Esempio n. 1
        public uiIdentSwapper(uiIdent ident, int ID, string Text)
            texT = Text;
            IDENTIFIER             = ID;
            Ident_UI               = ident;
            tagNameList            = new TagNameList(string.Format("{0}\\Tag Lists\\{1}.taglist", (object)Application.StartupPath, (object)ident.HMap.Map_Header.internalName));
            ident.HMap.tagNameList = tagNameList;
            ident.HMap.LoadTagsIntoTreeview(treeView1, false);
            int tagIndexByIdent = ident.HMap.GetTagIndexByIdent(IDENTIFIER);

            if (tagIndexByIdent == -1)
            HaloMap.TagItem indexItem = ident.HMap.Index_Items[tagIndexByIdent];
            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < treeView1.Nodes.Count; ++index1)
                if (treeView1.Nodes[index1].Tag.ToString() == indexItem.Class)
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < treeView1.Nodes[index1].Nodes.Count; ++index2)
                        if (treeView1.Nodes[index1].Nodes[index2].Text.Contains(texT))
                            treeView1.SelectedNode = treeView1.Nodes[index1].Nodes[index2];
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function loads the UI and sets the meta instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meta">The meta instance to set and swap.</param>
        public SwapTagHeader(HaloMap.TagItem meta)
            //Initialize our component.

            //Set our meta instance
            Meta = meta;

            //Loop through our tag hierarchy classes
            foreach (TagHierarchy.TagHClass TClass in Meta.Map.TagHierarchy.TagClasses)
                //If this is our tagclass we're looking for.
                if (TClass.TagClass == Meta.Class)
                    //Loop for each meta
                    foreach (TagHierarchy.TagHName TName in TClass.Tags)
                        //Add our tagname to the combobox.

            //Sort our combobox
            comboBoxEx1.Sorted = true;

            //Select our first item
            comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 3
            /// <summary>
            /// This form of initializing loads the RawPools.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Map">The map to load the raw pools for</param>
            public RawPoolsList(HaloMap Map)
                //Create our variable to hold the play index
                int playIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Map.IndexItems.Count; i++)
                    if (Map.IndexItems[i].Class == "play")
                        playIndex = i;

                //If we found the play tag..
                if (playIndex != -1)
                    //Obtain the tag instance of the play tag
                    HaloMap.TagItem play_tag = Map.IndexItems[playIndex];

                    //Go to the tag offset + 24
                    Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = play_tag.Offset + 24;
                    int poolCount   = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32();
                    int poolPointer = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32() - Map.MapHeader.mapMagic;

                    //Loop for each chunk
                    for (int i = 0; i < poolCount; i++)
                        //Initialize our chunk
                        RawPool rawPool = new RawPool();

                        //Set our offset of our raw pool.
                        rawPool.ChunkOffset = poolPointer + (i * 88);

                        //Go to the chunk location.
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position  = poolPointer + (i * 88);
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position += 4;

                        //Read our external map index.
                        rawPool.ExternalMapIndex = Map.IO.In.ReadInt16();

                        //Go to our raw offset value's offset
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position += 2;
                        rawPool.RawOffset              = Map.IO.In.ReadUInt32();
                        rawPool.CompressedSize         = Map.IO.In.ReadUInt32();
                        rawPool.DecompressedSize       = Map.IO.In.ReadUInt32();

                        //Go to our raw chunk count offset
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = poolPointer + (i * 88) + 84;
                        rawPool.RawChunkCount         = Map.IO.In.ReadInt16();

                        //Add it to our list
 public MetaHeader_DataBlock(HaloMap.TagItem tag)
     base.Reflexive_Data_Blocks = new List <PluginLayoutCreator.Reflexive_DataBlock>();
     base.Tag_Idents            = new List <PluginLayoutCreator.Tag_Ident>();
     base.Tag_Voids             = new List <PluginLayoutCreator.Tag_Void>();
     base.Data_Block_Type       = PluginLayoutCreator.PluginDataBlock.DataBlockType.Meta_Header;
     base.Count   = 1;
     base.Pointer = tag.Offset;
     Tag_Class    = tag.Class;
Esempio n. 5
        private void documentContainer1_ActiveDocumentChanged(object sender, ActiveDocumentEventArgs e)
            //Try to parse the tag as an integer.
            //Return if we catch an error

            //Set our changing status
            ChangingTab = true;

            //Get our index item
            HaloMap.TagItem tabbedTag = Map.IndexItems[int.Parse(documentContainer1.ActiveDocument.Tag.ToString())];

            //Loop through all treenodes
            for (int i = 0; i < tvMetaTree.Nodes.Count; i++)
                //If it's class is that of this tag
                if (tvMetaTree.Nodes[i].Tag.ToString() == tabbedTag.Class)
                    //Loop through all child nodes
                    for (int z = 0; z < tvMetaTree.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count; z++)
                        //If it's name is that of this tag
                        if (tvMetaTree.Nodes[i].Nodes[z].Text == tabbedTag.Name)
                            //Select that tag
                            tvMetaTree.SelectedNode = tvMetaTree.Nodes[i].Nodes[z];
                            //Break out of this loop of code
                    //Break out of this block of code

            //Set our changing status
            ChangingTab = false;
Esempio n. 6
        private void buttonX1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string    fileName = AppSettings.Settings.PluginPath + Meta.Class.Replace(" ", "").Replace("<", "_").Replace(">", "_") + ".asc";
            XmlParser parser   = new XmlParser();

            int headerSize = parser.HeaderSize;

            HaloMap.TagItem item = Meta.Map.Index_Items[Meta.Map.GetTagIndexByClassAndName(Meta.Class, comboBox1.Text)];
            Meta.Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = item.Offset;
            byte[] buffer = Meta.Map.IO.In.ReadBytes(headerSize);
            Meta.Map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = Meta.Offset;
            OutputMessenger.OutputMessage("Tag header successfully swapped to: \"" + Meta.Name + "." + Meta.Class + "\"", (Control)form);
Esempio n. 7
 public SwapTagHeader(HaloMap.TagItem meta, MapForm mf)
     Meta = meta;
     form = mf;
     foreach (TagHierarchy.TagHClass class2 in Meta.Map.Tag_Hierarchy.TagClasses)
         if (class2.TagClass == Meta.Class)
             foreach (TagHierarchy.TagHName name in class2.Tags)
     comboBox1.Sorted        = true;
     comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 8
            public MetaHeader_DataBlock(HaloMap.TagItem tag)
                //Initialize our list
                Reflexive_Data_Blocks = new List <Reflexive_DataBlock>();
                Tag_Idents            = new List <Tag_Ident>();

                //Set the type
                Data_Block_Type = DataBlockType.Meta_Header;

                //Set our count as 1
                Count = 1;

                //Set our pointer
                Pointer = tag.Offset;

                //Set our class
                Tag_Class = tag.Class;
Esempio n. 9
            /// <summary>
            /// This form of initializing loads the raw locations.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Map">The map file to load from.</param>
            public RawLocationsList(HaloMap Map)
                //Create our variable to hold the play index
                int playIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Map.IndexItems.Count; i++)
                    if (Map.IndexItems[i].Class == "play")
                        playIndex = i;

                //If we found the play tag..
                if (playIndex != -1)
                    //Obtain the tag instance of the play tag
                    HaloMap.TagItem play_tag = Map.IndexItems[playIndex];

                    //Go to the tag offset + 48
                    Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = play_tag.Offset + 48;
                    int locationsCount   = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32();
                    int locationsPointer = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32() - Map.MapHeader.mapMagic;

                    //Loop for each chunk
                    for (int i = 0; i < locationsCount; i++)
                        //Initialize our chunk
                        RawLocation rawLoc = new RawLocation();

                        //Go to the chunk location.
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = locationsPointer + (i * 16);

                        //Read our raw pool indexes
                        rawLoc.RawPoolIndexMultiple = Map.IO.In.ReadInt16();
                        rawLoc.RawPoolIndexSingle   = Map.IO.In.ReadInt16();
                        rawLoc.OffsetOfRawInPool    = Map.IO.In.ReadUInt32();

                        //Add it to our list
Esempio n. 10
        private void buttonX1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get our plugin path.
            string pluginPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\plugins\\" +
                                Meta.Class.Replace(" ", "").Replace("<", "_").Replace(">", "_") +

            //Get our header size
            XmlParser xmlparser = new XmlParser();

            //Parse our plugin

            //Get our headersize
            int HeaderSize = xmlparser.HeaderSize;

            //Get our meta for our tag to swap to
            HaloMap.TagItem Meta_To_Swap_To = Meta.Map.IndexItems[Meta.Map.GetTagIndexByClassAndName(Meta.Class, comboBoxEx1.Text)];

            //Open our map IO

            //Go to our meta to swap to
            Meta.Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = Meta_To_Swap_To.Offset;

            //Read our bytes
            byte[] meta_header = Meta.Map.IO.In.ReadBytes(HeaderSize);

            //Go to our meta header for our tag to overwrite
            Meta.Map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = Meta.Offset;

            //Write our meta_header.

            //Close our map IO

            //Close our dialog.

            //Show our messagebox
Esempio n. 11
            /// <summary>
            /// This form of initialization loads the external maps.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Map">The map instance to read external map paths from.</param>
            public ExternalMapsList(HaloMap Map)
                map = Map;

                //Create our variable to hold the play index
                int playIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Map.IndexItems.Count; i++)
                    if (Map.IndexItems[i].Class == "play")
                        playIndex = i;

                //If we found the play tag..
                if (playIndex != -1)
                    //Obtain the tag instance of the play tag
                    HaloMap.TagItem play_tag = Map.IndexItems[playIndex];

                    //Go to the tag offset + 12
                    Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = play_tag.Offset + 12;
                    int externCount   = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32();
                    int externPointer = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32() - Map.MapHeader.mapMagic;

                    //Loop for each chunk
                    for (int i = 0; i < externCount; i++)
                        //Initialize our external chunk
                        ExternalMap externMap = new ExternalMap();

                        //Go to the map string reference location
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = externPointer + (i * 264);
                        externMap.MapReference        = Map.IO.In.ReadAsciiString(32);

                        //Add it to our list
Esempio n. 12
            public Unknown3s(HaloMap Map)
                //Create our variable to hold the play index
                int playIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Map.IndexItems.Count; i++)
                    if (Map.IndexItems[i].Class == "play")
                        playIndex = i;

                //If we found the play tag..
                if (playIndex != -1)
                    //Obtain the tag instance of the play tag
                    HaloMap.TagItem play_tag = Map.IndexItems[playIndex];

                    //Go to the tag offset + 48
                    Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = play_tag.Offset + 36;
                    int locationsCount   = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32();
                    int locationsPointer = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32() - Map.MapHeader.mapMagic;

                    //Loop for each chunk
                    for (int i = 0; i < locationsCount; i++)
                        //Initialize our chunk
                        Unknown3 unkn = new Unknown3();

                        //Go to the chunk location.
                        Map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = locationsPointer + (i * 16);
                        unkn.unknownInt = Map.IO.In.ReadInt32();

                        //Add it to our list
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// This function renames a tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagIndex">The index of the tag to rename.</param>
        /// <param name="newName">The new name of the tag to rename as.</param>
        public void RenameTag(int tagIndex, string newName)
            //Get our tag instance
            HaloMap.TagItem tagItem = map.IndexItems[tagIndex];

            //Compare our string lengths..

            if (tagItem.Name.Length == newName.Length)
                //They are the same length. Let's write our new string.

                //Open our IO

                //Go to our tag_name_index_entry
                map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = map.MapHeader.fileTableIndexOffset + (tagIndex * 4);

                //Read our tagnameoffset
                int tagNameOffset = map.IO.In.ReadInt32() + map.MapHeader.fileTableOffset;

                //Go to this position
                map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = tagNameOffset;

                //Write our tagname
                map.IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(newName, tagItem.Name.Length);

                //Close our IO

                //Set our tagname.
                map.IndexItems[tagIndex].Name = newName;
                //Calculate our table difference.
                int differenceInStringLength = (tagItem.Name.Length - newName.Length);
                int newTableSizeUnpadded     = map.MapHeader.fileTableSize - differenceInStringLength;
                int newTableSize             = newTableSizeUnpadded + ExtraFunctions.CalculatePadding(newTableSizeUnpadded, 0x1000);
                int oldTableSize             = map.MapHeader.fileTableSize + ExtraFunctions.CalculatePadding(map.MapHeader.fileTableSize, 0x1000);
                int differenceInSize         = oldTableSize - newTableSize;

                //Open our IO

                //Go to our tag_name_index_entry
                map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = map.MapHeader.fileTableIndexOffset + (tagIndex * 4);

                //Read our tagnameoffset
                int tagNameOffset = map.IO.In.ReadInt32() + map.MapHeader.fileTableOffset;

                //Loop for each tag_name_index after it.
                for (int i = tagIndex + 1; i < map.IndexHeader.tagCount; i++)
                    //Go to our tag_name_index_entry
                    map.IO.In.BaseStream.Position = map.MapHeader.fileTableIndexOffset + (i * 4);

                    //Read our tagindex
                    int tagOff = map.IO.In.ReadInt32();
                    //Recalculate it.
                    tagOff -= differenceInStringLength;

                    //Go to our tag_name_index_entry
                    map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = map.MapHeader.fileTableIndexOffset + (i * 4);

                    //Write it

                //Close our IO

                //If it's any different.
                if (differenceInSize > 0)
                    ExtraFunctions.DeleteBytes(map.FileName, map.MapHeader.fileTableOffset + newTableSize, oldTableSize - newTableSize);
                    ExtraFunctions.InsertBytes(map.FileName, map.MapHeader.fileTableOffset + oldTableSize, newTableSize - oldTableSize);

                //Open our IO

                //Go to this position
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = tagNameOffset;

                //Write our tagname
                map.IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(newName, newName.Length);

                for (int i = tagIndex + 1; i < map.IndexHeader.tagCount; i++)
                    //Write the tagname
                    map.IO.Out.WriteAsciiString(map.IndexItems[i].Name, map.IndexItems[i].Name.Length);

                //For the rest of our table, write the padding.
                byte[] padding = new byte[newTableSize - newTableSizeUnpadded];

                //Write our padding

                //Recalculate some header values.
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = 20;
                map.IO.Out.Write(((map.MapHeader.virtSegmentStart - differenceInSize) + map.MapHeader.headerMagic));
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = 700;
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = 704;
                map.IO.Out.Write(((map.MapHeader.fileTableIndexOffset - differenceInSize) + map.MapHeader.headerMagic));
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = 1136;
                map.IO.Out.Write((map.MapHeader.RawTableOffset - differenceInSize));
                map.IO.Out.BaseStream.Position = 1144;
                map.IO.Out.Write((map.MapHeader.localeTableAddressModifier - differenceInSize));

                //Close our IO

                //Reload our map
Esempio n. 14
        private void LoadSelectedPallete()
            //If we have an item selected
            if (tvTagReferences.SelectedNode != null)
                //If the item has a tag
                if (tvTagReferences.SelectedNode.Tag != null)
                    //If its not a tagclass parent node
                    if (tvTagReferences.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString() != "ParentClassNode")
                        //Get the index for the tag
                        int palleteIndex = (int)tvTagReferences.SelectedNode.Tag;

                        #region Tag Ident

                        //Get our tag index
                        int tagIndex = Map.GetTagIndexByIdent(Usermap.Pallette_Blocks[palleteIndex].Tag_Ident);
                        //If our tagIndex isnt -1
                        if (tagIndex != -1)
                            //Get our tag item instance
                            HaloMap.TagItem tagItem = Map.IndexItems[tagIndex];
                            //Select our class
                            SelectItem(cmbxTagClass, tagItem.Class);
                            //Select our tagName
                            SelectItem(cmbxTagName, tagItem.Name);
                            //Select our first item.
                            cmbxTagClass.SelectedIndex = 0;


                        #region Pallete Values

                        //Set our runtimes text.
                        txtRuntimeMinimum.Text = Usermap.Pallette_Blocks[palleteIndex].Run_Time_Minimum.ToString();
                        txtRuntimeMaximum.Text = Usermap.Pallette_Blocks[palleteIndex].Run_Time_Maximum.ToString();
                        //Set our total cost
                        txtTotalCost.Text = Usermap.Pallette_Blocks[palleteIndex].Total_Cost.ToString();


                        #region Load Our Placements Into the Combobox

                        //Clear our combobox items
                        cmbxPlacementChunk.Text = "";
                        //Disable our gpnl for placements
                        gpnlPlacements.Enabled = false;
                        //If our tagIndex isnt -1
                        if (palleteIndex != -1)
                            //Get our currently selected pallete block
                            Selected_Block = Usermap.Pallette_Blocks[palleteIndex];
                            //Loop for each placement
                            for (int i = 0; i < Selected_Block.Placement_Blocks.Count; i++)
                                //Add our chunk item.
                                cmbxPlacementChunk.Items.Add(i + " : Chunk");
                            //If we have any items
                            if (cmbxPlacementChunk.Items.Count > 0)
                                //Select the first item.
                                cmbxPlacementChunk.SelectedIndex = 0;
                                //Enable our gpnl for placements
                                gpnlPlacements.Enabled = true;
