Esempio n. 1
        protected override void DoTaskForFile(string pPath, IVgmtWorkerStruct pPsf2DataFinderStruct, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Psf2DataFinderStruct psf2Struct = (Psf2DataFinderStruct)pPsf2DataFinderStruct;

            long offset;

            uint   sqLength;
            string sqName;
            int    sqNumber = 0;

            Psf2.ProbableItemStruct sqEntry;
            ArrayList sqFiles = new ArrayList();
            bool      sqNamingMessageDisplayed = false;

            uint   hdLength;
            string hdName;
            int    hdNumber = 0;

            HdStruct  hdObject;
            ArrayList hdArrayList = new ArrayList();

            ArrayList emptyRowList = new ArrayList();

            Psf2.ProbableItemStruct   potentialBd;
            Psf2.ProbableItemStruct[] potentialBdList;
            byte[] bdRow = new byte[0x10];

            // display file name
            this.progressStruct.GenericMessage = String.Format("[{0}]{1}", pPath, Environment.NewLine);
            this.ReportProgress(Constants.ProgressMessageOnly, this.progressStruct);

            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(pPath))
                string destinationFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(pPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pPath));

                // get HD Files
                #region HD EXTRACT
                this.progressStruct.GenericMessage = String.Format("  Extracting HD{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                this.ReportProgress(Constants.ProgressMessageOnly, this.progressStruct);

                offset = 0;

                while ((offset = ParseFile.GetNextOffset(fs, offset, Psf2.HD_SIGNATURE)) > -1)
                        hdLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset + 0xC, 4), 0);

                        hdName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.HD", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pPath), hdNumber++.ToString("X4"));
                        ParseFile.ExtractChunkToFile(fs, offset - 0x10, (int)hdLength,
                                                     Path.Combine(destinationFolder, hdName), true, true);

                        // get info
                        hdObject                  = new HdStruct();
                        hdObject.FileName         = hdName;
                        hdObject.startingOffset   = offset - 0x10;
                        hdObject.length           = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset + 0xC, 4), 0);
                        hdObject.expectedBdLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset + 0x10, 4), 0);
                        hdObject.vagSectionOffset = hdObject.startingOffset + BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset + 0x20, 4), 0);
                        hdObject.maxVagInfoNumber = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, hdObject.vagSectionOffset + 0xC, 4), 0);

                        hdObject.vagInfoOffsetAddr    = new long[hdObject.maxVagInfoNumber + 1];
                        hdObject.vagOffset            = new long[hdObject.maxVagInfoNumber + 1];
                        hdObject.vagLengths           = new long[hdObject.maxVagInfoNumber];
                        hdObject.IsSmallSamplePresent = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i <= hdObject.maxVagInfoNumber; i++)
                            hdObject.vagInfoOffsetAddr[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, hdObject.vagSectionOffset + 0x10 + (i * 4), 4), 0);
                            hdObject.vagOffset[i]         = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, hdObject.vagSectionOffset + hdObject.vagInfoOffsetAddr[i], 4), 0);

                            if (i > 0)
                                hdObject.vagLengths[i - 1] = hdObject.vagOffset[i] - hdObject.vagOffset[i - 1];

                                if (hdObject.vagLengths[i - 1] < Psf2.MIN_ADPCM_ROW_SIZE)
                                    hdObject.IsSmallSamplePresent = true;

                        // add to array
                    catch (Exception hdEx)
                        this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format("      Error extracting HD at offset 0x{0}: {1}{2}", offset.ToString("X8"), hdEx.Message, Environment.NewLine);
                        ReportProgress(progress, this.progressStruct);

                    // increment offset
                    offset += 1;

                // get SQ Files
                #region SQ EXTRACT
                this.progressStruct.GenericMessage = String.Format("  Extracting SQ{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                this.ReportProgress(Constants.ProgressMessageOnly, this.progressStruct);

                sqEntry = new Psf2.ProbableItemStruct();
                offset  = 0;

                // build file list
                while ((offset = ParseFile.GetNextOffset(fs, offset, Ps2SequenceData.SIGNATURE_BYTES)) > -1)
                    sqLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset + 0xC, 4), 0);

                    if ((!psf2Struct.UseSeqMinimumSize) || ((psf2Struct.UseSeqMinimumSize) &&
                                                            (sqLength >= psf2Struct.MinimumSize)))
                        sqEntry.offset = offset - 0x10;
                        sqEntry.length = sqLength;

                    offset += 1;

                foreach (Psf2.ProbableItemStruct sq in sqFiles)
                    if (psf2Struct.ReorderSqFiles)
                        if (hdArrayList.Count < sqFiles.Count)
                            if (!sqNamingMessageDisplayed)
                                this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format(
                                    "Warning, cannot reorder SQ files, there are less HD files than SQ files.{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                                this.ReportProgress(this.progress, this.progressStruct);
                                sqNamingMessageDisplayed = true;

                            sqName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.SQ", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pPath), sqNumber++.ToString("X4"));
                            hdObject = (HdStruct)hdArrayList[hdArrayList.Count - sqFiles.Count + sqNumber++];
                            sqName   = Path.ChangeExtension(hdObject.FileName, ".SQ");
                        sqName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.SQ", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pPath), sqNumber++.ToString("X4"));

                    ParseFile.ExtractChunkToFile(fs, sq.offset, (int)sq.length,
                                                 Path.Combine(destinationFolder, sqName), true, true);


                // get BD files
                #region BD EXTRACT
                this.progressStruct.GenericMessage = String.Format("  Extracting BD...WARNING, THIS CAN TAKE A LONG TIME...{0}", Environment.NewLine);
                this.ReportProgress(Constants.ProgressMessageOnly, this.progressStruct);

                offset = 0;

                // build list of potential adpcm start indexes
                potentialBd = new Psf2.ProbableItemStruct();

                while ((offset = ParseFile.GetNextOffset(fs, offset, Psf2.VB_START_BYTES, false)) > -1)
                    //if (offset == 0x1DD3800)
                    //    int fff = 1;

                    if ((psf2Struct.UseZeroOffsetForBd) && (offset % 0x10 == 0) ||
                            bdRow = ParseFile.ParseSimpleOffset(fs, offset, bdRow.Length);

                            if (Psf2.IsPotentialAdpcm(fs, offset + 0x10, Psf2.MIN_ADPCM_ROW_COUNT, false))
                                potentialBd.offset = offset;
                        catch (Exception bdEx)
                            this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format(" ERROR finding BD for <{0}> at Offset 0x{1}: {2}{3}", pPath, offset.ToString("X8"), bdEx.Message, Environment.NewLine);
                            this.ReportProgress(this.progress, this.progressStruct);

                    offset += 1;

                potentialBdList = (Psf2.ProbableItemStruct[])emptyRowList.ToArray(typeof(Psf2.ProbableItemStruct));

                // set probable lengths
                for (int i = 0; i < potentialBdList.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        potentialBdList[i - 1].length = (uint)(potentialBdList[i].offset - potentialBdList[i - 1].offset);

                // compare HD sample sizes to potential adpcm sizes/indexes
                hdObject.startingOffset   = 0;
                hdObject.length           = 0;
                hdObject.bdStartingOffset = 0;
                hdObject.bdLength         = 0;

                string   bdName;
                string   newFileName;
                string[] dupeFileNames;

                for (int i = 0; i < hdArrayList.Count; i++)
                    hdObject = (HdStruct)hdArrayList[i];
                    if (hdObject.vagLengths.Length < 1)
                        this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format(" ERROR building BD for <{0}>: {1} refers to a single VAG, cannot determine proper BD.  Skipping...{2}", pPath, hdObject.FileName, Environment.NewLine);
                        this.ReportProgress(this.progress, this.progressStruct);
                        for (int j = 0; j < potentialBdList.Length; j++)
                            // we have a potential match or are at the last item.
                            if ((hdObject.vagLengths[0] <= potentialBdList[j].length) ||
                                (potentialBdList[j].length == 0))
                                    hdObject = PopulateBdOffsetLength(fs, potentialBdList, j, hdObject);

                                    if (hdObject.bdLength > 0)
                                        // check for other BD files that matched and rename accordingly
                                        dupeFileNames = Directory.GetFiles(destinationFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hdObject.FileName) + "*.BD");

                                        if (dupeFileNames.Length >= 1)
                                            bdName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.BD", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hdObject.FileName), (dupeFileNames.Length).ToString("X4"));

                                            if (dupeFileNames.Length == 1)
                                                // rename existing
                                                newFileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.BD", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hdObject.FileName), (dupeFileNames.Length - 1).ToString("X4"));
                                                File.Move(dupeFileNames[0], Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dupeFileNames[0]), newFileName));
                                            bdName = Path.ChangeExtension(hdObject.FileName, ".BD");

                                        ParseFile.ExtractChunkToFile(fs, hdObject.bdStartingOffset, (int)hdObject.bdLength,
                                                                     Path.Combine(destinationFolder, bdName), true, true);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format("     ERROR building BD for <{0}>: {1}{2}", pPath, ex.Message, Environment.NewLine);
                                    this.ReportProgress(this.progress, this.progressStruct);
Esempio n. 2
        private HdStruct PopulateBdOffsetLength(Stream searchStream,
                                                Psf2.ProbableItemStruct[] potentialBdList, int potentialBdStartIndex,
                                                HdStruct hdObject)
            HdStruct ret         = hdObject;
            long     totalLength = 0;

            byte[] lastLine = new byte[0x10];
            string errorMessage;

            for (int i = 0; i < hdObject.vagLengths.Length; i++)
                if ((potentialBdStartIndex + i) >= potentialBdList.Length)
                    errorMessage = String.Format("  Warning, a potential BD match for {0} found at 0x{1}, " +
                                                 "but index would exceed array bounds.  It is suggested that you check manually if a match " +
                                                 "is not found at completion.{2}", hdObject.FileName,
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(errorMessage);
                    totalLength += hdObject.vagLengths[i];

                    if (i == (hdObject.vagLengths.Length - 1))
                        // check last value
                        searchStream.Position =
                            potentialBdList[potentialBdStartIndex + i].offset + hdObject.vagLengths[i] +
                            (hdObject.expectedBdLength - totalLength) - lastLine.Length;
                        searchStream.Read(lastLine, 0, lastLine.Length);

                        if (lastLine[1] == 3 ||
                            ParseFile.CompareSegment(lastLine, 0, Psf2.VB_END_BYTES_1) ||
                            ParseFile.CompareSegment(lastLine, 0, Psf2.VB_END_BYTES_2))
                            ret.bdStartingOffset = potentialBdList[potentialBdStartIndex].offset;
                            ret.bdLength         = hdObject.expectedBdLength;
                        else // reset in case a match has already been found for this HD
                            ret.bdStartingOffset = 0;
                            ret.bdLength         = 0;
                    else if (hdObject.vagLengths[i] != potentialBdList[potentialBdStartIndex + i].length)
                        // if we have a small sample, and a minimum number of matches, check the expected length
                        if (hdObject.IsSmallSamplePresent)
                            double matchPercentage = (double)i / (double)hdObject.vagLengths.Length;

                            if (matchPercentage >= Psf2.MIN_SAMPLE_MATCH_PERCENTAGE)
                                // check last row for expected length
                                searchStream.Position = potentialBdList[potentialBdStartIndex].offset + hdObject.expectedBdLength - lastLine.Length;
                                searchStream.Read(lastLine, 0, lastLine.Length);

                                if (lastLine[1] == 3 ||
                                    ParseFile.CompareSegment(lastLine, 0, Psf2.VB_END_BYTES_1) ||
                                    ParseFile.CompareSegment(lastLine, 0, Psf2.VB_END_BYTES_2))
                                    ret.bdStartingOffset = potentialBdList[potentialBdStartIndex].offset;
                                    ret.bdLength         = hdObject.expectedBdLength;

                                    this.progressStruct.GenericMessage = String.Format("     HD <{0}> contains a sample smaller than 0x{1}, partial matching will be used.  Be sure to thoroughly listen to assembled files.{2}", ret.FileName, Psf2.MIN_ADPCM_ROW_SIZE.ToString("X8"), Environment.NewLine);
                                    this.ReportProgress(Constants.ProgressMessageOnly, this.progressStruct);
                                else // reset in case a match has already been found for this HD
                                    ret.bdStartingOffset = 0;
                                    ret.bdLength         = 0;
                            else // reset in case a match has already been found for this HD
                                ret.bdStartingOffset = 0;
                                ret.bdLength         = 0;
                            ret.bdStartingOffset = -1;
                            ret.bdLength         = -1;

