Esempio n. 1
        public void TestBestFirstGraphSearch()
            int size = 9;

            int[] goal = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
            NPuzzleState <int[]> goalState = new NPuzzleState <int[]>(goal);
            NPuzzleState <int[]> initial   = NPuzzleUtils.GenerateInitState(size);


            Problem.NPuzzleProblem <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> npuzzle = new Problem.NPuzzleProblem <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(goalState, initial);

            Assert.AreEqual(npuzzle.InitialState, initial);
            Assert.AreEqual(npuzzle.GoalState, goal);

            //Heuristics.HeuristicFunction<NPuzzleState<int[]>,int, int> handler = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Heuristics.Heurfun <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > handler = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;

                Assert.AreEqual(npuzzle.InitialState, initial);
                // Search.BestFirstGraphSearch<int[],int,int> bfgs = new Search.BestFirstGraphSearch<int[],int,int>(npuzzle, handler);
                SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> initialNode = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(npuzzle.InitialState);
//				Search.PriorityQueue<int, SearchTreeNode.Node<NPuzzleState<int[]>,int,int>> frontier = new Search.PriorityQueue<int, SearchTreeNode.Node<NPuzzleState<int[]>,int,int>>();

                Search.BestFirstGraphSearch <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> bfgs = new Search.BestFirstGraphSearch <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(npuzzle, handler);

                SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> node = bfgs.Search();
                List <int> solution = node.Solution();
                Console.WriteLine("Printing solution:");
                solution.ForEach(delegate(int a) {
                    Console.Write("{0} ", a);
            } catch (NPuzzleUtils.InvalidProblemException ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("There is an InvalidProblemException here doode");
                throw ex;
            } catch (NPuzzleUtils.InvalidProblemPropertyException ex)
                throw ex;
            } catch (System.NullReferenceException ex)
Esempio n. 2
        // private Heuristics.Heurfun<C, Node<E,A,C>> hf;
        // private PriorityQueue<C, Node<E,A,C>> frontier;
        //! TODO: Is there a better way to include the use
        //! of a heuristic function for AStar graph searches?
        //! Generally, it seems like it would be preferable
        //! to pass in a heuristic function, and add the
        //! result of the heuristic function to the
        //! pathCost of reaching the node from the root
        //! node, like:
        //! delegate (Node<E,A,C> node)
        //! {
        //!     return node.pathCost + hf(node);
        //! }
        //! Problem is, the compiler throws an error because
        //! both values are of type C, and there is no way
        //! to add such values at this point in time. Generally
        //! C should represent a numerical value of some kind
        //! , and hence the addition operator should work.
        //! But the compiler doesn't know this. So what type
        //! restriction can we impose on C?
        //! For now, simply

         * @param {Heuristics.Heurfun<Cost, Node<State, Action, Cost>>} hf - a heuristic function which
        public AStarGraphSearch(AbstractProblem <E, A, C> p, Heuristics.Heurfun <C, Node <E, A, C> > hf) : base(p, hf)
Esempio n. 3
        // private Heuristics.Heurfun<C, Node<E, A, C>> heurfun;
        //private Heuristics.HeuristicFunction<E,A,C> heurfun;

        public BestFirstGraphSearch(AbstractProblem <E, A, C> p, Heuristics.Heurfun <C, Node <E, A, C> > hf /*, PriorityQueue<C, Node<E,A,C>> f*/)
            frontier = new PriorityQueue <C, Node <E, A, C> >(hf);         // f
            problem  = p;
            //heurfun = hf;
Esempio n. 4
 public PriorityQueue(Heuristics.Heurfun <Key, Value> hf)
     frontier = new SortedList <Key, List <Value> >();
     keys     = frontier.Keys;
     heurfun  = hf;
Esempio n. 5
        public void RemoveIncumbent()
            Heuristics.Heurfun <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >   handler  = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > frontier = new Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >(handler);
            int size = 9;

            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>[] nodeArray = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> [100];
            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>   node;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                NPuzzleState <int[]> istate = NPuzzleUtils.GenerateInitState(size);
                node         = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(istate);
                nodeArray[i] = node;
                int heur = NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance(node);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestAppendToo()
            Heuristics.Heurfun <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >   handler  = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > frontier = new Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >(handler);
            int size = 9;

            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>[] nodeArray = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> [100];
            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>   node;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                NPuzzleState <int[]> istate = NPuzzleUtils.GenerateInitState(size);
                node         = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(istate);
                nodeArray[i] = node;
                //int heur = NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance(node);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                int heur = NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance(nodeArray[i]);
            int j = 0;

            int[] heurArray = new int[100];

            while (frontier.Count() > 0)
                node         = frontier.Pop();
                heurArray[j] = NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance(node);

            for (j = 0; j < 99; j++)
                Assert.True(heurArray[j] <= heurArray[j + 1]);
Esempio n. 7
        private Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > GetPriorityQueueToo()
            Heuristics.Heurfun <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >   handler  = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > frontier = new Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >(handler);
            int size = 9;

            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>[] nodeArray = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> [100];
            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>   node;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                NPuzzleState <int[]> istate = NPuzzleUtils.GenerateInitState(size);
                node         = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int>(istate);
                nodeArray[i] = node;
                //int heur = NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance(node);

Esempio n. 8
        private Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > GetPriorityQueue()
            // Heuristics.HeuristicFunction<NPuzzleState<int[]>,int,int> handler = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Heuristics.Heurfun <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >   handler  = Heuristics.NPuzzleHeuristics.ManhattanDistance;
            Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > frontier = new Search.PriorityQueue <int, SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> >(handler);
            //SortedList<int, List<SearchTreeNode.NPuzzleNode<int[],int,int> > > frontier = new SortedList<int, List<SearchTreeNode.NPuzzleNode<int[],int,int> > >();

            List <SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> > nodes = TestNode.CreateNodesForTesting();

            //! md = 12
            int[] s7 = { 6, 4, 3, 1, 9, 5, 8, 7, 2 };
            NPuzzleState <int[]> s7State = new NPuzzleState <int[]>(s7);

            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> node7 = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> (s7State);

            //! 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 8
            int[] s8 = { 1, 6, 3, 8, 4, 5, 7, 2, 9 };
            NPuzzleState <int[]> s8State = new NPuzzleState <int[]>(s8);

            SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> node8 = new SearchTreeNode.Node <NPuzzleState <int[]>, int, int> (s8State);
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                //int md = handler(node);