Esempio n. 1
        private unsafe void BeginMainIndexRecovery(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            ulong num_bytes,
            bool isAsync = false)
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);

            int numChunks = 1;

            if (totalSize > uint.MaxValue)
                numChunks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalSize / (long)uint.MaxValue);
                numChunks = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(numChunks, 2)));

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            recoveryCountdown = new CountdownWrapper(numChunks, isAsync);
            HashBucket *start = state[version].tableAligned;

            ulong numBytesRead = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < numChunks; index++)
                IntPtr chunkStartBucket             = (IntPtr)(((byte *)start) + (index * chunkSize));
                HashIndexPageAsyncReadResult result = default;
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                device.ReadAsync(numBytesRead, chunkStartBucket, chunkSize, AsyncPageReadCallback, result);
                numBytesRead += chunkSize;
            Debug.Assert(numBytesRead == num_bytes);
        private unsafe void BeginMainIndexCheckpoint(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            out ulong numBytesWritten)
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);

            int numChunks = 1;

            if (totalSize > uint.MaxValue)
                numChunks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalSize / (long)uint.MaxValue);
                numChunks = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(numChunks, 2)));

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            mainIndexCheckpointCallbackCount = numChunks;
            mainIndexCheckpointSemaphore     = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
            HashBucket *start = state[version].tableAligned;

            numBytesWritten = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < numChunks; index++)
                long chunkStartBucket = (long)start + (index * chunkSize);
                HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult result = default;
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, numBytesWritten, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
                numBytesWritten += chunkSize;
Esempio n. 3
        private unsafe void BeginMainIndexCheckpoint(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            out ulong numBytesWritten)
            int  numChunks = 1;
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);

            Debug.Assert(totalSize < (long)uint.MaxValue); // required since numChunks = 1

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            mainIndexCheckpointCallbackCount = numChunks;
            mainIndexCheckpointSemaphore     = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
            HashBucket *start = state[version].tableAligned;

            numBytesWritten = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < numChunks; index++)
                long chunkStartBucket = (long)start + (index * chunkSize);
                HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult result = default;
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, numBytesWritten, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
                numBytesWritten += chunkSize;
Esempio n. 4
        private void BeginMainIndexRecovery(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            ulong num_bytes)
            int  numChunksToBeRecovered = 1;
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);

            Debug.Assert(totalSize < (long)uint.MaxValue); // required since numChunks = 1

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunksToBeRecovered);

            mainIndexRecoveryEvent = new CountdownEvent(numChunksToBeRecovered);
            HashBucket *start = state[version].tableAligned;

            ulong numBytesRead = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < numChunksToBeRecovered; index++)
                long chunkStartBucket = (long)start + (index * chunkSize);
                HashIndexPageAsyncReadResult result = default(HashIndexPageAsyncReadResult);
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                device.ReadAsync(numBytesRead, (IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, chunkSize, AsyncPageReadCallback, result);
                numBytesRead += chunkSize;
            Debug.Assert(numBytesRead == num_bytes);
Esempio n. 5
 public static void ReleaseExclusiveLatch(HashBucket *bucket)
     long expected_word = bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex];
     long desired_word  = expected_word & Constants.kAddressMask;
     var  found_word    = Interlocked.Exchange(
         ref bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex],
Esempio n. 6
        internal unsafe void BeginMainIndexCheckpoint(int version, IDevice device, out ulong numBytesWritten, bool useReadCache = false, SkipReadCache skipReadCache = default)
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);

            int numChunks = 1;

            if (useReadCache && (totalSize > (1L << 25)))
                numChunks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalSize / (1L << 25));
                numChunks = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(numChunks, 2)));
            else if (totalSize > uint.MaxValue)
                numChunks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalSize / (long)uint.MaxValue);
                numChunks = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(numChunks, 2)));

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            mainIndexCheckpointCallbackCount = numChunks;
            mainIndexCheckpointSemaphore     = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
            HashBucket *start = state[version].tableAligned;

            numBytesWritten = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < numChunks; index++)
                IntPtr chunkStartBucket = (IntPtr)((byte *)start + (index * chunkSize));
                HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult result = default;
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                if (!useReadCache)
                    device.WriteAsync(chunkStartBucket, numBytesWritten, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
                    result.mem = new SectorAlignedMemory((int)chunkSize, (int)device.SectorSize);
                    bool prot = false;
                    if (!epoch.ThisInstanceProtected())
                        prot = true;
                    Buffer.MemoryCopy((void *)chunkStartBucket, result.mem.aligned_pointer, chunkSize, chunkSize);
                    for (int j = 0; j < chunkSize; j += sizeof(HashBucket))
                        skipReadCache((HashBucket *)(result.mem.aligned_pointer + j));
                    if (prot)

                    device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)result.mem.aligned_pointer, numBytesWritten, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
                numBytesWritten += chunkSize;
Esempio n. 7
        internal bool UpdateSlot(HashBucket *bucket, int entrySlot, long expected, long desired, out long found)
            found = Interlocked.CompareExchange(
                ref bucket->bucket_entries[entrySlot],

            return(found == expected);
Esempio n. 8
        public static bool TryAcquireExclusiveLatch(HashBucket *bucket)
            long expected_word = bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex];

            if ((expected_word & ~Constants.kAddressMask) == 0)
                long desired_word = expected_word | kExclusiveLatchBitMask;
                var  found_word   = Interlocked.CompareExchange(
                    ref bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex],
                return(found_word == expected_word);
Esempio n. 9
        internal bool FindTag(long hash, ushort tag, ref HashBucket *bucket, ref int slot, ref HashBucketEntry entry)
            var target_entry_word = default(long);
            var entry_slot_bucket = default(HashBucket *);
            var version           = resizeInfo.version;
            var masked_entry_word = hash & state[version].size_mask;

            bucket = state[version].tableAligned + masked_entry_word;
            slot   = Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot;

                // Search through the bucket looking for our key. Last entry is reserved
                // for the overflow pointer.
                for (int index = 0; index < Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex; ++index)
                    target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + index);
                    if (0 == target_entry_word)

                    entry.word = target_entry_word;
                    if (tag == entry.Tag)
                        slot = index;

                        // If (final key, return immediately)
                        //if ((entry.tag & ~Constants.kTagMask) == 0) -- Guna: Is this correct?
                        if (!entry.Tentative)

                target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex) & Constants.kAddressMask;
                // Go to next bucket in the chain

                if (target_entry_word == 0)
                    entry = default(HashBucketEntry);
                bucket = (HashBucket *)overflowBucketsAllocator.GetPhysicalAddress(target_entry_word);
            } while (true);
Esempio n. 10
        private void BeginMainIndexCheckpoint(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            out ulong numBytesWritten)
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);
            int  numChunks = (int)(totalSize >> 23);

            if (numChunks == 0)
                numChunks = 1;

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            mainIndexCheckpointEvent = new CountdownEvent(1);
            HashBucket *start          = state[version].tableAligned;
            int         startNumChunks = 1;

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult result = new HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult
                start       = start,
                numChunks   = numChunks,
                numIssued   = startNumChunks,
                numFinished = 0,
                chunkSize   = chunkSize,
                device      = device,
                sw          = sw

            numBytesWritten = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < startNumChunks; index++)
                long chunkStartBucket = (long)start + (index * chunkSize);
                device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, ((ulong)index) * chunkSize, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
                //Console.WriteLine("Initial WriteAsync {0}: {1}", index, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            numBytesWritten = ((ulong)numChunks) * chunkSize;
Esempio n. 11
        private bool FindOtherTagMaybeTentativeInternal(long hash, ushort tag, ref HashBucket *bucket, ref int slot, HashBucket *except_bucket, int except_entry_slot)
            var target_entry_word = default(long);
            var entry_slot_bucket = default(HashBucket *);

                // Search through the bucket looking for our key. Last entry is reserved
                // for the overflow pointer.
                for (int index = 0; index < Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex; ++index)
                    target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + index);
                    if (0 == target_entry_word)

                    HashBucketEntry entry = default(HashBucketEntry);
                    entry.word = target_entry_word;
                    if (tag == entry.Tag)
                        if ((except_entry_slot == index) && (except_bucket == bucket))

                        slot = index;

                target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex) & Constants.kAddressMask;
                // Go to next bucket in the chain

                if (target_entry_word == 0)
                bucket = (HashBucket *)overflowBucketsAllocator.GetPhysicalAddress(target_entry_word);
            } while (true);
Esempio n. 12
        internal void FindOrCreateTag(long hash, ushort tag, ref HashBucket *bucket, ref int slot, ref HashBucketEntry entry, long BeginAddress)
            var version           = resizeInfo.version;
            var masked_entry_word = hash & state[version].size_mask;

            while (true)
                bucket = state[version].tableAligned + masked_entry_word;
                slot   = Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot;

                if (FindTagOrFreeInternal(hash, tag, ref bucket, ref slot, ref entry, BeginAddress))

                // Install tentative tag in free slot
                entry           = default(HashBucketEntry);
                entry.Tag       = tag;
                entry.Address   = Constants.kTempInvalidAddress;
                entry.Pending   = false;
                entry.Tentative = true;

                if (0 == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bucket->bucket_entries[slot], entry.word, 0))
                    var orig_bucket = state[version].tableAligned + masked_entry_word;
                    var orig_slot   = Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot;

                    if (FindOtherTagMaybeTentativeInternal(hash, tag, ref orig_bucket, ref orig_slot, bucket, slot))
                        bucket->bucket_entries[slot] = 0;
                        entry.Tentative          = false;
                        *((long *)bucket + slot) = entry.word;
Esempio n. 13
        private void _BeginMainIndexRecovery(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            ulong num_bytes)
            numChunksToBeRecovered = 1;                       // Constants.kNumMergeChunks;
            long        chunkSize  = state[version].size / 1; // Constants.kNumMergeChunks;
            HashBucket *start      = state[version].tableAligned;
            uint        sizeOfPage = (uint)chunkSize * (uint)sizeof(HashBucket);

            uint num_bytes_read = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < 1 /*Constants.kNumMergeChunks*/; index++)
                HashBucket *chunkStartBucket        = start + (index * chunkSize);
                HashIndexPageAsyncReadResult result = default(HashIndexPageAsyncReadResult);
                result.chunkIndex = index;
                device.ReadAsync(num_bytes_read, (IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, sizeOfPage, AsyncPageReadCallback, result);
                num_bytes_read += sizeOfPage;
            Debug.Assert(num_bytes_read == num_bytes);
Esempio n. 14
        private void BeginMainIndexCheckpoint(
            int version,
            IDevice device,
            out ulong numBytesWritten)
            long totalSize = state[version].size * sizeof(HashBucket);
            int  numChunks = (int)(totalSize >> 23);

            if (numChunks == 0)
                numChunks = 1;

            uint chunkSize = (uint)(totalSize / numChunks);

            mainIndexCheckpointEvent = new CountdownEvent(1);
            HashBucket *start          = state[version].tableAligned;
            int         startNumChunks = 1;

            HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult result = new HashIndexPageAsyncFlushResult
                start       = start,
                numChunks   = numChunks,
                numIssued   = startNumChunks,
                numFinished = 0,
                chunkSize   = chunkSize,
                device      = device

            numBytesWritten = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < startNumChunks; index++)
                long chunkStartBucket = (long)start + (index * chunkSize);
                device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)chunkStartBucket, ((ulong)index) * chunkSize, chunkSize, AsyncPageFlushCallback, result);
            numBytesWritten = ((ulong)numChunks) * chunkSize;
Esempio n. 15
 public static void ReleaseSharedLatch(HashBucket *bucket)
     Interlocked.Add(ref bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex],
Esempio n. 16
 public static bool TryAcquireSharedLatch(HashBucket *bucket)
     return(Interlocked.Add(ref bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex],
                            kPinConstant) > 0);
 private HashBucket* GetBucket()
     var bucket = _hb_cp;
     _hb_cp = bucket + (iHSubMask + 1);
     if (_hb_cp <= _hb_ep)
         return bucket;
     uint hbSize;
     if (_cbuckets < 2048)
         _hb_cp = (HashBucket*)GetBig();
         hbSize = iBigBlockSize + SizeofRcp;
         var hash = new LargePage(_virtual_memory, 4) { next = _lpHash };
         hbSize = hash.size;
         _lpHash = hash;
         _hb_cp = (HashBucket*);
     _hb_ep = (HashBucket*)((byte*)_hb_cp + hbSize);
     return GetBucket();
Esempio n. 18
        private bool FindTagOrFreeInternal(long hash, ushort tag, ref HashBucket *bucket, ref int slot, ref HashBucketEntry entry, long BeginAddress = 0)
            var target_entry_word = default(long);
            var recordExists      = false;
            var entry_slot_bucket = default(HashBucket *);

                // Search through the bucket looking for our key. Last entry is reserved
                // for the overflow pointer.
                for (int index = 0; index < Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex; ++index)
                    target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + index);
                    if (0 == target_entry_word)
                        if (slot == Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot)
                            slot = index;
                            entry_slot_bucket = bucket;

                    entry.word = target_entry_word;
                    if (entry.Address < BeginAddress && entry.Address != Constants.kTempInvalidAddress)
                        if (entry.word == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bucket->bucket_entries[index], Constants.kInvalidAddress, target_entry_word))
                            if (slot == Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot)
                                slot = index;
                                entry_slot_bucket = bucket;
                    if (tag == entry.Tag && !entry.Tentative)
                        slot         = index;
                        recordExists = true;

                target_entry_word = *(((long *)bucket) + Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex);
                // Go to next bucket in the chain

                if ((target_entry_word & Constants.kAddressMask) == 0)
                    if (slot == Constants.kInvalidEntrySlot)
                        // Allocate new bucket
                        var  logicalBucketAddress  = overflowBucketsAllocator.Allocate();
                        var  physicalBucketAddress = (HashBucket *)overflowBucketsAllocator.GetPhysicalAddress(logicalBucketAddress);
                        long compare_word          = target_entry_word;
                        target_entry_word  = logicalBucketAddress;
                        target_entry_word |= (compare_word & ~Constants.kAddressMask);

                        long result_word = Interlocked.CompareExchange(
                            ref bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex],

                        if (compare_word != result_word)
                            // Install failed, undo allocation; use the winner's entry
                            target_entry_word = result_word;
                            // Install succeeded
                            bucket = physicalBucketAddress;
                            slot   = 0;
                            entry  = default(HashBucketEntry);
                        if (!recordExists)
                            bucket = entry_slot_bucket;
                        entry = default(HashBucketEntry);

                bucket = (HashBucket *)overflowBucketsAllocator.GetPhysicalAddress(target_entry_word & Constants.kAddressMask);
            } while (true);

 private void ResetSlabs()
     _cbuckets = 0;
     // hash bucket extra mem pages are returned to system on reset.
     if (_lpHash != null)
         for (var ls = _lpHash; ls != null; ls =
         _lpHash = null;
     if (_lpBase == null)
         _lpBase = new LargePage(_virtual_memory, 4);
     _htable = (HashBucket*);
     // init shared tables with clean values.
     for (var i = 0; i < _config.HashTableSize; i++)
         _htable[i] = new HashBucket();
     var bp = (byte*)(_htable + _config.HashTableSize);
     _stabs = (int*)bp;
     // encoding slab max size and pos like -> 32 : 0
     _stabs[0] = 0x200000; _stabs[1] = 0x400001;
     _slabs = (SlabList*)_align((byte*)(_stabs + 1 + (iLastSlabSize + SizeofRcp) / iQuantum));
     // calculate slabs indexes and max sizes.
     int sbts = 64, scnt = 2, pos = scnt;
     for (var half = sbts / 2; sbts < iLastSlabSize; half = sbts / 2)
         for (var es = sbts + half; sbts < es; sbts += iQuantum) _stabs[pos++] = scnt | (es << 16);
         for (var es = sbts + half; sbts < es; sbts += iQuantum) _stabs[pos++] = scnt | (es << 16);
     _stabs[pos] = scnt;
     bp = _align((byte*)(_slabs + scnt + 1));
     // pre-allocate ~32k into every slab slot.
     var quot = sbts / 4;
     while (scnt-- > 0)
         RefCountPtr* ls = null;
         var count = 0;
         for (var todo = 32768; todo > 0; count++, todo -= sbts, bp += sbts)
             var rc = (RefCountPtr*)bp;
             rc->_list = ls; ls = rc;
         _slabs[scnt].Set(ls, count);
         sbts -= quot;
         if ((scnt & 1) != 0) quot = sbts / 4;
     // pre-allocate 256k into hash table buckets;
     _hb_cp = (HashBucket*)bp;
     _hb_ep = (HashBucket*)(bp += 256 * 1024);
     // pre-allocate ~1mb into big-mem chunks.
     _sbigs = null; _cntBigs = 0; sbts = iBigBlockSize + SizeofRcp;
     for (int left = 1024 * (1024 + 16); left > 0; _cntBigs++, left -= sbts, bp += sbts)
         var rc = (RefCountPtr*)bp;
         rc->_list = _sbigs; _sbigs = rc;
     // pre-allocate large memory pages for cache purposes.
     if (!_config.ReserveMemory)
         _cntPages = 1 + (int)((Stats.MemoryLimit - 1) / _config.AllocPageSize);
     if (_lpList != null)
         if (_config.ReserveMemory) { }
             for (var ls = _lpList; ls != null; ls =
             _lpList = null;
     else if (_config.ReserveMemory)
         for (var bytes = Stats.MemoryLimit; bytes > 0; bytes -= _lpList.size)
             _lpList = new LargePage(_virtual_memory, _config.AllocPageSize) { next = _lpList };
     _lpNext = _lpList;
     _cp = bp; _ep = + _lpBase.size;
Esempio n. 20
        public static bool NoSharedLatches(HashBucket *bucket)
            long word = bucket->bucket_entries[Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex];

            return((word & ~Constants.kAddressMask) == 0);