Esempio n. 1
            public static size_t BrotliHistogramCombine(HistogramDistance *out_,
                                                        uint *cluster_size,
                                                        uint *symbols,
                                                        uint *clusters,
                                                        HistogramPair *pairs,
                                                        size_t num_clusters,
                                                        size_t symbols_size,
                                                        size_t max_clusters,
                                                        size_t max_num_pairs)
                double cost_diff_threshold = 0.0;
                size_t min_cluster_size    = 1;
                size_t num_pairs           = 0;

                    /* We maintain a vector of histogram pairs, with the property that the pair
                     * with the maximum bit cost reduction is the first. */
                    size_t idx1;
                    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < num_clusters; ++idx1)
                        size_t idx2;
                        for (idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < num_clusters; ++idx2)
                            BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(out_, cluster_size, clusters[idx1],
                                                        clusters[idx2], max_num_pairs, &pairs[0], &num_pairs);

                while (num_clusters > min_cluster_size)
                    uint   best_idx1;
                    uint   best_idx2;
                    size_t i;
                    if (pairs[0].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold)
                        cost_diff_threshold = 1e99;
                        min_cluster_size    = max_clusters;
                    /* Take the best pair from the top of heap. */
                    best_idx1 = pairs[0].idx1;
                    best_idx2 = pairs[0].idx2;
                    HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&out_[best_idx1], &out_[best_idx2]);
                    out_[best_idx1].bit_cost_ = pairs[0].cost_combo;
                    cluster_size[best_idx1]  += cluster_size[best_idx2];
                    for (i = 0; i < symbols_size; ++i)
                        if (symbols[i] == best_idx2)
                            symbols[i] = best_idx1;
                    for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i)
                        if (clusters[i] == best_idx2)
                            memmove(&clusters[i], &clusters[i + 1],
                                    (num_clusters - i - 1) * sizeof(uint));
                        /* Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair. */
                        size_t copy_to_idx = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < num_pairs; ++i)
                            HistogramPair *p = &pairs[i];
                            if (p->idx1 == best_idx1 || p->idx2 == best_idx1 ||
                                p->idx1 == best_idx2 || p->idx2 == best_idx2)
                                /* Remove invalid pair from the queue. */
                            if (HistogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], p))
                                /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */
                                HistogramPair front = pairs[0];
                                pairs[0]           = *p;
                                pairs[copy_to_idx] = front;
                                pairs[copy_to_idx] = *p;
                        num_pairs = copy_to_idx;

                    /* Push new pairs formed with the combined histogram to the heap. */
                    for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i)
                        BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(out_, cluster_size, best_idx1, clusters[i],
                                                    max_num_pairs, &pairs[0], &num_pairs);
Esempio n. 2
        public BudgetSegregation Calculate(string dodName, DirectoryInfo analysisFolder, DoDBase dod, Project.Masks.AttributeFieldMask mask)
            // Build the budget segregation result set object that will be returned. This determines paths
            BudgetSegregation bsResult = new BudgetSegregation(dodName, analysisFolder, mask, dod);

            // Retrieve the segregated statistics from the DoD rasters depending on the thresholding type used.
            Dictionary <string, GCDConsoleLib.GCD.DoDStats> results = null;

            if (dod is DoDMinLoD)
                results = RasterOperators.GetStatsMinLoD(dod.RawDoD.Raster, ((DoDMinLoD)dod).Threshold, mask.Vector, mask._Field, ProjectManager.Project.Units, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange);
                Raster propErr = ((DoDPropagated)dod).PropagatedError;

                if (dod is DoDProbabilistic)
                    results = RasterOperators.GetStatsProbalistic(dod.RawDoD.Raster, dod.ThrDoD.Raster, propErr, mask.Vector, mask._Field, ProjectManager.Project.Units, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange);
                    results = RasterOperators.GetStatsPropagated(dod.RawDoD.Raster, propErr, mask.Vector, mask._Field, ProjectManager.Project.Units, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange);

            // Retrieve the histograms for all budget segregation classes
            Dictionary <string, Histogram> rawHistos = RasterOperators.BinRaster(dod.RawDoD.Raster, DEFAULTHISTOGRAMNUMBER, mask.Vector, mask._Field, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange);
            Dictionary <string, Histogram> thrHistos = RasterOperators.BinRaster(dod.ThrDoD.Raster, DEFAULTHISTOGRAMNUMBER, mask.Vector, mask._Field, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange);

            decimal defaultBinWidth = 1;

            if (rawHistos.Count > 0)
                defaultBinWidth = (decimal)rawHistos.Values.First().BinWidth(ProjectManager.Project.Units).As(ProjectManager.Project.Units.VertUnit);

            // Make sure that the output folder and the folder for the figures exist

            // Build the output necessary output files
            int           classIndex = 1;
            StringBuilder legendText = new StringBuilder("Class Index, Class Name");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GCDConsoleLib.GCD.DoDStats> segClass in results)
                if (!rawHistos.ContainsKey(segClass.Key))
                    rawHistos.Add(segClass.Key, new Histogram(DEFAULTHISTOGRAMNUMBER, defaultBinWidth));

                if (!thrHistos.ContainsKey(segClass.Key))
                    thrHistos.Add(segClass.Key, new Histogram(DEFAULTHISTOGRAMNUMBER, defaultBinWidth));

                legendText.AppendLine(string.Format("{0},{1}", classIndex, segClass.Key));

                string   filePrefix = string.Format("c{0:000}", classIndex);
                FileInfo sumaryXML  = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(analysisFolder.FullName, string.Format("{0}_summary.xml", filePrefix)));
                FileInfo rawHstPth  = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(analysisFolder.FullName, string.Format("{0}_raw.csv", filePrefix)));
                FileInfo thrHstPth  = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(analysisFolder.FullName, string.Format("{0}_thr.csv", filePrefix)));

                GenerateSummaryXML(segClass.Value, sumaryXML);
                GenerateChangeBarGraphicFiles(analysisFolder, segClass.Value, 600, 600, filePrefix);

                WriteHistogram(rawHistos[segClass.Key], rawHstPth);
                WriteHistogram(thrHistos[segClass.Key], thrHstPth);

                HistogramPair histograms = new HistogramPair(rawHistos[segClass.Key], rawHstPth, thrHistos[segClass.Key], thrHstPth);

                BudgetSegregationClass bsClass = new BudgetSegregationClass(segClass.Key, segClass.Value, histograms, sumaryXML);
                bsResult.Classes[segClass.Key] = bsClass;


            // Generate the new inter-comparison spreadsheet
            FileInfo interCompare = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(analysisFolder.FullName, "InterCompare.xml"));

                InterComparison.Generate(results, interCompare);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Do nothing. Essentially optional
                Console.WriteLine("Error generating inter-comparison as part of a budget segregation " + ex.Message);

            // Write the class legend to file
            File.WriteAllText(bsResult.ClassLegend.FullName, legendText.ToString());

Esempio n. 3
            static void BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(
                HistogramDistance *out_, uint *cluster_size, uint idx1,
                uint idx2, size_t max_num_pairs, HistogramPair *pairs,
                size_t *num_pairs)
                bool          is_good_pair = false;
                HistogramPair p            = new HistogramPair();

                if (idx1 == idx2)
                if (idx2 < idx1)
                    uint t = idx2;
                    idx2 = idx1;
                    idx1 = t;
                p.idx1       = idx1;
                p.idx2       = idx2;
                p.cost_diff  = 0.5 * ClusterCostDiff(cluster_size[idx1], cluster_size[idx2]);
                p.cost_diff -= out_[idx1].bit_cost_;
                p.cost_diff -= out_[idx2].bit_cost_;

                if (out_[idx1].total_count_ == 0)
                    p.cost_combo = out_[idx2].bit_cost_;
                    is_good_pair = true;
                else if (out_[idx2].total_count_ == 0)
                    p.cost_combo = out_[idx1].bit_cost_;
                    is_good_pair = true;
                    double            threshold = *num_pairs == 0 ? 1e99 : Math.Max(0.0, pairs[0].cost_diff);
                    HistogramDistance combo     = out_[idx1];
                    double            cost_combo;
                    HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&combo, &out_[idx2]);
                    cost_combo = BitCostDistance.BrotliPopulationCost(&combo);
                    if (cost_combo < threshold - p.cost_diff)
                        p.cost_combo = cost_combo;
                        is_good_pair = true;
                if (is_good_pair)
                    p.cost_diff += p.cost_combo;
                    if (*num_pairs > 0 && HistogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], &p))
                        /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */
                        if (*num_pairs < max_num_pairs)
                            pairs[*num_pairs] = pairs[0];
                        pairs[0] = p;
                    else if (*num_pairs < max_num_pairs)
                        pairs[*num_pairs] = p;
Esempio n. 4
 protected abstract DoDBase GetDoDResult(string dodName, DoDStats changeStats, Raster rawDoD, Raster thrDoD, Raster errDoDPath, HistogramPair histograms, FileInfo summaryXML);
Esempio n. 5
 protected override DoDBase GetDoDResult(string dodName, DoDStats changeStats, Raster rawDoD, Raster thrDoD, Raster thrErr, HistogramPair histograms, FileInfo summaryXML)
     return(new DoDPropagated(dodName, rawDoD.GISFileInfo.Directory, NewSurface, OldSurface, AOIMask, rawDoD, thrDoD, thrErr, histograms, summaryXML, NewError, OldError, PropagatedErrRaster, changeStats));
Esempio n. 6
 protected override DoDBase GetDoDResult(string dodName, DoDStats changeStats, Raster rawDoD, Raster thrDoD, Raster errDoD, HistogramPair histograms, FileInfo summaryXML)
     return(new DoDMinLoD(dodName, rawDoD.GISFileInfo.Directory, NewSurface, OldSurface, AOIMask, rawDoD, thrDoD, errDoD, histograms, summaryXML, Threshold, changeStats));
        protected override DoDBase GetDoDResult(string dodName, DoDStats changeStats, Raster rawDoD, Raster thrDoD, Raster thrErr, HistogramPair histograms, FileInfo summaryXML)
            bool bBayesian = SpatialCoherence is CoherenceProperties;
            int  nFilter   = 0;

            if (SpatialCoherence is CoherenceProperties)
                nFilter = SpatialCoherence.BufferSize;

            return(new DoDProbabilistic(dodName, rawDoD.GISFileInfo.Directory, NewSurface, OldSurface, AOIMask, histograms, summaryXML, rawDoD, thrDoD, thrErr, NewError, OldError,
                                        PropagatedErrRaster, m_PriorProbRaster, m_PosteriorRaster, m_ConditionalRaster, m_SpatialCoErosionRaster, m_SpatialCoDepositionRaster,
                                        SpatialCoherence, Threshold, changeStats));