Esempio n. 1
        public BuffGump() : base(0, 0)
            X       = 100;
            Y       = 100;
            CanMove = true;
            CanCloseWithRightClick = true;
            _graphic = 0x7580;

            AddChildren(_background = new GumpPic(0, 0, _graphic, 0)
                LocalSerial = 1

            AddChildren(_button = new Button(0, 0x7585, 0x7589, 0x7589)
                X = -2, Y = 36, ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate
            _direction = GumpDirection.LEFT_HORIZONTAL;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Graphic, BuffIcon> k in World.Player.BuffIcons)
                AddChildren(new BuffControlEntry(World.Player.BuffIcons[k.Key]));
Esempio n. 2
        public MobileHealthTrackerGump(Mobile mobile)
            : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl <MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial) != null)
                UserInterface.GetControl <MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial).Dispose();

            IsMoveable        = true;
            HandlesMouseInput = true;

            Mobile = mobile;

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0803, 0));
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 10, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 24, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 10, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 24, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0804, 0));
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[1];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[1];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 17, 13, 120, 20, 0, 0, String.Format("<span color='#000' style='font-family:uni0;'>{0}", mobile.Name)));
        public SkillGumpAdvanced() : base(0, 0)
            _totalReal       = 0;
            _totalValue      = 0;
            CanMove          = true;
            AcceptMouseInput = true;
            WantUpdateSize   = false;

            Width  = WIDTH;
            Height = HEIGHT;

            Add(new AlphaBlendControl(0.05f)
                X      = 1,
                Y      = 1,
                Width  = WIDTH - 2,
                Height = HEIGHT - 2

            _scrollArea = new ScrollArea(20, 60, WIDTH - 40, 250, true)
                AcceptMouseInput = true

            Add(new NiceButton(10, 10, 180, 25, ButtonAction.Activate, "Name")
                ButtonParameter = (int)Buttons.SortName,
                IsSelected      = true,
                X = 40,
                Y = 25

            Add(new NiceButton(10, 10, 80, 25, ButtonAction.Activate, "Real")
                ButtonParameter = (int)Buttons.SortReal,
                X = 220,
                Y = 25

            Add(new NiceButton(10, 10, 80, 25, ButtonAction.Activate, "Base")
                ButtonParameter = (int)Buttons.SortBase,
                X = 300,
                Y = 25

            Add(new NiceButton(10, 10, 80, 25, ButtonAction.Activate, "Cap")
                ButtonParameter = (int)Buttons.SortCap,
                X = 380,
                Y = 25

            Add(new Line(20, 60, 435, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF));
            Add(new Line(20, 310, 435, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF));

            Add(_sortOrderIndicator = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x985, 0));
Esempio n. 4
        public override void Update(double totalMS, double frameMS)
            base.Update(totalMS, frameMS);

            if (Keyboard.Alt && Engine.UI.AnchorManager[this] != null)
                if (_lockGumpPic == null)
                    _lockGumpPic = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x082C, 0);
                    _lockGumpPic.Update(totalMS, frameMS);
                    _lockGumpPic.AcceptMouseInput = true;
                    _lockGumpPic.X        = Width - _lockGumpPic.Width;
                    _lockGumpPic.Y        = 0;
                    _lockGumpPic.MouseUp += _lockGumpPic_MouseClick;


                if (Engine.UI.MouseOverControl != null && (Engine.UI.MouseOverControl == this || Engine.UI.MouseOverControl.RootParent == this))
                    _lockGumpPic.Hue = 34;
                    _lockGumpPic.Hue = 0;
            else if ((!Keyboard.Alt || Engine.UI.AnchorManager[this] == null) && _lockGumpPic != null)
                _lockGumpPic = null;
Esempio n. 5
        private void BuildGump()
            WantUpdateSize = false;

            Add(_background = new GumpPic(0, 0, _graphic, 0)
                LocalSerial = 1

            Add(_button = new Button(0, 0x7585, 0x7589, 0x7589)
                X            = -2,
                Y            = 36,
                ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate
            _direction = GumpDirection.LEFT_HORIZONTAL;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BuffIconType, BuffIcon> k in World.Player.BuffIcons)
                Add(new BuffControlEntry(World.Player.BuffIcons[k.Key]));

Esempio n. 6
        private void BuildGump()
            CanMove              = true;
            CanBeSaved           = true;
            LocalSerial          = _item.Serial;
            _isCorspeContainer   = _gumpID == 0x0009;
            _item.Items.Added   += ItemsOnAdded;
            _item.Items.Removed += ItemsOnRemoved;

            _data = ContainerManager.Get(_gumpID);
            Graphic g = _data.Graphic;

            Add(new GumpPicContainer(0, 0, g, 0, _item));
            if (_isCorspeContainer)
                Add(_eyeGumpPic = new GumpPic(45, 30, 0x0045, 0));

            X = ContainerManager.X;
            Y = ContainerManager.Y;

            if (_data.OpenSound != 0)
Esempio n. 7
        private void BuildGump()
            GumpPic pic = new GumpPic(0, 0, Graphic, 0);

            pic.SetTooltip(ClilocLoader.Instance.GetString(1112198 + (Graphic - 0x5DD0)), 200);
Esempio n. 8
        public SplitMenuGump(Item item, Point offset) : base(item, 0)
            Item     = item;
            _offsert = offset;

            CanMove          = true;
            AcceptMouseInput = false;

            GumpPic background = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x085C, 0);

            Add(_slider = new HSliderBar(29, 16, 105, 1, item.Amount, item.Amount, HSliderBarStyle.BlueWidgetNoBar));
            _lastValue  = _slider.Value;

            Add(_okButton = new Button(0, 0x085d, 0x085e, 0x085f)
                ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Default,
                X            = 102, Y = 37

            _okButton.MouseClick += OkButtonOnMouseClick;

            Add(_textBox = new TextBox(1, isunicode: false, hue: 0x0386, width: 60, maxWidth: 1000)
                X           = 29, Y = 42,
                Width       = 60,
                NumericOnly = true,
Esempio n. 9
 internal GumpImage(GumpPic gp)
     Location  = new Point2D(gp.X, gp.Y);
     GraphicID = gp.Id;
     Color     = gp.Hue;
     Page      = gp.Page;
     ElementID = gp.ElemNum;
Esempio n. 10
        public TargetLineGump() : base(0, 0)
            CanMove          = false;
            AcceptMouseInput = false;

            Add(_background = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x1068, 0));
            Add(_hp         = new GumpPicWithWidth(0, 0, 0x1069, 0, 1));
Esempio n. 11
        public StandardSkillsGump() : base(Constants.SKILLSTD_LOCALSERIAL, 0)
            CanBeSaved       = true;
            AcceptMouseInput = false;
            CanMove          = true;
            Height           = 200 + _diffY;

            Add(new GumpPic(160, 0, 0x82D, 0));
            _scrollArea = new ExpandableScroll(0, _diffY, Height, 0x1F40)
                TitleGumpID      = 0x0834,
                AcceptMouseInput = true


            Add(new GumpPic(50, 35 + _diffY, 0x082B, 0));
            Add(_bottomLine    = new GumpPic(50, Height - 98, 0x082B, 0));
            Add(_bottomComment = new GumpPic(25, Height - 85, 0x0836, 0));

            _container = new ScrollArea(22, 45 + _diffY + _bottomLine.Height - 10, _scrollArea.Width - 14,
                                        _scrollArea.Height - (83 + _diffY), false)
                AcceptMouseInput = true, CanMove = true
            Add(_skillsLabelSum = new Label(World.Player.Skills.Sum(s => s.Value).ToString("F1"), false, 600, 0, 3)
                X = _bottomComment.X + _bottomComment.Width + 5, Y = _bottomComment.Y - 5

            //new group
            Add(_newGroupButton = new Button(0, 0x083A, 0x083A, 0x083A)
                X = 60,
                Y = Height,
                ContainsByBounds = true,
                ButtonAction     = ButtonAction.Activate
            Add(_checkReal = new Checkbox(0x938, 0x939, " - Show Real", 1, 0x0386, false)
                X = _newGroupButton.X + _newGroupButton.Width + 30, Y = _newGroupButton.Y - 6
            Add(_checkCaps = new Checkbox(0x938, 0x939, " - Show Caps", 1, 0x0386, false)
                X = _newGroupButton.X + _newGroupButton.Width + 30, Y = _newGroupButton.Y + 7
            _checkReal.ValueChanged += UpdateGump;
            _checkCaps.ValueChanged += UpdateGump;

            _allSkillControls = new SkillControl[FileManager.Skills.SkillsCount];

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <int> > k in SkillsGroupManager.Groups)
                AddSkillsToGroup(k.Key, k.Value.OrderBy(s => s, _instance).ToList());
Esempio n. 12
        public ProfileGump(uint serial, string header, string footer, string body, bool canEdit) : base(serial == World.Player.Serial ? serial = Constants.PROFILE_LOCALSERIAL : serial, serial)
            Height                 = 300 + _diffY;
            CanMove                = true;
            AcceptKeyboardInput    = true;
            CanCloseWithRightClick = true;

            Add(_gumpPic = new GumpPic(143, 0, 0x82D, 0));
            _gumpPic.MouseDoubleClick += _picBase_MouseDoubleClick;
            Add(_scrollExp             = new ExpandableScroll(0, _diffY, Height - _diffY, 0x0820));
            _scrollArea = new ScrollArea(0, 32 + _diffY, 272, Height - (96 + _diffY), false);

            Control c = new Label(header, true, 0, font: 1, maxwidth: 140)
                X = 85,
                Y = 0

            AddHorizontalBar(_scrollArea, 92, 35, 220);

            _textBox = new StbTextBox(1, -1, 220)
                Height     = FontsLoader.Instance.GetHeightUnicode(1, body, 220, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT, 0x0),
                Width      = 220,
                X          = 35,
                Y          = 0,
                IsEditable = canEdit,
                Multiline  = true

            _originalText = body;

            if (_textBox.Height < 50)
                _textBox.Height = 50;

            _textBox.TextChanged += _textBox_TextChanged;
            AddHorizontalBar(_scrollArea, 95, 35, 220);

                new Label(footer, true, 0, font: 1, maxwidth: 220)
                X = 35,
                Y = 0


            Add(_hitBox      = new HitBox(143, 0, 23, 24));
            _hitBox.MouseUp += _hitBox_MouseUp;
Esempio n. 13
        public TargetLineGump(Mobile mobile) : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            CanMove          = false;
            AcceptMouseInput = false;

            Add(_background = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x1068, 0));
            Add(_hp         = new GumpPicWithWidth(0, 0, 0x1069, 0, 1));

            Mobile = mobile;
Esempio n. 14
        void BuildGump()
            if (m_Book.ItemID >= 0xFEF && m_Book.ItemID <= 0xFF2)
                m_BookBackground  = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x1FE, 0);
                m_PageCornerLeft  = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x1FF, 0);
                m_PageCornerRight = new GumpPic(this, 356, 0, 0x200, 0);
            AddControl(m_BookBackground);   // book background gump
            AddControl(m_PageCornerLeft);   // page turn left
            m_PageCornerLeft.GumpLocalID            = 0;
            m_PageCornerLeft.MouseClickEvent       += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            m_PageCornerLeft.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
            AddControl(m_PageCornerRight);  // page turn right
            m_PageCornerRight.GumpLocalID            = 1;
            m_PageCornerRight.MouseClickEvent       += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            m_PageCornerRight.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
            // Draw the title and author page
            m_TitleTextEntry = new TextEntry(this, 45, 50, 155, 300, 1, 0, 0, m_Book.Title);
            m_TitleTextEntry.IsEditable = m_Book.IsEditable;
            m_AuthorTextEntry           = new TextEntry(this, 45, 110, 160, 300, 1, 0, 0, m_Book.Author);
            m_AuthorTextEntry.IsEditable = m_Book.IsEditable;
            AddControl(m_TitleTextEntry, 1);
            AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 45, 90, 155, 300, 0, 0, "<font color=#444>By"), 1);
            AddControl(m_AuthorTextEntry, 1);
            // Add book pages to active pages
            bool   isRight = true;
            string color   = m_Book.IsEditable ? "800" : "000";

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Book.PageCount; i++)
                int onGumpPage = (i + 3) / 2;
                int x          = isRight ? 235 : 45;
                m_Pages.Add(new TextEntryPage(this, x, 32, 155, 300, i));
                m_Pages[i].SetMaxLines(8, OnPageOverflow, OnPageUnderflow);
                m_Pages[i].SetKeyboardPageControls(OnPreviousPage, OnNextPage);
                m_Pages[i].IsEditable     = m_Book.IsEditable;
                m_Pages[i].LeadingHtmlTag = $"<font color=#{color}>";
                m_Pages[i].Text           = m_Book.Pages[i].GetAllLines();
                AddControl(m_Pages[i], onGumpPage);
                AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, x, 195, 135, 20, 0, 0, $"<center><font color=#444>{i + 1}"), onGumpPage);
                isRight = !isRight;
            AudioService service = Service.Get <AudioService>();

            UserInterface.KeyboardFocusControl = m_Pages[0];
            m_Pages[0].CaratAt = m_Pages[0].Text.Length;
Esempio n. 15
 private void BuildGump()
     LocalSerial          = _item.Serial;
     _isCorspeContainer   = _gumpID == 0x0009;
     _item.Items.Added   += ItemsOnAdded;
     _item.Items.Removed += ItemsOnRemoved;
     AddChildren(new GumpPicContainer(0, 0, ContainerManager.Get(_gumpID).Graphic, 0, _item));
     if (_isCorspeContainer)
         AddChildren(_eyeGumpPic = new GumpPic(45, 30, 0x0045, 0));
Esempio n. 16
        public SplitMenuGump(uint serial, Point offset) : base(serial, 0)
            Item item = World.Items.Get(serial);

            if (item == null || item.IsDestroyed)


            _offset = offset;

            CanMove                = true;
            AcceptMouseInput       = false;
            CanCloseWithRightClick = true;

            GumpPic background = new GumpPic(0, 0, 0x085C, 0)
                ContainsByBounds = true

            Add(_slider = new HSliderBar(29, 16, 105, 1, item.Amount, item.Amount, HSliderBarStyle.BlueWidgetNoBar));
            _lastValue  = _slider.Value;

                _okButton = new Button(0, 0x085d, 0x085e, 0x085f)
                ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Default,
                X            = 102, Y = 37

            _okButton.MouseUp += OkButtonOnMouseClick;

                _textBox = new StbTextBox(1, isunicode: false, hue: 0x0386, maxWidth: 60)
                X           = 29, Y = 42,
                Width       = 60,
                Height      = 20,
                NumbersOnly = true

            _textBox.TextChanged += (sender, args) => { UpdateText(); };
            _slider.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { UpdateText(); };
Esempio n. 17
        public PartyListEntry(int memeberIndex)
            Height            = 20;
            PartyMemeberIndex = memeberIndex;

            PartyMember member = World.Party.Members[memeberIndex];

            if (member == null || member.Serial == 0)


            //Name = new Label(member.Name, true, 1153, font:3);
            //Name.X = 80;
            string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.Name) ? "<Not seen>" : member.Name;

            Label name1 = World.Party.Leader == member.Serial
                              ? new Label(name + "(L)", true, 1161, font: 3)
                X = 80
                              : new Label(name, true, 1153, font: 3)
                X = 80


            Mobile mobile = World.Mobiles.Get(member.Serial);

            Add(_status = new GumpPic(240, 0, 0x29F6, (Hue)(mobile != null && mobile.IsDead ? 0 : 0x43)));

            Button pmButton = new Button((int)Buttons.GetBar, 0xFAE, 0xFAF, 0xFB0)
                X            = 10,
                ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate

            Button kickButton = new Button((int)Buttons.Kick, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, 0xFB3)
                X            = 40,
                ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate

Esempio n. 18
        private void AddHorizontalBar(ScrollArea area, Graphic start, int x, int width)
            var     startBounds  = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture(start);
            var     middleBounds = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture((Graphic)(start + 1));
            var     endBounds    = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture((Graphic)(start + 2));
            int     y            = -startBounds.Height;
            Control c;

            c = new GumpPic(x, (y >> 1) - 6, start, 0);
            c.Add(new GumpPicWithWidth(startBounds.Width, (startBounds.Height - middleBounds.Height) >> 1, (Graphic)(start + 1), 0, width - startBounds.Width - endBounds.Width));
            c.Add(new GumpPic(width - endBounds.Width, 0, (Graphic)(start + 2), 0));
Esempio n. 19
        private void BuildGump()
            LocalSerial = (uint)_spell.ID;

            _button = new GumpPic(0, 0, (ushort)_spell.GumpIconSmallID, 0)
                AcceptMouseInput = true
            _button.MouseDoubleClick += ButtonOnMouseDoubleClick;

            WantUpdateSize = true;
Esempio n. 20
        private void BuildGump()
            LocalSerial = (uint)_definition.Index;

            _button = new GumpPic(0, 0, _definition.Icon, 0)
                AcceptMouseInput = true
            _button.MouseDoubleClick += ButtonOnMouseDoubleClick;

            WantUpdateSize = true;
        public SkillListEntry(Label skillname, Label skillvaluebase, Label skillvalue, Label skillcap, Skill skill)
            Height         = 20;
            SkillName      = skillname;
            SkillValueBase = skillvaluebase;
            SkillValue     = skillvalue;
            SkillCap       = skillcap;
            Skill          = skill;
            SkillName.X    = 10;
            SkillValueBase.X = 200;
            SkillValue.X = 280;
            SkillCap.X = 360;

            _loc = new GumpPic(425, 4, (Graphic)(skill.Lock == Lock.Up ? 0x983 : skill.Lock == Lock.Down ? 0x985 : 0x82C), 0);

            _loc.MouseClick += (sender, e) =>
                switch (Skill.Lock)
                case Lock.Up:
                    Skill.Lock = Lock.Down;
                    GameActions.ChangeSkillLockStatus((ushort)Skill.Index, (byte)Lock.Down);
                    _loc.Graphic = 0x985;
                    _loc.Texture = IO.Resources.Gumps.GetGumpTexture(0x985);

                case Lock.Down:
                    Skill.Lock = Lock.Locked;
                    GameActions.ChangeSkillLockStatus((ushort)Skill.Index, (byte)Lock.Locked);
                    _loc.Graphic = 0x82C;
                    _loc.Texture = IO.Resources.Gumps.GetGumpTexture(0x82C);

                case Lock.Locked:
                    Skill.Lock = Lock.Up;
                    GameActions.ChangeSkillLockStatus((ushort)Skill.Index, (byte)Lock.Up);
                    _loc.Graphic = 0x983;
                    _loc.Texture = IO.Resources.Gumps.GetGumpTexture(0x983);
Esempio n. 22
 public UseSpellButtonGump(SpellDefinition spell)
     : base(spell.ID, 0)
     while (UserInterface.GetControl <UseSpellButtonGump>(spell.ID) != null)
         UserInterface.GetControl <UseSpellButtonGump>(spell.ID).Dispose();
     _spell            = spell;
     _world            = Service.Get <WorldModel>();
     IsMoveable        = true;
     HandlesMouseInput = true;
     _spellButton      = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, spell.GumpIconSmallID, 0));
     _spellButton.HandlesMouseInput      = true;
     _spellButton.MouseDoubleClickEvent += EventMouseDoubleClick;
Esempio n. 23
        private void BuildGump()
            LocalSerial = (uint)_definition.Index;

            _button = new GumpPic(0, 0, _definition.Icon, 0)
                AcceptMouseInput = false

            WantUpdateSize    = true;
            AcceptMouseInput  = true;
            AnchorGroupName   = "spell";
            GroupMatrixWidth  = 44;
            GroupMatrixHeight = 44;
Esempio n. 24
        private void AddHorizontalBar(ScrollArea area, Graphic start, int x, int width)
            var startBounds  = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture(start);
            var middleBounds = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture((Graphic)(start + 1));
            var endBounds    = FileManager.Gumps.GetTexture((Graphic)(start + 2));

            PrivateContainer container = new PrivateContainer();

            Control c = new GumpPic(x, 0, start, 0);

            container.Add(new GumpPicWithWidth(x + startBounds.Width, (startBounds.Height - middleBounds.Height) >> 1, (Graphic)(start + 1), 0, width - startBounds.Width - endBounds.Width));
            container.Add(new GumpPic(x + width - endBounds.Width, 0, (Graphic)(start + 2), 0));

Esempio n. 25
        public JournalGump() : base(Constants.JOURNAL_LOCALSERIAL, 0)
            Height  = 300;
            CanMove = true;
            CanCloseWithRightClick = true;
            Add(_gumpPic           = new GumpPic(160, 0, 0x82D, 0));
            Add(_background        = new ExpandableScroll(0, _diffY, Height - _diffY, 0x1F40)
                TitleGumpID = 0x82A

            const ushort DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE = 903;

            string str   = "Dark mode";
            int    width = FontsLoader.Instance.GetWidthASCII(6, str);

            Checkbox darkMode;

            Add(darkMode = new Checkbox(0x00D2, 0x00D3, str, 6, 0x0288, false)
                X         = _background.Width - width - 2,
                Y         = _diffY + 7,
                IsChecked = ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode

            Hue = (ushort)(ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode ? DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE : 0);
            darkMode.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
                var ok = ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode = !ProfileManager.Current.JournalDarkMode;
                Hue = (ushort)(ok ? DARK_MODE_JOURNAL_HUE : 0);

            _scrollBar = new ScrollFlag(-25, _diffY + 36, Height - _diffY, true);

            Add(_journalEntries = new RenderedTextList(25, _diffY + 36, _background.Width - (_scrollBar.Width >> 1) - 5, 200, _scrollBar));


            Add(_hitBox                = new HitBox(160, 0, 23, 24));
            _hitBox.MouseUp           += _hitBox_MouseUp;
            _gumpPic.MouseDoubleClick += _gumpPic_MouseDoubleClick;

            World.Journal.EntryAdded += AddJournalEntry;
Esempio n. 26
        public UseSpellButtonGump(SpellDefinition spell) : base((uint)spell.ID, 0)
            while (UIManager.GetByLocalSerial <UseSpellButtonGump>((uint)spell.ID) != null)
                UIManager.GetByLocalSerial <UseSpellButtonGump>((uint)spell.ID).Dispose();
            _spell           = spell;
            CanMove          = true;
            AcceptMouseInput = true;

            _button = new GumpPic(0, 0, (ushort)spell.GumpIconSmallID, 0)
                AcceptMouseInput = true
            _button.MouseDoubleClick += ButtonOnMouseDoubleClick;
Esempio n. 27
        public PartyListEntry(PartyMember member)
            Height = 20;
            Member = member;

            //Name = new Label(member.Name, true, 1153, font:3);
            //Name.X = 80;
            string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.Name) ? "<Not seen>" : member.Name;

            Name = World.Party.Leader == member.Serial
                       ? new Label(name + "(L)", true, 1161, font: 3)
                X = 80
                       : new Label(name, true, 1153, font: 3)
                X = 80

            if (Member.Mobile != null && Member.Mobile.IsDead)
                Status = new GumpPic(240, 0, 0x29F6, 0);
                Status = new GumpPic(240, 0, 0x29F6, 0x43);

            PMButton = new Button((int)Buttons.GetBar, 0xFAE, 0xFAF, 0xFB0)
                X = 10, ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate

            KickButton = new Button((int)Buttons.Kick, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, 0xFB3)
                X = 40, ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate
        public MobileHealthTrackerGump(Mobile mobile)
            : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl <MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial) != null)
                UserInterface.GetControl <MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial).Dispose();

            IsMoveable = true;

            Mobile  = mobile;
            m_World = Service.Get <WorldModel>();

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(m_Background             = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0803, 0));
                m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 10, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 24, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 10, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 24, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Background             = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0804, 0));
                m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[1];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[1];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0]   = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_NameEntry = new TextEntry(this, 17, 16, 124, 20, 0, 0, 99, mobile.Name));

            // bars should not handle mouse input, pass it to the background gump.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_BarBGs.Length; i++)
                m_BarBGs[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
                m_Bars[i].HandlesMouseInput   = false;
Esempio n. 29
        private void BuildGump()
            CanMove              = true;
            CanBeSaved           = true;
            LocalSerial          = _item.Serial;
            _isCorspeContainer   = _gumpID == 0x0009;
            _item.Items.Added   += ItemsOnAdded;
            _item.Items.Removed += ItemsOnRemoved;

            _data = ContainerManager.Get(_gumpID);
            Graphic g = _data.Graphic;

            Add(new GumpPicContainer(0, 0, g, 0, _item));
            if (_isCorspeContainer)
                Add(_eyeGumpPic = new GumpPic(45, 30, 0x0045, 0));

            ContainerGump gg = Engine.UI.Gumps.OfType <ContainerGump>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.LocalSerial == LocalSerial);

            if (gg == null)
                if (Engine.UI.GetGumpCachePosition(LocalSerial, out Point location) && _item.Serial == World.Player.Equipment[(int)Layer.Backpack])
                    Location = location;
                    X = ContainerManager.X;
                    Y = ContainerManager.Y;
                X = gg.X;
                Y = gg.Y;

            if (_data.OpenSound != 0)
Esempio n. 30
        public PartyListEntry(PartyMember member)
            Height = 20;
            Member = member;

            //Name = new Label(member.Name, true, 1153, font:3);
            //Name.X = 80;
            Name = PartySystem.Leader == member.Serial
                       ? new Label(member.Name + "(L)", true, 1161, font: 3)
                X = 80
                       : new Label(member.Name, true, 1153, font: 3)
                X = 80

            if (Member.Mobile.IsDead)
                Status = new GumpPic(240, 0, 0x29F6, 0);
                Status = new GumpPic(240, 0, 0x29F6, 0x43);

            PMButton = new Button((int)Buttons.GetBar, 0xFAE, 0xFAF, 0xFB0)
                X = 10, ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate

            KickButton = new Button((int)Buttons.Kick, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, 0xFB3)
                X = 40, ButtonAction = ButtonAction.Activate