Esempio n. 1
        public MouseTracker()
            wpfPlot1.plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(null, 100));

            vLine = wpfPlot1.plt.PlotVLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash);
            hLine = wpfPlot1.plt.PlotHLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash);

Esempio n. 2
        public MouseTracker()
            wpfPlot1.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(null, 100));

            vLine = wpfPlot1.Plot.AddVerticalLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, style: LineStyle.Dash);
            hLine = wpfPlot1.Plot.AddHorizontalLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, style: LineStyle.Dash);

Esempio n. 3
    //string MyDebug_Backup="";
    void ModuleUpdatePointToLine2()
        Vertex VTX = VA.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //対象となる点
        HLine  HLN = VB.GetComponent <HLine>();  //対象となる直線

        if (VTX != null && HLN != null)
            HypLine  L1    = HLN.HL;
            HypPoint P1    = new HypPoint(VTX.XY);
            HypLine  L2    = HTransform.GetHPerpendicularThruAPoint(L1, P1);
            HypPoint P2    = HTransform.GetCrossingPointOfTwoHLines(L1, L2);
            float    error = HTransform.GetHDistanceOfTwoPoints(P1, P2) * 0.2f;
            if (0.001f < error || error < -0.001f)
                //string MyDebug = "";
                HypPoint P3 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P2, P1, error);
                HypPoint P4 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P1, P2, error);
                if (!VTX.Fixed && P4.InWorld())
                    //MyDebug += "P4:" + P4.GetX() + "," + P4.GetY();
                    VTX.XY.x = P4.GetX();
                    VTX.XY.y = P4.GetY();
                Vertex   L1V1   = HLN.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点1
                Vertex   L1V2   = HLN.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点2
                HypPoint PL1    = new HypPoint(L1V1.XY);
                HypPoint PL2    = new HypPoint(L1V2.XY);
                HypPoint NewPL1 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(P2, P3, PL1);
                HypPoint NewPL2 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(P2, P3, PL2);
                if (!L1V1.Fixed && NewPL1.InWorld())
                    //MyDebug += "L1:" + NewPL1.GetX() + "," + NewPL1.GetY();
                    L1V1.XY.x = NewPL1.GetX();
                    L1V1.XY.y = NewPL1.GetY();
                if (!L1V2.Fixed && NewPL2.InWorld())
                    //MyDebug += "L2:" + NewPL2.GetX() + "," + NewPL2.GetY();
                    L1V2.XY.x = NewPL2.GetX();
                    L1V2.XY.y = NewPL2.GetY();
                //if (MyDebug != MyDebug_Backup)
                //    Debug.Log(MyDebug);
                //    MyDebug_Backup = MyDebug;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a horizontal axis line at a specific Y position
        /// </summary>
        public HLine AddHorizontalLine(double y, Color?color = null, float width = 1, LineStyle style = LineStyle.Solid, string label = null)
            HLine plottable = new HLine()
                Y         = y,
                Color     = color ?? settings.GetNextColor(),
                LineWidth = width,
                LineStyle = style,
                Label     = label,

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        private void DrawLine(Graphics g, HLine line)
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            using (Pen p = new Pen(line.LineColor, line.LineWidth))
                p.StartCap = LineCap.Round;
                p.EndCap   = LineCap.Round;

                p.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
                g.DrawCurve(p, line.PointList.ToArray()); //画平滑曲线
Esempio n. 6
    void ModuleUpdateTangentCircleToLine()
        HCircle hcircle = VA.GetComponent <HCircle>(); //対象となる円
        HLine   hline   = VB.GetComponent <HLine>();   //対象となる直線

        if (hcircle != null && hline != null)
            HypCircle C1 = hcircle.GetHCR();
            HypLine   L1 = hline.GetHL();
            HypPoint  P1 = new HypPoint(hcircle.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().XY);
            HypLine   L2 = HTransform.GetHPerpendicularThruAPoint(L1, P1);
            HypPoint  P2 = HTransform.GetCrossingPointOfTwoHLines(L1, L2);
            float error = (HTransform.GetHDistanceOfTwoPoints(P1, P2) - C1.HR) * 0.1f;
            if (0.001f < error || error < -0.001f)
                HypPoint P3 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P2, P1, error);
                HypPoint P4 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P1, P2, error);
                C1.HR += error;
                Vertex C1V = hcircle.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>();
                if (!C1V.Fixed && P4.InWorld())
                    C1V.XY.x = P4.GetX();
                    C1V.XY.y = P4.GetY();
                Vertex   L1V1   = hline.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点1
                Vertex   L1V2   = hline.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点2
                HypPoint PL1    = new HypPoint(L1V1.XY);
                HypPoint PL2    = new HypPoint(L1V2.XY);
                HypPoint NewPL1 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(P2, P3, PL1);
                HypPoint NewPL2 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(P2, P3, PL2);
                if (!L1V1.Fixed && NewPL1.InWorld())
                    L1V1.XY.x = NewPL1.GetX();
                    L1V1.XY.y = NewPL1.GetY();
                if (!L1V2.Fixed && NewPL2.InWorld())
                    L1V2.XY.x = NewPL2.GetX();
                    L1V2.XY.y = NewPL2.GetY();
Esempio n. 7
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            vline = formsPlot1.plt.PlotVLine(1);
            hline = formsPlot1.plt.PlotHLine(1);

            formsPlot1.plt.PlotHSpan(10, 20, draggable: true);
            formsPlot1.plt.PlotVSpan(5, 10, draggable: true);

            Random rand = new Random(0);

            double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(100);
            double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100);
            sph = formsPlot1.plt.PlotScatterHighlight(xs, ys);

Esempio n. 8
        public Form1()

            // simulate 10 seconds of 48 kHz audio
            int    sampleRate = 48_000;
            Random rand       = new Random(0);

            double[] data = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, sampleRate * 10);
            Signal = formsPlot1.Plot.AddSignal(data, sampleRate);

            // markers to indicate where the mouse is
            HLine = formsPlot1.Plot.AddHorizontalLine(0, Color.Red, 1, ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dash);
            VLine = formsPlot1.Plot.AddVerticalLine(0, Color.Red, 1, ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dash);

Esempio n. 9
    void ModuleUpdateIsometry()
        HLine    HLN1   = VA.GetComponent <HLine>(); //対象となる直線1
        HLine    HLN2   = VB.GetComponent <HLine>(); //対象となる直線2
        Vertex   V11    = HLN1.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>();
        Vertex   V12    = HLN1.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>();
        Vertex   V21    = HLN2.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>();
        Vertex   V22    = HLN2.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>();
        HypPoint P11    = new HypPoint(V11.XY);
        HypPoint P12    = new HypPoint(V12.XY);
        HypPoint P21    = new HypPoint(V21.XY);
        HypPoint P22    = new HypPoint(V22.XY);
        float    Dist1  = HTransform.GetHDistanceOfTwoPoints(P11, P12);
        float    Dist2  = HTransform.GetHDistanceOfTwoPoints(P21, P22);
        float    Error  = (Dist2 - Dist1) * 0.1f;
        HypPoint NewP11 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P11, P12, -Error);
        HypPoint NewP12 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P12, P11, -Error);
        HypPoint NewP21 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P21, P22, Error);
        HypPoint NewP22 = HTransform.GetHMoveAlongTwoPoints(P22, P21, Error);

        if (NewP11.InWorld() && !V11.Fixed)
            V11.XY.x = NewP11.GetX();
            V11.XY.y = NewP11.GetY();
        if (NewP12.InWorld() && !V12.Fixed)
            V12.XY.x = NewP12.GetX();
            V12.XY.y = NewP12.GetY();
        if (NewP21.InWorld() && !V21.Fixed)
            V21.XY.x = NewP21.GetX();
            V21.XY.y = NewP21.GetY();
        if (NewP22.InWorld() && !V22.Fixed)
            V22.XY.x = NewP22.GetX();
            V22.XY.y = NewP22.GetY();
Esempio n. 10
        public void Test_AxisLine_ChangesPosition()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot();

            // start with default settings
            var axLine = new HLine()
                position = 1.23

            var bmp1 = TestTools.GetLowQualityBitmap(plt);

            // change the plottable
            axLine.position += 1;
            var bmp2 = TestTools.GetLowQualityBitmap(plt);

            // measure what changed
            //TestTools.SaveFig(bmp1, "1");
            //TestTools.SaveFig(bmp2, "2");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(bmp1), ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(bmp2));
Esempio n. 11
    void ModuleUpdatePointToLine()
        Vector2 vtx   = VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().XY; //対象となる点
        HLine   hline = VB.GetComponent <HLine>();     //対象となる直線

        if (vtx != null && hline != null)
            HypLine ln        = hline.HL;                          //直線の円データ
            Vector2 hlnCenter = new Vector2(ln.GetX(), ln.GetY()); //直線の円データの中心座標
            Vector2 direction = vtx - hlnCenter;                   //円の中心から対象となる点の方向
            float   dist      = direction.magnitude - ln.R;        //誤差
            if (Mathf.Abs(dist) > 0.001f)
                //Vector2 newVtx = hlnCenter + (ln.R + 0.75f * dist) * direction;//新しい点の座標
                Vector2  newVtx = vtx - (0.1f * dist) * direction;//新しい点の座標
                HypPoint newPt  = new HypPoint(newVtx);
                if (!VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().Fixed&& newPt.InWorld())
                    VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().XY = newVtx;
                Vector2 startPos    = vtx - dist * direction;           //平行移動スタート点
                Vector2 endPos      = vtx - (0.8f * dist) * direction;  //平行移動ゴール点
                Vertex  lineVertex1 = hline.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点1
                Vertex  lineVertex2 = hline.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>(); //動かすべき点2
                //new HypPoint(lineVertex1.XY).Println("LV1");
                //new HypPoint(lineVertex2.XY).Println("LV2");
                Vector2 XY1 = lineVertex1.XY;
                Vector2 XY2 = lineVertex2.XY;
                if (!lineVertex1.Fixed)
                    HypPoint HP1    = new HypPoint(XY1);
                    HypPoint HPnew1 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(startPos, endPos, HP1);//点1を平行移動する
                    if (HPnew1.InWorld())
                        lineVertex1.XY.x = HPnew1.GetX();
                        lineVertex1.XY.y = HPnew1.GetY();
                        Debug.Log("error occurs at module P2L - 1A:" + HPnew1.X + "," + HPnew1.Y + "," + HPnew1.Z);
                        Debug.Log("dist " + dist);
                        Debug.Log("ln.R " + ln.R);
                        Debug.Log("direction " + direction.x + "," + direction.y);
                        Debug.Log("hlnCenter " + hlnCenter.x + "," + hlnCenter.y);
                        Debug.Log("startPos" + startPos.x + "," + startPos.y);
                        Debug.Log("endPos" + endPos.x + "," + endPos.y);
                if (!lineVertex2.Fixed)
                    HypPoint HP2    = new HypPoint(XY2);
                    HypPoint HPnew2 = HTransform.ParallelTransform(startPos, endPos, HP2);//点2を平行移動する
                    if (HPnew2.InWorld())
                        lineVertex2.XY.x = HPnew2.GetX();
                        lineVertex2.XY.y = HPnew2.GetY();
                        Debug.Log("error occurs at module P2L - 2A:" + HPnew2.X + "," + HPnew2.Y + "," + HPnew2.Z);
 public override string ToString()
     if (Mode == MODE.ADD_POINT)
         Vertex VTX = ParentObj.GetComponent <Vertex>();
         return("Point," + VTX.XY.x + "," + VTX.XY.y + "," + "1" + "," + VTX.ID + "," + VTX.Fixed + "," + Active + "," + VTX.VertexName);
     else if (Mode == MODE.ADD_LINE)
         HLine HLN = ParentObj.GetComponent <HLine>();
         int   Id1 = HLN.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID;
         int   Id2 = HLN.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID;
         return("Line," + Id1 + "," + Id2 + "," + HLN.ID + "," + Active + "," + HLN.HLineName);
     else if (Mode == MODE.ADD_CIRCLE)
         HCircle HCI = ParentObj.GetComponent <HCircle>();
         int     Id1 = HCI.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID;
         return("Circle," + Id1 + "," + HCI.HCR.HR + "," + HCI.ID + "," + Active + "," + HCI.HCircleName);
     else if (Mode == MODE.ADD_MIDPOINT)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID + "," + HMD.VC.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.POINT_TO_POINT)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.POINT_TO_LINE)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HLine>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.POINT_TO_CIRCLE)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <Vertex>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HCircle>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.ISOMETRY)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <HLine>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HLine>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.PERPENDICULAR)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <HLine>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HLine>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.TANGENT_C2L)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <HCircle>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HLine>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
     else if (Mode == MODE.TANGENT_C2C)
         HModule HMD = ParentObj.GetComponent <HModule>();
         return("Module," + Mode + "," + HMD.VA.GetComponent <HCircle>().ID
                + "," + HMD.VB.GetComponent <HCircle>().ID + "," + "ID3" + "," + HMD.ID + "," + Active);
        private HElement GetDebugResponse(SessionData sessionData)
            HMultipleElements ret = new HMultipleElements();

            ret += new HText($"Current Response Count: {StringResponses.Count} ({CurrentStringResponseCacheSize * sizeof(char)} bytes).");

            if (MaximumStringResponseCacheSize > 0)
                ret += new HText($"Cache Fillrate: {CurrentStringResponseCacheSize} / {MaximumStringResponseCacheSize} = {((CurrentStringResponseCacheSize / MaximumStringResponseCacheSize) * 100f):0.000}%.");

                string request;

                using (StringResponseLock.LockRead())
                    if (sessionData.HttpHeadVariables.TryGetValue("key", out request))
                        ret += new HButton("Back to all entries", "?all=true");

                        ResponseCacheEntry <string> response;

                        if (StringResponses.TryGetValue(request, out response))
                            ret += new HHeadline($"Entry '{request}'", 2);
                            ret += new HText("Requested Times: " + response.Count);
                            ret += new HText("Response Length: " + response.Response.Length);
                            ret += new HText("Last Requested: " + response.LastRequestedDateTime);
                            ret += new HText("Last Updated Times: " + response.LastUpdatedDateTime);
                            ret += new HText("Lifetime: " + response.RefreshTime);

                            ret += new HLine();
                            ret += new HText("Contents:");

                            ret += new HText(response.Response)
                                Class = "code"
                            ret += new HText($"The requested entry '{request}' could not be found.")
                                Class = "error"
                    else if (sessionData.HttpHeadVariables.ContainsKey("all"))
                        ret += new HTable((from e in StringResponses
                                           select new object[] { e.Key, e.Value.Count, e.Value.Response.Length, e.Value.LastRequestedDateTime, e.Value.LastUpdatedDateTime, e.Value.RefreshTime, new HLink("Show Contents", "?key=" + e.Key.EncodeUrl()) }
                                           ).OrderByDescending(e => (int)(ulong)e[1] * (int)e[2]))
                            TableHeader = new string[] { "Key", "Request Count", "Response Length", "Last Request Time", "Last Updated Time", "Lifetime", "Contents" }
                        ret += new HButton("Show all entries (might take a long time to load)", HButton.EButtonType.button, "?all=true");

    // This is the actual window.
    void DialogWindow(int windowID)
        float AlignX    = 15;
        float AlignY    = 20;
        float AlignStep = 30;
        float height    = 28;
        float align     = 60;
        float bigAlign  = 72;
        float width     = windowRect.width - 30;
        float halfAlign = width / 2f;

        if (LogObject.Mode == MODE.ADD_POINT)
            Vertex VTX = Object.GetComponent <Vertex>();
            if (VTX == null)
            Fixed = VTX.Fixed;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text1, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Name ", TextStyle);
            ObjectName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(AlignX + align, AlignY, width - align, height), ObjectName, TextFieldStyle);
            AlignY    += AlignStep;
            // 1列目
            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, windowRect.width - align, height), Text2, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "X :", TextStyle);
            CoordX  = GUI.TextField(new Rect(AlignX + align, AlignY, width - align, height), CoordX, TextFieldStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Y : ", TextStyle);
            CoordY  = GUI.TextField(new Rect(AlignX + align, AlignY, width - align, height), CoordY, TextFieldStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;
            // 2列目
            if (Fixed)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Fixed ", TextStyle);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + bigAlign, AlignY, width - bigAlign, height), "Unfixed", ButtonStyle))
                    Fixed = VTX.Fixed = false;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Unfixed ", TextStyle);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + bigAlign, AlignY, width - bigAlign, height), "Fixed", ButtonStyle))
                    Fixed = VTX.Fixed = true;
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Delete", ButtonStyle))
                Objects.DraggedVertex = VTX;
                show = false;
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "Cancel", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "OK", ButtonStyle))
                VTX.VertexName = ObjectName;
                VTX.XY.x       = float.Parse(CoordX);
                VTX.XY.y       = float.Parse(CoordY);
                show           = false;
        else if (LogObject.Mode == MODE.ADD_LINE)
            HLine HLN = Object.GetComponent <HLine>();
            if (HLN == null)
            Clipped = HLN.Clipped;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text1, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Name ", TextStyle);
            ObjectName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(AlignX + align, AlignY, width - align, height), ObjectName, TextFieldStyle);
            AlignY    += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text2, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (Clipped)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Clipped", TextStyle);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, width - halfAlign, height), "Unclipped", ButtonStyle))
                    Clipped = HLN.Clipped = false;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Unclipped", TextStyle);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, width - halfAlign, height), "Clipped", ButtonStyle))
                    Clipped = HLN.Clipped = true;
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Delete", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "Cancel", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "OK", ButtonStyle))
                HLN.HLineName = ObjectName;
                show          = false;
        else if (LogObject.Mode == MODE.ADD_CIRCLE)
            HCircle HCI = Object.GetComponent <HCircle>();
            if (HCI == null)

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text1, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Name ", TextStyle);
            ObjectName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(AlignX + align, AlignY, width - align, height), ObjectName, TextFieldStyle);
            AlignY    += AlignStep;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text2, TextStyle);
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Delete", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            AlignY += AlignStep;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "Cancel", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "OK", ButtonStyle))
                HCI.HCircleName = ObjectName;
                show            = false;
            HModule HMD = Object.GetComponent <HModule>();
            if (HMD != null)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text1, TextStyle);
                AlignY += AlignStep;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), Text2, TextStyle);
                AlignY += AlignStep;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, width, height), "Delete", ButtonStyle))
                    show = false;
                AlignY += AlignStep;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "Cancel", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(AlignX + halfAlign, AlignY, halfAlign, height), "OK", ButtonStyle))
                show = false;