protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string action = HYRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (action == "cancelorder") //取消订单 { int orderid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("orderid", 0); OrderFactory.UpdateStatus(99, orderid); Response.Redirect("user_order.aspx"); } int s = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("s", 0); int pageindex = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("p", 1); int pagesize = 5; int totalcount = 0; if (s == 0) { OrderList = OrderFactory.GetOrderList(pagesize, pageindex, " where uid=" + this.LoginUser.uid + " and orderstatus>1 ", " order by orderid desc ", out totalcount); } else if (s == 1) //已下单未付款 { OrderList = OrderFactory.GetOrderList(pagesize, pageindex, " where uid=" + this.LoginUser.uid + " and (orderstatus=2 or orderstatus=3) ", " order by orderid desc ", out totalcount); } else if (s == 2) //已付款 { OrderList = OrderFactory.GetOrderList(pagesize, pageindex, " where uid=" + this.LoginUser.uid + " and orderstatus=5 ", " order by orderid desc ", out totalcount); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int totalcount = 0; int pagesize = 10; int pageindex = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("p", 1); string kw = Utils.SafeCheckSearchKw(HYRequest.GetQueryString("kw")); this.SearchKw = kw; string whereSql = string.Empty; //List<ProductModel> list; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kw)) { whereSql = string.Format(" where productname like '%{0}%' ", kw); searchProducts = ProductFactory.GetList(pagesize, pageindex, whereSql, " order by productid desc ", out totalcount); } else { searchProducts = ProductFactory.GetList(10, string.Empty); } PagerHtml = Utils.BuildProductListPager(totalcount, pagesize, pageindex, "search.aspx?p={0}&kw=" + kw); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Action == "edit") { int categoryid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("categoryid", 0); ProductCategoryModel cate = ProductCategoryFactory.Get(categoryid); cate.categoryname = this.txtcategoryname.Text.Trim(); cate.orderid = Int32.Parse(this.txtorderid.Text.Trim()); cate.parentid = Int32.Parse(this.ddlParentCategory.SelectedValue); ProductCategoryFactory.Update(cate); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AddEditTips", "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('修改分类成功!');window.location='productcategorylist.aspx';</script>"); } else if (this.Action == "add") { ProductCategoryModel cate = new ProductCategoryModel(); cate.categoryname = this.txtcategoryname.Text.Trim(); cate.orderid = Int32.Parse(this.txtorderid.Text.Trim()); cate.parentid = Int32.Parse(this.ddlParentCategory.SelectedValue); ProductCategoryFactory.Add(cate); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AddEditTips", "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('添加分类成功!');window.location='productcategorylist.aspx';</script>"); } }
} //H5调起JS API参数 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //string openid = Request.QueryString["openid"]; string orderno = HYRequest.GetQueryString("orderno"); OrderModel orderinfo = OrderFactory.Get(orderno); int total_fee = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("total_fee", 0); //单位为分 //若传递了相关参数,则调统一下单接口,获得后续相关接口的入口参数 JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); if (orderinfo != null && orderinfo.productlist.Count > 0) { jsApiPay.body_desc = orderinfo.productlist[0].productinfo.productname + "等"; } else { jsApiPay.body_desc = shopconfig.ShopName + "购物"; } //单独测试,先微信登陆一下,整合后,有openid了,就无需重复获取授权了。 //jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); jsApiPay.openid = this.LoginUser.openid; jsApiPay.total_fee = total_fee; jsApiPay.out_trade_no = orderno; //WxPayApi.GenerateOutTradeNo(321); //此处订单号,整合到系统后,从订单产生开始就确立,无需在支付页面生成 //JSAPI支付预处理 try { WxPayData unifiedOrderResult = jsApiPay.GetUnifiedOrderResult(); wxJsApiParam = jsApiPay.GetJsApiParameters();//获取H5调起JS API参数 //在页面上显示订单信息 //Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>订单详情:</span><br/>"); //Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>" + unifiedOrderResult.ToPrintStr() + "</span>"); //Response.Write(string.Format("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>订单号:{0}</span><br/>", orderinfo.orderno)); //Response.Write(string.Format("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>支付额:{0}</span><br/>", orderinfo.totalyfprice)); System.Text.StringBuilder sbtips = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sbtips.Append("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>订单详情:</span><br/>"); sbtips.Append(string.Format("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:16px'>订单编号:{0}</span><br/>", orderinfo.orderno)); sbtips.Append(string.Format("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:16px'>支付总额:{0}</span><br/>", orderinfo.totalyfprice)); this.ltlTips.Text = sbtips.ToString(); } catch { this.ltlTips.Text = "<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "下单失败,请返回重试" + "</span>"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int id = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("id", 0); if (id == 0) { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } this.productinfo = ProductFactory.Get(id); } }
private void LoadCateData() { if (this.Action == "edit") { int categoryid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("categoryid", 0); ProductCategoryModel cate = ProductCategoryFactory.Get(categoryid); if (cate != null) { this.txtcategoryname.Text = cate.categoryname; this.txtorderid.Text = cate.orderid.ToString(); this.ddlParentCategory.Items.FindByValue(cate.parentid.ToString()).Selected = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Security.CheckAdministerAndRedirect(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (this.Action == "edit") { int adminid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("adminid", 0); AdminModel info = AdminFactory.Get(adminid); this.txtusername.Text = info.username; this.txtusername.Enabled = false; } } }
private void LoadListData() { string searchkw = this.txtSearchKeyword.Text.Trim(); string searchstatus = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("status", 5).ToString(); string whereSql = " where orderstatus=" + searchstatus; if (searchkw != string.Empty) { whereSql += string.Format(" and (customername like '%{0}%' or tel like '%{0}%' or address like '%{0}%')", searchkw); } this.dgOrderList.DataSource = OrderFactory.GetOrderList(whereSql); //OrderFactory.GetList(whereSql); this.dgOrderList.DataBind(); }
private void LoadProductInfo() { if (this.Action == "edit") { int productid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("productid", 0); ProductModel info = ProductFactory.Get(productid); this.txtincludepicpath.Text = info.includepicpath; this.txtprice.Text = info.price.ToString(); this.txtitemprice.Text = info.itemprice; this.txtproductname.Text = info.productname; this.txtsalecount.Text = info.salecount.ToString(); this.txtproductcount.Text = info.productcount.ToString(); //this.txtspecification.Text = info.specification; this.chkiscommend.Checked = info.iscommend == 1 ? true : false; this.editorcontent.Value = info.specification; try { this.rblproductcode.Items.FindByValue(info.productcode.ToString()).Selected = true; this.ddlProductCategory.Items.FindByValue(info.categoryid.ToString()).Selected = true; } catch { } if (info.productpics.Length > 5) { string[] picarr = info.productpics.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("picsrc", typeof(System.String)); foreach (string pic in picarr) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["picsrc"] = pic; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } this.rptAlbumList.DataSource = dt; this.rptAlbumList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Action == "edit") { int uid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("uid", 0); UserModel u = UserFactory.Get(uid); u.nickname = this.txtnickname.Text; u.fullname = this.txtfullname.Text; = this.txtsex.Text; = this.txttel.Text; u.address = this.txtaddress.Text; u.jfnum = Int32.Parse(this.txtjfnum.Text.Trim()); u.usertype = Int32.Parse(this.rblusertype.SelectedValue); UserFactory.Update(u); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AddEditTips", "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('用户信息修改成功!');window.location='userlist.aspx';</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { this.ddlParentCategory.DataTextField = "categoryname"; this.ddlParentCategory.DataValueField = "categoryid"; this.ddlParentCategory.DataSource = ProductCategoryFactory.GetAll(0); this.ddlParentCategory.DataBind(); this.ddlParentCategory.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("作为顶级分类", "0")); this.LoadCateData(); int parentid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("parentid", 0); if (parentid != 0) { this.ddlParentCategory.Items.FindByValue(parentid.ToString()).Selected = true; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Action == "edit") { int adminid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("adminid", 0); AdminModel info = AdminFactory.Get(adminid); if (info != null) { string pwdstr = this.txtpassword.Text.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwdstr)) { info.userpwd = Utils.MD5(pwdstr); } AdminFactory.Update(info); Response.Redirect("adminlist.aspx"); } } else if (this.Action == "add") { //验证是否存在同名的帐号 AdminModel info = null; string username = this.txtusername.Text.Trim(); info = AdminFactory.Get(username); if (info != null) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AddEditTips", "<script language=\"javascript\">alert('已存在相同的帐号!');window.location='adminedit.aspx?action=add';</script>"); return; } info = new AdminModel(); info.username = this.txtusername.Text.Trim(); info.userpwd = Utils.MD5(this.txtpassword.Text.Trim()); AdminFactory.Add(info); Response.Redirect("adminlist.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Security.CheckAdministerAndRedirect(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (this.Action == "edit") { int uid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("uid", 0); UserModel u = UserFactory.Get(uid); this.ltlUid.Text = uid.ToString(); this.txtnickname.Text = u.nickname; this.txtfullname.Text = u.fullname; this.txtsex.Text =; this.txttel.Text =; this.txtaddress.Text = u.address; this.txtjfnum.Text = u.jfnum.ToString(); this.rblusertype.Items.FindByValue(u.usertype.ToString()).Selected = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int u = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("u", 0); if (u == 0) { return; } string rootUrl = SiteConfig.Instance().SiteDomain; if (!rootUrl.EndsWith("/")) { rootUrl += "/"; } //string url = rootUrl + "vshop/share.aspx?u=" + u; string url = rootUrl + "vshop/index.aspx"; var qrCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder { QRCodeEncodeMode = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE, QRCodeScale = 4, QRCodeVersion = 8, QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M }; Bitmap image = qrCodeEncoder.Encode(url); //输出到浏览器 System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = "image/Jpeg"; Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); image.Dispose(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { UserModel userInfo = this.LoginUser; OrderModel myorder = OrderFactory.GetCartOrder(userInfo.uid); int pid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("pid", 0); int itemflag = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("itemflag", 0); string action = HYRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (action == "add") //添加商品 { OrderModel myof = myorder; if (myof == null) { myof = new OrderModel(); myof.orderno = Utils.GenerateOutTradeNo(userInfo.uid); //Utils.GetRandomOrderNo(); myof.uid = userInfo.uid; myof.customername = userInfo.fullname; =; myof.address = userInfo.address; } ProductModel p = ProductFactory.Get(pid); OrderProduct op = new OrderProduct(); op.count = 1; op.productinfo = p; op.price = p.price; //判断是否有属性 if (itemflag > 0) { int tmpflag = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, decimal> kvp in p.itempricelist) { if (itemflag == tmpflag) { op.item = kvp.Key; op.price = kvp.Value; break; } tmpflag++; } } CheckIsAdd(myof.productlist, op); if (myorder == null) { OrderFactory.Add(myof); } else { OrderFactory.Update(myof); } Response.Redirect("cart.aspx"); } else if (action == "del") { OrderModel myof = myorder; ProductModel p = ProductFactory.Get(pid); OrderProduct op = new OrderProduct(); op.productinfo = p; op.item = HYRequest.GetQueryString("item"); CheckIsDel(myof.productlist, op); OrderFactory.Update(myof); Response.Redirect("cart.aspx"); } else if (action == "ajaxupdate") //更新数量 { int goods_selected = HYRequest.GetInt("goods_selected", 1); int goods_number = HYRequest.GetInt("goods_number", 1); int rec_id = HYRequest.GetInt("rec_id", 0); string item = HYRequest.GetString("item"); OrderModel myof = myorder; ProductModel p = ProductFactory.Get(rec_id); OrderProduct op = new OrderProduct(); op.isselected = (goods_selected == 1) ? true : false; op.count = goods_number; op.item = item; op.productinfo = p; CheckIsUpdate(myof.productlist, op); OrderFactory.Update(myof); string json = "{\"rec_id\":" + rec_id + ",\"goods_number\":" + goods_number + ",\"total_number\":" + myof.productcount + ",\"total_desc\":" + myof.productprice.ToString() + ",\"postage\":" + myof.postage.ToString() + ",\"error\":0}"; Response.Write(json); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return; } else if (action == "ajaxupdateall") //全选状态处理 { int goods_selected = HYRequest.GetInt("goods_selected", 1); int rec_id = HYRequest.GetInt("rec_id", 0); OrderModel myof = myorder; foreach (OrderProduct o in myof.productlist) { o.isselected = (goods_selected == 1) ? true : false; } OrderFactory.Update(myof); string json = "{\"rec_id\":" + rec_id + ",\"total_number\":" + myof.productcount + ",\"total_desc\":" + myof.productprice.ToString() + ",\"postage\":" + myof.postage.ToString() + ",\"error\":0}"; Response.Write(json); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return; } if (myorder != null && myorder.productcount > 0) { this.phNoProduct.Visible = false; CartOrder = myorder; } else { this.phNoProduct.Visible = true; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Action == "add") { ProductModel info = new ProductModel(); info.salecount = Int32.Parse(this.txtsalecount.Text.Trim()); info.productcount = Int32.Parse(this.txtproductcount.Text.Trim()); info.productname = this.txtproductname.Text; info.price = Decimal.Parse(this.txtprice.Text.Trim()); info.itemprice = this.txtitemprice.Text; info.includepicpath = this.txtincludepicpath.Text.Trim(); info.createtime = DateTime.Now; info.categoryid = Int32.Parse(this.ddlProductCategory.SelectedItem.Value); info.iscommend = this.chkiscommend.Checked ? 1 : 0; info.productcode = Int32.Parse(this.rblproductcode.SelectedValue); info.specification = this.editorcontent.Value; //产品相册 string[] albumArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_photo_name"); if (albumArr.Length > 0) { string pics = string.Empty; string dotstr = ""; foreach (string sp in albumArr) { pics += dotstr + sp; dotstr = "|"; } info.productpics = pics; } ProductFactory.Add(info); } else if (this.Action == "edit") { int productid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("productid", 0); ProductModel info = ProductFactory.Get(productid); info.salecount = Int32.Parse(this.txtsalecount.Text.Trim()); info.productcount = Int32.Parse(this.txtproductcount.Text.Trim()); info.productname = this.txtproductname.Text; info.price = Decimal.Parse(this.txtprice.Text.Trim()); info.itemprice = this.txtitemprice.Text; info.includepicpath = this.txtincludepicpath.Text.Trim(); info.createtime = DateTime.Now; info.categoryid = Int32.Parse(this.ddlProductCategory.SelectedItem.Value); info.iscommend = this.chkiscommend.Checked ? 1 : 0; info.productcode = Int32.Parse(this.rblproductcode.SelectedValue); info.specification = this.editorcontent.Value; //产品相册 string[] albumArr = Request.Form.GetValues("hid_photo_name"); if (albumArr.Length > 0) { string pics = string.Empty; string dotstr = ""; foreach (string sp in albumArr) { pics += dotstr + sp; dotstr = "|"; } info.productpics = pics; } ProductFactory.Update(info); } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AddEditTips", "<script language=\"javascript\">window.location='productlist.aspx';</script>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int totalcount = 0; int pagesize = 12; int cid = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("cid", 0); int pageindex = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("p", 1); int od = HYRequest.GetQueryInt("od", 0); string whereSql = " where productcode=1 "; string orderby = " order by productid desc "; string url = "productlist.aspx?p={0}"; if (cid > 0) { whereSql = " where productcode=1 and categoryid=" + cid; url += "&cid=" + cid; } if (od == 1) { orderby = " order by salecount desc "; } else if (od == 2) { orderby = " order by price desc "; } listProducts = ProductFactory.GetList(pagesize, pageindex, whereSql, orderby, out totalcount); //this.rptProducts.DataSource = list; //this.rptProducts.DataBind(); //this.rptAddToCarPopWin.DataSource = list; //this.rptAddToCarPopWin.DataBind(); pagerHtml = Utils.BuildProductListPager(totalcount, pagesize, pageindex, url); if (cid == 0) { this.CategoryName = "全部商品"; } else { ProductCategoryModel pcm = ProductCategoryFactory.Get(cid); if (pcm != null) { this.CategoryName = pcm.categoryname; } } } string action = HYRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (action == "ajaxloadlist") { int cid = HYRequest.GetInt("cid", 0); int pageindex = HYRequest.GetInt("p", 1); int pagesize = 12; int totalcount = 0; string wheresql = " where productcode=1 "; if (cid > 0) { wheresql = string.Format(" where productcode=1 and categoryid={0} ", cid.ToString()); } List <ProductModel> list = ProductFactory.GetList(pagesize, pageindex, wheresql, string.Empty, out totalcount); StringBuilder sbhtml = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ProductModel pm in list) { sbhtml.AppendLine("<li class=\"item\">"); sbhtml.AppendLine(string.Format("<a href=\"productshow.aspx?id={0}\"><img src=\"{1}\" alt=\"item\" /></a>", pm.productid, pm.includepicpath)); sbhtml.AppendLine(string.Format("<h4><a href=\"productshow.aspx?id={0}\">{1}</a></h4>", pm.productid, pm.productname)); sbhtml.AppendLine(string.Format("<span>¥{0}</span><del style=\"display:none\">¥{0}</del><em>库存:{1} 销量:{2}</em>", pm.price.ToString(), pm.productcount, pm.salecount)); sbhtml.AppendLine(string.Format("<p class=\"add-to-cart\" onClick=\"toshare({0})\"><span>添加到购物车</span></p>", pm.productid)); sbhtml.AppendLine("</li>"); } Response.Write(sbhtml.ToString()); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } }