public void HashtableClear()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var tiller = GetTiller();
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by GetOldestItem");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected oldest item to be equal to inserted item.");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");


            Assert.AreEqual(0, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be 0 after clear, even after GC.");
        public void HashtableItems()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by InsertItem");

            lock (stub.SyncRoot)
                foreach (var item in stub.Items)
                    Assert.IsTrue(item.HasValue, "Expected valid items return from iterator.");

                    Assert.IsTrue(filler.Remove(item.Value.Key), "Expected item to be present ONCE amongst filler items.");

            filler = GetFiller();

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");

            lock (stub.SyncRoot)
                foreach (var item in stub.Items)
                    Assert.IsTrue(item.HasValue, "Expected valid items return from iterator, even after GC.");

                    Assert.IsTrue(filler.Remove(item.Value.Key), "Expected item to be present ONCE amongst filler items, even after GC.");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, filler.Count, "Expected all items to be returned by iterator, even after GC.");
        public void HashtableRemoveItem()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var tiller = GetTiller();
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by GetOldestItem");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected oldest item to be equal to inserted item.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                if (!filler.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    int key = kvp.Key;
                    KeyValuePair <int, string>?removedItem;

                    Assert.IsFalse(stub.RemoveItem(ref key, out removedItem), "Removing not inserted item, expected false returned by RemoveItem");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                if (!filler.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    int key = kvp.Key;
                    KeyValuePair <int, string>?removedItem;

                    Assert.IsFalse(stub.RemoveItem(ref key, out removedItem), "Removing not inserted item, expected false returned by RemoveItem, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                int key = kvp.Key;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?removedItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.RemoveItem(ref key, out removedItem), "Inserted items, expected true returned by RemoveItem");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, removedItem.Value, "Expected removed item to be equal to inserted item.");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be 0 after all inserted items removed, even after GC.");

            //removing by multiple threads.
            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by GetOldestItem");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected oldest item to be equal to inserted item.");

            stub = new HashtableStub();
            int runningThreads = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    new WaitCallback(
                        delegate(object tgt)
                    int j = 0;

                    foreach (var kvp in filler)
                        int key = kvp.Key;
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                        stub.FindItem(ref key, out replacedItem);

                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem);
                            stub.RemoveItem(ref key, out replacedItem);

                        stub.FindItem(ref key, out replacedItem);

                        if (j == i)
                            j = 0;

                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref runningThreads);

                int wait = 200;

                }while (Interlocked.Decrement(ref wait) > 0 && runningThreads != 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, runningThreads, "Expected all threads to be finished by now.");
        public void HashtableGetOldestItem()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var tiller = GetFiller("alt:");
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.GetOldestItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by GetOldestItem");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected oldest item to be equal to inserted item.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.GetOldestItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All double inserts, expected true returned by GetOldestItem");

                Assert.IsTrue(replacedItem.HasValue, "Expected valid item as original item.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected replaced item to be original item.");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.GetOldestItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All double inserts, expected true returned by GetOldestItem, even after GC.");

                Assert.IsTrue(replacedItem.HasValue, "Expected valid item as original item, even after GC.");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected replaced item to be original item, even after GC.");

            //finding int multiple threads.
            stub = new HashtableStub();
            int runningThreads = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    new WaitCallback(
                        delegate(object tgt)
                    int j   = 0;
                    var set = i % 2 == 0 ? filler : tiller;

                    foreach (var kvp in set)
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                        stub.GetOldestItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem);

                        if (j == i)
                            j = 0;

                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref runningThreads);

                int wait = 200;

                }while (Interlocked.Decrement(ref wait) > 0 && runningThreads != 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, runningThreads, "Expected all threads to be finished by now.");

            //when he hashtable contains an item that is marked as garbage; it should not get returned by GetOldestItem.

            stub = new HashtableStub();

            KeyValuePair <int, string>?garbageItem = new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "garbage"); //specially marked as garbage.
            KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem2;

            stub.InsertItem(ref garbageItem, out replacedItem2);

            KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem2 = new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "not garbage");

            Assert.AreEqual(false, stub.GetOldestItem(ref newItem2, out replacedItem2), "Expected not to find a garbage item.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(garbageItem, replacedItem2, "Expected returned item not to be a stored garbage item.");
        public void HashtableFindItem()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var tiller = GetTiller();
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by InsertItem");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                int key = kvp.Key;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?foundItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.FindItem(ref key, out foundItem), "Expected return true on find on inserted key");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, foundItem.Value, "Expected found item to be same as inserted item.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                if (!filler.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    int key = kvp.Key;
                    KeyValuePair <int, string>?foundItem;

                    Assert.IsFalse(stub.FindItem(ref key, out foundItem), "Expected return false on find on NOT inserted key");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                int key = kvp.Key;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?foundItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.FindItem(ref key, out foundItem), "Expected return true on find on inserted key, even after GC.");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, foundItem.Value, "Expected found item to be same as inserted item, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in tiller)
                if (!filler.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    int key = kvp.Key;
                    KeyValuePair <int, string>?foundItem;

                    Assert.IsFalse(stub.FindItem(ref key, out foundItem), "Expected return false on find on NOT inserted key, even after GC.");

            //finding int multiple threads.
            filler = GetFiller();
            int runningThreads = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    new WaitCallback(
                        delegate(object tgt)
                    int j   = 0;
                    var set = i % 2 == 0 ? filler : tiller;

                    foreach (var kvp in set)
                        int key = kvp.Key;
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?foundItem;

                        Assert.IsTrue((set == filler) == stub.FindItem(ref key, out foundItem), "Expected return true on find on inserted key, even after GC and on multiple threads.");

                        if (j == i)
                            j = 0;

                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref runningThreads);

                int wait = 200;

                }while (Interlocked.Decrement(ref wait) > 0 && runningThreads != 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, runningThreads, "Expected all threads to be finished by now.");
        public void HashtableInsertItem()
            var filler = GetFiller();
            var stub   = new HashtableStub();

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsFalse(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All unique item inserts, expected false returned by InsertItem");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts.");


            Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 sec

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be same as number of unique inserts, even after GC.");

            foreach (var kvp in filler)
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                Assert.IsTrue(stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem), "All double inserts, expected true returned by InsertItem");

                Assert.IsTrue(replacedItem.HasValue, "Expected valid item as replaced item.");
                Assert.AreEqual(kvp, replacedItem.Value, "Expected replaced item to be equal to inserted item.");

            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count unchanged after only duplicate inserts.");

            lock (stub.SyncRoot)
                foreach (var item in stub.Items)
                    Assert.IsTrue(item.HasValue, "Expected valid items return from iterator.");

                    Assert.IsTrue(filler.Remove(item.Value.Key), "Expected item to be present ONCE amongst filler items.");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, filler.Count, "Expected all items to be returned by iterator.");

            //inserting from multiple threads.
            filler = GetFiller();
            stub   = new HashtableStub();
            int runningThreads = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    new WaitCallback(
                        delegate(object tgt)
                    int j = 0;

                    foreach (var kvp in filler)
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?newItem = kvp;
                        KeyValuePair <int, string>?replacedItem;

                        stub.InsertItem(ref newItem, out replacedItem);

                        if (j == i)
                            j = 0;

                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref runningThreads);

            int wait = 200;

            }while (Interlocked.Decrement(ref wait) > 0 && runningThreads != 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, runningThreads, "Expected all threads to be finished by now.");
            Assert.AreEqual(filler.Count, stub.Count, "Expected _Count to be equal to number of unique inserted items.");