public async Task Help(params string[] args)
            string avatarUrl = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl();
            var    helpEmbed = new HelpEmbed(avatarUrl);

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : helpEmbed.Build());
Esempio n. 2
 public async Task HelpCommandAsync()
     bool      isAdmin = ServerData.HasPermissionLevel(BotUtils.GetGUser(Context), ServerData.PermissionLevel.ADMIN);
     bool      isMod   = ServerData.HasPermissionLevel(BotUtils.GetGUser(Context), ServerData.PermissionLevel.MODERATOR) || isAdmin;
     HelpEmbed he      = new HelpEmbed(Context, isMod, isAdmin);
     await he.Display(Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync().Result);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task Help(string category = "")
            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            HelpEmbed helpEmbeds = new HelpEmbed(_commandService.Modules);

            switch (category.ToLower())
            case "général":
                helpEmbeds.CurrentPage = 2;

            case "personnages":
                helpEmbeds.CurrentPage = 3;

            case "anima":
                helpEmbeds.CurrentPage = 4;

            case "l5r":
                helpEmbeds.CurrentPage = 5;

            case "audio":
                helpEmbeds.CurrentPage = 6;

            var msg = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : helpEmbeds.GetCurrentPage().Build());

            CommandHandlingService.HelpMessages.Add(msg.Id, helpEmbeds);
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000025c0"));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000025b6"));
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task RunAsync([Remainder] string Code = null)
            if (Code == null)
                var he = HelpEmbed.Build("run", MongoHelper.GetPrefix(Context.Guild.Id));
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : he, messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));


            string input = null;

            if (Code.Contains(","))
                await ReplyAsync("Please send a message containing the ASCII inputs for your code", messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));

                var msg = await NextMessageAsync();

                if (msg == null)
                    await ReplyAsync("**Timeout**, please send the run command again to retry", messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));


                input = msg.Content;

            Interpreter.ConsoleOutput = false;

            int steps = 0; double time = 0; string output = "";

                var t = Task.Run(() => Interpreter.Execute(Code, input));

                if (!t.Wait(10000))
                    await ReplyAsync("**TIMEOUT**\nExecution took too long", messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));


                (steps, time, output) = t.Result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await ReplyAsync(ex.Message, messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));


            EmbedBuilder e = new EmbedBuilder()
                             .WithAuthor($"Steps: {steps} | Execution Time: {time}ms")
                             .WithTitle("Finished Execution");

            if (output.Length > 1500 && output.Length <= 1_000_000)
                e.AddField("Output", "Output exceeded 1500 characters, so it will be included as an attachment");
                await ReplyAsync(embed : e.Build(), messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));

                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(GenerateStreamFromString(output), "output.txt");
            else if (output.Length > 1_000_000)
                e.AddField("Output", "Output exceeded 1MB and will not be sent");
                await ReplyAsync(embed : e.Build(), messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));

            if (output == "")
                e.AddField("Output", "Your code didn't produce any output");
                e.AddField("Output", "```\n" + output.Replace("`", "`\u200b") + "```");

            await ReplyAsync(embed : e.Build(), messageReference : new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), allowedMentions : new AllowedMentions(AllowedMentionTypes.None));
Esempio n. 5
        /*private async Task UpdateTrack(ControlPanel controlPanel, RestUserMessage message)//not used right now
         * {
         *  Timer _timer = new Timer(async _ =>
         *  {
         *      if(message == null) return;
         *      try
         *      {
         *          await controlPanel.ModifyMessage(message);
         *      }
         *      catch (Exception ex)
         *      {
         *          Console.WriteLine(ex);
         *          return;
         *      }
         *  },
         *  null,
         *  TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000),
         *  TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000));
         * }*/
        private async Task ClientReadyAsync()
            await _lavaNode.ConnectAsync();

            helpEmbed = new HelpEmbed(_client.CurrentUser);