Esempio n. 1
        public override void Load()

            string viewStateStr = _hiddenFiledPagePersister.ViewState as string; // Page.Request.Form[STATE_KEY];

            trace.WriteTrace(TraceSeverity.InformationEvent, TraceCategory.Content, "View state: " + viewStateStr);

            if (viewStateStr != null && viewStateStr.StartsWith(CacheKeyPrefix)) // state not inline check the cached state key
                string state = LoadState(viewStateStr);
                if (state == null)
                    trace.WriteTrace(TraceSeverity.CriticalEvent, TraceCategory.Content, "View state lost. Probably cached item expired.");
                        Pair data = (Pair)StateFormatter.Deserialize(state);
                        ViewState    = data.First;
                        ControlState = data.Second;
                        trace.WriteTrace(TraceSeverity.Exception, TraceCategory.Content, String.Format("Could not deserialize view state. View state is invalid."));
                ViewState    = _hiddenFiledPagePersister.ViewState;
                ControlState = _hiddenFiledPagePersister.ControlState;
        // Summary:
        //     Deserializes and loads persisted state from the repository when
        //     a System.Web.UI.Page object initializes its control hierarchy.
        // Exceptions:
        //   T:System.Web.HttpException:
        //     The System.Web.UI.SessionPageStatePersister.Load method could not successfully
        //     deserialize the state contained in the request to the Web server.
        public override void Load()
            string viewStateKey;

            if (UseDefaultViewStateHiddenField)
                // Get key from __VIEWSTATE hidden field
                HiddenFieldPageStatePersister _hiddenFiledPagePersister = new HiddenFieldPageStatePersister(Page);
                viewStateKey = _hiddenFiledPagePersister.ViewState as string;
                // Get key from custom hidden field
                //string viewStateKey = Page.Request.Params[ViewStateHiddenFieldName] as string;
                viewStateKey = Page.Request.Form[ViewStateHiddenFieldName] as string;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewStateKey))
                ViewStateInfo info = (ViewStateInfo)Repository.GetViewState(viewStateKey);

                IStateFormatter formatter = this.StateFormatter;
                Pair            statePair = (Pair)formatter.Deserialize((string)info.Value);

                ViewState    = statePair.First;
                ControlState = statePair.Second;

                // Remove from repository after serve