Esempio n. 1
        static void HighlightZones(SchedulerTask task)
            HighlightZoneArgs args = (HighlightZoneArgs)task.State;

            if (!args.Player.Supports(CpeExt.SelectionCuboid))
                task.Repeating = false; return;
            Zone zone = args.Zone;

            if (args.Repeats == 1)
                if (zone.Shows)
                    ColorDesc cola;
                    Colors.TryParseHex(zone.Config.ShowColor, out cola);
                    Vec3U16 mina = new Vec3U16(zone.MinX, zone.MinY, zone.MinZ);
                    Vec3U16 maxa = new Vec3U16((ushort)(zone.MaxX + 1), (ushort)(zone.MaxY + 1), (ushort)(zone.MaxZ + 1));
                    args.Player.Send(Packet.MakeSelection(zone.ID, zone.Config.Name, mina, maxa, cola.R, cola.G, cola.B, (byte)zone.Config.ShowAlpha, args.Player.hasCP437));
                task.Repeating = false;
            int j = (250 - args.Repeats) % 30;

            if (j >= 16)
                j = 30 - j;
            char      col = j < 10 ? (char)('0' + j) : (char)('A' + (j - 10));
            string    c   = new string(col, 6);
            ColorDesc colb;

            Colors.TryParseHex(c, out colb);
            Vec3U16 minb = new Vec3U16(zone.MinX, zone.MinY, zone.MinZ);
            Vec3U16 maxb = new Vec3U16((ushort)(zone.MaxX + 1), (ushort)(zone.MaxY + 1), (ushort)(zone.MaxZ + 1));

            args.Player.Send(Packet.MakeSelection(zone.ID, "ZInfo-" + zone.Config.Name, minb, maxb, colb.R, colb.G, colb.B, 127, args.Player.hasCP437));
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                Command zones = Find("ZoneList");
                if (p.CanUse(zones))
                    zones.Use(p, "");
                Help(p); return;
            string zonename = message.ToLower();
            Zone   z        = Matcher.FindZones(p, p.level, zonename);

            if (z == null)
                p.Message("No zones found with the name: &F" + zonename); return;
            p.Message("Information for Zone, {0}&S:", z.ColoredName);
            p.Message("  Ranks: {0} &S-> {1}", Group.GetColoredName(z.Config.BuildMin), Group.GetColoredName(z.Config.BuildMax));
            p.Message("  Bounds:");
            p.Message("    Min - &4X:&F{0} &AY:&F{1} &1Z:&F{2} ", z.MinX, z.MinY, z.MinZ);
            p.Message("    Max - &4X:&F{0} &AY:&F{1} &1Z:&F{2} ", z.MaxX, z.MaxY, z.MaxZ);
            p.Message("  Size: &F{0} &Sx &F{1} &Sx &F{2}", z.MaxX - z.MinX + 1, z.MaxY - z.MinY + 1, z.MaxZ - z.MinZ + 1);
            if (z.Config.BuildWhitelist.Count > 0)
                p.Message("  Whitelist: &F" + z.Config.BuildWhitelist.Join());
            if (z.Config.BuildBlacklist.Count > 0)
                p.Message("  Blacklist: &F" + z.Config.BuildBlacklist.Join());
            if (!p.Supports(CpeExt.SelectionCuboid))
            HighlightZoneArgs args = new HighlightZoneArgs()
                Player = p, Zone = z, Repeats = 250

            Server.Background.QueueRepeat(HighlightZones, args, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20));