Esempio n. 1
        private bool IsDuplicateInput(PublicMessageEventArgs e)
            // clean up the input, lowercase it and replace all consecutive non-readable characters to a single _
            string str = Regex.Replace($"{e.Message?.Text}{e.Message?.Caption}".ToLowerInvariant(), "[^a-zA-Z0-9]*", "_");

            if (str.Length < 256)
            var hash           = HashUtils.CalculateSHA1Hash(str);
            var hashCollection = DB.GetCollection <MessageHash>();

            hashCollection.Delete(x => (DateTime.UtcNow - x.UtcWhen) > TimeSpan.FromDays(3)); // keep it clean
            var hashRecord = hashCollection.Find(x => x.Hash == hash).FirstOrDefault();

            if (hashRecord != null)
                InsultUserForCopyPasting(e, hashRecord);
                hashRecord = new MessageHash
                    Hash      = hash,
                    User      = e.Message.From,
                    UtcWhen   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    MessageID = e.Message.MessageID,
                    ChatID    = e.Message.Chat.ID
                _log.Info($"{e.Message.From.ShortName()} just sent a long message with hash {hash}, which I promptly stored.");
Esempio n. 2
        private void Run()
            var channelID = Settings.PublicationChannel.Value;

            _log.Info($"Starting worker thread for {nameof(SummarizeActiveRaids)}");
            while (!_cts.IsCancellationRequested)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Hour >= 21 || DateTime.UtcNow.Hour < 4)
                        _log.Trace($"Skipping summary update cycle because the server rests.");

                    var publishedRaids = DB.GetCollection <RaidParticipation>().Find(x => x.Raid != null && x.Raid.RaidEndTime >= DateTime.UtcNow && x.Raid.RaidUnlockTime <= (DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromHours(1)) && x.IsPublished).ToArray();

                    List <long> channels = new List <long> {
                        Settings.PublicationChannel ?? 0
                    // (only main channel) channels.AddRange(publishedRaids.SelectMany(r => r.Raid?.Publications?.Select(x => x.ChannelID) ?? new long[] { }));

                    // Restricted to only the main channel. All other channels are managed separately by different code.
                    foreach (var channel in channels.Distinct().ToArray())
                        StringBuilder message         = new StringBuilder();
                        var           raidsForChannel = publishedRaids.Where(x => (channel == Settings.PublicationChannel) && x.IsPublished).ToArray();
                        foreach (var raid in raidsForChannel.OrderBy(x => x.Raid.RaidEndTime))
                            string url = $"{Settings.BotAddress}raids/{raid.PublicID}";

                            message.AppendLine($"{TimeService.AsShortTime(raid.Raid.RaidUnlockTime)}: {_HTML_(raid.Raid.Raid)} @ {_HTML_(raid.Raid.Gym)} ({raid.NumberOfParticipants()})\r\n<a href=\"{url}\">Online inschrijven (nieuw)</a>");

                        var updateRecord = DB.GetCollection <ChannelUpdateMessage>().Find(x => x.ChannelID == channel).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (null == updateRecord)
                            updateRecord = new ChannelUpdateMessage
                                ChannelID = channel,
                                MessageID = long.MaxValue,
                                Hash      = string.Empty
                            DB.GetCollection <ChannelUpdateMessage>().Insert(updateRecord);

                        var hash = HashUtils.CalculateSHA1Hash(message.ToString());
                        if (!string.Equals(hash, updateRecord.Hash) /*|| (DateTime.UtcNow - updateRecord.LastModificationDate > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))*/)
                            if (NewRaidPosted || updateRecord.MessageID == long.MaxValue)
                                NewRaidPosted = false;

                                // A new message was posted or the summary was never posted yet, delete the current message and posty a new summary
                                if (updateRecord.MessageID != long.MaxValue)
                                        Client.DeleteMessage(channel, updateRecord.MessageID);
                                        updateRecord.MessageID = long.MaxValue;
                                        updateRecord.Hash      = hash;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        _log.Warn(ex, $"Could not delete summary-message {updateRecord.MessageID} from channel {channel}");

                                    var postedMessage = Client.SendMessageToChat(channel, message.ToString(), "HTML", true, true, null, null);
                                    if (null != postedMessage)
                                        updateRecord.MessageID = postedMessage.MessageID;
                                        _log.Warn($"Could not post summary-message to channel {channel} - null reply");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    _log.Warn(ex, $"Could not post summary-message to channel {channel}");
                            else if (updateRecord.MessageID != long.MaxValue)
                                // There is no new raid posted, so update the current one
                                Client.EditMessageText($"{channel}", updateRecord.MessageID, null, message.ToString(), "HTML", true, null, "channel");
                                updateRecord.Hash = hash;

                        updateRecord.LastModificationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        DB.GetCollection <ChannelUpdateMessage>().Update(updateRecord);
                catch (ThreadAbortException)
                    _log.Info($"Abort requested for thread.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _log.Error(ex, "Error in SummarizeActiveRaids thread. Ignoring.");
            _log.Info($"Stopped worker thread for {nameof(SummarizeActiveRaids)}");