public HttpServer(string host, int port) { Host = host; Port = port; Commands = new Dictionary <string, Func <string, string> >(); RegisterCommand("Hi hyjican, tell me the color please. Thank you!", (data) => { var pos = Control.MousePosition; var color = ColorUtil.GetColor(pos); var hsl = new HSL(color.GetHue(), color.GetSaturation(), color.GetBrightness()); var hsb = HSB.Parse(color); var hsi = HSI.Parse(color, Settings.Main.HsiAlgorithm); return(string.Format("It's my pleasure, the following lines shows the color at pixel ({0},{1}) in different formats.\n", pos.X, pos.Y) + color.ToArgb() + "\n" + string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}\nRGB({0},{1},{2})\n", color.R, color.G, color.B) + string.Format("HSL({0},{1},{2})\n", Math.Round(hsl.H), Util.Round(hsl.S * 100), Util.Round(hsl.L * 100)) + string.Format("HSB({0},{1},{2})\n", Math.Round(hsb.H), Util.Round(hsb.S * 100), Util.Round(hsb.B * 100)) + string.Format("HSI({0},{1},{2})", Math.Round(hsi.H), Util.Round(hsi.S * 100), Util.Round(hsi.I * 100))); }); RegisterCommand("Hi hyjican, I would like to take a screenshot.", (data) => { var rect = Util.GetCurrentScreen(); var img = ScreenShot.GetScreen(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { img.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg); return(string.Format("OK, the next line is the image data in encoding base64.\n{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray()))); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 更新当前获取的颜色 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void colortimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!stopDrawPreview && previewForm.MouseOnMe) { // 如果没有停止预览,并且鼠标在预览窗口上 // 就不取色,这是为了防止因循环取色导致过高的资源占用 return; } if (!settingLoaded) { // 不晓得为啥,在启动时加载Visible会被覆盖,所在放到这里来了 SwitchDisplayMode(Settings.Main.Display); settingLoaded = true; } var color = ColorUtil.GetColor(MousePosition); // 如果光标位置不变,颜色也不变,就不绘制了 if (MousePosition.Equals(lastPosition) && color.Equals(lastColor)) { return; } lastPosition = MousePosition; lastColor = color; colorBuffer.Clear(); var val = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", color.R, color.G, color.B).ToString(); lbHex.Tag = val; colorBuffer.Clear(); lbHex.Text = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("#{0}", lbHex.Tag).ToString(); colorBuffer.Clear(); val = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("{0},{1},{2}", color.R, color.G, color.B).ToString(); lbRgb.Tag = val; colorBuffer.Clear(); lbRgb.Text = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("RGB({0})", lbRgb.Tag).ToString(); colorBuffer.Clear(); if (trayMenuShowPreview.Checked && !stopDrawPreview) { DrawPreview(MousePosition); } if (FormatMode.Mini == currentFormatMode) { if (!lbColorPreview.Visible) { lbColorPreview.Show(); } lbColorPreview.BackColor = color; return; } if (lbColorPreview.Visible) { lbColorPreview.Hide(); } var contrastColor = ColorUtil.GetContrastColor(color); if (FormatMode.Standard == currentFormatMode) { lbRgb.BackColor = color; lbRgb.ForeColor = contrastColor; return; } if (lbRgb.BackColor != BackColor) { lbRgb.BackColor = BackColor; lbRgb.ForeColor = ForeColor; } // var hsl = HSL.Parse(color); var hsl = new HSL(color.GetHue(), color.GetSaturation(), color.GetBrightness()); lbHsl.Text = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("HSL({0},{1},{2})", Math.Round(hsl.H), Util.Round(hsl.S * 100), Util.Round(hsl.L * 100)).ToString(); colorBuffer.Clear(); var hsb = HSB.Parse(color); lbHsb.Text = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("HSB({0},{1},{2})", Math.Round(hsb.H), Util.Round(hsb.S * 100), Util.Round(hsb.B * 100)).ToString(); colorBuffer.Clear(); var hsi = HSI.Parse(color, currentHsiAlgorithm); lbHsi.Text = colorBuffer.AppendFormat("HSI({0},{1},{2})", Math.Round(hsi.H), Util.Round(hsi.S * 100), Util.Round(hsi.I * 100)).ToString(); colorBuffer.Clear(); pnExt.BackColor = color; pnExt.ForeColor = contrastColor; }