Esempio n. 1
        private void OnBeginPrint(object sender, Gtk.BeginPrintArgs args)
            Gtk.PrintOperation op      = (Gtk.PrintOperation)sender;
            Gtk.PrintContext   context = args.Context;
            timestamp_footer = CreateTimestampLayout(context);

            // FIXME: These should be configurable settings later (UI Change)
            margin_top    = CmToPixel(1.5, context.DpiY);
            margin_left   = CmToPixel(1, context.DpiX);
            margin_right  = CmToPixel(1, context.DpiX);
            margin_bottom = 0;
            double max_height = Pango.Units.FromPixels((int)context.Height -
                                                       margin_top - margin_bottom - ComputeFooterHeight(context));

            Gtk.TextIter position;
            Gtk.TextIter end_iter;
            Buffer.GetBounds(out position, out end_iter);

            double page_height = 0;
            bool   done        = position.Compare(end_iter) >= 0;

            while (!done)
                Gtk.TextIter line_end = position;
                if (!line_end.EndsLine())

                int paragraph_number = position.Line;
                int indentation;
                using (Pango.Layout layout = CreateParagraphLayout(
                           context, position, line_end, out indentation)) {
                    Pango.Rectangle ink_rect     = Pango.Rectangle.Zero;
                    Pango.Rectangle logical_rect = Pango.Rectangle.Zero;
                    for (int line_in_paragraph = 0; line_in_paragraph < layout.LineCount;
                        Pango.LayoutLine line = layout.GetLine(line_in_paragraph);
                        line.GetExtents(ref ink_rect, ref logical_rect);

                        if (page_height + logical_rect.Height >= max_height)
                            PageBreak page_break = new PageBreak(
                                paragraph_number, line_in_paragraph);

                            page_height = 0;
                        page_height += logical_rect.Height;

                    done = position.Compare(end_iter) >= 0;

            op.NPages = page_breaks.Count + 1;
Esempio n. 2
        private void Control_BeginPrint(object o, Gtk.BeginPrintArgs args)
            if (_control != null && PageCount == -1)
                var paperHeight = args.Context.Height;
                var paperWidth  = args.Context.Width;

                _preferredSize = _control.GetPreferredSize();
#if GTK3
                // to draw the widget using Cairo, we need to use an offscreen window
                var gtkWidget = _control.GetContainerWidget();
                _oldParent             = gtkWidget.Parent;
                _offscreenWindow       = new Gtk.OffscreenWindow();
                _offscreenWindow.Child = gtkWidget;

                _offscreenWindow.SetSizeRequest((int)Math.Max(_preferredSize.Width, paperWidth), (int)Math.Max(_preferredSize.Height, paperHeight));

                PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(_preferredSize.Height / paperHeight);
            Callback.OnPrinting(Widget, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// OnBeginPrint - Load up the Document to be printed and analyze it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The Print Operation</param>
 /// <param name="args">The BeginPrintArgs passed by the Print Operation</param>
 private void OnBeginPrint(object obj, Gtk.BeginPrintArgs args)