Esempio n. 1
        public BaseUnitTest()
            testsToRun = new Dictionary <string, Action>();

            always1  = new Rng(1);
            always10 = new Rng(10);
            always20 = new Rng(20);

            gunFactory  = new GunFactory();
            mh          = gunFactory.Get(GunType.Pepperbox);
            artificerMh = gunFactory.Get(GunType.Pepperbox, WeaponTier.ArtificerReloadProperty);
            ohs         = new List <IGun>()
            feats = new List <Feat>()
            buffs = new List <MagicInitiateSpell>()
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void Setup()
            palmPistol          = factory.Get(GunType.PalmPistol);
            artificerPalmPistol = factory.Get(GunType.PalmPistol, WeaponTier.ArtificerReloadProperty);
            pistol      = factory.Get(GunType.Pistol);
            musket      = factory.Get(GunType.Musket);
            pepperbox   = factory.Get(GunType.Pepperbox);
            blunderbuss = factory.Get(GunType.Blunderbuss);

            enemy = new Enemy(13);
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * UnitTestSuite testSuite = new UnitTestSuite();
             * testSuite.Run();

            GunFactory gunFactory = new GunFactory();
            //IGun mh = gunFactory.Get(GunType.Pistol);
            IGun        mh          = gunFactory.Get(GunType.Pepperbox);
            IGun        artificerMh = gunFactory.Get(GunType.Pistol, WeaponTier.ArtificerReloadProperty);
            List <IGun> ohs         = new List <IGun>()
            List <IGun> artificerOhs = new List <IGun>()
                gunFactory.Get(GunType.PalmPistol, WeaponTier.ArtificerReloadProperty)
            //List<Feat> feats = new List<Feat>() { Feat.None };
            List <Feat> feats = new List <Feat>()
            List <MagicInitiateSpell> buffs = new List <MagicInitiateSpell>()
            //List<MagicInitiateSpell> buffs = new List<MagicInitiateSpell>() { MagicInitiateSpell.Bless };
            //List<MagicInitiateSpell> buffs = new List<MagicInitiateSpell>() { MagicInitiateSpell.Hex };

            Rng rng = new Rng();
            //buffs = new List<MagicInitiateSpell>() { MagicInitiateSpell.Bless };
            //buffs = new List<MagicInitiateSpell>() { MagicInitiateSpell.Hex };
            Player player = new Player(rng, 8, 8, FightingStyle.Archery, mh, ohs, feats, buffs);
            //Player player = new Player(rng, 6, 8, FightingStyle.Archery, artificerMh, artificerOhs, feats, buffs);

            int   numTurns = 7;
            Enemy enemy    = new Enemy(17);

            int numSims = 100000;
            //int numSimsPerThread = numSims / 4;
            int numSimsPerThread             = numSims;
            BulkGunSlingerSimulation sim     = new BulkGunSlingerSimulation(rng, numTurns, numSims, numSimsPerThread);
            SimulationSummary        summary = sim.BulkSimulate(player, enemy);
            int totalTurns = numSims * numTurns;

            double dmgPerTurn        = (double)summary.DamageDone / totalTurns;
            double shotsPerTurn      = (double)summary.Shots / totalTurns;
            double hitsPerTurn       = (double)summary.Hits / totalTurns;
            double critsPerTurn      = (double)summary.Crits / totalTurns;
            double costPerSim        = ((double)summary.Cost / numSims) / 100;
            double brokenGunsPerTurn = (double)summary.NumberOfBrokenGuns / totalTurns;

            Console.WriteLine("------ Summary ------");
            Console.WriteLine($"Enemy AC: {enemy.ArmorClass}.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number of Turns per sim: {numTurns}.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number of total Turns: {totalTurns}.\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"Damage per turn: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", dmgPerTurn));
            Console.WriteLine($"Shots per turn: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", shotsPerTurn));
            Console.WriteLine($"Hits per turn: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", hitsPerTurn));
            Console.WriteLine($"Crits per turn: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", critsPerTurn));
            Console.WriteLine($"Cost per combat encounter: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", costPerSim) + "g");
            Console.WriteLine($"Broken Guns per turn: " + string.Format("{0:0.000}", brokenGunsPerTurn));