Esempio n. 1
    public override Vector3 FindNearestVertex(Vector3 fromPoint, bool doDebug = false)
        Vector3 face = FindNearestFace(fromPoint, gridPlane);                                                                   //find the nearest face in the world
        // calculate the offset of the point from the centre of the hex (local 3D coordinates)
        Vector3 facePoint = _transform.GFInverseTransformPointFixed(fromPoint) - _transform.GFInverseTransformPointFixed(face); // Vector3 -> Vector2

        //inside the tile (hex) there are six possibilities, we need to find the right one
        HexVertex vert = GetHexVert(facePoint);

        Vector3 toPoint = face;        // use the centre of the hex as a starting point

        // now move to the proper vertex
        if (vert == HexVertex.NE || vert == HexVertex.NW)        // move up
            toPoint += unitVectors[idx[1]] * 0.5f * height;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.SE || vert == HexVertex.SW)          // move down
            toPoint -= unitVectors[idx[1]] * 0.5f * height;

        if (vert == HexVertex.NE || vert == HexVertex.SE)        // move right
            toPoint += unitVectors[idx[0]] * 0.5f * radius;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.NW || vert == HexVertex.SW)          // move left
            toPoint -= unitVectors[idx[0]] * 0.5f * radius;

        if (vert == HexVertex.W)        //move left
            toPoint -= unitVectors[idx[0]] * radius;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.E)          //move right
            toPoint += unitVectors[idx[0]] * radius;

        if (doDebug)
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(toPoint, 0.3f);
Esempio n. 2
    // I think this returns the vertex in a vertex-based coordinate system (as opposed to the default face-based one)
    protected Vector3 GetVertexCoordinatesSomething(Vector3 world)
        Vector3 face      = FindNearestFace(world, gridPlane);                                                              //find the nearest face in the world
        Vector3 localFace = GetFaceCoordinates(world, gridPlane);                                                           //the same face but with local coordinates
        // calculate the offset of the point from the centre of the hex (local 3D coordinates)
        Vector3 facePoint = _transform.GFInverseTransformPointFixed(world) - _transform.GFInverseTransformPointFixed(face); // Vector3 -> Vector2

        //inside the tile (hex) there are six possibilities, we need to find the right one
        HexVertex vert = GetHexVert(facePoint);

        Vector3 vertex = localFace;        // use the centre of the hex as a starting point

//		Debug.Log("Face Point: " + facePoint + ", vertex: " + vert);

        vertex[idx[1]] = 2 * localFace[idx[1]];         // the quasi-Y of a vertex is at least twice the quasi-Y of the face

        if (vert == HexVertex.W || vert == HexVertex.E) // move one step up
        else if (vert == HexVertex.NW || vert == HexVertex.NE)          // move two steps up
            vertex[idx[1]]++; vertex[idx[1]]++;

        if (vert == HexVertex.NE || vert == HexVertex.E || vert == HexVertex.SE)       // move one step right

        if (Mathf.Abs(localFace[idx[0]] % 2) > 0.1)       // upwards shifted hexes add one step by default
//		Debug.Log("vertex: " + vertex + ", face: " + localFace);

Esempio n. 3
    // returns the direction from a face to the specified vertex (world space only!)
    protected Vector3 VertexToDirection(HexVertex vert, bool worldSpace = true)
        Vector3 dir = new Vector3();

        if (vert == HexVertex.E || vert == HexVertex.W)
            dir = unitVectors[idx[0]] * radius;
            if (vert == HexVertex.W)
                dir = -dir;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.N || vert == HexVertex.S)
            dir = unitVectors[idx[1]] * 0.5f * height;
            if (vert == HexVertex.S)
                dir = -dir;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.NE || vert == HexVertex.SW)
            dir = 0.5f * radius * unitVectors[idx[0]] + 0.5f * height * unitVectors[idx[1]];
            if (vert == HexVertex.SW)
                dir = -dir;
        else if (vert == HexVertex.NW || vert == HexVertex.SE)
            dir = -0.5f * radius * unitVectors[idx[0]] + 0.5f * height * unitVectors[idx[1]];
            if (vert == HexVertex.SE)
                dir = -dir;
