private IEnumerator Send() { EB.Debug.Log("Downloading asset bundle {0} from {1}", mName, mUrl); if (mLocal) { mWebRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(mUrl); yield return(mWebRequest.SendWebRequest()); mDone = true; if (mWebRequest.isHttpError || mWebRequest.isNetworkError) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("Failed to download asset bundle {0} from {1}, error: {2}", mName, mUrl, mWebRequest.error); mError = mWebRequest.error; yield break; } else { mBytes =; EB.Debug.Log("Downloaded asset bundle {0} from {1}, {2}", mName, mUrl, mWebRequest.downloadedBytes); } } else { mRquest = new HTTP.Request("GET", mUrl); mRquest.acceptGzip = false; mRquest.useCache = false; mRquest.maximumRedirects = 2; yield return(mRquest.Send()); mDone = true; if (mRquest.exception != null) { mError = mRquest.exception.Message; EB.Debug.LogWarning("Failed to download asset bundle {0} from {1}, error: {2}", mName, mUrl, mRquest.exception.Message); yield break; } else { if (mRquest.response.status != 200) { mError = "Not 200 status error(" + mRquest.response.status + ")"; EB.Debug.LogWarning("HTTP 404 error when download asset bundle {0} from {1}", mName, mUrl); yield break; } else { mBytes = mRquest.response.Bytes; EB.Debug.Log("Downloaded asset bundle {0} from {1}, {2}", mName, mUrl, mBytes.Length); } } } if (mBytes == null || mBytes.Length == 0) { mError = "Invalid response data"; EB.Debug.LogError("Downloaded asset bundle {0} error, invalid response data", mName); } }
/** * GET with plain request as callback */ public void GET(string endPoint, GETCallback cb) { HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request( "get", this.baseURL + endPoint ); // Add headers foreach (DictionaryEntry h in headers) { req.AddHeader((string) h.Key, (string) h.Value); } req.Send( ( request ) => { cb(request); }); }
/** * GET with result parsed as list */ public void GET(string endPoint, GETListCallback cb) { HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request( "get", this.baseURL + endPoint ); // Add headers foreach (DictionaryEntry h in headers) { req.AddHeader((string) h.Key, (string) h.Value); } req.Send( ( request ) => { var resList = Json.Deserialize(request.response.Text) as List<object>; cb(resList); }); }
static StackObject *Send_0(ILIntepreter __intp, StackObject *__esp, IList <object> __mStack, CLRMethod __method, bool isNewObj) { ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain __domain = __intp.AppDomain; StackObject *ptr_of_this_method; StackObject *__ret = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); ptr_of_this_method = ILIntepreter.Minus(__esp, 1); HTTP.Request instance_of_this_method = (HTTP.Request) typeof(HTTP.Request).CheckCLRTypes(StackObject.ToObject(ptr_of_this_method, __domain, __mStack)); __intp.Free(ptr_of_this_method); var result_of_this_method = instance_of_this_method.Send(); return(ILIntepreter.PushObject(__ret, __mStack, result_of_this_method)); }
IEnumerator _InnerLoadRemoteImage() { while (LoadingList.Count > 0) { var data = LoadingList.Dequeue(); Texture2D t; if (textureCache.TryGetValue(data.Key, out t)) { if (data.Value != null) { data.Value.SetTexture(t); } continue; } int retries = 0; while (retries < 3) { HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request("GET", data.Key); yield return(req.Send()); if (req.exception != null) { retries++; yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.5f)); continue; } Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); texture.LoadImage(req.response.Bytes); textureCache.Add(data.Key, texture); if (data.Value != null) { data.Value.SetTexture(texture); } break; } if (retries >= 3) { EB.Debug.LogError("Cannot load remote image: {0}", data.Key); } } RemoteLoadingCoroutine = null; }
void BoardSetup() { Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); data.Add("username", SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier); string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName); IPAddress[] addr = ipEntry.AddressList; data.Add("ip", addr[addr.Length - 1].ToString()); Debug.Log("Send:"); foreach (string str in data.Keys) { Debug.Log(str + ": " + data[str]); } HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request("post", "", data); req.Send((request) => { Hashtable result = request.response.Object; Debug.Log("Result"); foreach (string str in result.Keys) { Debug.Log(str + ": " + result[str]); if ((string)(result[str].ToString()) == "System.Collections.Hashtable") { Hashtable rr = result[str] as Hashtable; foreach (string strstr in rr.Keys) { Debug.Log(strstr + ": " + rr[strstr]); } } } if (result == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse JSON response!"); return; } else { // Receive String from server and generate room Hashtable hashmap = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(request.response.Text); generateMapAndPlayer(hashmap, PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_NONE); } }); }
public void Download(string filename, string url) { var req = new HTTP.Request("HEAD", url); req.Send(delegate(Request headreq) { if (headreq.exception == null) { if (headreq.response.status == 200) { Debug.Log(headreq.response.headers.Get("Content-Length")); } } else { Debug.Log(headreq.exception); } }); }
protected static IEnumerator DownloadFromUrl(Collection <TRecordType> collection, string url) { var request = new HTTP.Request("GET", url, true); var icollection = collection as ICollection; request.Send(); yield return(request.Wait()); // Deserialize the collection var result = request.response.Text.Deserialize <Collection <TRecordType> > (); // Iterate through and update from the result. Remove old stuff foreach (var kv in result) { if (collection.Contains(kv)) { icollection.Changed(kv._id, null, kv.Coerce <Hashtable> ()); } } }
static IEnumerator SendBugReport(string crash) { if (Application.isEditor) { yield break; } var bytes = Encoding.GetBytes(crash); if (_url.StartsWith("http://")) { //Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); UnityWebRequest uwr = new UnityWebRequest(_url, UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST); uwr.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(bytes); uwr.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); uwr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //var www = new WWW( _url, bytes, headers ); yield return(uwr.SendWebRequest()); if (uwr.isHttpError || uwr.isNetworkError) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(uwr.error); } } else { HTTP.Request r = new HTTP.Request("POST", _url, bytes); r.headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); yield return(r.Send()); if (r.exception != null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(r.exception.Message); } } }
private static IEnumerator GetRequest(string url, System.Action <bool, string> callback) { var webService = new HTTP.Request("GET", url); yield return(webService.Send()); if (webService.exception != null) { Debug.Log(webService.exception); if (callback != null) { callback(false, webService.exception.Message); } } else { if (callback != null) { callback(true, webService.response.Text); } } }
public static void Upload(ContentMoment moment) { WWWForm form = moment.ToWWWForm(); HTTP.Request postRequest = new HTTP.Request("post", GetUrl("/moments"), form); postRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", accessToken); postRequest.Send((request) => { bool result = false; try { Hashtable thing = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(request.response.Text, ref result); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Debug.Log(e.ToString()); return; } if (!result) { Debug.LogWarning("There is something wrong"); return; } Debug.Log("Moment uploaded"); }); }
//cacheKey 需要缓存传对应URL 默认为空 private static void GetData(string cacheKey, string url, JsonData para, Action <string, bool> callback, bool encrypt) { if (cacheKey != null) { if (!Cache.CanUpdate(cacheKey) && Cache.getResult(cacheKey) != null) { callback(Cache.getResult(cacheKey).ResponseText, true); return; } } if (para == null) { para = new JsonData(); } url = GetURL(url, para, encrypt); HTTP.Request someRequest = new HTTP.Request("get", url); someRequest.Send(delegate(HTTP.Request req) { if (callback != null) { if (req.response != null) { callback(new MyHttpResult(req.response.bytes, req.response.status).ResponseText, req.response.status == 200); if (cacheKey != null) { Cache.UpdateRequestCache(cacheKey, new MyHttpResult(req.response.bytes, req.response.status)); } } else { callback(new MyHttpResult(null, -1).ResponseText, false); } } }); }
/** * POST with result parsed as Dictionary<string,object> */ public void POST(string endPoint, Hashtable body, GETDictCallback cb) { Console.WriteLine(this.baseURL + endPoint); HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request( "post", this.baseURL + endPoint, body ); // Add headers foreach (DictionaryEntry h in headers) { req.AddHeader((string) h.Key, (string) h.Value); } req.Send( ( request ) => { var resObj = Json.Deserialize(request.response.Text) as Dictionary<string, object>; cb(resObj); }); }
public void gotoNextStage(Player.Direction dir) { switch (dir) { case Player.Direction.EAST: nextSpawnDir = PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_WEST; break; case Player.Direction.WEST: nextSpawnDir = PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_EAST; break; case Player.Direction.SOUTH: nextSpawnDir = PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_NORTH; break; case Player.Direction.NORTH: nextSpawnDir = PlayerSpawnDir.SPAWN_SOUTH; break; } Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); data.Add("entrance", ((int)dir).ToString()); data.Add("hash", currentStageHash); data.Add("username", SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier); string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName); IPAddress[] addr = ipEntry.AddressList; data.Add("ip", addr[addr.Length - 1].ToString()); Debug.Log("Send:"); foreach (string str in data.Keys) { Debug.Log(str + ": " + data[str]); } HTTP.Request req = new HTTP.Request("post", "", data); req.Send((request) => { Hashtable result = request.response.Object; Debug.Log("Result"); foreach (string str in result.Keys) { Debug.Log(str + ": " + result[str]); if ((string)(result[str].ToString()) == "System.Collections.Hashtable") { Hashtable rr = result[str] as Hashtable; foreach (string strstr in rr.Keys) { Debug.Log(strstr + ": " + rr[strstr]); } } } if (result == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse JSON response!"); return; } else { // Receive String from server and generate room Hashtable hashmap = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(request.response.Text); BoardHolderClear(); BoardHolderInit(); generateMapAndPlayer(hashmap, nextSpawnDir); } }); }
public static IEnumerator PostImageTweet(string text, byte[] image, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, AccessTokenResponse response, PostTweetCallback callback) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text.Length > 140) { Debug.Log(string.Format("PostTweet - text[{0}] is empty or too long.", text)); callback(false); } else if (image == null || image.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("Missing image."); callback(false); } else { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var form = new WWWForm(); form.AddBinaryData("status", UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)); form.AddBinaryData("media[]", image, "anuki.jpg", "application/octet-stream"); var request = new HTTP.Request(PostImageTweetURL, form); request.headers.Add("Authorization", GetHeaderWithAccessToken("POST", PostImageTweetURL, consumerKey, consumerSecret, response, parameters)); yield return request.Send(); if (request.exception != null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("PostImageTweet - failed:\n" + request.exception.Message)); callback(false); } else { var txt = request.response.Text; if (txt.Contains("\"errors\":")) { Debug.Log(string.Format("PostImageTweet - failed. {0}", txt)); callback(false); } else { Debug.Log("Response: " + txt); callback(true); } } } }
public void SendPackage(PackageOut pkg) { var r = new HTTP.Request("GET", _url, pkg.ToByteArray()); r.Send(_OnResponse); Log.Debug("Socket SendPackage: [" + pkg.code.ToString() + "," + BitConverter.ToString(pkg.GetByteArray(0, pkg.length)) + "]"); }
public bool sendApiRequest(string request_str, ref JSONNode jsonRes) { Debug.Log("Request = " + request_str); System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); data = encoding.GetBytes(request_str); Debug.Log("m_url = " + m_url); Debug.Log("data = " + data); HTTP.Request theRequest = new HTTP.Request("post", m_url, data); theRequest.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); theRequest.synchronous = true; theRequest.Send(); Debug.Log("theRequest = " + theRequest); if (theRequest.response == null) { Debug.Log("RESPONSE IS NULL!!!!"); return(false); } Debug.Log("theRequest.response = " + theRequest.response); string strResp = theRequest.response.Text; Debug.Log("Response: (" + theRequest.response.status + "): " + strResp); if (theRequest.response.status != 200) { return(false); } try { jsonRes = JSON.Parse(strResp); if (jsonRes == null) { Debug.Log("json parse failed"); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Json parse Exception: " + e); return(false); } if (jsonRes["error"] == null) { Debug.Log("No error node!"); return(false); } JSONNode error = jsonRes["error"]; if ((error["success"] == null) || (error["success"].AsBool == false)) { Debug.Log("json success is false"); m_errorMsg = error["message"].Value; return(false); } return(true); }
IEnumerator _GetRemoteBundlesInfoFileCoroutine(string url, System.Action <bool> action, GameObject target) { #if USE_LOCAL_ABINFO //使用本地AB依赖包的配制信息表 string textPath = "BundleShipInfo"; TextAsset textAsset = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(textPath); if (textAsset == null) { EB.Debug.LogErrorFormat("使用读取本地依赖AB包信息表,发现指定不存在相应的文件textPath:{0}", textPath); yield break; } else { EB.Debug.LogFormat("使用本地AB依赖包的配制信息表,相应的文件textPath:{0}", textPath); } ParseRemoteBundlesInfoFile(textAsset.text); isReady = true; isGetting = false; AssetUtils.DoAction(action, true, target); yield break; #endif yield return(null); if (!AssetUtils.LoadFromLocalFile(url)) { HTTP.Request r = new HTTP.Request("GET", url); r.acceptGzip = true; r.useCache = false; r.maximumRedirects = 2; EB.Debug.Log("Getting Remote Bundles Info File from: {0}", url); yield return(r.Send()); if (r.exception != null) { isReady = false; isGetting = false; EB.Debug.LogWarning("CAN NOT fetch scene description file from {0}, error = {1}", url, r.exception.Message); AssetUtils.DoAction(action, false, target); } else { if (r.response.status == 404) { EB.Debug.LogError("HTTP 404 error when gettings file from url: {0}", url); } else { EB.Debug.Log("_GetRemoteBundlesInfoFileCoroutine: success, length = {0}", r.response.Text.Length); #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IOS byte[] data = r.response.Bytes; ParseRemoteBundlesInfoFile(data); #else string data = r.response.Text; ParseRemoteBundlesInfoFile(data); #endif GM.AssetManager.ResetDownloaBundleSize(); isReady = true; isGetting = false; if (data != null) { int gid = System.GC.GetGeneration(data); data = null; System.GC.Collect(gid); } AssetUtils.DoAction(action, true, target); } } } else { UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); EB.Debug.Log("Getting Remote Bundles Info File from: {0}", url); yield return(request.SendWebRequest()); if (request.isHttpError || request.isNetworkError) { isReady = false; isGetting = false; EB.Debug.LogError("CAN NOT fetch scene description file from {0}, error = {1}", url, request.error); AssetUtils.DoAction(action, false, target); } else { //EB.Debug.Log("_GetRemoteBundlesInfoFileCoroutine: success, length = {0}", request.downloadHandler.text.Length); #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IOS byte[] data =; ParseRemoteBundlesInfoFile(data); #else string data = request.downloadHandler.text; ParseRemoteBundlesInfoFile(data); #endif GM.AssetManager.ResetDownloaBundleSize(); isReady = true; isGetting = false; if (data != null) { int gid = System.GC.GetGeneration(data); data = null; System.GC.Collect(gid); } AssetUtils.DoAction(action, true, target); } request.Dispose(); request = null; yield return(true); } }