//-----------------// // Start Game-----// // Game On Start-// static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args) { try { if (ChampionName != PlayerInstance.BaseSkinName) { return; } Bootstrap.Init(null); Chat.Print("KKayle Addon Loading Success"); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 650); Q.CastDelay = 5; W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 900); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 650); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 900); if (Spell1("ignite")) { Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("K天使", "凯尔"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Criado por Bruno105 由 CH汉化"); // Combo Menu ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("连招", "连招"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("连招使用W", true)); ComboMenu.Add("useIgnite", new CheckBox("使用点燃", false)); // Harass Menu HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("骚扰", "骚扰"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("使用Q骚扰", true)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("使用W骚扰", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("使用E骚扰", true)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaH", new Slider("不使用技能当蓝低于", 30)); //Farm Menu FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("清线", "清线"); FarmMenu.Add("ManaF", new Slider("不使用技能当蓝低于", 40)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmQ", new CheckBox("使用Q尾兵", true)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmE", new CheckBox("使用Q尾兵", true)); FarmMenu.Add("MinionE", new Slider("小白数量多于时使用E技能清线", 3, 1, 5)); FarmMenu.AddSeparator(); FarmMenu.AddLabel("尾兵"); FarmMenu.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("使用Q尾兵", true)); // FarmMenu.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Use E to Last Hit", true)); // Heal Menu var allies = EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName); HealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("治疗", "治疗"); HealMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("自动W", true)); HealMenu.Add("HealSelf", new Slider("自身治疗当生命低于 %", 50)); HealMenu.Add("HealAlly", new Slider("治疗友方当生命低于 %", 50)); foreach (var a in allies) { HealMenu.Add("autoHeal_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("自动治疗友方 " + a.BaseSkinName)); } //--------------// //---Ultmate---// //------------// var ally = EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName); UltMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("大招", "大招"); UltMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("使用大招 ", true)); UltMenu.Add("UltSelf", new Slider("对自身大招当生命低于 %", 20)); UltMenu.Add("UltAlly", new Slider("对友方大招当生命低于 %", 20)); foreach (var a in ally) { UltMenu.Add("autoUlt_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("对友方使用大招 " + a.BaseSkinName)); } //------------// //-Draw Menu-// //----------// DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("线圈", "线圈"); // DrawMenu.Add("drawDisable", new CheckBox("Desabilidatar todos os Draw", false)); DrawMenu.Add("drawAA", new CheckBox("屏蔽AA范围", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("屏蔽Q线圈", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("屏蔽W线圈", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("屏蔽E线圈", true)); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.Print("KKayle: Exception occured while Initializing Addon. Error: " + e.Message); } }
//-----------------// // Start Game-----// // Game On Start-// static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args) { try { if (ChampionName != PlayerInstance.BaseSkinName) { return; } Bootstrap.Init(null); Chat.Print("KKayle Addon Loading Success"); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 650); Q.CastDelay = 5; W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 900); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 650); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 900); if (Spell1("ignite")) { Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("KKayle", "kayle"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Criado por Bruno105"); // Combo Menu ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "ComboKayle"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("W Kullan", true)); ComboMenu.Add("useIgnite", new CheckBox("Tutuştur Kullan", false)); // Harass Menu HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "HarassKayle"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Q Kullan", true)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("W Kullan", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("E Kullan", true)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaH", new Slider("Manam şundan azsa kullanma <=", 30)); //Farm Menu FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm", "FarmKayle"); FarmMenu.Add("ManaF", new Slider("Manam şundan azsa büyü kullanma <=", 40)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmQ", new CheckBox("Q Kullan", true)); FarmMenu.Add("FarmE", new CheckBox("E KUllan", true)); FarmMenu.Add("MinionE", new Slider("E için gereken minyon sayısı >=", 3, 1, 5)); FarmMenu.AddSeparator(); FarmMenu.AddLabel("Last Hit"); FarmMenu.Add("LastQ", new CheckBox("Q ile son vuruş", true)); // FarmMenu.Add("LastE", new CheckBox("Use E to Last Hit", true)); // Heal Menu var allies = EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName); HealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Heal", "HealKayle"); HealMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("W otomatik kullan", true)); HealMenu.Add("HealSelf", new Slider("W kendine kullan % HP", 50)); HealMenu.Add("HealAlly", new Slider("Dostlara Kullan % HP", 50)); foreach (var a in allies) { HealMenu.Add("autoHeal_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Dostlara can " + a.BaseSkinName)); } //--------------// //---Ultmate---// //------------// var ally = EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName); UltMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate", "UltKayle"); UltMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Otomatik Ulti ", true)); UltMenu.Add("UltSelf", new Slider("Ulti kendine kullan % HP", 20)); UltMenu.Add("UltAlly", new Slider("Dostlara kullan % HP", 20)); foreach (var a in ally) { UltMenu.Add("autoUlt_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Ulti Kullan " + a.BaseSkinName)); } //------------// //-Draw Menu-// //----------// DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draws", "DrawKayle"); // DrawMenu.Add("drawDisable", new CheckBox("Desabilidatar todos os Draw", false)); DrawMenu.Add("drawAA", new CheckBox("Devredışı Göster AA", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Devredışı Göster Q", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Devredışı Göster W", true)); DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Devredışı Göster E", true)); } catch (Exception e) { Chat.Print("KKayle: Exception occured while Initializing Addon. Error: " + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when Loading is Completed /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The loading arguments</param> private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { try { if (ChampionName != PlayerInstance.BaseSkinName) { return; } Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 800, SkillShotType.Circular, 283, 1100, 210); W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 550); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 925, SkillShotType.Circular, 500, 1750, 70); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, int.MaxValue); SorakaBuddy = MainMenu.AddMenu("SorakaBuddy", "SorakaBuddy"); // Combo Menu ComboMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Setting"); ComboMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("ManaManager"); ComboMenu.Add("manaQ", new Slider("Min Mana % before Q", 25)); ComboMenu.Add("manaE", new Slider("Min Mana % before E", 25)); // Harass Menu HarassMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Setting"); HarassMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E")); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("ManaManager"); HarassMenu.Add("manaQ", new Slider("Min Mana % before Q", 25)); HarassMenu.Add("manaE", new Slider("Min Mana % before E", 25)); // Heal Menu var allies = EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe).ToArray(); HealMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Auto Heal", "Heal"); HealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto W Setting"); HealMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W Allies and Me")); HealMenu.Add("autoWHP_self", new Slider("Own HP % before using W", 50)); HealMenu.Add("autoWHP_other", new Slider("Ally HP % before W", 50)); HealMenu.AddSeparator(); HealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto R Setting"); HealMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Auto R on HP %")); HealMenu.AddSeparator(); HealMenu.Add("hpR", new Slider("HP % before using R", 25)); HealMenu.AddSeparator(); HealMenu.AddLabel("Which Champion to Heal? Using W?"); foreach (var a in allies) { HealMenu.Add("autoHeal_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Auto Heal with W " + a.ChampionName)); } HealMenu.AddSeparator(); HealMenu.AddLabel("Which Champion to Heal? Using R?"); foreach (var a in allies) { HealMenu.Add("autoHealR_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Auto Heal with R " + a.ChampionName)); } HealMenu.Add("autoHealR_" + PlayerInstance.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Auto Heal Self with R")); HealMenu.AddSeparator(); // Interrupt Menu InterruptMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Interrupter", "Interrupter"); InterruptMenu.AddGroupLabel("Interrupter Setting"); InterruptMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E on Interrupt")); // Gapcloser Menu GapcloserMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Gapcloser", "Gapcloser"); GapcloserMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gapcloser Setting"); GapcloserMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Gapcloser")); GapcloserMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E on Gapcloser")); // Drawing Menu DrawingMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing"); DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Setting"); DrawingMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range")); DrawingMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range")); DrawingMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range")); // Misc Menu MiscMenu = SorakaBuddy.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Miscellaneous Setting"); MiscMenu.Add("disableMAA", new CheckBox("Disable Minion AA")); MiscMenu.Add("disableCAA", new CheckBox("Disable Champion AA")); MiscMenu.AddLabel("Prediction Settings"); var predictionSlider = MiscMenu.Add("Slider", new Slider("mode", 0, 0, 2)); var predictionArray = new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low" }; predictionSlider.DisplayName = predictionArray[predictionSlider.CurrentValue]; predictionSlider.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs) { sender.DisplayName = predictionArray[changeArgs.NewValue]; }; Chat.Print("SorakaBuddy: Initialized", Color.LightGreen); Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack; Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; } catch (Exception e) { Chat.Print("SorakaBuddy: Exception occured while Initializing Addon. Error: " + e.Message); } }