//Gtk.CheckButton uiCountersCheck; public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 6; var generalSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label("<b>" + GettextCatalog.GetString("General") + "</b>"); generalSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; generalSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(generalSectionLabel, false, false, 0); var outputDirectoryHBox = new Gtk.HBox(); outputDirectoryHBox.BorderWidth = 10; outputDirectoryHBox.Spacing = 6; var outputDirectoryLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Output directory:")); outputDirectoryLabel.Xalign = 0; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(outputDirectoryLabel, false, false, 0); folderEntry.Path = Options.OutputPath.Value; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(folderEntry, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(outputDirectoryHBox, false, false, 0); //if (Options.HasMemoryLeakFeature) { // uiCountersCheck = new Gtk.CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show UI Widget counters in the toolbar")); // uiCountersCheck.Active = Options.ShowUICounters.Value; // vbox.PackStart (uiCountersCheck, false, false, 0); //} vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 6; var generalSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label("<b>" + GettextCatalog.GetString("General") + "</b>"); generalSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; generalSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(generalSectionLabel, false, false, 0); var outputDirectoryHBox = new Gtk.HBox(); outputDirectoryHBox.BorderWidth = 10; outputDirectoryHBox.Spacing = 6; var outputDirectoryLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Output directory:")); outputDirectoryLabel.Xalign = 0; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(outputDirectoryLabel, false, false, 0); folderEntry.Path = Options.OutputPath.Value; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(folderEntry, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(outputDirectoryHBox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the login page. /// </summary> /// <returns>The login page, as a Gtk.VBox</returns> Gtk.VBox BuildLoginPage() { var toret = new Gtk.VBox(); var hbLogin = new Gtk.HBox(); var hbUsr = new Gtk.HBox(); var hbPsw = new Gtk.HBox(); var edUsr = new Gtk.Entry(); var edPsw = new Gtk.Entry(); var lblUsr = new Gtk.Label("User"); var lblPsw = new Gtk.Label("Password"); this.BtLogin = new Gtk.Button("Login"); hbLogin.PackEnd(BtLogin, false, false, 5); hbUsr.PackStart(lblUsr, false, false, 5); hbUsr.PackStart(edUsr, true, true, 5); hbPsw.PackStart(lblPsw, false, false, 5); hbPsw.PackStart(edPsw, true, true, 5); toret.PackStart(hbUsr, false, true, 5); toret.PackStart(hbPsw, false, true, 5); toret.PackStart(hbLogin, false, false, 10); toret.ShowAll(); return(toret); }
public PasswordEntry() { autoReset = new AutoResetEvent(false); Title = Catalog.GetString("Please enter the password"); Gtk.VBox pwbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 6); pwbox.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Please enter the password:"******""; pwbox.PackStart(pw); pw2 = new Gtk.Entry(); // set password style: pw2.InvisibleChar = '*'; pw2.Visibility = false; pw2.Text = ""; pwbox.PackStart(pw2); pw.Changed += PasswordChanged; pw2.Changed += PasswordChanged; match_label = new Gtk.Label(); match_label.Markup = Catalog.GetString(AddinPreferences.MATCH_TEXT); pwbox.PackStart(match_label); Gtk.Button button = (Gtk.Button)AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Ok, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); button.CanDefault = true; //button.Show(); pwbox.PackStart(button); //this.VBox.PackStart(button); Gtk.AccelGroup accel_group = new Gtk.AccelGroup(); AddAccelGroup(accel_group); button.AddAccelerator("activate", accel_group, (uint)Gdk.Key.Escape, 0, 0); AddActionWidget(button, Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); DefaultResponse = Gtk.ResponseType.Ok; accel_group.AccelActivate += OnAction; Response += OnResponse; DeleteEvent += new Gtk.DeleteEventHandler(PasswordEntry_DeleteEvent); pwbox.ShowAll(); this.VBox.PackStart(pwbox); // show() must happen on ui thread Gtk.Application.Invoke(RunInUiThread); }
Gtk.Widget IOptionsPanel.CreatePanelWidget() { Gtk.VBox cbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 6); Gtk.HBox combosBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 6); cbox.PackStart(combosBox, false, false, 0); combosBox.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Configuration:")), false, false, 0); configCombo = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); combosBox.PackStart(configCombo, false, false, 0); combosBox.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Platform:")), false, false, 0); platformCombo = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); combosBox.PackStart(platformCombo, false, false, 0); cbox.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), false, false, 0); cbox.ShowAll(); cbox.Hidden += OnPageHidden; cbox.Shown += OnPageShown; lastConfigSelection = -1; lastPlatformSelection = -1; FillConfigurations(); UpdateSelection(); configCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; platformCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; bool oldMixed = allowMixedConfigurations; Gtk.Widget child = CreatePanelWidget(); //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (child.Name.IndexOf("Panel") > 0) { child.Name = child.Name.Replace("Panel", "_"); } cbox.PackStart(child, true, true, 0); if (allowMixedConfigurations != oldMixed) { // If mixed mode has changed, update the configuration list FillConfigurations(); UpdateSelection(); } widgetCreated = true; panelWidget = child; if (currentConfigs.Count > 0) { panelWidget.Sensitive = true; LoadConfigData(); } else { panelWidget.Sensitive = false; } return(cbox); }
public void createGui() { basedir_section = new Section("cuesheets-basedir", "CueSheet Music Directory:", 20); source_page.Add(basedir_section); string dir = _source.getCueSheetDir(); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label("CueSheet Music Directory:"); Gtk.FileChooserButton btn = new Gtk.FileChooserButton("CueSheet Music Directory:", Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); if (dir != null) { btn.SelectFilename(dir); } Gtk.HBox box = new Gtk.HBox(); box.Add(lbl); box.Add(btn); box.ShowAll(); btn.CurrentFolderChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { string dir1 = btn.Filename; Hyena.Log.Information("Folder changed to = " + dir1); }; btn.FileSet += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { string dir1 = btn.Filename; Hyena.Log.Information("Base directory changed to = " + dir1); _source.setCueSheetDir(dir1); }; Console.WriteLine(_source); Gtk.VBox vb = new Gtk.VBox(); vb.PackStart(box, false, false, 0); Gtk.Image icn_about = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.About, Gtk.IconSize.Button); Gtk.Button about = new Gtk.Button(icn_about); about.Clicked += new EventHandler(handleAbout); Gtk.HBox hb = new Gtk.HBox(); Gtk.Label _about = new Gtk.Label("About the CueSheet extension"); hb.PackEnd(about, false, false, 0); hb.PackEnd(_about, false, false, 5); vb.PackStart(hb, false, false, 0); Gtk.HBox hb1 = new Gtk.HBox(); Gtk.Label _info = new Gtk.Label("How to use the Cuesheet extension (opens browser)"); Gtk.Image icn_info = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Info, Gtk.IconSize.Button); Gtk.Button btn_info = new Gtk.Button(icn_info); btn_info.Clicked += new EventHandler(handleInfo); hb1.PackEnd(btn_info, false, false, 0); hb1.PackEnd(_info, false, false, 5); vb.PackStart(hb1, false, false, 0); Gtk.HBox hbX = new Gtk.HBox(); vb.PackEnd(hbX, true, true, 0); vb.ShowAll(); source_page.DisplayWidget = vb; }
public PreviewPopup(SelectionCollectionGridView view) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); Add(vbox); AddEvents((int)(EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask | EventMask.ButtonPressMask)); Decorated = false; SkipTaskbarHint = true; SkipPagerHint = true; SetPosition(Gtk.WindowPosition.None); KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPress; Destroyed += HandleDestroyed; this.view = view; view.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleIconViewMotion; view.KeyPressEvent += HandleIconViewKeyPress; view.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; view.DestroyEvent += HandleIconViewDestroy; BorderWidth = 6; hist = new Histogram { RedColorHint = 127, GreenColorHint = 127, BlueColorHint = 127, BackgroundColorHint = 0xff }; image = new Gtk.Image { CanFocus = false }; label = new Gtk.Label(string.Empty) { CanFocus = false }; label.ModifyFg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(127, 127, 127)); label.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0)); ModifyFg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(127, 127, 127)); ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0)); vbox.PackStart(image, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(label, true, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget () { Gtk.VBox box = new Gtk.VBox (); box.Spacing = 6; Gtk.HBox labelBox = new Gtk.HBox (); Gtk.Label label = CreateLabel ("Android studio executable location:"); labelBox.PackStart (label, false, false, 0); entry = new FileEntry (); entry.Path = AddInPreferences.AndroidStudioLocation; Gtk.HBox sdkVersions = new Gtk.HBox (); Gtk.Label minSdkLabel = CreateLabel ("Min SDK version:"); MinSdkEntry = new Gtk.Entry (AddInPreferences.MinSdkVersion); Gtk.Label targetSdkLabel = CreateLabel ("Target/Compile SDK version:"); TargetSdkEntry = new Gtk.Entry (AddInPreferences.CompileSdkVersion); sdkVersions.PackStart (minSdkLabel, false, false, 0); sdkVersions.PackStart (MinSdkEntry, true, false, 0); sdkVersions.PackStart (targetSdkLabel, false, false, 0); sdkVersions.PackStart (TargetSdkEntry, true, false, 0); Gtk.HBox otherVersions = new Gtk.HBox (); Gtk.Label supportVersionLabel = CreateLabel ("Support library versions:"); SupportVersionEntry = new Gtk.Entry (AddInPreferences.SupportVersion); Gtk.Label buildToolsVersionLabel = CreateLabel ("Build tools version:"); BuildToolsVersionEntry = new Gtk.Entry (AddInPreferences.BuildToolsVersion); otherVersions.PackStart (supportVersionLabel, false, false, 0); otherVersions.PackStart (SupportVersionEntry, true, false, 0); otherVersions.PackStart (buildToolsVersionLabel, false, false, 0); otherVersions.PackStart (BuildToolsVersionEntry, true, false, 0); box.PackStart (labelBox, false, false, 0); box.PackStart (entry, false, false, 0); box.PackStart (sdkVersions, false, false, 0); box.PackStart (otherVersions, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); return box; }
public override void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { base.Initialize(dialog, dataObject); config = (RunConfigInfo)dataObject; editor = RunConfigurationService.CreateEditorForConfiguration(config.EditedConfig); box = new Gtk.VBox(); box.Spacing = 12; userConf = new Gtk.CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("User-specific configuration")); box.PackEnd(userConf, false, false, 0); box.PackEnd(new Gtk.HSeparator(), false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); editor.Changed += Editor_Changed; }
protected override void Initialize(IPadWindow window) { base.Initialize(window); _content = new Gtk.VBox(); var page = new PreviewerView(); var pageContainer = page.CreateContainer(); pageContainer.SetSizeRequest(800, 480); _content.PackStart(pageContainer, true, true, 0); _content.ShowAll(); }
public PreviewPopup(IconView view) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); this.Add(vbox); this.AddEvents((int)(Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask | Gdk.EventMask.KeyReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask)); this.Decorated = false; this.SkipTaskbarHint = true; this.SkipPagerHint = true; this.SetPosition(Gtk.WindowPosition.None); this.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; this.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPress; this.Destroyed += HandleDestroyed; this.view = view; view.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleIconViewMotion; view.KeyPressEvent += HandleIconViewKeyPress; view.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; view.DestroyEvent += HandleIconViewDestroy; this.BorderWidth = 6; hist = new FSpot.Histogram(); hist.Color [0] = 127; hist.Color [1] = 127; hist.Color [2] = 127; hist.Color [3] = 0xff; image = new Gtk.Image(); image.CanFocus = false; label = new Gtk.Label(String.Empty); label.CanFocus = false; label.ModifyFg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(127, 127, 127)); label.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0)); this.ModifyFg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(127, 127, 127)); this.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0)); vbox.PackStart(image, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(label, true, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox (); var hbox = new Gtk.HBox (); var label = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("DNX Runtime Version:")); label.Xalign = 0; hbox.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); dnxRuntimeVersionComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText (); hbox.PackStart (dnxRuntimeVersionComboBox, true, true, 5); PopulateOptionsPanel (); vbox.PackStart (hbox); vbox.ShowAll (); return vbox; }
void HandleSendButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string email = mailEntry.Text; if (!ValidateEmail(email)) { mailWarningLabel.Show(); mailEntry.GrabFocus(); return; } mailWarningLabel.Hide(); if (textEntry.Buffer.Text.Length == 0) { bodyWarningLabel.Show(); textEntry.GrabFocus(); return; } FeedbackService.SendFeedback(email, textEntry.Buffer.Text); mainFrame.Remove(mainBox); mainBox.Destroy(); Gtk.VBox box = new Gtk.VBox(false, 18); box.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(), true, true, 0); // Filler string txt = "<big>" + GettextCatalog.GetString("Thank you for your feedback!") + "</big>"; Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(); lab.Markup = txt; box.PackStart(lab, false, false, 0); lab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Feedbacks sent: {0}", FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent)); box.PackStart(lab, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(new Gtk.Label(), true, true, 0); // Filler box.ShowAll(); mainFrame.Add(box); GLib.Timeout.Add(1000, delegate { Close(); return(false); }); sent = true; }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox (); var hbox = new Gtk.HBox (); var label = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("DNX Output Verbosity:")); label.Xalign = 0; hbox.PackStart (label, false, false, 5); logLevelsComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText (); hbox.PackStart (logLevelsComboBox, true, true, 5); AddLogLevelsToComboBox (); vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll (); return vbox; }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); var hbox = new Gtk.HBox(); var label = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("DNX Runtime Version:")); label.Xalign = 0; hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 5); dnxRuntimeVersionComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); hbox.PackStart(dnxRuntimeVersionComboBox, true, true, 5); PopulateOptionsPanel(); vbox.PackStart(hbox); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); var hbox = new Gtk.HBox(); var label = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("DNX Output Verbosity:")); label.Xalign = 0; hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 5); logLevelsComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); hbox.PackStart(logLevelsComboBox, true, true, 5); AddLogLevelsToComboBox(); vbox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the notebook page. /// </summary> /// <returns>The notebook page, as a Gtk.VBox.</returns> Gtk.VBox BuildNotebookPage() { var lblButton1 = new Gtk.Label("Page 1"); var lblButton2 = new Gtk.Label("Page 2"); this.NbNotebook = new Gtk.Notebook(); this.NbNotebook.AppendPage(lblButton1, new Gtk.Label("Tab 1")); this.NbNotebook.AppendPage(lblButton2, new Gtk.Label("Tab 2")); this.NbNotebook.ShowAll(); this.NbNotebook.TabPos = Gtk.PositionType.Right; var toret = new Gtk.VBox(true, 5); toret.PackStart(this.NbNotebook); toret.ShowAll(); return(toret); }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 6; var restoreSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label(GetBoldMarkup("DNX Restore")); restoreSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; restoreSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(restoreSectionLabel, false, false, 0); restoreCheckBox = new Gtk.CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Automatically restore dependencies.")); restoreCheckBox.Active = originalRestoreDependenciesSetting; restoreCheckBox.BorderWidth = 10; vbox.PackStart(restoreCheckBox, false, false, 0); var outputSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label(GetBoldMarkup("DNX Output")); outputSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; outputSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(outputSectionLabel, false, false, 0); var outputVerbosityHBox = new Gtk.HBox(); outputVerbosityHBox.BorderWidth = 10; outputVerbosityHBox.Spacing = 6; var outputVerbosityLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Verbosity:")); outputVerbosityLabel.Xalign = 0; outputVerbosityHBox.PackStart(outputVerbosityLabel, false, false, 0); logLevelsComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); outputVerbosityHBox.PackStart(logLevelsComboBox, true, true, 0); AddLogLevelsToComboBox(); vbox.PackStart(outputVerbosityHBox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
public MainWindow () : base (Catalog.GetString ("Mono Visual Profiler")) { history = History.Load (); history.LogFiles.Changed += UpdateRecentLogs; history.Configs.Changed += UpdateRepeatSessions; DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (800, 600); Gtk.Box box = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0); Gtk.UIManager uim = BuildUIManager (); box.PackStart (uim.GetWidget ("/Menubar"), false, false, 0); box.PackStart (uim.GetWidget ("/Toolbar"), false, false, 0); UpdateRecentLogs (null, null); UpdateRepeatSessions (null, null); content_area = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0); content_area.Show (); box.PackStart (content_area, true, true, 0); StartPage start_page = new StartPage (history); start_page.Activated += OnStartPageActivated; start_page.Show (); View = start_page; box.ShowAll (); Add (box); }
public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 6; var restoreSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label(GetBoldMarkup(GettextCatalog.GetString("Run Custom Tool"))); restoreSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; restoreSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(restoreSectionLabel, false, false, 0); runCustomToolOnBuildCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Run custom tools on build")); runCustomToolOnBuildCheckButton.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("Custom tools will be run when the project or solution is built."); runCustomToolOnBuildCheckButton.Active = CustomToolServiceExtensions.RunCustomToolOnBuildEnabled.Value; runCustomToolOnBuildCheckButton.BorderWidth = 10; vbox.PackStart(runCustomToolOnBuildCheckButton, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox { Spacing = 6 }; AddSection(vbox, "Debugging"); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Always use this executable.", _alwaysUseExe, Settings.AlwaysUseConfiguredExecutable); AddFileProperty(vbox, "Godot executable:", _godotExeFile, Settings.GodotExecutablePath); AddSection(vbox, "Code completion"); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Provide node path completions.", _provideNodePathCompletion, Settings.ProvideNodePathCompletions); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Provide input action completions.", _provideInputActionCompletion, Settings.ProvideInputActionCompletions); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Provide resource path completions.", _provideResourcePathCompletion, Settings.ProvideResourcePathCompletions); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Provide scene path completions.", _provideScenePathCompletion, Settings.ProvideScenePathCompletions); AddCheckProperty(vbox, "Provide signal name completions.", _provideSignalNameCompletion, Settings.ProvideSignalNameCompletions); vbox.ShowAll(); return(vbox); }
public MainWindow() : base(Catalog.GetString("Mono Visual Profiler")) { history = History.Load(); history.LogFiles.Changed += UpdateRecentLogs; history.Configs.Changed += UpdateRepeatSessions; DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size(800, 600); Gtk.Box box = new Gtk.VBox(false, 0); Gtk.UIManager uim = BuildUIManager(); box.PackStart(uim.GetWidget("/Menubar"), false, false, 0); box.PackStart(uim.GetWidget("/Toolbar"), false, false, 0); UpdateRecentLogs(null, null); UpdateRepeatSessions(null, null); content_area = new Gtk.VBox(false, 0); content_area.Show(); box.PackStart(content_area, true, true, 0); StartPage start_page = new StartPage(history); start_page.Activated += OnStartPageActivated; start_page.Show(); View = start_page; box.ShowAll(); Add(box); }
public override Control CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 6; var generalSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label("<b>" + GettextCatalog.GetString("General") + "</b>"); generalSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; generalSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart(generalSectionLabel, false, false, 0); var outputDirectoryHBox = new Gtk.HBox(); outputDirectoryHBox.BorderWidth = 10; outputDirectoryHBox.Spacing = 6; var outputDirectoryLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Output directory:")); outputDirectoryLabel.Xalign = 0; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(outputDirectoryLabel, false, false, 0); folderEntry.Path = Options.OutputPath.Value; outputDirectoryHBox.PackStart(folderEntry, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart(outputDirectoryHBox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); return vbox; }
public void createGui() { basedir_section=new Section("cuesheets-basedir","CueSheet Music Directory:",20); source_page.Add (basedir_section); string dir=_source.getCueSheetDir(); Gtk.Label lbl=new Gtk.Label("CueSheet Music Directory:"); Gtk.FileChooserButton btn=new Gtk.FileChooserButton("CueSheet Music Directory:",Gtk.FileChooserAction.SelectFolder); if (dir!=null) { btn.SelectFilename (dir); } Gtk.HBox box=new Gtk.HBox(); box.Add (lbl); box.Add (btn); box.ShowAll (); btn.CurrentFolderChanged+=delegate(object sender,EventArgs args) { string dir1=btn.Filename; Hyena.Log.Information ("Folder changed to = "+dir1); }; btn.FileSet+=delegate(object sender,EventArgs args) { string dir1=btn.Filename; Hyena.Log.Information ("Base directory changed to = "+dir1); _source.setCueSheetDir(dir1); }; Console.WriteLine (_source); Gtk.VBox vb=new Gtk.VBox(); vb.PackStart (box,false,false,0); Gtk.Image icn_about=new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.About,Gtk.IconSize.Button); Gtk.Button about=new Gtk.Button(icn_about); about.Clicked+=new EventHandler(handleAbout); Gtk.HBox hb=new Gtk.HBox(); Gtk.Label _about=new Gtk.Label("About the CueSheet extension"); hb.PackEnd (about,false,false,0); hb.PackEnd (_about,false,false,5); vb.PackStart (hb,false,false,0); Gtk.HBox hb1=new Gtk.HBox(); Gtk.Label _info=new Gtk.Label("How to use the Cuesheet extension (opens browser)"); Gtk.Image icn_info=new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Info,Gtk.IconSize.Button); Gtk.Button btn_info=new Gtk.Button(icn_info); btn_info.Clicked+=new EventHandler(handleInfo); hb1.PackEnd(btn_info,false,false,0); hb1.PackEnd(_info,false,false,5); vb.PackStart (hb1,false,false,0); Gtk.HBox hbX=new Gtk.HBox(); vb.PackEnd (hbX,true,true,0); vb.ShowAll (); source_page.DisplayWidget = vb; }
public override void ApplyConfig(UserConfig config) { Trace.Call(config); if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("config"); } base.ApplyConfig(config); // topic _TopicTextView.ApplyConfig(config); // predict and set useful topic heigth Pango.Layout layout = _TopicTextView.CreatePangoLayout("Test Topic"); int lineWidth, lineHeigth; layout.GetPixelSize(out lineWidth, out lineHeigth); // use 2 lines + a bit extra as the topic heigth int bestHeigth = (lineHeigth * 2) + 5; _TopicTextView.HeightRequest = bestHeigth; _TopicScrolledWindow.HeightRequest = bestHeigth; string topic_pos = (string)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/TopicPosition"]; if (_TopicScrolledWindow.IsAncestor(_OutputVBox)) { _OutputVBox.Remove(_TopicScrolledWindow); } if (OutputScrolledWindow.IsAncestor(_OutputVBox)) { _OutputVBox.Remove(OutputScrolledWindow); } if (topic_pos == "top") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(_TopicScrolledWindow, false, false, 2); _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); } else if (topic_pos == "bottom") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); _OutputVBox.PackStart(_TopicScrolledWindow, false, false, 2); } else if (topic_pos == "none") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); } else { #if LOG4NET _Logger.Error("ApplyConfig(): unsupported value in Interface/Notebook/Channel/TopicPosition: " + topic_pos); #endif } _OutputVBox.ShowAll(); // person list if (ThemeSettings.BackgroundColor == null) { _PersonTreeView.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal); } else { _PersonTreeView.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, ThemeSettings.BackgroundColor.Value); } if (ThemeSettings.ForegroundColor == null) { _PersonTreeView.ModifyText(Gtk.StateType.Normal); } else { _PersonTreeView.ModifyText(Gtk.StateType.Normal, ThemeSettings.ForegroundColor.Value); } _PersonTreeView.ModifyFont(ThemeSettings.FontDescription); string userlist_pos = (string)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/UserListPosition"]; if (_PersonTreeViewFrame.IsAncestor(_OutputHPaned)) { _OutputHPaned.Remove(_PersonTreeViewFrame); } if (_OutputVBox.IsAncestor(_OutputHPaned)) { _OutputHPaned.Remove(_OutputVBox); } if (userlist_pos == "left") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_PersonTreeViewFrame, false, false); _OutputHPaned.Pack2(_OutputVBox, true, true); } else if (userlist_pos == "right") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_OutputVBox, true, true); _OutputHPaned.Pack2(_PersonTreeViewFrame, false, false); } else if (userlist_pos == "none") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_OutputVBox, true, true); } else { #if LOG4NET _Logger.Error("ApplyConfig(): unsupported value in Interface/Notebook/Channel/UserListPosition: " + userlist_pos); #endif } _OutputHPaned.ShowAll(); NickColors = (bool)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/NickColors"]; }
public FeedbackDialog(int x, int y) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { SetDefaultSize(350, 200); if (x == -1 && y == -1) { int ww, wh; IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.GdkWindow.GetSize(out ww, out wh); IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out x, out y); x = ww / 2 - 350 / 2; y = wh / 2 - 200 / 2; Move(x, y); } else { Move(x - 350, y - 200); } mainFrame = new Gtk.Frame(); mainBox = new Gtk.VBox(); mainBox.BorderWidth = 12; mainBox.Spacing = 6; headerBox = new Gtk.HBox(); mailEntry = new EntryWithEmptyMessage(); mailEntry.EmptyMessage = GettextCatalog.GetString("email address"); Decorated = false; mainFrame.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.Out; // Header headerBox.Spacing = 6; mailLabel = new Gtk.Label(); headerBox.PackStart(mailLabel, false, false, 0); Gtk.Button changeButton = new Gtk.Button("(Change)"); changeButton.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; headerBox.PackStart(changeButton, false, false, 0); changeButton.Clicked += HandleChangeButtonClicked; mainBox.PackStart(headerBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart(mailEntry, false, false, 0); mailWarningLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Please enter a valid e-mail address")); mailWarningLabel.Xalign = 0; mainBox.PackStart(mailWarningLabel, false, false, 0); // Body textEntry = new TextViewWithEmptyMessage(); textEntry.EmptyMessage = GettextCatalog.GetString( "Tell us how we can make {0} better.", BrandingService.SuiteName ); textEntry.AcceptsTab = false; textEntry.WrapMode = Gtk.WrapMode.Word; textEntry.WidthRequest = 300; var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); sw.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Never; sw.Add(textEntry); mainBox.PackStart(sw, true, true, 0); bodyWarningLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Please enter some feedback")); bodyWarningLabel.Xalign = 0; mainBox.PackStart(bodyWarningLabel, false, false, 0); // Bottom Gtk.HBox bottomBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 6); Gtk.Label countLabel = new Gtk.Label(); countLabel.Xalign = 0; bottomBox.PackStart(countLabel, false, false, 0); Gtk.Button sendButton = new Gtk.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Send Feedback")); sendButton.Clicked += HandleSendButtonClicked; bottomBox.PackEnd(sendButton, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart(bottomBox, false, false, 0); // Init mainBox.ShowAll(); mailWarningLabel.Hide(); bodyWarningLabel.Hide(); string mail = FeedbackService.ReporterEMail; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail)) { mail = AuthorInformation.Default.Email; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail)) { headerBox.Hide(); mailEntry.GrabFocus(); } else { mailEntry.Text = mail; mailEntry.Hide(); mailLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("From: {0}", mail); textEntry.GrabFocus(); } if (FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent > 0) { countLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Your feedbacks: {0}", FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent); } else { countLabel.Hide(); } mainFrame.Show(); mainFrame.Add(mainBox); Add(mainFrame); }
public Gtk.Widget MakeSyncPane () { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0); vbox.Spacing = 4; vbox.BorderWidth = 8; Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 4); Gtk.Label label = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("Ser_vice:")); label.Xalign = 0; label.Show (); hbox.PackStart (label, false, false, 0); // Populate the store with all the available SyncServiceAddins syncAddinStore = new Gtk.ListStore (typeof (SyncServiceAddin)); syncAddinIters = new Dictionary<string,Gtk.TreeIter> (); SyncServiceAddin [] addins = Tomboy.DefaultNoteManager.AddinManager.GetSyncServiceAddins (); Array.Sort (addins, CompareSyncAddinsByName); foreach (SyncServiceAddin addin in addins) { Gtk.TreeIter iter = syncAddinStore.Append (); syncAddinStore.SetValue (iter, 0, addin); syncAddinIters [addin.Id] = iter; } syncAddinCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox (syncAddinStore); label.MnemonicWidget = syncAddinCombo; Gtk.CellRendererText crt = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); syncAddinCombo.PackStart (crt, true); syncAddinCombo.SetCellDataFunc (crt, new Gtk.CellLayoutDataFunc (ComboBoxTextDataFunc)); // Read from Preferences which service is configured and select it // by default. Otherwise, just select the first one in the list. string addin_id = Preferences.Get ( Preferences.SYNC_SELECTED_SERVICE_ADDIN) as String; Gtk.TreeIter active_iter; if (addin_id != null && syncAddinIters.ContainsKey (addin_id)) { active_iter = syncAddinIters [addin_id]; syncAddinCombo.SetActiveIter (active_iter); } else { if (syncAddinStore.GetIterFirst (out active_iter) == true) { syncAddinCombo.SetActiveIter (active_iter); } } syncAddinCombo.Changed += OnSyncAddinComboChanged; syncAddinCombo.Show (); hbox.PackStart (syncAddinCombo, true, true, 0); hbox.Show (); vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 0); // Get the preferences GUI for the Sync Addin if (active_iter.Stamp != Gtk.TreeIter.Zero.Stamp) selectedSyncAddin = syncAddinStore.GetValue (active_iter, 0) as SyncServiceAddin; if (selectedSyncAddin != null) syncAddinPrefsWidget = selectedSyncAddin.CreatePreferencesControl (OnSyncAddinPrefsChanged); if (syncAddinPrefsWidget == null) { Gtk.Label l = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("Not configurable")); l.Yalign = 0.5f; l.Yalign = 0.5f; syncAddinPrefsWidget = l; } if (syncAddinPrefsWidget != null && addin_id != null && syncAddinIters.ContainsKey (addin_id) && selectedSyncAddin.IsConfigured) syncAddinPrefsWidget.Sensitive = false; syncAddinPrefsWidget.Show (); syncAddinPrefsContainer = new Gtk.VBox (false, 0); syncAddinPrefsContainer.PackStart (syncAddinPrefsWidget, false, false, 0); syncAddinPrefsContainer.Show (); vbox.PackStart (syncAddinPrefsContainer, true, true, 10); // Autosync preference int timeout = (int) Preferences.Get (Preferences.SYNC_AUTOSYNC_TIMEOUT); if (timeout > 0 && timeout < 5) { timeout = 5; Preferences.Set (Preferences.SYNC_AUTOSYNC_TIMEOUT, 5); } Gtk.HBox autosyncBox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 5); // Translators: This is and the next string go together. // Together they look like "Automatically Sync in Background Every [_] Minutes", // where "[_]" is a GtkSpinButton. autosyncCheck = new Gtk.CheckButton (Catalog.GetString ("Automaticall_y Sync in Background Every")); autosyncSpinner = new Gtk.SpinButton (5, 1000, 1); autosyncSpinner.Value = timeout >= 5 ? timeout : 10; Gtk.Label autosyncExtraText = // Translators: See above comment for details on // this string. new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("Minutes")); autosyncCheck.Active = autosyncSpinner.Sensitive = timeout >= 5; EventHandler updateTimeoutPref = (o, e) => { Preferences.Set (Preferences.SYNC_AUTOSYNC_TIMEOUT, autosyncCheck.Active ? (int) autosyncSpinner.Value : -1); }; autosyncCheck.Toggled += (o, e) => { autosyncSpinner.Sensitive = autosyncCheck.Active; updateTimeoutPref (o, e); }; autosyncSpinner.ValueChanged += updateTimeoutPref; autosyncBox.PackStart (autosyncCheck); autosyncBox.PackStart (autosyncSpinner); autosyncBox.PackStart (autosyncExtraText); vbox.PackStart (autosyncBox, false, true, 0); Gtk.HButtonBox bbox = new Gtk.HButtonBox (); bbox.Spacing = 4; bbox.LayoutStyle = Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.End; // "Advanced..." button to bring up extra sync config dialog Gtk.Button advancedConfigButton = new Gtk.Button (Catalog.GetString ("_Advanced...")); advancedConfigButton.Clicked += OnAdvancedSyncConfigButton; advancedConfigButton.Show (); bbox.PackStart (advancedConfigButton, false, false, 0); bbox.SetChildSecondary (advancedConfigButton, true); resetSyncAddinButton = new Gtk.Button (Gtk.Stock.Clear); resetSyncAddinButton.Clicked += OnResetSyncAddinButton; resetSyncAddinButton.Sensitive = (selectedSyncAddin != null && addin_id == selectedSyncAddin.Id && selectedSyncAddin.IsConfigured); resetSyncAddinButton.Show (); bbox.PackStart (resetSyncAddinButton, false, false, 0); // TODO: Tabbing should go directly from sync prefs widget to here // TODO: Consider connecting to "Enter" pressed in sync prefs widget saveSyncAddinButton = new Gtk.Button (Gtk.Stock.Save); saveSyncAddinButton.Clicked += OnSaveSyncAddinButton; saveSyncAddinButton.Sensitive = (selectedSyncAddin != null && (addin_id != selectedSyncAddin.Id || !selectedSyncAddin.IsConfigured)); saveSyncAddinButton.Show (); bbox.PackStart (saveSyncAddinButton, false, false, 0); syncAddinCombo.Sensitive = (selectedSyncAddin == null || addin_id != selectedSyncAddin.Id || !selectedSyncAddin.IsConfigured); bbox.Show (); vbox.PackStart (bbox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll (); return vbox; }
void OnAddinPrefsButton (object sender, EventArgs args) { Gtk.Dialog dialog = null; Mono.Addins.Addin addin = addin_tree.ActiveAddinData as Mono.Addins.Addin; if (addin == null) return; if (addin_prefs_dialogs.ContainsKey (addin.Id) == false) { // A preference dialog isn't open already so create a new one Gtk.Image icon = new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Preferences, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog); Gtk.Label caption = new Gtk.Label (); caption.Markup = string.Format ( "<span size='large' weight='bold'>{0} {1}</span>", addin.Name, addin.Version); caption.Xalign = 0; caption.UseMarkup = true; caption.UseUnderline = false; Gtk.Widget pref_widget = addin_manager.CreateAddinPreferenceWidget (addin); if (pref_widget == null) pref_widget = new Gtk.Label (Catalog.GetString ("Not Implemented")); Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 6); vbox.BorderWidth = 6; hbox.PackStart (icon, false, false, 0); hbox.PackStart (caption, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 0); vbox.PackStart (pref_widget, true, true, 0); vbox.ShowAll (); dialog = new Gtk.Dialog ( string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("{0} Preferences"), addin.Name), this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent | Gtk.DialogFlags.NoSeparator, Gtk.Stock.Close, Gtk.ResponseType.Close); dialog.VBox.PackStart (vbox, true, true, 0); dialog.DeleteEvent += AddinPrefDialogDeleted; dialog.Response += AddinPrefDialogResponse; // Store this dialog off in the dictionary so it can be // presented again if the user clicks on the preferences button // again before closing the preferences dialog. dialog.Data ["AddinId"] = addin.Id; addin_prefs_dialogs [addin.Id] = dialog; } else { // It's already opened so just present it again dialog = addin_prefs_dialogs [addin.Id]; } dialog.Present (); }
public CueSheetsView(CueSheetsSource ms) { MySource = ms; basedir = MySource.getCueSheetDir(); store = new CS_TrackListModel(); view = new CS_TrackListView(this); { ColumnController colc = view.ColumnController; int i, N; for (i = 0, N = colc.Count; i < N; i++) { CS_Column col = (CS_Column)colc[i]; col.WidthChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { Hyena.Log.Information("set-column-sizes=" + _set_column_sizes); if (_set_column_sizes <= 0) { _set_column_sizes = 0; MySource.setColumnWidth(col.id(), MySource.getSheet().id(), col.Width); } else { _set_column_sizes -= 1; } }; } } view.SetModel(store); this.setColumnSizes(null); Hyena.Log.Information("New albumlist"); aview = new CS_AlbumListView(this); aaview = new CS_ArtistListView(); ccview = new CS_ComposerListView(); gview = new CS_GenreListView(); try { plsview = new CS_PlayListsView(this); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Hyena.Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } Hyena.Log.Information("init models"); aview.SetModel(MySource.getAlbumModel()); aaview.SetModel(MySource.getArtistModel()); gview.SetModel(MySource.getGenreModel()); ccview.SetModel(MySource.getComposerModel()); plsview.SetModel(MySource.getPlayListsModel()); plsadmin = new CS_PlayListAdmin(plsview, MySource.getPlayListsModel(), MySource.getPlayListCollection()); MySource.getGenreModel(); Hyena.Log.Information("model albumlist"); Hyena.Log.Information("albumlist initialized"); aview.RowActivated += new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler <AlbumInfo>(EvtRowActivated); aview.Selection.Changed += HandleAviewSelectionChanged; gview.RowActivated += new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler <CS_GenreInfo>(EvtGenreActivated); aaview.RowActivated += new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler <ArtistInfo>(EvtArtistActivated); ccview.RowActivated += new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler <CS_ComposerInfo>(EvtComposerActivated); plsview.RowActivated += new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler <CS_PlayList>(EvtPlayListActivated); view.RowActivated += new RowActivatedHandler <CueSheetEntry>(EvtTrackRowActivated); bar = new Gtk.Toolbar(); if (basedir == null) { Hyena.Log.Information("basedir=" + basedir); Gtk.Label lbl = new Gtk.Label(); lbl.Markup = "<b>You need to configure the CueSheets music directory first, using the right mouse button on the extension</b>"; bar.Add(lbl); } filling = new Gtk.Label(); bar.Add(filling); ascroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); ascroll.Add(aview); aascroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); aascroll.Add(aaview); tscroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); tscroll.Add(view); gscroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); gscroll.Add(gview); ccscroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); ccscroll.Add(ccview); bool view_artist = true; Gtk.VBox vac = new Gtk.VBox(); Gtk.Button vab = new Gtk.Button("Artists"); vab.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (view_artist) { view_artist = false; vab.Label = "Composers"; vac.Remove(aascroll); vac.PackEnd(ccscroll); ccscroll.ShowAll(); } else { view_artist = true; vab.Label = "Artists"; vac.Remove(ccscroll); vac.PackEnd(aascroll); aascroll.ShowAll(); } }; vac.PackStart(vab, false, false, 0); vac.PackEnd(aascroll); hb = new Gtk.HPaned(); hb.Add(gscroll); hb.Add(vac); hb1 = new Gtk.HPaned(); hb1.Add(hb); hb1.Add(ascroll); vp = new Gtk.VPaned(); vp.Add(hb1); vp.Add(tscroll); Gtk.HPaned hppls = new Gtk.HPaned(); hppls.Add1(vp); hppls.Add2(plsadmin); hbpls = hppls; { int hb_pls, hb_p, hb1_p, vp_p; MySource.getPositions(out hb_pls, out hb_p, out hb1_p, out vp_p); hppls.Position = hb_pls; hb.Position = hb_p; hb1.Position = hb1_p; vp.Position = vp_p; } box = new Gtk.VBox(); box.PackStart(bar, false, true, 0); box.PackStart(hppls); box.ShowAll(); GLib.Timeout.Add((uint)1000, (GLib.TimeoutHandler)GardDividers); GLib.Timeout.Add((uint)timeout, (GLib.TimeoutHandler)PositionDisplay); fill(); }
public override Gtk.Widget CreatePanelWidget() { var vbox = new Gtk.VBox (); vbox.Spacing = 6; var restoreSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label (GetBoldMarkup ("DNX Restore")); restoreSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; restoreSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart (restoreSectionLabel, false, false, 0); restoreCheckBox = new Gtk.CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Automatically restore dependencies.")); restoreCheckBox.Active = originalRestoreDependenciesSetting; restoreCheckBox.BorderWidth = 10; vbox.PackStart (restoreCheckBox, false, false, 0); var outputSectionLabel = new Gtk.Label (GetBoldMarkup ("DNX Output")); outputSectionLabel.UseMarkup = true; outputSectionLabel.Xalign = 0; vbox.PackStart (outputSectionLabel, false, false, 0); var outputVerbosityHBox = new Gtk.HBox (); outputVerbosityHBox.BorderWidth = 10; outputVerbosityHBox.Spacing = 6; var outputVerbosityLabel = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Verbosity:")); outputVerbosityLabel.Xalign = 0; outputVerbosityHBox.PackStart (outputVerbosityLabel, false, false, 0); logLevelsComboBox = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText (); outputVerbosityHBox.PackStart (logLevelsComboBox, true, true, 0); AddLogLevelsToComboBox (); vbox.PackStart (outputVerbosityHBox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll (); return vbox; }
Control IOptionsPanel.CreatePanelWidget() { Gtk.VBox cbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 6); Gtk.HBox combosBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 6) { Name = "panelWidgetCombosBox" }; cbox.PackStart(combosBox, false, false, 0); var configurationLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Configuration:")); combosBox.PackStart(configurationLabel, false, false, 0); configListStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string)); configCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox(configListStore) { Name = "panelWidgetConfigurationCombo" }; SemanticModelAttribute modelAttr = new SemanticModelAttribute("configListStore__DisplayName", "configListStore__ConfigName"); TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(configListStore, modelAttr); var cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); configCombo.PackStart(cell, true); configCombo.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0); combosBox.PackStart(configCombo, false, false, 0); var platformLabel = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Platform:")); combosBox.PackStart(platformLabel, false, false, 0); platformCombo = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText(); platformCombo.Name = "panelWidgetPlatformCombo"; combosBox.PackStart(platformCombo, false, false, 0); cbox.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), false, false, 0); cbox.ShowAll(); configCombo.SetCommonAccessibilityAttributes( configCombo.Name, configurationLabel, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select a configuration")); platformCombo.SetCommonAccessibilityAttributes( platformCombo.Name, platformLabel, GettextCatalog.GetString("Select a platform")); cbox.Hidden += OnPageHidden; cbox.Shown += OnPageShown; lastConfigSelection = -1; lastPlatformSelection = -1; FillConfigurations(); UpdateSelection(); configCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; platformCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; bool oldMixed = allowMixedConfigurations; Gtk.Widget child = CreatePanelWidget(); //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (child.Name.IndexOf("Panel") > 0) { child.Name = child.Name.Replace("Panel", "_"); } cbox.PackStart(child, true, true, 0); if (allowMixedConfigurations != oldMixed) { // If mixed mode has changed, update the configuration list FillConfigurations(); UpdateSelection(); } widgetCreated = true; panelWidget = child; if (currentConfigs.Count > 0) { panelWidget.Sensitive = true; LoadConfigData(); } else { panelWidget.Sensitive = false; } return(cbox); }
public override void ApplyConfig(UserConfig config) { Trace.Call(config); if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("config"); } base.ApplyConfig(config); // topic _TopicTextView.ApplyConfig(config); string topic_pos = (string)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/TopicPosition"]; if (_TopicScrolledWindow.IsAncestor(_OutputVBox)) { _OutputVBox.Remove(_TopicScrolledWindow); } if (OutputScrolledWindow.IsAncestor(_OutputVBox)) { _OutputVBox.Remove(OutputScrolledWindow); } if (topic_pos == "top") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(_TopicScrolledWindow, false, false, 2); _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); } else if (topic_pos == "bottom") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); _OutputVBox.PackStart(_TopicScrolledWindow, false, false, 2); } else if (topic_pos == "none") { _OutputVBox.PackStart(OutputScrolledWindow, true, true, 0); } else { #if LOG4NET _Logger.Error("ApplyConfig(): unsupported value in Interface/Notebook/Channel/TopicPosition: " + topic_pos); #endif } _OutputVBox.ShowAll(); // person list if (ThemeSettings.BackgroundColor == null) { _PersonTreeView.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal); } else { _PersonTreeView.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, ThemeSettings.BackgroundColor.Value); } if (ThemeSettings.ForegroundColor == null) { _PersonTreeView.ModifyText(Gtk.StateType.Normal); } else { _PersonTreeView.ModifyText(Gtk.StateType.Normal, ThemeSettings.ForegroundColor.Value); } _PersonTreeView.ModifyFont(ThemeSettings.FontDescription); string userlist_pos = (string)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/UserListPosition"]; if (userlist_pos == "left") { userlist_pos = "right"; } if (_PersonTreeViewFrame.IsAncestor(_OutputHPaned)) { _OutputHPaned.Remove(_PersonTreeViewFrame); } if (_OutputVBox.IsAncestor(_OutputHPaned)) { _OutputHPaned.Remove(_OutputVBox); } if (userlist_pos == "left") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_PersonTreeViewFrame, false, true); _OutputHPaned.Pack2(_OutputVBox, true, true); } else if (userlist_pos == "right") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_OutputVBox, true, true); _OutputHPaned.Pack2(_PersonTreeViewFrame, false, true); } else if (userlist_pos == "none") { _OutputHPaned.Pack1(_OutputVBox, true, true); } else { #if LOG4NET _Logger.Error("ApplyConfig(): unsupported value in Interface/Notebook/Channel/UserListPosition: " + userlist_pos); #endif } _OutputHPaned.ShowAll(); NickColors = (bool)config["Interface/Notebook/Channel/NickColors"]; }
public FeedbackDialog (int x, int y): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { SetDefaultSize (350, 200); if (x == -1 && y == -1) { int ww, wh; IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.GdkWindow.GetSize (out ww, out wh); IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out x, out y); x = ww / 2 - 350 / 2; y = wh / 2 - 200 / 2; Move (x, y); } else Move (x - 350, y - 200); mainFrame = new Gtk.Frame (); mainBox = new Gtk.VBox (); mainBox.BorderWidth = 12; mainBox.Spacing = 6; headerBox = new Gtk.HBox (); mailEntry = new EntryWithEmptyMessage (); mailEntry.EmptyMessage = GettextCatalog.GetString ("email address"); Decorated = false; mainFrame.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.Out; // Header headerBox.Spacing = 6; mailLabel = new Gtk.Label (); headerBox.PackStart (mailLabel, false, false, 0); Gtk.Button changeButton = new Gtk.Button ("(Change)"); changeButton.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; headerBox.PackStart (changeButton, false, false, 0); changeButton.Clicked += HandleChangeButtonClicked; mainBox.PackStart (headerBox, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (mailEntry, false, false, 0); mailWarningLabel = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Please enter a valid e-mail address")); mailWarningLabel.Xalign = 0; mainBox.PackStart (mailWarningLabel, false, false, 0); // Body textEntry = new TextViewWithEmptyMessage (); textEntry.EmptyMessage = GettextCatalog.GetString ( "Tell us how we can make {0} better.", BrandingService.SuiteName ); textEntry.AcceptsTab = false; textEntry.WrapMode = Gtk.WrapMode.Word; textEntry.WidthRequest = 300; var sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (); sw.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic; sw.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Never; sw.Add (textEntry); mainBox.PackStart (sw, true, true, 0); bodyWarningLabel = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Please enter some feedback")); bodyWarningLabel.Xalign = 0; mainBox.PackStart (bodyWarningLabel, false, false, 0); // Bottom Gtk.HBox bottomBox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); Gtk.Label countLabel = new Gtk.Label (); countLabel.Xalign = 0; bottomBox.PackStart (countLabel, false, false, 0); Gtk.Button sendButton = new Gtk.Button (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Send Feedback")); sendButton.Clicked += HandleSendButtonClicked; bottomBox.PackEnd (sendButton, false, false, 0); mainBox.PackStart (bottomBox, false, false, 0); // Init mainBox.ShowAll (); mailWarningLabel.Hide (); bodyWarningLabel.Hide (); string mail = FeedbackService.ReporterEMail; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (mail)) mail = AuthorInformation.Default.Email; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (mail)) { headerBox.Hide (); mailEntry.GrabFocus (); } else { mailEntry.Text = mail; mailEntry.Hide (); mailLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("From: {0}", mail); textEntry.GrabFocus (); } if (FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent > 0) countLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Your feedbacks: {0}", FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent); else countLabel.Hide (); mainFrame.Show (); mainFrame.Add (mainBox); Add (mainFrame); }
void HandleSendButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { string email = mailEntry.Text; if (!ValidateEmail (email)) { mailWarningLabel.Show (); mailEntry.GrabFocus (); return; } mailWarningLabel.Hide (); if (textEntry.Buffer.Text.Length == 0) { bodyWarningLabel.Show (); textEntry.GrabFocus (); return; } FeedbackService.SendFeedback (email, textEntry.Buffer.Text); mainFrame.Remove (mainBox); mainBox.Destroy (); Gtk.VBox box = new Gtk.VBox (false, 18); box.PackStart (new Gtk.Label (), true, true, 0); // Filler string txt = "<big>" + GettextCatalog.GetString ("Thank you for your feedback!") + "</big>"; Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label (); lab.Markup = txt; box.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0); lab = new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Feedbacks sent: {0}", FeedbackService.FeedbacksSent)); box.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0); box.PackStart (new Gtk.Label (), true, true, 0); // Filler box.ShowAll (); mainFrame.Add (box); GLib.Timeout.Add (1000, delegate { Close (); return false; }); sent = true; }
public PreviewPopup(IconView view) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Gtk.VBox vbox = new Gtk.VBox (); this.Add (vbox); this.AddEvents ((int) (Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask | Gdk.EventMask.KeyReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask)); this.Decorated = false; this.SkipTaskbarHint = true; this.SkipPagerHint = true; this.SetPosition (Gtk.WindowPosition.None); this.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; this.ButtonPressEvent += HandleButtonPress; this.Destroyed += HandleDestroyed; this.view = view; view.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleIconViewMotion; view.KeyPressEvent += HandleIconViewKeyPress; view.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyRelease; view.DestroyEvent += HandleIconViewDestroy; this.BorderWidth = 6; hist = new FSpot.Histogram (); hist.RedColorHint = 127; hist.GreenColorHint = 127; hist.BlueColorHint = 127; hist.BackgroundColorHint = 0xff; image = new Gtk.Image (); image.CanFocus = false; label = new Gtk.Label (String.Empty); label.CanFocus = false; label.ModifyFg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (127, 127, 127)); label.ModifyBg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0)); this.ModifyFg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (127, 127, 127)); this.ModifyBg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0)); vbox.PackStart (image, true, true, 0); vbox.PackStart (label, true, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll (); }
public CueSheetsView(CueSheetsSource ms) { MySource=ms; basedir=MySource.getCueSheetDir (); store = new CS_TrackListModel(); view = new CS_TrackListView(this); { ColumnController colc=view.ColumnController; int i,N; for(i=0,N=colc.Count;i<N;i++) { CS_Column col=(CS_Column) colc[i]; col.WidthChanged+=delegate(object sender,EventArgs args) { Hyena.Log.Information ("set-column-sizes="+_set_column_sizes); if (_set_column_sizes<=0) { _set_column_sizes=0; MySource.setColumnWidth (col.id(),MySource.getSheet ().id (),col.Width); } else { _set_column_sizes-=1; } }; } } view.SetModel(store); this.setColumnSizes(null); Hyena.Log.Information("New albumlist"); aview=new CS_AlbumListView(this); aaview=new CS_ArtistListView(); ccview=new CS_ComposerListView(); gview=new CS_GenreListView(); try { plsview=new CS_PlayListsView(this); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Hyena.Log.Error (ex.ToString ()); } Hyena.Log.Information("init models"); aview.SetModel (MySource.getAlbumModel ()); aaview.SetModel (MySource.getArtistModel ()); gview.SetModel (MySource.getGenreModel ()); ccview.SetModel (MySource.getComposerModel()); plsview.SetModel(MySource.getPlayListsModel()); plsadmin=new CS_PlayListAdmin(plsview,MySource.getPlayListsModel(),MySource.getPlayListCollection()); MySource.getGenreModel(); Hyena.Log.Information("model albumlist"); Hyena.Log.Information("albumlist initialized"); aview.RowActivated+=new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler<AlbumInfo>(EvtRowActivated); aview.Selection.Changed += HandleAviewSelectionChanged; gview.RowActivated+=new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler<CS_GenreInfo>(EvtGenreActivated); aaview.RowActivated+=new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler<ArtistInfo>(EvtArtistActivated); ccview.RowActivated+=new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler<CS_ComposerInfo>(EvtComposerActivated); plsview.RowActivated+=new Hyena.Data.Gui.RowActivatedHandler<CS_PlayList>(EvtPlayListActivated); view.RowActivated+=new RowActivatedHandler<CueSheetEntry>(EvtTrackRowActivated); bar=new Gtk.Toolbar(); if (basedir==null) { Hyena.Log.Information("basedir="+basedir); Gtk.Label lbl=new Gtk.Label(); lbl.Markup="<b>You need to configure the CueSheets music directory first, using the right mouse button on the extension</b>"; bar.Add (lbl); } filling=new Gtk.Label(); bar.Add (filling); ascroll=new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); ascroll.Add (aview); aascroll=new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); aascroll.Add (aaview); tscroll=new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); tscroll.Add (view); gscroll=new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); gscroll.Add (gview); ccscroll=new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); ccscroll.Add(ccview); bool view_artist=true; Gtk.VBox vac=new Gtk.VBox(); Gtk.Button vab=new Gtk.Button("Artists"); vab.Clicked+=delegate(object sender,EventArgs args) { if (view_artist) { view_artist=false; vab.Label="Composers"; vac.Remove (aascroll); vac.PackEnd (ccscroll); ccscroll.ShowAll (); } else { view_artist=true; vab.Label="Artists"; vac.Remove (ccscroll); vac.PackEnd (aascroll); aascroll.ShowAll (); } }; vac.PackStart (vab,false,false,0); vac.PackEnd (aascroll); hb=new Gtk.HPaned(); hb.Add(gscroll); hb.Add (vac); hb1=new Gtk.HPaned(); hb1.Add (hb); hb1.Add (ascroll); vp=new Gtk.VPaned(); vp.Add (hb1); vp.Add (tscroll); Gtk.HPaned hppls=new Gtk.HPaned(); hppls.Add1 (vp); hppls.Add2 (plsadmin); hbpls=hppls; { int hb_pls,hb_p,hb1_p,vp_p; MySource.getPositions (out hb_pls,out hb_p,out hb1_p,out vp_p); hppls.Position=hb_pls; hb.Position=hb_p; hb1.Position=hb1_p; vp.Position=vp_p; } box = new Gtk.VBox(); box.PackStart (bar,false,true,0); box.PackStart (hppls); box.ShowAll(); GLib.Timeout.Add ((uint) 1000,(GLib.TimeoutHandler) GardDividers); GLib.Timeout.Add ((uint) timeout,(GLib.TimeoutHandler) PositionDisplay); fill (); }
public virtual void Initialize (PropertyDescriptor prop) { CheckType (prop); this.prop = prop; mainHBox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); PackStart (mainHBox, false, false, 0); if (!prop.Translatable) return; button = new Gtk.Button (); try { globe = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("globe.png"); globe_not = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("globe-not.png"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error while loading pixbuf: " + e); } image = new Gtk.Image (globe); button.Add (image); button.ButtonPressEvent += ButtonPressed; mainHBox.PackEnd (button, false, false, 0); mainHBox.ShowAll (); menu = new Gtk.Menu (); markItem = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem ("Mark for Translation"); markItem.Toggled += ToggleMark; markItem.Show (); menu.Add (markItem); addContextItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Add Translation Context Hint"); addContextItem.Activated += AddContext; menu.Add (addContextItem); remContextItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Remove Translation Context Hint"); remContextItem.Activated += RemoveContext; menu.Add (remContextItem); addCommentItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Add Comment for Translators"); addCommentItem.Activated += AddComment; menu.Add (addCommentItem); remCommentItem = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Remove Comment for Translators"); remCommentItem.Activated += RemoveComment; menu.Add (remCommentItem); contextBox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); Gtk.Label contextLabel = new Gtk.Label ("Translation context"); contextLabel.Xalign = 0.0f; contextBox.PackStart (contextLabel, false, false, 0); contextEntry = new Gtk.Entry (); contextEntry.WidthChars = 8; contextBox.PackStart (contextEntry, true, true, 0); contextBox.ShowAll (); contextEntry.Changed += ContextChanged; commentBox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 3); Gtk.Label commentLabel = new Gtk.Label ("Comment for Translators:"); commentLabel.Xalign = 0.0f; commentBox.PackStart (commentLabel, false, false, 0); commentText = new TextBox (3); commentBox.PackStart (commentText, false, false, 0); commentBox.ShowAll (); commentText.Changed += CommentChanged; }
Control IOptionsPanel.CreatePanelWidget () { Gtk.VBox cbox = new Gtk.VBox (false, 6); Gtk.HBox combosBox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 6); cbox.PackStart (combosBox, false, false, 0); combosBox.PackStart (new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Configuration:")), false, false, 0); configListStore = new Gtk.ListStore (typeof(string), typeof(string)); configCombo = new Gtk.ComboBox (configListStore); var cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText (); configCombo.PackStart (cell, true); configCombo.AddAttribute (cell, "text", 0); combosBox.PackStart (configCombo, false, false, 0); combosBox.PackStart (new Gtk.Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Platform:")), false, false, 0); platformCombo = Gtk.ComboBox.NewText (); combosBox.PackStart (platformCombo, false, false, 0); cbox.PackStart (new Gtk.HSeparator (), false, false, 0); cbox.ShowAll (); cbox.Hidden += OnPageHidden; cbox.Shown += OnPageShown; lastConfigSelection = -1; lastPlatformSelection = -1; FillConfigurations (); UpdateSelection (); configCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; platformCombo.Changed += OnConfigChanged; bool oldMixed = allowMixedConfigurations; Gtk.Widget child = CreatePanelWidget (); //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (child.Name.IndexOf ("Panel") > 0) child.Name = child.Name.Replace ("Panel", "_"); cbox.PackStart (child, true, true, 0); if (allowMixedConfigurations != oldMixed) { // If mixed mode has changed, update the configuration list FillConfigurations (); UpdateSelection (); } widgetCreated = true; panelWidget = child; if (currentConfigs.Count > 0) { panelWidget.Sensitive = true; LoadConfigData (); } else panelWidget.Sensitive = false; return cbox; }
public virtual void Initialize(PropertyDescriptor prop) { CheckType(prop); this.prop = prop; mainHBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 6); PackStart(mainHBox, false, false, 0); if (!prop.Translatable) { return; } button = new Gtk.Button(); try { globe = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("globe.png"); globe_not = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("globe-not.png"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error while loading pixbuf: " + e); } image = new Gtk.Image(globe); button.Add(image); button.ButtonPressEvent += ButtonPressed; mainHBox.PackEnd(button, false, false, 0); mainHBox.ShowAll(); menu = new Gtk.Menu(); markItem = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem("Mark for Translation"); markItem.Toggled += ToggleMark; markItem.Show(); menu.Add(markItem); addContextItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("Add Translation Context Hint"); addContextItem.Activated += AddContext; menu.Add(addContextItem); remContextItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("Remove Translation Context Hint"); remContextItem.Activated += RemoveContext; menu.Add(remContextItem); addCommentItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("Add Comment for Translators"); addCommentItem.Activated += AddComment; menu.Add(addCommentItem); remCommentItem = new Gtk.MenuItem("Remove Comment for Translators"); remCommentItem.Activated += RemoveComment; menu.Add(remCommentItem); contextBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 6); Gtk.Label contextLabel = new Gtk.Label("Translation context"); contextLabel.Xalign = 0.0f; contextBox.PackStart(contextLabel, false, false, 0); contextEntry = new Gtk.Entry(); contextEntry.WidthChars = 8; contextBox.PackStart(contextEntry, true, true, 0); contextBox.ShowAll(); contextEntry.Changed += ContextChanged; commentBox = new Gtk.VBox(false, 3); Gtk.Label commentLabel = new Gtk.Label("Comment for Translators:"); commentLabel.Xalign = 0.0f; commentBox.PackStart(commentLabel, false, false, 0); commentText = new TextBox(3); commentBox.PackStart(commentText, false, false, 0); commentBox.ShowAll(); commentText.Changed += CommentChanged; }