Esempio n. 1
 // Set-up
 void Start()
     moveUp   = true;
     moveDown = false;
     //if (cardioWall == false)
         hCal   = GameObject.Find("HeightCalibrator").GetComponent <HeightCalibrator>();
         height = hCal.GetWallAdjustedHeight();
         //	height = 0;
Esempio n. 2
    private void Start()
        hitBox = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerHitBox>();
        hCal   = GameObject.Find("HeightCalibrator").GetComponent <HeightCalibrator>();

        if (leftHand == true)
            hand = SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand;
            hand = SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand;

        // Get the wand info for when we force close
        menuInterations[0] = this.transform.parent.Find("Controller (left)").GetComponent <WandControlMenuInteraction>();
        menuInterations[1] = this.transform.parent.Find("Controller (right)").GetComponent <WandControlMenuInteraction>();

        pausePos = new Vector3(.1f, .15f, -.15f);
        pauseRot = new Vector3(-45, 180, 0);
Esempio n. 3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Disable all gyms
        for (int i = 0; i < gyms.Length; i++)

        // Re - enable the one we want(or random if rand selected)
        int gymToEnable = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GymInd");

        // If random is selected or error just pick randomly
        if (gymToEnable >= gyms.Length || gymToEnable < 0)
            gymToEnable = Random.Range(0, gyms.Length);
        gyms[gymToEnable].SetActive(true);         // Enable that gym

        // rename it so paths still work
        gyms[gymToEnable].name = "GYM";

        // Get everything
        CUSTOM_ROUTINE_PATH = Application.persistentDataPath + "/CustomRoutineData.txt";
        hCal        = GameObject.Find("HeightCalibrator").GetComponent <HeightCalibrator>();
        waveShooter = GameObject.Find("WaveShooter").GetComponent <WaveShooter>();
        destroyWall = GameObject.Find("WallDestroyer").GetComponent <DestroyWall>();
        GameObject ccgo = GameObject.Find("CalorieCounterOrig");

        if (ccgo != null)
            calorieCounter = ccgo.GetComponent <CalorieCounter>();

        loadingReset = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < waveTransiton.Length; i++)
            waveTransiton[i] = true;

        timer        = 0;
        livesLeft    = 0;
        onBreakTimer = float.PositiveInfinity;

        // If the file doesnt exist then load the normal defaults, else read from file
        if (File.Exists(CUSTOM_ROUTINE_PATH) == false)
            // Enable all walls by default
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                wallTypesAllowed[i]       = true;
                cardioWallTypesAllowed[i] = true;

            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Constants.gameMode) == Constants.gameModeClassic)                    // Clasic Mode
                warmUp             = true;
                pauseAfterXWaves   = int.MaxValue;
                secondsToPauseFor  = 0;
                switchModesOnBreak = false;
            else                                                                                                                                                        // Arcade Mode
                warmUp = false;
                //livesLeft = 3;
                pauseAfterXWaves  = 50;
                secondsToPauseFor = 15;
                cardioMode        = false;
                // If we are on cardio mode we are acatually on cardio/squat mode
                if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Constants.cardioMode) == 1)
                    switchModesOnBreak = true;
                    switchModesOnBreak = false;

            // If we are in custom mode, check to update the stat
            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Constants.gameMode) == Constants.gameModeCustom)
                customRoutineStatCheck = true;
                // Set the arcade pause menus
                for (int i = 0; i < pauseMenues.Length; i++)
                    pauseMenues[i].SetPauseButton(Instantiate <GameObject>(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Other/PauseMenuCustom")));

Esempio n. 4
 void Start()
     counter = float.PositiveInfinity;
     boxCol  = this.GetComponents <BoxCollider>();
     hCal    = GameObject.Find("HeightCalibrator").GetComponent <HeightCalibrator>();