public async void Search(string SearchStr) { ShowCoverFlow = Visibility.Hidden; if (SearchStr.IsBlank()) { Growl.Error("Search string is empty!", "SearchMsg"); return; } //Search ShowWait(); object SearchObj = await Task.Run(() => { return(TidalTool.tryGet(SearchStr, out SearchType)); }); if (SearchType == eObjectType.None) { Growl.Error("Search Err!", "SearchMsg"); } else if (SearchType == Tidal.eObjectType.SEARCH) { SearchResult = ((Tidal.SearchResult)SearchObj); ShowDetailView = Visibility.Hidden; } else { LoadDetail(SearchObj); ShowDetailView = Visibility.Visible; } ShowWait(false); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { UpdateHelper.GithubReleaseModel ver = UpdateHelper.CheckForUpdateGithubRelease("ghost1372", "SubtitleDownloader"); lblCreatedAt.Text = ver.CreatedAt.ToString(); lblPublishedAt.Text = ver.PublishedAt.ToString(); lblDownloadUrl.CommandParameter = lblDownloadUrl.Content = ver.Asset[0].browser_download_url; lblCurrentVersion.Text = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); lblVersion.Text = ver.TagName.Replace("v", ""); txtChangelog.Text = ver.Changelog; if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { Growl.InfoGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.NewVersion); } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.LatestVersion); } } catch (System.Exception) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.ReleaseNotFound); } }
protected void OnForwardedNotificationCallback(Growl.Connector.Response response, Growl.Connector.CallbackData callbackData) { if (this.ForwardedNotificationCallback != null) { this.ForwardedNotificationCallback(response, callbackData); } }
private void DictArea_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (_dict != null) { if (e.ClickCount == 2) { //双击事件 TextBlock textBlock = sender as TextBlock; string ret = _dict.SearchInDict(textBlock.Text); if (ret != null) { if (ret == string.Empty) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_DictError_Hint"] + _dict.GetLastError()); } else { dtimer.Stop(); DictResWindow _dictResWindow = new DictResWindow(textBlock.Text, (string)textBlock.Tag, _textSpeechHelper); _dictResWindow.ShowDialog(); dtimer.Start(); } } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_DictError_Hint"] + _dict.GetLastError()); } } } }
public void CheckAuthThreadFunc(object[] datas) { NetHelper.OpenWeb("https://" + DeviceCode.VerificationUri); //Proxy HttpHelper.ProxyInfo PROXY = Settings.ProxyEnable ? new HttpHelper.ProxyInfo(Settings.ProxyHost, Settings.ProxyPort, Settings.ProxyUser, Settings.ProxyPwd) : null; (string msg, LoginKey key) = Client.CheckAuthStatus(DeviceCode, PROXY).Result; if (msg.IsNotBlank()) { Growl.Error(msg, Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); goto RETURN_POINT; } Settings.Userid = key.UserID; Settings.Countrycode = key.CountryCode; Settings.Accesstoken = key.AccessToken; Settings.Refreshtoken = key.RefreshToken; Settings.Save(); Global.AccessKey = key; Global.CommonKey = key; Global.VideoKey = key; this.View.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Manager.ShowWindow(VMMain); RequestClose(); })); RETURN_POINT: BtnLoginEnable = true; }
/// <summary> /// 键盘鼠标钩子初始化 /// </summary> private void MouseKeyboardHook_Init() { if (Common.UsingHotKey.IsMouse) { //初始化钩子对象 if (hook == null) { hook = new GlobalHook(); hook.OnMouseActivity += Hook_OnMouseActivity; } } else { //初始化钩子对象 if (hook == null) { hook = new GlobalHook(); hook.KeyDown += Hook_OnKeyBoardActivity; } } bool r = hook.Start(); if (!r) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["Hook_Error_Hint"].ToString()); } }
// this class cannot be created from VB public CallbackData(Growl.Connector.CallbackData callbackData) { this.notificationID = callbackData.NotificationID; = callbackData.Data; this.type = callbackData.Type; this.result = callbackData.Result.ToString(); }
private void btnAddInstaller_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUrl.Text) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHash.Text)) { var arch = (cmbArchitecture.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Content.ToString(); var item = new Installer { Architecture = arch, InstallerUrl = txtUrl.Text, InstallerSha256 = txtHash.Text }; if (!Installers.Contains(item, new GenericCompare <Installer>(x => x.Architecture))) { Installers.Add(item); } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal($"{arch} Architecture already exist."); } } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal("Installer Url and Installer Sha256 must be filled"); } }
private async void btnGetHashWeb_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUrl.Text) && txtUrl.Text.IsUrl()) { prgStatus.IsIndeterminate = false; btnGetHashWeb.IsEnabled = false; btnGetHashLocal.IsEnabled = false; txtHash.IsEnabled = false; try { var downloader = new DownloadService(); downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged; downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += OnDownloadFileCompleted; await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(txtUrl.Text, new DirectoryInfo(Consts.TempSetupPath)); } catch (Exception ex) { prgStatus.IsIndeterminate = true; prgStatus.ShowError = true; Growl.ErrorGlobal(ex.Message); } } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal("Url field is Empty or Invalid"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(ex.Message); } }
protected override void InternalOnNotificationCallback(Growl.CoreLibrary.NotificationCallbackEventArgs args) { if (this.NotificationCallback != null) { this.NotificationCallback(args); } }
private async void CheckUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { btnCheck.IsEnabled = false; var ver = await UpdateHelper.CheckUpdateAsync("HandyOrg", "HandyWinGet"); if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { Growl.AskGlobal("we found a new Version, do you want to download?", b => { if (!b) { return(true); } StartProcess(ver.Assets[0].Url); return(true); }); } else { Growl.InfoGlobal("you are using Latest Version."); } btnCheck.IsEnabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(ex.Message); } }
private void CompareVersions() { if (IsVersionLater(newVersion, getAppVersion)) { Growl.Info(new GrowlInfo { Message = $"A new version {newVersion} has been detected!Do you want to update?", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { Process.Start(url); } return(true); }, CancelStr = "Cancel", ConfirmStr = "Confirm" }); Growl.Info(ChangeLog); } else { Growl.Error($"You are using latest version {getAppVersion}"); } }
private void ButtonLangs_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (e.OriginalSource is Button button && button.Tag is string tag) { PopupConfig.IsOpen = false; if (tag.Equals(GlobalData.Config.Lang)) { return; } Growl.Ask(new GrowlInfo { Message = Properties.Langs.Lang.ChangeLangAsk, ShowDateTime = false, CancelStr = Properties.Langs.Lang.Cancel, ConfirmStr = Properties.Langs.Lang.Confirm, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { GlobalData.Config.Lang = tag; GlobalData.Save(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Environment.Exit(0); } return(true); } }); } }
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e) //此为窗口已加载 { base.OnInitialized(e); Instance = this; //默认设定为日间模式 ResourceDictionary theme = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resource/Style/Theme/BaseLight.xaml") }; Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(theme); //判断之前设定的路径是否存在 string location = Properties.Settings.Default.FileLocation; if (location != null && location != string.Empty && !Directory.Exists(location)) { Growl.Warning("所指定的文件夹位置已不存在, 请重新指定."); Properties.Settings.Default.FileLocation = null; } else { RefreshFiles(null, null); } }
/// <summary> /// 键盘鼠标钩子初始化 /// </summary> private void MouseKeyboardHook_Init() { if (hook == null) { hook = new KeyboardMouseHook(); bool r = false; if (Common.UsingHotKey.IsMouse) { hook.OnMouseActivity += Hook_OnMouseActivity; if (Common.UsingHotKey.MouseButton == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { r = hook.Start(true, 1); } else if (Common.UsingHotKey.MouseButton == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { r = hook.Start(true, 2); } } else { hook.onKeyboardActivity += Hook_OnKeyBoardActivity; int keycode = (int)Common.UsingHotKey.KeyCode; r = hook.Start(false, keycode); } if (!r) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["Hook_Error_Hint"].ToString()); } } }
private void PinBox_OnCompleted(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (e.OriginalSource is PinBox pinBox) { Growl.Info(pinBox.Password); } }
public async void Search(string SearchStr) { if (SearchStr.IsBlank()) { Growl.Error("Search string is empty!", Global.TOKEN_MAIN); return; } ShowWait = true; (string msg, eType type, object data) = await Client.Get(Global.CommonKey, SearchStr, eType.NONE, Global.Settings.SearchNum, Global.Settings.IncludeEP, false); if (msg.IsNotBlank() || data == null) { Growl.Error("Search Err!" + msg, Global.TOKEN_MAIN); } else if (type == eType.SEARCH) { SearchResult = (SearchResult)data; ShowDetail = false; ShowList = true; } else { Detail = Detail.Creat(data, type); ShowDetail = true; ShowList = false; } ShowWait = false; }
/// <summary> /// Errors the specified message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public void Error(string message) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Growl.ErrorGlobal(message); }); }
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <Client> SelectedClientList = ListClients.SelectedItems.Cast <Client>().ToList(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MesssageSend.Text) && ListClients.SelectedItem != null) { int i = 0; String clientip = String.Empty; foreach (Socket item in listclient) { clientip = item.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Substring(0, item.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().IndexOf(':')); if (SelectedClientList.Count > 1) { if (SelectedClientList[i].Ip.Equals(clientip)) { Send(item, MesssageSend.Text); } i++; } else if (SelectedClientList.Count <= 1) { if (SelectedClientList[0].Ip.Equals(clientip)) { Send(item, MesssageSend.Text); } } } } else { Growl.WarningGlobal("chưa nhập tin nhắn hoặc chưa chọn người cần gửi"); } }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var username = Username.Text; _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; _sr.Procedure = null; var local = new LoginProcedure(); try { ret = local.Step1(username, Helper.GetTrace()); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { _sr.Procedure = local; SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.Login2); } }); }
private void ButtonLangs_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (e.OriginalSource is Button button && button.Tag is string tag) { PopupConfig.IsOpen = false; if (tag.Equals(GlobalDataHelper <AppConfig> .Config.Lang)) { return; } Growl.Ask(Lang.ResourceManager.GetString("ChangeLanguage"), b => { if (!b) { return(true); } GlobalDataHelper <AppConfig> .Config.Lang = tag; GlobalDataHelper <AppConfig> .Save(); LocalizationManager.Instance.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(tag); ConfigHelper.Instance.SetLang(GlobalDataHelper <AppConfig> .Config.Lang); return(true); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Hàm khởi tạo kết nối /// </summary> /// <param name="ipaddress">Truyền vào địa chỉ IP</param> private void Connect(IPAddress ipaddress) { IP = new IPEndPoint(ipaddress, 9999); sClient = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP); IPHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); try { sClient.Connect(IP); Growl.SuccessGlobal("Ket Noi thanh cong"); foreach (var item in IPHost.AddressList) { if (item.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { sClient.Send(Serialize(item.ToString())); } } sClient.Send(Serialize(IPHost.HostName.ToString() + " da ket noi")); } catch (Exception) { return; } Thread t = new Thread(Recieve); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
private void showGrowlNotification(bool isSuccess, params string[] param) { if (isSuccess) { Growl.Info(new GrowlInfo { Message = string.Format(Properties.Langs.Lang.NewVersionFind, param[0]) + Environment.NewLine + ChangeLog, CancelStr = Properties.Langs.Lang.Cancel, ConfirmStr = Properties.Langs.Lang.Download, ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirm => { if (isConfirm) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(param[1]); } return(true); } }); } else { Growl.Error(new GrowlInfo { Message = string.Format(Properties.Langs.Lang.CurrentIsLastVersion, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()), ShowDateTime = false }); } }
public SubscribedForwardDestination(Growl.Daemon.Subscriber subscriber, int ttl) : this(subscriber.Name, true, subscriber.IPAddress, subscriber.Port, subscriber.Key.Password, KnownDestinationPlatformType.FromString(subscriber.PlatformName), ttl) { base.Key = subscriber.ID; this.hashAlgorithm = subscriber.Key.HashAlgorithm; this.encryptionAlgorithm = subscriber.Key.EncryptionAlgorithm; }
public string OpizoShorten(string longUrl) { string link = string.Empty; using (WebClient wb = new WebClient()) { wb.Headers.Add("X-API-KEY", OpizoApiKey); NameValueCollection data = new NameValueCollection { ["url"] = longUrl }; byte[] response = wb.UploadValues("", "POST", data); string responseInString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response); OpizoRootObject root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OpizoRootObject>(responseInString); if (root.status.Equals("success")) { link =; } else { Growl.Error("something is wrong try again"); } } return(link); }
public string YonShorten(string longUrl, string customURL = "") { string link = string.Empty; using (WebClient wb = new WebClient()) { NameValueCollection data = new NameValueCollection { ["url"] = longUrl, ["wish"] = customURL }; byte[] response = wb.UploadValues("", "POST", data); string responseInString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response); Yon result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Yon>(responseInString); if (result.status) { link = "" + result.output; } else { Growl.Error("that custom URL is already taken"); } } return(link); }
public async Task <string> Do0Shorten(string longUrl) { string link = string.Empty; Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "link", longUrl } }; FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("", content); string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Do0Data root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Do0Data>(responseString); if (root.success) { link = "" + root.@short; } else { Growl.Error(root.error); } return(link); }
public async void Confim() { if (AccessToken.IsNotBlank()) { (string msg, LoginKey key) = await Client.Login(AccessToken); if (msg.IsNotBlank() || key == null) { Growl.Warning("Accesstoken is not valid! " + msg, Global.TOKEN_MAIN); } else if (key.UserID != Global.CommonKey.UserID) { Growl.Warning("User mismatch! Please use your own accesstoken.", Global.TOKEN_MAIN); } else { UserSettings user = UserSettings.Read(); user.Accesstoken = AccessToken; user.Save(); Global.AccessKey = key; } } Settings.Change(Settings, Global.Settings); Global.Settings = Settings; Global.Settings.Save(); Load(); Growl.Success("Refresh settings success!", Global.TOKEN_MAIN); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\UserData"); if (File.Exists("UserData\\Config.json")) { LoadConfig(); ViewContent = new GachaAnalysisView(SelectedUserData); } else { UserDataList = new List <UserData>(); ViewContent = new WelcomeView(); } if (File.Exists("UserData\\Account")) { try { CloudClient = CloudClient.GetClientFromEncryption(); } catch (Exception e) { Growl.Error(e.Message); } } if (File.Exists("Resource\\ShowUpdateLog")) { ViewContent = new UpdateLogView(); File.Delete("Resource\\ShowUpdateLog"); } }
public async void Login() { BtnLoginEnable = false; //Proxy HttpHelper.ProxyInfo PROXY = Settings.ProxyEnable ? new HttpHelper.ProxyInfo(Settings.ProxyHost, Settings.ProxyPort, Settings.ProxyUser, Settings.ProxyPwd) : null; if (DeviceCode == null) { //get device code (string msg1, TidalDeviceCode code) = await Client.GetDeviceCode(PROXY); if (msg1.IsNotBlank()) { Growl.Error("Get device code failed!", Global.TOKEN_LOGIN); BtnLoginEnable = true; return; } else { DeviceCode = code; } } ThreadHelper.Start(CheckAuthThreadFunc); return; }
private async void Button_ImportExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var result = await Dialog.Show(new ExcelImportDialog()).GetResultAsync <(bool, UserData, List <WishData>)>(); if (result.Item1) { try { var str = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result.Item3, Const.JsonOptions); File.WriteAllText(result.Item2.WishLogFile, str); result.Item2.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; Growl.Success("导入数据成功"); } catch (Exception ex) { Growl.Error(ex.Message); } } else { if (result.Item2 != null) { Growl.Error("导入数据失败"); } } }
public SettingsForm() { this._Version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; if (this.Config.CheckForUpdates) { System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.CheckForUpdates); } InitializeComponent(); this.utorrent = new WebUIAPI(this.Config); this.utorrent.TorrentAdded += new WebUIAPI.TorrentAddedEventHandler(utorrent_TorrentAdded); this.utorrent.DownloadComplete += new WebUIAPI.DownloadFinishedEventHandler(utorrent_DownloadComplete); this.utorrent.LoginError += new WebUIAPI.LoginErrorEventHandler(utorrent_LoginError); this.utorrent.Start(); this.prowl = new Prowl(this.Config.Prowl); this.growl = new Growl(this.Config.Growl); this.twitter = new Twitter(this.Config.Twitter); this.boxcar = new Boxcar(this.Config.Boxcar); if (this.Config.Prowl.Enable) { this.prowl.ProwlError += new Prowl.ProwlErrorHandler(prowl_ProwlError); } this.btnBoxcarInvite.Enabled = this.Config.Boxcar.Enable; }
public override async Task Execute() { var linkId = Storage.GetLinkIdByGid(_gid); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_path)) { await Growl.Notify($"Download complete!\n{_path}"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkId)) { await RemoveDownloadResult(_gid); return; } if (!await Hltv.SetState(linkId, LinkState.Finished)) { LoggerManager.Error("Error from server for setting link {0} to finished", linkId); await ShutdownAriaIfNoLinksLeft(); return; } Storage.RemoveLinkId(_gid); await RemoveDownloadResult(_gid); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { _sr.InteractiveTask(() => { int ret; _sr.Procedure = null; var local = new LogoutProcedure(); try { ret = local.Step1(); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { ret = 02_0000 + (int)(ex.Data["StatusCode"]); } catch (Exception) { ret = 02_0000; } if (CheckVendor.NotValidResponseCode(ret)) { Growl.Error(MessageVendor.FormatError(ret)); } else { ApiVendor.SetRenew(null); SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.LoggedOut); } }); _sr.InteractiveTask(() => SubwindowNavigator.Navigate(SubwindowPage.LoggedOut)); }
private void ButtonLangs_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (e.OriginalSource is Button button && button.Tag is string tag) { PopupConfig.IsOpen = false; if (tag.Equals(GlobalData.Config.Lang)) { return; } Growl.Ask(Lang.ResourceManager.GetString("ChangeLanguage"), b => { if (!b) { return(true); } GlobalData.Config.Lang = tag; GlobalData.Save(); TranslationSource.Instance.Language = tag; ((MainWindowViewModel)(DataContext)).SetFlowDirection(); return(true); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Fires the <see cref="NotificationClicked"/> event /// </summary> /// <param name="args"><see cref="Growl.CoreLibrary.NotificationCallbackEventArgs"/> containing information about the event</param> void win_NotificationClicked(Growl.CoreLibrary.NotificationCallbackEventArgs args) { if (this.NotificationClicked != null) { this.NotificationClicked(args); } }
void growl_NotificationCallback(Growl.Connector.Response response, Growl.Connector.CallbackData callbackData, object state) { if (callbackData != null) { if (callbackData.Result == Growl.CoreLibrary.CallbackResult.CLICK) { if (response.CustomTextAttributes.ContainsKey("Rating")) { string r = response.CustomTextAttributes["Rating"]; int rating = Convert.ToInt32(r); string[] parts = callbackData.Data.Split('|'); int sourceID = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0]); int playlistID = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]); int trackID = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2]); int databaseID = Convert.ToInt32(parts[3]); IITTrack song = (IITTrack) this.GetITObjectByID(sourceID, playlistID, trackID, databaseID); if (song != null) { song.Rating = rating; } } } } }
public ProwlForwardDestination(string name, bool enabled, string apiKey, Growl.Connector.Priority? minimumPriority, bool onlyWhenIdle) : base(name, enabled) { this.apiKey = apiKey; this.minimumPriority = minimumPriority; this.onlyWhenIdle = onlyWhenIdle; this.Platform = KnownDestinationPlatformType.IPhone; }
public EmailForwardDestination(string name, bool enabled, string to, SMTPConfiguration smtpConfig, Growl.Connector.Priority? minimumPriority, bool onlyWhenIdle) : base(name, enabled) { = to; this.smtpConfig = (smtpConfig != null ? smtpConfig : SMTPConfiguration.Local); this.minimumPriority = minimumPriority; this.onlyWhenIdle = onlyWhenIdle; this.Platform = KnownDestinationPlatformType.Email; }
public ClassRegistry() { this._config = new Config(); this._webuiapi = new WebUIAPI(this._config); this._prowl = new Prowl(this._config.Prowl); this._growl = new Growl(this._config.Growl); this._twitter = new Twitter(this._config.Twitter); this._boxcar = new Boxcar(this._config.Boxcar); }
public ToastyForwardDestination(string name, bool enabled, string deviceID, Growl.Connector.Priority? minimumPriority, bool onlyWhenIdle, bool enableQuietHours, DateTime quietHoursStart, DateTime quietHoursEnd, QuietHoursDayChoice quietHoursDaysChoice) : base(name, enabled) { this.deviceID = deviceID; this.minimumPriority = minimumPriority; this.onlyWhenIdle = onlyWhenIdle; this.enableQuietHours = enableQuietHours; this.quietHoursStart = quietHoursStart; this.quietHoursEnd = quietHoursEnd; this.quietHoursDaysChoice = quietHoursDaysChoice; }
protected override bool OnBeforeSend(Growl.Connector.MessageBuilder mb) { //from <hostname> by <hostname> [with Growl] [id <identifier>]; <ISO 8601 date> foreach (Header header in this.RequestInfo.PreviousReceivedHeaders) { mb.AddHeader(header); } string received = String.Format("from {0} by {1}{2}{3}; {4}", this.RequestInfo.ReceivedFrom, this.RequestInfo.ReceivedBy, (this.RequestInfo.ReceivedWith != null ? String.Format(" with {0}", this.RequestInfo.ReceivedWith) : String.Empty), (this.RequestInfo.RequestID != null ? String.Format(" id {0}", this.RequestInfo.RequestID) : String.Empty), this.RequestInfo.TimeReceived.ToString("u")); Header receivedHeader = new Header("Received", received); mb.AddHeader(receivedHeader); return base.OnBeforeSend(mb); }
public static string getPathToIcon(Growl.Connector.Notification notification) { string returnValue = ""; if (notification.Icon.IsSet) { if (notification.Icon.IsUrl) { returnValue = notification.Icon.Url; } else { returnValue = Path.GetTempFileName(); System.Drawing.Image Icon = notification.Icon; Icon.Save(returnValue); } } return returnValue; }
public static string getPathToIcon(Growl.Connector.Application app) { string returnValue = ""; if (app.Icon != null) { if (app.Icon.IsSet) { if (app.Icon.IsUrl) { returnValue = app.Icon.Url; } else { returnValue = Path.GetTempFileName(); System.Drawing.Image Icon = app.Icon; Icon.Save(returnValue); } } } return returnValue; }
public override void ForwardRegistration(Growl.Connector.Application application, List<Growl.Connector.NotificationType> notificationTypes, Growl.Connector.RequestInfo requestInfo, bool isIdle) { // IGNORE REGISTRATION NOTIFICATIONS (since we have no way of filtering out already-registered apps at this point) //Send(application.Name, Properties.Resources.SystemNotification_AppRegistered_Title, String.Format(Properties.Resources.SystemNotification_AppRegistered_Text, application.Name)); requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo("Forwarding to Toasty cancelled - Application Registrations are not forwarded."); }
public override void ForwardNotification(Growl.Connector.Notification notification, Growl.Connector.CallbackContext callbackContext, Growl.Connector.RequestInfo requestInfo, bool isIdle, ForwardedNotificationCallbackHandler callbackFunction) { bool send = true; if (requestInfo == null) requestInfo = new Growl.Connector.RequestInfo(); // if this notification originated from Toasty in the first place, dont re-forward it if (((notification.ApplicationName == "Toasty") && notification.CustomTextAttributes.ContainsKey("ToastyDeviceID")) && notification.CustomTextAttributes["ToastyDeviceID"].Equals(this.DeviceID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { requestInfo.HandlingInfo.Add(String.Format("Aborted forwarding due to circular notification (deviceID:{0})", this.DeviceID)); send = false; } // if a minimum priority is set, check that if (send && this.MinimumPriority != null && this.MinimumPriority.HasValue && notification.Priority < this.MinimumPriority.Value) { requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarding to Toasty ({0}) cancelled - Notification priority must be at least '{1}' (was actually '{2}').", this.Description, this.MinimumPriority.Value.ToString(), notification.Priority.ToString())); send = false; } // if only sending when idle, check that if (send && this.OnlyWhenIdle && !isIdle) { requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarding to Toasty ({0}) cancelled - Currently only configured to forward when idle", this.Description)); send = false; } // if quiet hours enabled, check that if (send && DuringQuietHours()) { requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarding to Toasty ({0}) cancelled - Quiet hours enabled on {1} from {2} to {3}. Current time: {4} {5}", this.Description, this.QuietHoursDaysChoice, this.QuietHoursStart.ToShortTimeString(), this.QuietHoursEnd.ToShortTimeString(), DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek, DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString())); send = false; } if (send) { requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarded to Toasty '{0}' - Minimum Priority:'{1}', Actual Priority:'{2}'", this.Description, (this.MinimumPriority != null && this.MinimumPriority.HasValue ? this.MinimumPriority.Value.ToString() : "<any>"), notification.Priority.ToString())); string url = BuildUrl(NOTIFY_URL_FORMAT, this.DeviceID); System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection data = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); data.Add("target", this.DeviceID); data.Add("sender", notification.ApplicationName); data.Add("title", notification.Title); data.Add("text", notification.Text); byte[] bytes = null; if (notification.Icon != null && notification.Icon.IsSet) { System.Drawing.Image image = (System.Drawing.Image)notification.Icon; using (image) { bytes = GenerateThumbnail(image, 128, 128); } } APIRequestInfo info = new APIRequestInfo(); info.RequestInfo = requestInfo; info.Url = url; info.Data = data; info.ImageBytes = bytes; System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(SendAsync), info); } }
public void SetPasswordManager(Growl.Connector.PasswordManager passwordManager) { = passwordManager; RefreshItems(); }
/// <summary> /// Registers the specified application with GfW. /// </summary> /// <param name="application">The <see cref="Growl.Connector.Application"/> to register</param> /// <param name="notificationTypes">A list of <see cref="Growl.Connector.NotificationType"/>s to register</param> protected void Register(Growl.Connector.Application application, Growl.Connector.NotificationType[] notificationTypes) { if(this.Enabled) this.growl.Register(application, notificationTypes); }
/// <summary> /// Triggers a notification /// </summary> /// <param name="notification">The <see cref="Growl.Connector.Notification"/> to display</param> /// <param name="callbackContext">The <see cref="Growl.Connector.CallbackContext"/> of the notification</param> protected void Notify(Growl.Connector.Notification notification, Growl.Connector.CallbackContext callbackContext) { if(this.Enabled) this.growl.Notify(notification, callbackContext); }
void sc_ErrorResponse(Growl.Daemon.SubscriptionResponse response) { this.isSubscribing = false; string additionalInfo = (this.Enabled ? (response.ErrorCode == Growl.Connector.ErrorCode.NOT_AUTHORIZED ? "invalid password" : "server unavailable") : null); ChangeStatus(false, additionalInfo); // if the subscription failed, the SubscriptionConnector will take care of trying to reestablish it }
public PriorityChoice(Growl.Connector.Priority? priority) { this.priority = priority; if (priority != null && this.priority.HasValue) = ToastyForwardDestinationHandler.Fetch(priority); else = "[Any Priority]"; }
public NotificationReceivedEventArgs(Growl.DisplayStyle.Notification n) { this.n = n; }
public override void ForwardNotification(Growl.Connector.Notification notification, Growl.Connector.CallbackContext callbackContext, Growl.Connector.RequestInfo requestInfo, bool isIdle, ForwardedNotificationCallbackHandler callbackFunction) { Forwarder growl = new Forwarder(this.Password, this.IPAddress, this.Port, requestInfo); growl.KeyHashAlgorithm = this.HashAlgorithm; growl.EncryptionAlgorithm = this.EncryptionAlgorithm; #if DEBUG //growl.EncryptionAlgorithm = Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmType.PlainText; #endif growl.ForwardedNotificationCallback += callbackFunction; growl.Notify(notification, callbackContext); }
public override void ForwardRegistration(Growl.Connector.Application application, List<Growl.Connector.NotificationType> notificationTypes, Growl.Connector.RequestInfo requestInfo, bool isIdle) { Forwarder growl = new Forwarder(this.Password, this.IPAddress, this.Port, requestInfo); growl.KeyHashAlgorithm = this.HashAlgorithm; growl.EncryptionAlgorithm = this.EncryptionAlgorithm; #if DEBUG //growl.EncryptionAlgorithm = Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmType.PlainText; #endif growl.Register(application, notificationTypes.ToArray()); }
void sc_OKResponse(Growl.Daemon.SubscriptionResponse response) { this.isSubscribing = false; string additionalInfo = (this.Enabled ? String.Format("TTL: {0}", response.TTL) : null); this.Platform = KnownDestinationPlatformType.FromString(response.PlatformName); ChangeStatus(true, additionalInfo); // if the subscription succeeds, the SubscriptionConnecter will take care of keeping the subscription alive }
void sc_OKResponse(Growl.Daemon.SubscriptionResponse response) { if (this.Enabled) { this.AdditionalOfflineDisplayInfo = null; this.AdditionalOnlineDisplayInfo = String.Format("TTL: {0}", response.TTL); } this.Platform = ForwardDestinationPlatformType.FromString(response.PlatformName); this.available = true; OnStatusChanged(); // if the subscription succeeds, the SubscriptionConnecter will take care of keeping the subscription alive }
/// <summary> /// Triggers a notification /// </summary> /// <param name="notification">The <see cref="Growl.Connector.Notification"/> to display</param> protected void Notify(Growl.Connector.Notification notification) { if(this.Enabled) Notify(notification, null); }
/// <summary> /// Fires the <see cref="NotificationClosed"/> event /// </summary> /// <param name="args"><see cref="Growl.CoreLibrary.NotificationCallbackEventArgs"/> containing data about the event</param> protected void OnNotificationClosed(Growl.CoreLibrary.NotificationCallbackEventArgs args) { if (!this.alreadyClicked && this.NotificationClosed != null) { this.NotificationClosed(args); } }
public static PastNotification Save(Growl.DisplayStyle.Notification notification, string requestID, DateTime timestamp) { Growl.DisplayStyle.NotificationLite notificationLite = Growl.DisplayStyle.NotificationLite.Clone(notification); string path = Growl.CoreLibrary.PathUtility.Combine(historyFolder, Growl.CoreLibrary.PathUtility.GetSafeFolderName(notificationLite.ApplicationName)); Growl.CoreLibrary.PathUtility.EnsureDirectoryExists(path); // save image data string imageFile = null; if (notification.Image != null && notification.Image.IsSet) { System.Drawing.Image image = (System.Drawing.Image)notification.Image; using (image) { System.Drawing.Image thumbnail = GenerateThumbnail(image, 48, 48); if (thumbnail != null) { using (thumbnail) { string imagefilename = String.Format(@"{0}.img", requestID); imageFile = Growl.CoreLibrary.PathUtility.Combine(path, imagefilename); thumbnail.Save(imageFile); } } } } PastNotification pn = new PastNotification(notificationLite, timestamp, imageFile); // save text data string filename = String.Format(@"{0}.notification", requestID); string filepath = Growl.CoreLibrary.PathUtility.Combine(path, filename); System.IO.StreamWriter w = System.IO.File.CreateText(filepath); using (w) { string data = Serialization.SerializeObject(pn); w.Write(data); data = null; } return pn; }
private void Test_Register(string testName, Growl.Connector.Application app, List<NotificationType> types, Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmType ea, Cryptography.HashAlgorithmType ha) { GrowlConnector g = new GrowlConnector(this.textBox2.Text); g.EncryptionAlgorithm = ea; g.KeyHashAlgorithm = ha; //string r = g.Register(app, types.ToArray()); //WriteTestRequest(r); }