Esempio n. 1
        public void Draw(DrawParams dparams)
            if (State != InvaderState.Alive)

            var graphics = dparams.Graphics;
            var offset   = dparams.Offset;
            var data     = GetTextureDrawData(offset);

            //draw the entity itself
            graphics.DrawImage(data, Color, offset, Orientation);

            // compute the bounds of the life bar
            GsVector barPosition = data.Position - (Size.ToVector() * .5f);

            barPosition.Y -= 4f;
            GsRectangle bar = new GsRectangle(barPosition, new GsSize(Width, 3f));

            // draw the life bar
            float width = bar.Width * Calculator.CalculatePercent(CurrentLife, 0, MaximumLife);

            graphics.FillRectangle(GsColor.Green, bar.X, bar.Y, width, bar.Height);
            graphics.DrawRectangle(GsColor.Black, bar);

            // draw the level
            var      font = FontProvider.InvaderLevelFont;
            string   text = Level.ToString();
            GsVector pos  = new GsVector(bar.X, bar.Y - (GsTextMeasurer.MeasureString(font, text).Height + 5f));

            graphics.DrawString(font, text, pos, GsColor.Gold);
Esempio n. 2
        private void AddChunksVert(GsVector offset, GsVector mousePt, int cellsNeeded, bool above)
            // create a list to hold the chunk pieces
            List <GridCell> chunkPieces = new List <GridCell>();

            // get the starting chunk
            GridCellChunk startingChunk = mSelection.StartingChunk;

            // preprocess some values
            float startY     = startingChunk.Y + (above ? -CellHeight : startingChunk.Height);
            float startX     = startingChunk.X;
            float addY       = CellHeight * (above ? -1 : 1);
            float addX       = CellWidth;
            float endY       = mousePt.Y + (cellsNeeded == 1 ? 0 : addY);
            float endX       = startingChunk.Bounds.Right;
            int   comparison = (above ? 1 : -1);

            // move to the end y
            for (float y = startY; y.CompareTo(endY).Equals(comparison); y += addY)
                for (float x = startX; x < endX; x += addX)
                    UpdateChunkPieces(ref chunkPieces, cellsNeeded, offset, x, y);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Briefs the invader on it's mission. It should go from the start cell and try to
        /// reach the goal cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The cell to start on.</param>
        /// <param name="goal">The goal to get to.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key to assign to this invader to aid in path finding.</param>
        public void BriefOnMission(GridCell start, GridCell goal, DijkstraType key)
            TargetCell  = start;
            GoalCell    = goal;
            DijkstraKey = key;

            float dx = (DijkstraKey == DijkstraType.LeftToRight ? TargetCell.Width * 2f : 0);
            float dy = (DijkstraKey == DijkstraType.TopToBottom ? TargetCell.Height * 2f : 0);

            float mux = RandomGenerator.NextSingle();
            float muy = RandomGenerator.NextSingle();

            X = TargetCell.X - (dx * GsMath.SmoothStep(1, 5, mux));
            Y = TargetCell.Y - (dy * GsMath.SmoothStep(1, 5, muy));

            Width  = TargetCell.Width * (Flying ? 1.5f : 1f);
            Height = TargetCell.Height * (Flying ? 1.5f : 1f);

            Velocity = new GsVector(mAttributes[InvaderAttributes.Speed]);

            var texture = GetImage();
            var size    = ImageProvider.GetSize(texture);

            Origin = new GsVector(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f);

            CurrentLife = MaximumLife;
            TargetCell  = Flying ? goal : start;
Esempio n. 4
        private void AddChunksHorz(GsVector offset, GsVector mousePt, int cellsNeeded, bool left)
            // create a list to hold the chunk pieces
            List <GridCell> chunkPieces = new List <GridCell>();

            // get the starting chunk
            GridCellChunk startingChunk = mSelection.StartingChunk;

            // preprocess some values
            float startY     = startingChunk.Y;
            float startX     = startingChunk.X + (left ? -CellWidth : startingChunk.Width);
            float addY       = CellHeight;
            float addX       = CellWidth * (left ? -1 : 1);
            float endY       = startingChunk.Bounds.Bottom;
            float endX       = mousePt.X + (cellsNeeded == 1 ? 0 : addX);
            int   comparison = (left ? 1 : -1);

            // start at the bottom of the chunk and move down until we hit the cursor y
            for (float x = startX; x.CompareTo(endX).Equals(comparison); x += addX)
                for (float y = startY; y < endY; y += addY)
                    UpdateChunkPieces(ref chunkPieces, cellsNeeded, offset, x, y);
Esempio n. 5
        public static GsRectangle CreateBoxAroundPoint(GsVector pt, GsVector offset, float width, float height)
            GsRectangle box = new GsRectangle(pt.X - (width / 2), pt.Y - (height / 2), width, height);

Esempio n. 6
        private void AdjustVelocityFactor()
            // start out as one
            VelocityFactor = GsVector.One;

            // determine the factor
            GsVector factor = GsVector.One;

            // if we have a target, then adjust the sign of the components
            if (TargetCell != null)
                float sX = Math.Sign(TargetCell.X - X);
                float sY = Math.Sign(TargetCell.Y - Y);
                factor.X *= sX;
                factor.Y *= sY;

            if (CurrentCell != null)
                // here, check to see if the cell has any special properties that we should know about
                if ((CurrentCell.Piece is SpeedBumpPiece))
                    factor      *= .1f;
                    CurrentLife -= (CurrentCell.Piece as SpeedBumpPiece).Attack;

            // adjust the velocity factor
            VelocityFactor *= factor;
Esempio n. 7
        private static GridCell[] GetCellsWithCenterContainedIn(GridCell[,] grid, GsRectangle box, GsVector cellOffset)
            int ColCount = grid.GetLength(0);
            int RowCount = grid.GetLength(1);

            List <GridCell> cells = new List <GridCell>(100);

            for (int c = 0; c < ColCount; ++c)
                for (int r = 0; r < RowCount; ++r)
                    GridCell cell   = grid[c, r];
                    GsVector center = cell.Bounds.Location + cellOffset;

                    center.X += (cell.Width / 2f);
                    center.Y += (cell.Height / 2f);

                    if (box.Contains(center))
Esempio n. 8
        public static GsVector ComputeProjectileDirection(float angle)
            GsVector v         = new GsVector(1, 0);
            GsMatrix rotMatrix = GsMatrix.CreateRotationZ(angle);

            return(GsVector.Transform(v, rotMatrix));
Esempio n. 9
        public static GsVector[] CreateConvexHull(this Texture2D texture)
            Color[] colorData = new Color[texture.Width * texture.Height];
            texture.GetData <Color>(colorData);

            List <GsVector> pixels = new List <GsVector>(colorData.Length);
            int             x, y;

            for (x = 0; x < texture.Width; ++x)
                for (y = 0; y < texture.Height; ++y)
                    Color color = colorData[x + (y * texture.Width)];
                    if (color.A > 250)
                        pixels.Add(new GsVector(x, y));

            GsVector[] polygon = pixels.ToArray();
            GsVector[] H       = new GsVector[polygon.Length];

            ChainConvexHull.ComputeHull(polygon, polygon.Length, ref H);
Esempio n. 10
        public static float ComputeOrientation(float orientation, GsVector direction, float turnSpeed)
            float desiredAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.Y, direction.X);
            float difference   = GsMath.WrapAngle(desiredAngle - orientation);

            return(GsMath.WrapAngle(orientation + difference));
Esempio n. 11
 public ImageParams(GsImage image, GsSize imageSize, GsVector position, GsVector origin, GsVector scale)
     Image     = image;
     ImageSize = imageSize;
     Position  = position;
     Origin    = origin;
     Scale     = scale;
Esempio n. 12
        protected virtual void DrawWeaponTower(DrawParams dparams, GsVector offset)
            ImageParams data     = GetTextureDrawData(offset);
            GsColor     color    = GsColor.Gray;
            var         graphics = dparams.Graphics;

            graphics.DrawImage(data, color, Orientation);
Esempio n. 13
        protected override ImageParams GetTextureDrawData(GsVector offset)
            var image   = GetImage();
            var imgSize = ImageProvider.GetSize(image);
            var scale   = Calculator.ComputeScale(imgSize, Size);

            return(new ImageParams(image, imgSize, Position + offset, Origin, scale));
Esempio n. 14
        protected OutsideInside GetOutsideInsideBounds(GsVector offset)
            GsRectangle bounds = new GsRectangle(X + offset.X, Y + offset.Y, Width, Height);
            GsRectangle inside = new GsRectangle(bounds.X + Pad, bounds.Y + Pad, bounds.Width - TwoPad, bounds.Height - TwoPad);

            return(new OutsideInside {
                Inside = inside, Outside = bounds
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public Sprite()
     Orientation    = 0f;
     Bounds         = GsRectangle.Empty;
     previousBounds = Bounds;
     hullCache      = null;
     VelocityFactor = GsVector.One;
     Origin         = GsVector.Zero;
Esempio n. 16
        protected override void DrawWeaponTower(DrawParams dparams, GsVector offset)
            ImageParams data   = GetTextureDrawData(offset);
            GsRectangle source = new GsRectangle(
                mIndex * FrameSize.Width, 0,
                FrameSize.Width, FrameSize.Height);
            var graphics = dparams.Graphics;

            graphics.DrawImage(data, Color, source);
Esempio n. 17
        public FlameProjectile(Piece parent, double timeToLiveInSeconds)
            : base(parent, timeToLiveInSeconds)
            Size     = new GsSize(20f, 80f);
            ImageKey = "flame";

            var size = ImageProvider.GetSize(GetImage());

            Origin = new GsVector(0, size.Height / 2);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary></summary>
 public GsPolygon GetHull(GsVector offset)
     GsVector[] polygon = GetImageHull();
     if (hullCache == null || Bounds != previousBounds)
         GsMatrix transform = CreateTransform(GetTextureDrawData(offset));
         hullCache      = new GsPolygon(polygon, transform);
         previousBounds = Bounds;
Esempio n. 19
        protected override ImageParams GetTextureDrawData(GsVector offset)
            var outin  = GetOutsideInsideBounds(offset);
            var bounds = outin.Outside;
            var inside = outin.Inside;

            ImageParams data  = base.GetTextureDrawData(offset);
            GsVector    scale = Calculator.ComputeScale(data.ImageSize, bounds.Size);

            return(new ImageParams(data.Image, data.ImageSize, bounds.Location, GsVector.Zero, scale));
Esempio n. 20
        protected override ImageParams GetTextureDrawData(GsVector offset)
            // get the draw data of the base
            var data = base.GetTextureDrawData(offset);

            // get the correct position
            GsVector position = Position + offset + (Size.ToVector() * .5f);

            // return the updated draw data
            return(new ImageParams(data.Image, data.ImageSize, position, data.Origin, data.Scale));
Esempio n. 21
        public Projectile(Piece parent, double timeToLiveInSeconds)
            IsAlive     = true;
            mTimeToLive = timeToLiveInSeconds;

            ImageKey = "bullet";
            var sz = ImageProvider.GetSize(GetImage());

            Origin    = new GsVector(0, sz.Height / 2f);
            Color     = GsColor.White;
            Size      = new GsSize(20f, 6.5f);
            StayAlive = false;
            Parent    = parent;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary></summary>
        protected virtual GsVector GetCenter(GsVector offset)
            // get the drawing data
            ImageParams data = GetTextureDrawData(offset);

            // get the center of the image
            GsVector center = data.ImageSize.ToVector() / 2f;

            // compute the transform
            GsMatrix transform = CreateTransform(data);

            // return the center transformated
            return(GsVector.Transform(center, transform));
Esempio n. 23
        public static GsVector ComputeDirection(Piece piece, Invader invader)
            float    speed    = piece.ProjectileSpeed;
            GsVector position = invader.Bounds.Center - piece.Bounds.Center;
            GsVector velocity = invader.Velocity * invader.VelocityFactor;

            float a = speed * speed - velocity.LengthSquared();
            float b = GsVector.Dot(position, velocity);
            float c = position.LengthSquared();

            // Cope with rare special case where bullet and target have same speed, to avoid dividing by zero
            if (a == 0)
                if (b < 0)
                    // Meet halfway...
                    float time = -0.5f * c / b;
                    return((position + velocity * time) / (speed * time));
                    // Can't hit target
                float bSqPlusAC = b * b + a * c;
                // Can't take square root of negative number
                if (bSqPlusAC >= 0)
                    float solution = (b + (float)Math.Sqrt(bSqPlusAC)) / a;
                    if (solution >= 0)
                        float time = solution;
                        return((position + velocity * time) / (speed * time));
                        // Can't hit target
                    // Can't hit target

Esempio n. 24
        private void InitializeProperties()
            Width  = (int)((double)guiSurface.Height * .85);
            Height = Width;

            NumCols = (Width / CellWidth) - 1;
            NumRows = (Height / CellHeight) - 1;

            MiddleOffset = new GsVector(
                (Width / 2f) - ((NumCols * CellWidth) / 2f),
                (Height / 2f) - ((NumRows * CellHeight) / 2f));

            X = 0;
            Y = (guiSurface.Height / 2f) - (Height / 2f);
Esempio n. 25
        protected override ImageParams GetTextureDrawData(GsVector offset)
            var projectile     = GetImage();
            var projectileSize = ImageProvider.GetSize(projectile);

            var origin = projectileSize.ToVector() * .5f;
            var scale  = Calculator.ComputeScale(projectileSize, Size);

            var position = mOwnerBounds.Location;

            position += ((mOwnerBounds.Size.ToVector() * .5f));

            // return the data
            return(new ImageParams(projectile, projectileSize, position + offset, origin, scale));
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary></summary>
        public virtual GsRectangle GetBoundingBox(GsVector offset)
            // get the center of the projectile
            GsVector center = GetCenter(offset);

            // create a rough box that has the projectile inside of it
            float dW = Width * .5f;
            float dH = Height * .5f;

            return(new GsRectangle(
                       center.X - dW,
                       center.Y - dH,
                       dW * 2f,
                       dH * 2f));
Esempio n. 27
        protected override ImageParams GetTextureDrawData(GsVector offset)
            var outin  = GetOutsideInsideBounds(offset);
            var bounds = outin.Outside;

            var wtower  = GetImage();
            var imgSize = ImageProvider.GetSize(wtower);
            var actSize = new GsSize(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            GsVector scale  = Calculator.ComputeScale(imgSize, actSize);
            GsVector origin = imgSize.ToVector() * .5f;
            GsVector center = actSize.ToVector() * .5f;

            return(new ImageParams(wtower, imgSize, bounds.Location + center, origin, scale));
Esempio n. 28
        public void ChooseTarget(IEnumerable <Invader> invaders, GsVector offset)
            Invader     bestInvader    = null;
            float       bestFuzzyValue = 0.0f;
            float       radiusSquared  = Radius * Radius;
            GsRectangle pieceBounds    = GsRectangle.Offset(Bounds, offset);

            foreach (Invader invader in invaders)
                // calculate the position. In the future, we should get this directly from the invader
                GsVector position = invader.Position + offset + (invader.Size.ToVector() * .5f);
                GsVector origin   = invader.Origin;
                GsSize   size     = invader.Size;

                // calculate the bounds
                GsRectangle invaderBounds = new GsRectangle(position - (origin * .5f), size);

                // determine the distance
                float distance = GsVector.DistanceSquared(pieceBounds.Center, invaderBounds.Center);
                if (InvalidTarget(distance, radiusSquared, invader, invaderBounds))

                // determine the fuzzy number
                float fuzzy = 0.0f;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyLife(invader) * FuzzyLifeWeight;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyTime(invader) * FuzzyTimeWeight;
                fuzzy += CalculateFuzzyDistance(distance) * FuzzyDistanceWeight;

                // if the fuzzy value is better, then select this invader
                if (fuzzy > bestFuzzyValue)
                    bestInvader    = invader;
                    bestFuzzyValue = fuzzy;

            if (bestInvader == null)
                Target = null;
            else if (bestInvader != Target)
                mTimeChasingTarget = TimeSpan.Zero;
                Target             = bestInvader;
Esempio n. 29
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            LastKeyboardState = CurrentKeyboardState;
            LastMouseState    = CurrentMouseState;

            CurrentKeyboardState = keyboard.GetState();
            CurrentMouseState    = mouse.GetState();

            var device = Game.GraphicsDevice;
            var pt     = new GsVector(CurrentMouseState.X, CurrentMouseState.Y);

            pt *= new GsVector(device.Viewport.Width, device.Viewport.Height);

            CursorPosition = pt;
            SelectPressed  = (CurrentMouseState.LeftButton.Down);
Esempio n. 30
        public void DrawImage(GsImage image, GsRectangle dest, GsRectangle?source, GsVector origin, float angle, GsImageFlip flip, GsColor tint)
            Rectangle?src = null;

            if (source.HasValue)
                var s = source.Value;
                src = new Rectangle((int)s.X, (int)s.Y, (int)s.Width, (int)s.Height);

            var dst = new RectangleF(dest.X, dest.Y, dest.Width, dest.Height);

            spriteBatch.Draw(image.Data as Texture2D,
                             dst, src, tint.ToColor(), angle, new Vector2(origin.X, origin.Y), flip.ToSpriteEffects(), 0f);