Esempio n. 1
 public NotifyItem(HRStatus curr, int HR)
     time        = DateTime.Now;
     heartStatus = curr;
     noteStat    = NoteStatus.None;
     this.HR     = HR;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void CheckAndCreateNotification(Context context, user_page userPage, int HR)
            // In case the user ask to ignore and the ignore counter is still counting we will not do anything
            if (ignore)

            // Extracting the current HB status
            HRStatus heartStatus = calcCurrentStatus(userPage, HR);

            // Create NotifyItem item and put it in the
            statusHistoryList.Add(new NotifyItem(heartStatus, HR));

            // Creating notifications for heach one of the cases
            if (heartStatus != HRStatus.Normal)
                NotifyHeartRate(context, userPage, HR, heartStatus);
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Getting staus and HR from last activity
            HRStatus status     = (HRStatus)Intent.Extras.GetInt("status", -1);
            int      HR         = Intent.Extras.GetInt("HR", -1);
            int      ignoreTIme = 60; // in Seconds

            // UI chart
            Button bdismiss   = (Button)FindViewById(Id.dismiss);
            Button bemergency = (Button)FindViewById(Id.emergency);
            Button bignore    = (Button)FindViewById(Id.ignore);

            // Need to add layout and content to the Notification
            // Display the count sent from the first activity:
            TextView textView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textView);

            textView.Text = string.Format(
                "Your heart beat {1} to {0} bpm.", HR,
                status == HRStatus.Hypo ? "decreased dramaticaly" :
                status == HRStatus.Hyper ? "increased dramaticaly" :
                "is not stable and changed dramatically");

            TextView textHR = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.myImageViewText);

            textHR.Text = string.Format("{0}", HR);

            // Clicking ignore will start a downtime counter for the next 60 seconds
            // Maybe should replace it to ignore till says otherwise
            bignore.Click += async(sender, e) =>
                NotificationHandler.ignore = true;
                var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                cts.CancelAfter(ignoreTIme * 1000); // 60 sec
                    await TimerAsync(1000, cts.Token);

                catch (AggregateException aex)
                    aex.Handle(ex =>
                        // Handle the cancelled tasks
                        TaskCanceledException tcex = ex as TaskCanceledException;
                        if (tcex != null)
                            NotificationHandler.ignore = false;

                        // Not handling any other types of exception.

            bemergency.Click += delegate
                var uri    = Android.Net.Uri.Parse("tel:101");
                var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDial, uri);

            bdismiss.Click += async(sender, e) =>

            // This task runs in the background til it gets a cancellation request
            async Task TimerAsync(int interval, CancellationToken token)
                while (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await Task.Delay(interval, token);
Esempio n. 4
        private static HRStatus calcCurrentStatus(user_page userPage, int HR)
            HRStatus last;
            HRStatus retStatus = HRStatus.Normal;
            DateTime now       = DateTime.Now;
            var      lastItem  = statusHistoryList.LastOrDefault();

            last = lastItem.Equals(default(NotifyItem)) ? HRStatus.Normal : lastItem.heartStatus;

            // Fixme: there is a period of time inwhich no matter how "normal" your heart rate you are still in
            // abnormal condition - maybe we should add a counter or some thing that will tell us until when the
            // status is still abnormal.
            // Meanwhile - when the current status is the normal range we will consider it as normal condition
            // REGARDLESS the previous condition.

            switch (last)
            case HRStatus.Hyper:
                // Hypo
                if (HR < minHRBound || HR <= (userPage.avg - 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance))) // or less than HR < |avg -2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.NotStable;
                // Hyper
                if (HR > maxHRBound || HR >= (userPage.avg + 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or more than HR > |avg +2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hyper;

            case HRStatus.Hypo:
                // Hypo
                if (HR < minHRBound || HR <= (userPage.avg - 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or less than HR < |avg -2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hypo;
                // Hyper
                if (HR > maxHRBound || HR >= (userPage.avg + 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or more than HR > |avg +2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.NotStable;

            case HRStatus.NotStable:
                // Check if the limit time of none regular HB time is passed
                if (now.Subtract(notStableTime) < lastItem.time)
                    retStatus = HRStatus.NotStable;
                // Hypo
                if (HR < minHRBound || HR <= (userPage.avg - 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or less than HR < |avg -2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hypo;
                // Hyper
                if (HR > maxHRBound || HR >= (userPage.avg + 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or more than HR > |avg +2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hyper;

            case HRStatus.Normal:
                if (HR < minHRBound || HR <= (userPage.avg - 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or less than HR < |avg -2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hypo;
                // Hyper
                if (HR > maxHRBound || HR >= (userPage.avg + 2 * System.Math.Sqrt(userPage.variance)))     // or more than HR > |avg +2*std|
                    retStatus = HRStatus.Hyper;
            // In case of ublormal HR we will remove far history items from statusHistoryList
            if (retStatus != HRStatus.Normal)
                statusHistoryList.RemoveAll(x => now.Subtract(historyTime) >= x.time);

            // In case the status OK
Esempio n. 5
        private static void NotifyHeartRate(Context context, user_page userPage, int HR, HRStatus status)
            // When the user clicks the notification, SecondActivity will start up.
            Intent resultIntent = new Intent(userPage, typeof(NotificationActivity));

            // Passing HR and HRStatus to notification activity
            Bundle valuesForActivity = new Bundle();

            valuesForActivity.PutInt("status", (int)status);
            valuesForActivity.PutInt("HR", HR);

            // Construct a back stack for cross-task navigation:
            TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.Create(context);


            // Create the PendingIntent with the back stack:
            PendingIntent resultPendingIntent =
                stackBuilder.GetPendingIntent(0, (int)PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent | (int)PendingIntentFlags.OneShot);

            // Build the notification:
            NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
                                                 .SetAutoCancel(true)                              // Dismiss from the notif. area when clicked
                                                 .SetContentIntent(resultPendingIntent)            // Start 2nd activity when the intent is clicked.
                                                 .SetContentTitle("Is everything OK?")             // Set its title
                                                 .SetNumber(HR)                                    // Display the HR in the Content Info
                                                 .SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.emptyheart_white) // Display this icon
                                                                     "Your heart beat {0} to {1} bpm.",
                                                                     status == HRStatus.Hypo ? "decreased dramaticaly" :
                                                                     status == HRStatus.Hyper ? "increased dramaticaly" :
                                                                     "is not stable and changed dramatically", HR)); // The message to display.

            // Finally, publish the notification:
            NotificationManager notificationManager =

            notificationManager.Notify(ButtonClickNotificationId, builder.Build());