (!fetchResp.TryGetValue((uint)testKey, out List <PMUDataStructure> measData))
                    // the key isn't in the dictionary.
                    Assert.Fail("Did not get data from the history data adapter dictionary via the measurement key");

                // Test the data list length as per the time span
                Assert.IsTrue(measData.Count == endTime.Subtract(startTime).Seconds *dataRate, "Got unexpected rows for a timespan");

                // check if we are not getting null data
                Assert.IsTrue(measData[0] != null, "Got a null data first row of the measurement");
            catch (Exception e)