/* This function takes in a list of strings (stored in the Inventory helper class) and returns a list
     * of InventoryItems. We need to do this because Unity doesn't serialize ScriptableObjects with JSON */
    public List <InventoryItem> ParseInventoryFromReference(Inventory inventory)
        List <InventoryItem> parsedInventory = new List <InventoryItem>();

        foreach (string item in inventory.savedInventory)
            /* This code is very complex for beginners to wrap their head around, but suffice it to say that we are using the
             * System.Linq include which lets us sort and manage lists in a very shorthand form. What we are actually doing
             * is querying a list of the custom struct HashtablePair (Declared at the bottom of the script) for the string/ID
             * we are looking for, and if we find it we return the associated InventoryItem */

            if (hashtable.Any(toCheck => toCheck.key == item))
                HashtablePair toAdd = hashtable.SingleOrDefault(toCheck => toCheck.key == item);
                Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse item with key: '" + item + "'");

    void Update()
        //This code is only executed in Edit mode. In here we update our list of references
        if (!Application.IsPlaying(gameObject))
            //We start by loading in all the ScriptableObjects we can find of the correct type and putting them in an array
            Resources.LoadAll("", typeof(InventoryItem));
            InventoryItem[] availableItemsHelper = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <InventoryItem>();

            //Using the HashtablePair struct (declared at the bottom of this class) we create a list of ScriptableObjects and an identifier (key) we can search for that object with
            hashtable = new List <HashtablePair>();

            foreach (InventoryItem item in availableItemsHelper)
                HashtablePair nextPair = new HashtablePair
                    value = item,
                    key   = item.name
