Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task CheckRuleAgreement(Guild guild, SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser, SocketReaction reaction)
                if (socketGuildUser is null || socketGuildUser.IsBot || reaction?.MessageId != guild.Admin.Rulebox.MessageId)

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(socketGuildUser);

                if (reaction.Emote.Name == guild.Admin.Rulebox.AgreeEmote)
                    var role = socketGuildUser.Guild.Roles.First(r => r.Id == guild.Admin.Rulebox.Role);
                    await socketGuildUser.AddRoleAsync(role);
                else if (reaction.Emote.Name == guild.Admin.Rulebox.DisagreeEmote)
                    var roles = socketGuildUser.Roles.ToList();

                    var bot = socketGuildUser.Guild.GetUser(Global.Client.CurrentUser.Id);
                    if (guild.Admin.Rulebox.RemoveRolesOnDisagree && socketGuildUser.Hierarchy <= bot.Hierarchy)
                        await socketGuildUser.RemoveRolesAsync(roles);
                    if (guild.Admin.Rulebox.KickOnDisagree && socketGuildUser.Hierarchy <= bot.Hierarchy)
                        await user.KickAsync($"Please agree to the rules to use `{socketGuildUser.Guild.Name}`.", Global.Client.CurrentUser);
                await GuildUsers.Save(user);
            catch (Exception ex) { await Debug.LogErrorAsync("rulebox", ex.StackTrace); }
Esempio n. 2
        private static async Task <GuildUser> ValidateCanEarnEXP(IUserMessage message, Guild guild)
            if (message is null || guild is null || !(message.Author is IGuildUser guildAuthor))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var guildUser = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(guildAuthor);

            bool inCooldown = await guildUser.XP.GetXPCooldown();

            if (guildUser is null || inCooldown || message.Content.Length <= guild.XP.MessageLengthThreshold)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("User cannot earn EXP.");

            bool channelIsBlacklisted = guild.XP.ExemptChannels.Any(id => id == message.Channel.Id);
            bool roleIsBlackListed    = guild.XP.ExemptRoles.Any(id => guildAuthor.RoleIds.Any(roleId => roleId == id));

            if (channelIsBlacklisted || roleIsBlackListed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Channel or role cannot earn EXP.");

Esempio n. 3
        public static async Task ValidateUsername(Guild guild, SocketGuildUser oldUser)
                var guildUser = oldUser.Guild.GetUser(oldUser.Id);
                if (!ContentIsExplicit(guild, guildUser.Nickname) && !ContentIsExplicit(guild, guildUser.Username))

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(guildUser);

                if (guild.Moderation.Auto.ResetNickname)
                    try { await guildUser.ModifyAsync(u => u.Nickname = guildUser.Username); }
                    catch {}
                var dmChannel = await guildUser.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await PunishUser(guild.Moderation.Auto.ExplicitUsernamePunishment, user, "Explicit display name");

                await user.WarnAsync("Explicit display name", Global.Client.CurrentUser);
            catch (Exception) {}
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task BanUser(SocketGuildUser target, string duration = "1d", [Remainder] string reason = "No reason provided.")
                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(target);

                var banDuration = CommandUtils.ParseDuration(duration);

                if (user.Status.IsBanned)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"User is banned");

                var targetHighest = target.Hierarchy;
                var senderHighest = (Context.Message.Author as SocketGuildUser).Hierarchy;

                if (targetHighest >= senderHighest)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Higher rank user cannot be banned");
                    await user.BanAsync(banDuration, reason, Context.User);
                    await ReplyAsync(await EmbedHandler.CreateBasicEmbed(ModuleName, $"Banned {target.Mention} for `{duration}` - `{reason}`.", Color.Orange));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { await ReplyAsync(EmbedHandler.CreateErrorEmbed(ModuleName, ex.Message)); }
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task Test()
            var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(Context.User as SocketGuildUser);

            string details = "";

            details += TestAnnounce(details);
            details += TestStaffLogs(details, user);
            details += TestAutoMod(details, user);

            await ReplyAsync(details);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task KickUser(SocketGuildUser target, [Remainder] string reason = "No reason provided.")
                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(target);

                if (target.GuildPermissions.Administrator)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Admins can't be kicked.");

                await user.KickAsync(reason, Context.User);
                await ReplyAsync(await EmbedHandler.CreateBasicEmbed(ModuleName, $"Kicked {target.Mention} - `{reason}`.", Color.Orange));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { await ReplyAsync(EmbedHandler.CreateErrorEmbed(ModuleName, ex.Message)); }
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task UnmuteUser(SocketGuildUser target, [Remainder] string reason = "No reason provided.")
                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(target);

                if (!user.Status.IsMuted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"User is not muted");

                await user.UnmuteAsync(reason, Context.User);
                await ReplyAsync(await EmbedHandler.CreateBasicEmbed(ModuleName, $"Unmuted {target.Mention} - `{reason}`.", Color.Orange));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { await ReplyAsync(EmbedHandler.CreateErrorEmbed(ModuleName, ex.Message)); }
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task User(SocketGuildUser target = null, [Remainder] string action = "")
                target ??= Context.User as SocketGuildUser;

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(target);

                if (action == "reset")
                    await ResetUser(target);


                var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                            .AddField("Warnings", user.Status.WarningsCount, inline: true);

                embed.AddField("Is Banned", user.Status.IsBanned, inline: true);
                if (user.Status.IsBanned)
                    var ban = user.Status.Bans.Last();
                    embed.AddField("Ban Reason", ban.Reason, inline: true);
                    embed.AddField("Start of Ban", ban.Start, inline: true);
                    embed.AddField("End of Ban", ban.End, inline: true);

                embed.AddField("Is Muted", user.Status.IsMuted, inline: true);
                if (user.Status.IsMuted)
                    var mute = user.Status.Mutes.Last();
                    embed.AddField("Mute Reason", mute.Reason, inline: true);
                    embed.AddField("Start of Mute", mute.Start, inline: true);
                    embed.AddField("End of Mute", mute.End, inline: true);

                var userInCooldown = await user.XP.GetXPCooldown();

                embed.AddField("In XP Cooldown", userInCooldown, inline: true);
                await ReplyAsync(embed);
            catch (ArgumentException ex) { await ReplyAsync(EmbedHandler.CreateErrorEmbed(ModuleName, ex.Message)); }
Esempio n. 9
        public static async Task OnReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> before, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
                var socketGuildUser = reaction.User.Value as SocketGuildUser;
                var user            = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(socketGuildUser);

                var guild = await Guilds.GetAsync(socketGuildUser.Guild);

                if (!socketGuildUser.IsBot && reaction.MessageId == guild.Admin.Rulebox.MessageId && reaction.Emote.Name == guild.Admin.Rulebox.AgreeEmote)
                    var roles = socketGuildUser.Roles.ToList();
                    await socketGuildUser.RemoveRolesAsync(roles);
                await GuildUsers.Save(user);
            catch (Exception ex) { await Debug.LogErrorAsync("rulebox", ex.StackTrace); }
Esempio n. 10
        public static async Task AnnounceUserLeft(SocketGuildUser guildUser)
            var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(guildUser);

            if (guildUser as SocketUser == Global.Client.CurrentUser || user.Status.IsBanned)

            var guild = await Guilds.GetAsync(guildUser.Guild);

            string imageURL = $"{Global.Config.DashboardURL}/api/servers/{guildUser.Guild.Id}/users/{guildUser.Id}/goodbye";
            var    stream   = await CommandUtils.DownloadData(imageURL);

            var channel = guildUser.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.General.Announce.Goodbyes.Channel)
                          ?? guildUser.Guild.SystemChannel
                          ?? guildUser.Guild.DefaultChannel;

            await(channel as ISocketMessageChannel)?.SendFileAsync(stream, "goodbye.png");
Esempio n. 11
        public static async Task ValidateMessage(SocketMessage message)
                if (message is null || !(message.Author is SocketGuildUser guildAuthor) || guildAuthor.IsBot)

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(guildAuthor);

                var guild = await Guilds.GetAsync(guildAuthor.Guild);

                var autoMod = guild.Moderation.Auto;

                ValidateUserNotExempt(guildAuthor, guild);

                if (autoMod.SpamNotification)
                    await SendSpamNotification(message, guildAuthor, guild);

                var messageValidation = GetContentValidation(guild, message.Content, user);
                if (messageValidation != null)
                    ValidateChannelNotExempt((FilterType)messageValidation, guildAuthor.Guild, guild);
                    ValidateRoleNotExempt((FilterType)messageValidation, guildAuthor, guild);

                    var filter = guild.Moderation.Auto.Filters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Filter == messageValidation);
                    await PunishUser(filter.Punishment, user, messageValidation.ToString().ToSentenceCase());

                    try { await message.DeleteAsync(); } // 404 - there may be other auto mod bots -> message already deleted
                    catch {}
                    finally { await user.XP.ExtendXPCooldown(); }
                user.Status.LastMessage = message.Content;
                await GuildUsers.Save(user);
            catch (InvalidOperationException) {}
            catch (Exception) {}//{ await Debug.LogAsync("auto", LogSeverity.Error, ex); }
Esempio n. 12
        public static async Task LogKick(SocketGuildUser discordUser, Punishment kick = null)
                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(discordUser as SocketGuildUser);

                kick ??= user?.Status.Kicks.LastOrDefault();
                if (kick is null)

                var socketGuild = discordUser.Guild;
                var guild       = await Guilds.GetAsync(discordUser.Guild);

                var log   = ValidateLog(guild, socketGuild, LogEvent.Kick);
                var embed = CreatePunishmentEmbed(kick, discordUser, log.Colour, LogEvent.Kick);

                await log.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed);
            catch (Exception) {}
Esempio n. 13
        public static async Task LogBan(SocketUser socketUser, SocketGuild socketGuild, Punishment ban = null)
                if (socketUser is null)

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(socketUser as SocketGuildUser);

                var guild = await Guilds.GetAsync(socketGuild);

                var log = ValidateLog(guild, socketGuild, LogEvent.Ban);

                ban ??= user.Status.Bans.LastOrDefault();
                var embed = CreateTimestampPunishmentEmbed(socketUser, ban, log);

                await log.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed.Build());
            catch (Exception) {}
Esempio n. 14
        public async Task MuteUser(SocketGuildUser target, string duration = "1d", [Remainder] string reason = "No reason provided.")
                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(target) ?? new GuildUser(target);

                var muteDuration = CommandUtils.ParseDuration(duration);

                if (target.GuildPermissions.Administrator)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Admins cannot be muted");

                if (!user.Status.IsMuted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"User is not muted");

                await user.MuteAsync(muteDuration, reason, Context.User);
                await ReplyAsync(await EmbedHandler.CreateBasicEmbed(ModuleName, $"Muted {target.Mention} for `{duration}` - `{reason}`", Color.Green));
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { await ReplyAsync(EmbedHandler.CreateErrorEmbed(ModuleName, ex.Message)); }
Esempio n. 15
        public static async Task LogMessageDeletion(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> message, ISocketMessageChannel channel)
                if (!message.HasValue)

                var guildAuthor = message.Value.Author as SocketGuildUser;
                if (guildAuthor is null || guildAuthor.IsBot)

                var socketGuild = guildAuthor.Guild;
                var guild       = await Guilds.GetAsync(socketGuild);

                string prefix    = guild.General.CommandPrefix;
                bool   isCommand = message.Value.Content.Substring(0, prefix.Length).Contains(prefix);
                if (guild.General.RemoveCommandMessages && isCommand || isCommand)

                var user = await GuildUsers.GetAsync(guildAuthor);

                var log = ValidateLog(guild, socketGuild, LogEvent.MessageDeleted);

                string validation = Auto.GetContentValidation(guild, message.Value.Content.ToString(), user).ToString();
                string reason     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validation) ? "User Removed" : validation.ToSentenceCase();
                var    embed      = CreateMessageDeletedEmbed(message, channel, reason, log.Colour);

                await log.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed);
            catch (Exception) {}