public void HTMLReportor_Constructor_Default()
            string       defaultName = "index";
            HTMLReportor htmlProject = new HTMLReportor();

            string actualName = htmlProject.ProjectName;

            Assert.AreSame(defaultName, actualName);
        public void HTMLReportor_Constructor_WithTitle()
            HTMLReportor reportor = new HTMLReportor("SampleData");
            string expectedName = "SampleData";

            string actualName = reportor.ProjectName;

            Assert.AreSame(expectedName, actualName);
        public void HTMLReportor_Constructor_WithTitleandLocation()
            HTMLReportor reportor = new HTMLReportor("SampleData", "C:\\Data\\");
            string expectedName     = "SampleData";
            string expectedLocation = "C:\\Data\\";

            string actualName     = reportor.ProjectName;
            string actualLocation = reportor.FolderName;

            Assert.AreSame(expectedLocation, actualLocation);
            Assert.AreSame(expectedName, actualName);
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
                string css = "", nameRaw = "", nameModified = "", pick = "";

                Console.WriteLine("Type a name for the NEW project, then hit enter..");

                string projectName = Console.ReadLine();                                      //Get the Project Name
                string folder      = @"G:\C#\HTMLReporting\HTMLReportingProject\TestResults"; //Set a default testing folder

                HTMLReportor htmlReportor = new HTMLReportor(projectName, folder);            //Create an instance of my DLL

                Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Project created."); Console.WriteLine(" ");

                int    inputIndex = 0; //This is used to Size things in edit mode
                string editMode   = "Yes";

                while (editMode == "Yes")
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Add HTML or CSS to the Project searching with TAGS <>..");
                    Console.WriteLine("OR Type 'hint' to see the full list of commands.");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");

                    if (!input.Contains(@"/") && input != "finish" && input != "hint" && input != ".class" && input != ".Class" && input != "#id" && input != "#ID")
                        Console.WriteLine("Type 'id' or 'class' to style this element with CSS.. To skip: press enter.");
                        pick         = Console.ReadLine();
                        nameModified = "";
                        Console.WriteLine(" ");

                    if (input.Contains(@"/"))
                        pick = null;

                    if (pick == "id" || pick == "ID")
                        Console.WriteLine("Type the new ID a name..");
                        nameRaw      = Console.ReadLine();
                        nameModified = "id='" + nameRaw + "'";
                        Console.WriteLine(" ");

                        Console.WriteLine("Add CSS to the New ID Now :");
                        css = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.CSS_ID_Create(nameRaw, css);
                        Console.WriteLine("ID Saved.");
                    else if (pick == "class" || pick == "Class")
                        Console.WriteLine("Create a new class or us an existing one? type 'New' for new.. anything else for existing.");
                        string newpick = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (newpick == "New" || newpick == "new")
                            Console.WriteLine("Give the new Class a name?");
                            nameRaw      = Console.ReadLine();
                            nameModified = "class='" + nameRaw + "'";
                            Console.WriteLine(" ");
                            Console.WriteLine("Add Css to the New Class Now :");
                            css = Console.ReadLine();
                            htmlReportor.CSS_Class_CreateNEW(nameRaw, css);
                            Console.WriteLine("Which class would you like to use?");
                            nameRaw      = Console.ReadLine();
                            nameModified = "class='" + nameRaw + "'";
                        Console.WriteLine("Class Saved.");

                    switch (input)
                    case "hint":
                        DisplayHint(); break;

                    case "#id":
                        Console.WriteLine("What would you like to NAME the NEW ID?"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Add CSS to the New ID Now :"); css = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.CSS_ID_Create(input, css); Console.WriteLine("ID Named " + input + " CREATED.."); break;

                    case "#ID":
                        Console.WriteLine("What would you like to NAME the NEW ID?"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Add CSS to the New ID Now :"); css = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.CSS_ID_Create(input, css); Console.WriteLine("ID Named " + input + " CREATED.."); break;

                    case ".class":
                        Console.WriteLine("What would you like to NAME the ne CLASS?"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Add CSS to the new Class Now : "); css             = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.CSS_Class_CreateNEW(input, css); Console.WriteLine("Class Named " + input + " CREATED.."); break;

                    case ".Class":
                        Console.WriteLine("What would you like to NAME the ne CLASS?"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Add CSS to the new Class Now : "); css             = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.CSS_Class_CreateNEW(input, css); Console.WriteLine("Class Named " + input + " CREATED.."); break;

                    case "<h>":
                        Console.WriteLine("What size <H> would you like?");
                        inputIndex = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        Console.WriteLine("What would you like the <H" + inputIndex + "> to say?");
                        input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.Header(input, inputIndex, nameModified);
                        Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Header Added to " + projectName);

                    case "<p>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Add Paragraph: What would you like the <p> to say?"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.Paragraph(input, nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Paragraph Added to " + projectName); break;

                    case "<a href>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Add HyperLink: Paste the link now.. & hit Enter"); string           linkActual      = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("^ HyperLink: Give the HyperLink a description & hit enter"); string linkDescription = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.HyperLink(linkActual, linkDescription, nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("HyperLink Added.."); break;

                    case "<li>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Type for the <li> NOW.. & hit enter."); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.ListItem(input, nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("List item ADDED.."); break;

                    case "<th>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter data for <table>'s -> <tr>'s -> <th> :"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.TableHead(input, nameModified); Console.WriteLine("<th> ADDED.."); break;

                    case "<td>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter data for <table>'s -> <tr> -> <td> :"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.TableData(input, nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<td> ADDED.."); break;

                    case "<img>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Type <img> source now :"); input = Console.ReadLine(); htmlReportor.Image(input, nameModified);
                        Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<img src=" + input + "> ADDED.."); break;

                    case "<abbr>":
                        Console.WriteLine("Start by typing the Abbreviation :"); string abbrv = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Now type the full length name to the Abbriviation :"); input = Console.ReadLine();
                        htmlReportor.Abbreviation(abbrv, input); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Abbreviation ADDED.."); break;

                    case "<ul>": { htmlReportor.UnorderedListOPEN(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Unordered List OPENDED.."); break; }

                    case "<ol>": { htmlReportor.OrderedListOPEN(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Ordered List OPENED.."); break; }

                    case "<div>": { htmlReportor.DivOpen(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Div " + nameModified + " OPENED.."); break; }

                    case "<footer>": { htmlReportor.FooterOPEN(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<footer " + nameModified + "> ADDED.."); break; }

                    case "<input type='text'>": { htmlReportor.TextBox(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Textbox ADDED.."); break; }

                    case "<button type='button'>": { Console.WriteLine("What would you like the Text property of the button to be?");
                                                     input = Console.ReadLine(); htmlReportor.Button(input, nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Button ADDED.."); break; }

                    case "<table>": { htmlReportor.TableOPEN(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<Table> OPENED.."); break; }

                    case "<tr>": { htmlReportor.TableRowOPEN(nameModified); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<tr> OPENED.."); break; }

                    case "</br>": { htmlReportor.Break(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Line break ADDED.."); break; }

                    case "<hr>": { htmlReportor.HorizontalRow(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Horizontal Row ADDED.."); break; }

                    case "</ul>": { htmlReportor.UnorderedListCLOSE(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Unordered List CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "</ol>": { htmlReportor.OrderedListCLOSE(); Console.WriteLine(" ");  Console.WriteLine("Ordered List CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "</table>": { htmlReportor.TableCLOSE(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<Table> CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "</tr>": { htmlReportor.TableRowCLOSE(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<tr> CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "</div>": { htmlReportor.DivClose(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<Div> CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "</footer>": { htmlReportor.FooterCLOSE(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("<footer> CLOSED.."); break; }

                    case "finish": { editMode = null; break; }

                        DisplayHint(); Console.WriteLine("Unreconized input '" + input + "'"); break;
                Console.WriteLine("Complete! Click anywhere to Exit..");
            catch (Exception ex)