private void GraphArea1Setup() { var gxLogicCoreExample = new GxLogicCoreExample { DefaultLayoutAlgorithm = LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.BoundedFR, DefaultEdgeRoutingAlgorithm = EdgeRoutingAlgorithmTypeEnum.None //.PathFinder, //.None //DefaultOverlapRemovalAlgorithm = OverlapRemovalAlgorithmTypeEnum.FSA }; //gxLogicCoreExample.Graph = GraphArea1.LogicCore?.Graph; GraphArea1.LogicCore = gxLogicCoreExample; GraphArea1.MoveAnimation = AnimationFactory.CreateMoveAnimation(MoveAnimation.Move, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); //GraphArea1.MouseOverAnimation = AnimationFactory.CreateMouseOverAnimation(MouseOverAnimation.Scale, .3); GraphArea1.SetVerticesDrag(true, true); }
private void FirstExample_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 1. create graph //var graph = GraphSamples.FirstSimpleExample(); var graph = GraphSamples.Example2(); // 2. add graph layout algorithm var gxLogicCoreExample = new GxLogicCoreExample { Graph = graph, //DefaultLayoutAlgorithm = GraphX.PCL.Common.Enums.LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.BoundedFR }; GraphArea1.LogicCore = gxLogicCoreExample; // 3. display graph GraphArea1.GenerateGraph(); ZoomCtrl.ZoomToFill(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); ZoomControl.SetViewFinderVisibility(GgZoomctrl, Visibility.Visible); //Set Fill zooming strategy so whole graph will be always visible GgZoomctrl.ZoomToFill(); var packageKeys = new[] { new PackageKey("NServiceBus.NHibernate", "4.5.5"), //new PackageKey("FluentNHibernate", "1.4.0"), //new PackageKey("Common.Logging", "3.3.1"), ////new PackageKey("Common.Logging", "3.3.1"), //new PackageKey("Common.Logging.Core", "3.3.1"), //new PackageKey("Iesi.Collections", ""), //new PackageKey("log4net", "1.2.10"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client", "5.2.3"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core", "5.2.3"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin", "5.2.3"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.Owin", "2.0.2"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics", "2.0.2"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener", "2.0.2"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.Owin.Hosting", "2.0.2"), //new PackageKey("Microsoft.Owin.SelfHost", "2.0.2"), //new PackageKey("Newtonsoft.Json", "6.0.8"), //new PackageKey("NHibernate", ""), //new PackageKey("NServiceBus", ""), //new PackageKey("NServiceBus.StructureMap", ""), //new PackageKey("NUnit", ""), //new PackageKey("Owin", "1.0"), //new PackageKey("Quartz", "1.0.3"), //new PackageKey("RhinoMocks", "3.6"), //new PackageKey("SharpZipLib", "0.86.0"), //new PackageKey("SmartThreadPool.dll", "2.2.3"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Aop", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Core", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Data", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Data.NHibernate3", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Services", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("Spring.Testing.NUnit", "2.0.1"), //new PackageKey("structuremap", "2.6.2") }; var storage = new Storage <PackageDto>("Storage"); var packageRepository = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(""); var nugetLibraryProxy = new NugetLibraryProxy(storage, packageRepository); var inspector = new PackageInspector(nugetLibraryProxy); var node = inspector.InspectPackage(packageKeys) .ToList(); DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel(new MainWindowModel(nugetLibraryProxy, packageKeys)); var restrictions = new Dictionary <string, VersionSpec>(); node.ForEachItem( x => { x.Value.Dependencies.ForEachItem( y => { var key = y.Id; VersionSpec restrictedVersion; if (restrictions.ContainsKey(key)) { restrictedVersion = y.VersionSpec.Intersect(restrictions[key]); Debug.WriteLine($"intersecting {y.VersionSpec} with {restrictions[key]} -> {restrictedVersion}"); } else { restrictedVersion = y.VersionSpec; } restrictions[key] = restrictedVersion; }); }); restrictions.ForEachItem( x => { Debug.WriteLine($"{x.Key} : {x.Value}"); }); node = node.Select( x => x.Filter <PackageNode>( y => { var key = y.Key.Id; if (!restrictions.ContainsKey(key)) { if (x.Parent == null) { return(true); } Debug.WriteLine($"no restriction for {key}"); return(false); } var restriction = restrictions[key]; return(restriction.Satisfies(y.SemanticVersion)); })) .Where(x => x != null) .ToList(); var graph = new GraphExample(); var graphNodes = new Dictionary <string, DataVertex>(); var groupIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var nextId = 1L; var nextGroupId = 1; var visitedNodes = new HashSet <PackageKey>(); node.ForEachItem( x => { x.ForEachItem( y => { var packageDto = y.Value; var packageKey = packageDto.Key; var packageId = packageKey.Id; var nodeKey = ComposeNodeKey(packageDto); if (!groupIds.ContainsKey(packageId)) { groupIds[packageId] = nextGroupId++; } if (visitedNodes.Contains(packageKey)) { return; } var existing = storage.GetById(packageId) .Value .Select(z => z.Key) .ToList(); visitedNodes.Add(packageKey); if (graphNodes.ContainsKey(nodeKey)) { var existring = graphNodes[nodeKey]; existring.AddVersion(existing, packageKey); return; } var dataVertex = new DataVertex(packageId) { ID = nextId++, GroupId = groupIds[packageId] }; dataVertex.AddVersion(existing, packageKey); graphNodes[nodeKey] = dataVertex; graph.AddVertex(dataVertex); }); }); node.ForEachItem( x => { x.ForEachItem( y => { if (y.Parent == null) { return; } var packageDto = y.Value; var thisKey = ComposeNodeKey(packageDto); var thisVertex = graphNodes[thisKey]; var parent = y.Parent.Value; var parentKey = ComposeNodeKey(parent); if (graphNodes.ContainsKey(parentKey)) { var parentVertex = graphNodes[parentKey]; graph.AddEdge(new DataEdge(thisVertex, parentVertex)); } else { Debug.WriteLine($"no parent node for this: {thisKey} parent: {parentKey}"); } }); }); var logicCore = new GxLogicCoreExample { Graph = graph }; logicCore.DefaultLayoutAlgorithm = LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.KK; logicCore.DefaultLayoutAlgorithmParams = logicCore.AlgorithmFactory.CreateLayoutParameters(LayoutAlgorithmTypeEnum.KK); ((KKLayoutParameters)logicCore.DefaultLayoutAlgorithmParams).MaxIterations = 4000; logicCore.DefaultOverlapRemovalAlgorithm = OverlapRemovalAlgorithmTypeEnum.FSA; logicCore.DefaultOverlapRemovalAlgorithmParams.HorizontalGap = 200; logicCore.DefaultOverlapRemovalAlgorithmParams.VerticalGap = 150; logicCore.DefaultEdgeRoutingAlgorithm = EdgeRoutingAlgorithmTypeEnum.SimpleER; logicCore.AsyncAlgorithmCompute = false; GgArea.LogicCore = logicCore; GgArea.GenerateGraph(true, true); /* * After graph generation is finished you can apply some additional settings for newly created visual vertex and edge controls * (VertexControl and EdgeControl classes). * */ //This method sets the dash style for edges. It is applied to all edges in Area.EdgesList. You can also set dash property for //each edge individually using EdgeControl.DashStyle property. //For ex.: Area.EdgesList[0].DashStyle = GraphX.EdgeDashStyle.Dash; GgArea.SetEdgesDashStyle(EdgeDashStyle.Dash); //This method sets edges arrows visibility. It is also applied to all edges in Area.EdgesList. You can also set property for //each edge individually using property, for ex: Area.EdgesList[0].ShowArrows = true; GgArea.ShowAllEdgesArrows(true); //This method sets edges labels visibility. It is also applied to all edges in Area.EdgesList. You can also set property for //each edge individually using property, for ex: Area.EdgesList[0].ShowLabel = true; GgArea.ShowAllEdgesLabels(true); GgZoomctrl.ZoomToFill(); }