public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <JsonResult> AddCreditCard(string creditCard)
            var         message     = "";
            HashingData hashing     = new HashingData();
            var         userSession = SessionHelper.GetSession(AppSettingConstant.LoginSessionCustomer) as UserSession;

            if (userSession != null)
                var user = _userService.Find(u => u.Username == userSession.Username);
                if (user != null)
                    if (creditCard != null)
                        var card = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CreditCard>(creditCard);
                        card.CreditNumber = hashing.Decode(card.CreditNumber);
                        card.CreatedAt    = DateTime.Now;
                        card.Status       = Status.Active;
                        card.Expire       = card.Expire.Remove(3, 2);
                        card.CustomerId   = user.CustomerId.Value;
                        var added = await _creditcardService.AddAsync(card);

                        if (added != null)
                            return(Json(new { status = true, card = new { CreditNumber = AESEncrytDecry.DecryptStringAES(added.CreditNumber).Substring(12, 4), added.CreditCardId, added.Expire } }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json(new { status = false, message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 2
    IEnumerator SendUpdateIP()
        string hashString = HashingData.Md5Sum(PlayerName + SecretKey).ToLower();

        WWWForm wwwForm = new WWWForm();

        wwwForm.AddField("name", PlayerName);
        wwwForm.AddField("IP", IP);
        wwwForm.AddField("score", Score);
        wwwForm.AddField("type", "2");         // This will be to check on the server if we are sending IP correctly
        wwwForm.AddField("hash", hashString);

        WWW www = new WWW(SaveInfoPhpURL, wwwForm);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)
            Debug.Log(www.text == "successipdb" ? string.Format("Save the new IP {0} success!", IP) : www.text);
        // GET: Active
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string key)
            HashingData hashingData = new HashingData();

                key = hashingData.Decode(key);
                key = hashingData.DecryptString(key, AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash);
                var user = _userService.Find(u => u.Username.Equals(key) & u.Status.Equals(Status.Inactive));
                if (user != null)
                    if (user.ActiveMail != null)
                        if (hashingData.DecryptString(user.ActiveMail, AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash)
                            user.ActiveMail = null;
                            user.Status     = Status.Active;
                            await _userService.UpdateAsync(user, user.Username);

                            TempData["status"] = true;
            catch (Exception e)

        public JsonResult Register(User user, Customer customer)
            HashingData hashingData = new HashingData();

                user.Role          = UserRole.Customer;
                user.Status        = Status.Inactive;
                customer.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now;
                customer.Status    = Status.Inactive;
                user.Customer      = customer;
                var key = hashingData.EncryptString(user.Username, AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash);
                user.ActiveMail = key;
                user.CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now;
                var result = _userService.Register(user);
                if (result)
                    UserEmailConfirm model = new UserEmailConfirm(user.Email, hashingData.Encode(key), user.Username);
                    var body = ViewToString.RenderRazorViewToString(this, "ConfirmAccount", model);
                    Task.Factory.StartNew((() =>
                        SendEmail.Send(user.Email, body, "Confirm your email!");
                    return(Json(new { status = true, url = "/register/ConfirmEmail" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception e)
            return(Json(new { status = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 5
        public static void SendKeyAdmin()
            HashingData hashing    = new HashingData();
            var         key        = hashing.Encode(hashing.EncryptString(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash));
            var         body       = key;
            var         emailAdmin = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailadmin"];

            Task.Factory.StartNew((() =>
                SendEmail.Send(emailAdmin, body, "Key Admin");
Esempio n. 6
    IEnumerator RegisterRoutine()
        if (isRegister)
            yield return(null);

        isRegister = true;

        LoginManager.LoadingCache.ChangeText("Request Register", true);

        string hash = HashingData.Md5Sum(UserName + Email + Password + SecretKey).ToLower();

        WWWForm Form = new WWWForm();

        Form.AddField("name", UserName);
        Form.AddField("password", Password);
        Form.AddField("email", Email);
        Form.AddField("score", 0);
        Form.AddField("IP", LoginManager.IP);
        Form.AddField("hash", hash);

        WWW www = new WWW(RegisterPhpUrl, Form);

        LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Uploading your info to the DB. Stay still!");

        yield return(www);

        LoginManager.LoadingCache.ChangeText("Getting the response from DB.....", true, 3f);

        if (www.text == "Done")         // gonna check this for the server side programming
            LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Registered succesfully, good job." + "You can Login now.");
            this.GetComponent <LoginManager>().ShowLogin();

        isRegister = false;
Esempio n. 7
    public void RegisterUser()
        string hash = HashingData.Md5Sum(UserName + Email + Password + Re_Password);

        if (isRegister)         // if user has already registered

        if (UserName != string.Empty && Email != String.Empty && Password != String.Empty && Re_Password != String.Empty)
            if (Password == Re_Password)
                LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Passwords does not match");
            if (UserName == String.Empty)
                LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Username is empty");
            if (Email == String.Empty)
                LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Email is empty or you have entered an invalid email address");
            if (Password == String.Empty)
                LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Password is empty");
            if (Re_Password == String.Empty)
                LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Password is empty");
            LoginManager.UpdateDescription("Complete all the fields above.");
Esempio n. 8
        // GET: Admin/Login
        public ActionResult Index()
            HashingData hashing = new HashingData();
            var         key     = TempData["key"] as string;

            if (key != null)
                    var decodeKey = hashing.DecryptString(hashing.Decode(key), AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash);
                    var when      = DateTime.Parse(decodeKey);
                    if (when > DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-24))
                catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 9
    // end of comments

    IEnumerator Save(int s)
        string hash = HashingData.Md5Sum(PlayerName + SecretKey).ToLower();

        int score = s;

        WWWForm Form = new WWWForm();

        Form.AddField("name", PlayerName);
        Form.AddField("score", Score);
        Form.AddField("hash", hash);
        Form.AddField("type", "1");         //  This will be to check on the server if we are saving the info for the player

        WWW www = new WWW(SaveInfoPhpURL, Form);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error == null)
            Score = score;
        Debug.Log("info saved, great!!");
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <JsonResult> UpdateUser(User userUpdate, CreditCard creditCard)
            HashingData hashingData = new HashingData();
            var         userSession = SessionHelper.GetSession(AppSettingConstant.LoginSessionCustomer) as UserSession;

            if (userSession != null)
                var user = _userService.Find(u => u.Username == userSession.Username);
                if (user != null)
                    if (userUpdate.Customer.DateOfBirth != null)
                        user.Customer.DateOfBirth = userUpdate.Customer.DateOfBirth;
                    if (userUpdate.Password != null)
                        user.Password = hashingData.EncryptString(userUpdate.Password, AppSettingConstant.PasswordHash);
                    user.Customer.Gender       = userUpdate.Customer.Gender;
                    user.Customer.PhoneNumber  = userUpdate.Customer.PhoneNumber;
                    user.Customer.CustomerName = userUpdate.Customer.CustomerName;

                    user.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now;
                    foreach (var item in userUpdate.Customer.Addresses)
                        var checkAddr = _addressService.Find(a => a.AddressId == item.AddressId);
                        if (checkAddr != null)
                            checkAddr.AddressDetails = item.AddressDetails;
                            checkAddr.ModifiedAt     = DateTime.Now;
                            await _addressService.UpdateAsync(checkAddr, checkAddr.AddressId);
                            if (item.AddressDetails != null)
                                checkAddr = new Address();
                                checkAddr.AddressDetails = item.AddressDetails;
                                checkAddr.CreatedAt      = DateTime.Now;
                                checkAddr.CustomerId     = user.CustomerId;
                                checkAddr.Status         = Status.Active;
                                await _addressService.AddAsync(checkAddr);
                    if (creditCard.CreditNumber != null | creditCard.CVC != null | creditCard.Expire != null)
                        creditCard.CustomerId   = user.CustomerId.Value;
                        creditCard.CreatedAt    = DateTime.Now;
                        creditCard.Status       = Status.Active;
                        creditCard.CreditNumber = hashingData.Decode(creditCard.CreditNumber);
                    var result = await _userService.UpdateAsync(user, user.Username);

                    if (result != null)
                        return(Json(new { status = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json(new { status = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 11
 public UserService(IBaseRepository <User> repositoryUser)
     _repositoryUser = repositoryUser;
     _hashingData    = new HashingData(AppSettingConstant.SaltLength);
Esempio n. 12
 public UserService(IBaseRepository <User> repositoryUser) : base(repositoryUser)
     _repositoryUser = repositoryUser;
     _hashingData    = new HashingData();