private void OnGUI() { // Draw the title. GuiHelpers.DrawText("CALIBRATION", new Vector2(10, 10), 36, GuiHelpers.Magenta); if (IsSupportedEngineVersion()) { // Draw the "Recalibrate" button. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 70, 150, 30), "Recalibrate")) { StartWaitingForCalibration(); _host.LaunchRecalibration(); } // Draw the "Test calibration" button. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 30), "Test calibration")) { _host.LaunchCalibrationTesting(); } } else { // The current engine is not supported. GuiHelpers.DrawRequiredEngineVersionError("1.1"); } }
private void OnGUI() { // Draw the title. GuiHelpers.DrawText("PROFILES", new Vector2(10, 10), 36, GuiHelpers.Magenta); if (!IsSupportedEngineVersion()) { // The current engine is not supported. GuiHelpers.DrawRequiredEngineVersionError("1.3"); return; } UpdateProfiles( _host.UserProfileNames, _host.UserProfileName); }
private void UpdateProfiles( EyeXEngineStateValue <string[]> profiles, EyeXEngineStateValue <string> currentProfile) { if (profiles.IsValid && currentProfile.IsValid) { // Draw the title. GuiHelpers.DrawText("Click a profile button to activate it.", new Vector2(10, 60), 18, GuiHelpers.Black); for (int index = 0; index < profiles.Value.Length; index++) { // Get the profile name. var profileName = profiles.Value[index]; // Should we disable the GUI? var isCurrentProfile = profileName == currentProfile.Value; if (isCurrentProfile) { GUI.enabled = false; } // Draw the button. var buttonX = buttonMargin; var buttonY = 100 + (index * (buttonHeight + buttonMargin)); var buttonRect = new Rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, profileName)) { // Set the current user profile. _host.SetCurrentProfile(profileName); } // Re-enable the GUI. GUI.enabled = true; } } else { // No valid profile name. GuiHelpers.DrawText("Error: Could not retrieve profile names.", new Vector2(10, 60), 18, GuiHelpers.Red); } }
void OnGUI() { // Check whether or not the user is present. var hasUserPresence = _userPresenceComponent.IsUserPresent ? "Yes" : "No"; GuiHelpers.DrawText("Is user present?", new Vector2(10, 10), 18, Color.gray); GuiHelpers.DrawText(hasUserPresence, new Vector2(160, 10), 18,; // Check whether or not the EyeX Engine is tracking the user's gaze. GuiHelpers.DrawText("Is tracking gaze?", new Vector2(10, 40), 18, Color.gray); if (_userPresenceComponent.GazeTracking == EyeXGazeTracking.NotSupported) { // This functionality is not available for the user. GuiHelpers.DrawText("Requires EyeX Engine 1.4", new Vector2(160, 40), 18,; } else { var isTrackingGaze = _userPresenceComponent.GazeTracking == EyeXGazeTracking.GazeTracked; GuiHelpers.DrawText(isTrackingGaze ? "Yes" : "No", new Vector2(160, 40), 18,; } }