/// <summary> /// 插入数据 /// </summary> private void Insert() { GroupInfoEntity entity = new GroupInfoEntity(); entity.GroupName = this.GroupName.Text; entity.OrderType = this.dropOrderType.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.GroupTypeID = this.dropGroupType.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.GroupTips = this.RecommWord.Text; entity.Status = this.Status.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.Remarks = this.Remarks.Text; entity.StartTime = this.StartTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(DateTime.Now); entity.EndTime = this.EndTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7)); entity.GroupDesc = this.GroupDesc.Text; entity.GroupPicUrl = this.ThumbPicUrl.Value; //写入数据库 bool result = new GroupInfoBll().InsertGroupInfo(entity); if (result) { this.Alert("操作成功", string.Format("/GroupInfo.aspx")); } else { this.Alert("操作失败"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int totalCount = 0; string selectStatus = dropStatus.SelectedValue; GroupInfoEntity groupInfo = new GroupInfoEntity() { SearchGroupType = this.GroupType.SelectedValue, SearchKeys = this.Keyword_2.Value.Trim(), SearchOrderType = OrderType.SelectedValue, SearchStatus = dropStatus.SelectedValue, StartIndex = pagerList.StartRecordIndex - 1, EndIndex = pagerList.PageSize, Status = 1 }; DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); DataSet dt = new GroupInfoBll().GetDataSetList(groupInfo, SchemeID); datatable = dt.Tables[0]; string fileName = string.Format("GroupInfo_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); string path = Server.MapPath(ServerMapPath() + fileName); WriteExcel(datatable, path, fileName); DownloadFile(path); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取总记录数 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetTotalCount(GroupInfoEntity entity, int scId) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); #region CommandText commandText.Append(@"SELECT COUNT(1), gt.TypeName, (SELECT COUNT(0) FROM GroupElems ge WHERE ge.GroupID = gi.GroupID and ge.Status=1) AS 'ElementCount', gi.* FROM groupinfo gi, grouptypes gt WHERE gi.GroupTypeID = gt.TypeID {0} "); #endregion List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = new List <MySqlParameter>(); commandText = SearchCondition(commandText, entity); #region【搜索条件】 if (scId > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(@"and gt.TypeClass in (11,12) and GroupTypeID not in(1200,1100) and GroupID in(select GroupID from groupschemes where SchemeID=" + scId + ") Order By {0} desc", entity.SearchOrderType)); } else { commandText.Append(string.Format(@" Order By {0} desc", entity.SearchOrderType)); } #endregion return(MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.ConnectionString, commandText.ToString(), paramsList.ToArray()).Convert <int>()); }
public Task <CreateGroupResponseDto> CreateGroupSync(CreateGroupRequestDto dto) { return(Task.Run(() => { CreateGroupResponseDto resp = new CreateGroupResponseDto(); var classifyEntity = _groupClassifyRepository.TableNoTracking.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id.Equals(dto.classify_id)); if (classifyEntity != null) { var groupEntity = new GroupInfoEntity() { ClassifyId = dto.classify_id, CoverUrl = dto.cover_url, CreatedUser = Guid.Empty, Description = dto.description, GMTCreate = DateTime.Now, IsOffLine = false, IsHot = dto.is_hot, Name = dto.name }; _groupInfoRepository.Insert(groupEntity); resp.id = groupEntity.Id; } else { throw new NotFoundException("所属板块不存在"); } return resp; })); }
private bool ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, GroupInfoEntity entity) { List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = GetMySqlParameters(entity); int result = MySqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.ConnectionString, commandText, paramsList.ToArray()); return(base.ExecuteStatus(result)); }
/// <summary> /// 查询条件拼接 /// </summary> /// <param name="commandText">sql查询语句</param> /// <param name="entity">分组实体类</param> /// <returns>拼接后的sql语句</returns> private StringBuilder SearchCondition(StringBuilder commandText, GroupInfoEntity entity) { #region CommandText string status = ""; if (entity.SearchStatus == "1") { status = status + " and gi.Status=1"; } if (entity.SearchStatus == "0") { status = status + " and gi.Status=0"; } #endregion // 拼接索要查询的数据状态 StringBuilder newCommandText = new StringBuilder(); newCommandText.AppendFormat(commandText.ToString(), status); //List<MySqlParameter> paramsList = new List<MySqlParameter>(); //#region【搜索条件】 //if (entity.SearchGroupType != "0") //{ // newCommandText.Append(@" and gt.TypeClass=@TypeClass"); // paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@TypeClass", entity.SearchGroupType)); //} //if (entity.SearchKeys != "") //{ // newCommandText.Append(@" and gi.GroupName like '%@GroupName%' or gi.GroupID like '%@GroupID%'"); // //paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupName", string.Format("%{0}%", entity.SearchKeys))); // //paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupID", string.Format("%{0}%", entity.SearchKeys))); // paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupName", entity.SearchKeys)); // paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupID",entity.SearchKeys)); //} List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = new List <MySqlParameter>(); #region【搜索条件】 if (entity.SearchGroupType != "0") { newCommandText.AppendFormat(@" and gt.TypeClass={0}", entity.SearchGroupType); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@TypeClass", entity.SearchGroupType)); } if (entity.SearchKeys != "") { newCommandText.AppendFormat(@" and gi.GroupName like '%{0}%' or gi.GroupID like '%{1}%'", entity.SearchKeys, entity.SearchKeys); } return(newCommandText); #endregion }
public int InsertForId(GroupInfoEntity entity) { string commandText = @"INSERT INTO `GroupInfo` (`GroupID`, `GroupTypeID`, `OrderType`, `OrderNo`, `GroupName`, `GroupDesc`, `GroupPicUrl`, `GroupTips`, `Remarks`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`, `CreateTime`, `UpdateTime`, `Status`) VALUES ( @GroupID, @GroupTypeID, @OrderType, @OrderNo, @GroupName, @GroupDesc, @GroupPicUrl, @RecommWord, @Remarks, @StartTime, @EndTime, @CreateTime, @UpdateTime, @Status);select last_insert_id();"; int newId = Tools.GetInt(MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.ConnectionString, commandText, GetMySqlParameters(entity).ToArray()), 0); if (newId > 0) { new GroupSchemesDAL().Insert(new GroupSchemesEntity() { GroupID = newId, SchemeID = entity.SchemeID, GroupTypeID = entity.GroupTypeID, OrderType = 0, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, Status = 1 }); return(newId); } return(-1); }
private void Bind() { if (_Id > 0) { _CurrentEntity = new GroupBLL().GetGroupInfoByID(_Id); if (_CurrentEntity != null) { txtDesc.Text = _CurrentEntity.GroupDesc; ThumbPicUrl.Value = _CurrentEntity.GroupPicUrl; ShowThumbPic.ImageUrl = _CurrentEntity.GroupPicUrl; txtStartTime.Text = _CurrentEntity.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); txtEndTime.Text = _CurrentEntity.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); ddlStatus.SelectedValue = _CurrentEntity.Status.ToString(); } } }
protected string BindTime(object entity) { GroupInfoEntity obj = (GroupInfoEntity)entity; string timePart = string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm} ~ {1:yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm}", obj.StartTime, obj.EndTime); DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; if (obj.EndTime < currentTime) { return("<span class=\"black\">显示时间:" + timePart + "</span>"); } else if (obj.StartTime > currentTime) { return("<span class=\"black\">显示时间:" + timePart + "</span>"); } else { return("<span class=\"black\">显示时间:" + timePart + "</span>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取分组信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <GroupInfoEntity> GetDataList(GroupInfoEntity entity, int scId) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); #region CommandText commandText.Append(@"SELECT gt.TypeName, (SELECT COUNT(0) FROM GroupElems ge WHERE ge.GroupID = gi.GroupID and ge.Status=1) AS 'ElementCount', gi.* FROM groupinfo gi, GroupTypes gt WHERE gi.GroupTypeID = gt.TypeID {0} "); #endregion List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = new List <MySqlParameter>(); #region【搜索条件】 commandText = SearchCondition(commandText, entity); if (scId > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(@"and gt.TypeClass in (11,12) and GroupTypeID not in(1200,1100) and GroupID in(select GroupID from groupschemes where SchemeID=" + scId + ") Order By {0} desc LIMIT @StartIndex, @EndIndex;", entity.SearchOrderType)); } else { commandText.Append(string.Format(@" Order By {0} desc LIMIT @StartIndex, @EndIndex;", entity.SearchOrderType)); } paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@startIndex", entity.StartIndex)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@endIndex", entity.EndIndex)); #endregion using (MySqlDataReader objReader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(this.ConnectionString, commandText.ToString(), paramsList.ToArray())) { return(objReader.ReaderToList <GroupInfoEntity>() as List <GroupInfoEntity>); } }
protected string BindStatus(object entity) { GroupInfoEntity obj = (GroupInfoEntity)entity; DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; if (obj.EndTime < currentTime) { return("<span class=\"red\">已过期</span>"); } else if (obj.StartTime > currentTime) { var timeSpan = obj.StartTime - currentTime; return(string.Format("<span class=\"blue\">开启 / {0}后显示</span>", timeSpan.Days > 0 ? timeSpan.Days.ToString() + "天" : timeSpan.Hours.ToString() + "小时")); } else { return("<span class=\"black\">开启</span>"); } }
protected void OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { var currentEntity = new GroupInfoEntity(); currentEntity.GroupID = _Id; currentEntity.GroupTypeID = 4105; currentEntity.OrderType = 0; currentEntity.OrderNo = 0; currentEntity.GroupName = "闪屏"; currentEntity.GroupDesc = txtDesc.Text; currentEntity.GroupTips = ""; currentEntity.GroupPicUrl = ThumbPicUrl.Value; currentEntity.Remarks = ""; currentEntity.StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(txtStartTime.Text, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); currentEntity.EndTime = DateTime.ParseExact(txtEndTime.Text, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); currentEntity.Status = nwbase_sdk.Tools.GetInt(ddlStatus.SelectedValue, 1); currentEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; currentEntity.Remarks = string.Empty; bool result = false; if (_Id <= 0) { //新增 currentEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; result = new GroupBLL().FlashPageInsert(currentEntity); } else { result = new GroupBLL().FlashPageUpdate(currentEntity); } if (result) { this.Alert("保存成功"); Bind(); } else { this.Alert("保存失败!"); } }
private List <MySqlParameter> GetMySqlParameters(GroupInfoEntity entity) { List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = new List <MySqlParameter>(); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupID", entity.GroupID)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupTypeID", entity.GroupTypeID)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@OrderType", entity.OrderType)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@OrderNo", entity.OrderNo)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupName", entity.GroupName)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupDesc", entity.GroupDesc)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@GroupPicUrl", entity.GroupPicUrl)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@RecommWord", entity.GroupTips)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Remarks", entity.Remarks)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@StartTime", entity.StartTime)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@EndTime", entity.EndTime)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@CreateTime", entity.CreateTime)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@UpdateTime", entity.UpdateTime)); paramsList.Add(new MySqlParameter("@Status", entity.Status)); return(paramsList); }
public bool Insert(GroupInfoEntity entity) { // string commandText = @"INSERT INTO `GroupInfo` // (`GroupID`, // `GroupTypeID`, // `OrderType`, // `OrderNo`, // `GroupName`, // `GroupDesc`, // `GroupPicUrl`, // `RecommWord`, // `Remarks`, // `StartTime`, // `EndTime`, // `CreateTime`, // `UpdateTime`, // `Status`) // VALUES // ( // @GroupID, // @GroupTypeID, // @OrderType, // @OrderNo, // @GroupName, // @GroupDesc, // @GroupPicUrl, // @RecommWord, // @Remarks, // @StartTime, // @EndTime, // @CreateTime, // @UpdateTime, // @Status // );"; // return ExecuteNonQuery(commandText, entity); int newId = InsertForId(entity); return(newId > 0); }
private void Bind() { if (_Id > 0) { _CurrentEntity = new GroupBLL().GetGroupInfoByID(_Id); if (_CurrentEntity != null) { txtGroupName.Text = _CurrentEntity.GroupName; SpecialName = _CurrentEntity.GroupName; txtGroupDesc.Text = _CurrentEntity.GroupDesc; ThumbPicUrl.Value = _CurrentEntity.GroupPicUrl; ShowThumbPic.ImageUrl = _CurrentEntity.GroupPicUrl; this.txtStartTime.Text = _CurrentEntity.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); this.txtEndTime.Text = _CurrentEntity.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } applist = new GroupBLL().GetGroupElemsByGroupID(_Id); for (int i = 1; i <= applist.Count; i++) { applist[i - 1].OrderNo = i; } DataList.DataSource = applist; DataList.DataBind(); if (PageType == "new" && applist.Count > 0) { Button2.Visible = true; } } else { txtStartTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); txtEndTime.Text = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); } // BindShow if (GroupTypeID == 3200) { addAppLi.Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 更新分组信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateGroupInfo(GroupInfoEntity entity) { #region CommandText string commandText = @"UPDATE `GroupInfo` SET `GroupName` = @GroupName, `OrderType` = @OrderType, `GroupTypeID` = @GroupTypeID, `GroupTips` = @RecommWord, `Status` = @Status, `Remarks` = @Remarks, `StartTime` = @StartTime, `EndTime` = @EndTime, `GroupDesc` = @GroupDesc, `GroupPicUrl` = @GroupPicUrl, `UpdateTime` = now() WHERE `GroupID` = @GroupID"; #endregion return(ExecuteNonQuery(commandText, entity)); }
private void BindData() { try { int totalCount = 0; string selectStatus = dropStatus.SelectedValue; GroupInfoEntity groupInfo = new GroupInfoEntity() { SearchGroupType = this.GroupType.SelectedValue, SearchKeys = this.Keyword_2.Value.Trim(), SearchOrderType = OrderType.SelectedValue, SearchStatus = dropStatus.SelectedValue, StartIndex = pagerList.StartRecordIndex - 1, EndIndex = pagerList.PageSize, Status = 1 }; List <GroupInfoEntity> list = new GroupInfoBll().GetDataList(groupInfo, ref totalCount, SchemeID); list = list.OrderByDescending(a => a.UpdateTime).OrderByDescending(a => a.Status).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].GroupPicUrl == "") { list[i].GroupPicUrl = "http://cos.myqcloud.com/1002877/nwfs/M00/02/ED/Co9ZBlPE_uaEAKpAAAAAAC-RJBY895.jpg"; } } this.objRepeater.DataSource = list; this.objRepeater.DataBind(); pagerList.RecordCount = totalCount; pagerList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 插入GroupInfo表 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns>false:插入失败;true:插入成功</returns> public bool InsertGroupInfo(GroupInfoEntity entity) { string commandText = @"INSERT INTO `GroupInfo` ( `GroupTypeID`, `OrderType`, `OrderNo`, `GroupName`, `GroupDesc`, `GroupPicUrl`, `GroupTips`, `Remarks`, `StartTime`, `EndTime`, `CreateTime`, `Status`) VALUES ( @GroupTypeID, @OrderType, @OrderNo, @GroupName, @GroupDesc, @GroupPicUrl, @RecommWord, @Remarks, @StartTime, @EndTime, now(), @Status);select last_insert_id();"; List <MySqlParameter> paramsList = this.GetMySqlParameters(entity); int result = MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.ConnectionString, commandText, paramsList.ToArray()).Convert <int>(); return(result > 0 ? true : false); }
/// <summary> /// 修改专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SpecialTopicUpdate(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().Update(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 新增闪屏 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool FlashPageInsert(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().Insert(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 插入分组信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool InsertGroupInfo(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().InsertGroupInfo(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改数据 /// </summary> private void Update() { GroupInfoEntity entity = new GroupInfoEntity(); entity.GroupName = this.GroupName.Text; entity.OrderType = this.dropOrderType.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.GroupTypeID = this.dropGroupType.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.GroupTips = this.RecommWord.Text; entity.Status = this.Status.SelectedValue.Convert <int>(1); entity.Remarks = this.Remarks.Text; entity.StartTime = this.StartTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(DateTime.Now); entity.EndTime = this.EndTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7)); entity.GroupDesc = this.GroupDesc.Text; entity.GroupPicUrl = this.ThumbPicUrl.Value; entity.GroupID = this.GroupID; #region 处理缩略图 if (this.OldThumbPicUrl.Value != this.ThumbPicUrl.Value) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.GroupPicUrl)) { if (this.Width != 0 && this.Height != 0) { //裁剪方式 string croptype = this.Request <string>("cropType", string.Empty); Bitmap bitSource = ImageHelper.GetBitmapFromUrl(entity.GroupPicUrl); if (bitSource == null) { this.Alert("远程图片解析失败,请刷新后再试"); return; } int rX = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(this.X1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); int rY = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(this.Y1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); int rW = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(this.Width, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); int rH = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(this.Height, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); bitSource = ImageHelper.KiCut(bitSource, rX, rY, rW, rH); if (croptype == "hengping") { bitSource = ImageHelper.ImageCompress(bitSource, 260, 195); } else { bitSource = ImageHelper.ImageCompress(bitSource, 195, 260); } UploadFile up = new UploadFile(); byte[] imageBytes = BitmapToBytes(bitSource); //StartTransfer中的AppID和CID在前端页面中上传控件定义 string token = up.StartTransfer(2, 41, entity.GroupPicUrl.Substring(entity.GroupPicUrl.LastIndexOf("."), 4), 1, imageBytes.Length, string.Empty); string resultString = up.Transfer(token, imageBytes, 1); entity.GroupPicUrl = resultString.Split(',')[1]; //up.GenerateThumb(entity.GroupPicUrl, 0); up.GenerateThumb(token); bitSource.Dispose(); } } } #endregion //写入数据库 bool result = new GroupInfoBll().UpdateGroupInfo(entity); if (result) { this.Alert("操作成功", string.Format("/GroupInfo.aspx")); } else { this.Alert("操作失败"); } }
public DataSet GetDataSetList(GroupInfoEntity entity, int scId) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().GetDataSetList(entity, scId)); }
/// <summary> /// 更新分组信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateGroupInfo(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().UpdateGroupInfo(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取分组信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <GroupInfoEntity> GetDataList(GroupInfoEntity entity, ref int totalCount, int scId) { totalCount = new GroupInfoDAL().GetTotalCount(entity, scId); return(new GroupInfoDAL().GetDataList(entity, scId)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改闪屏 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool FlashPageUpdate(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().Update(entity)); }
/// <summary> /// 新增专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SpecialTopicInsert(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().Insert(entity)); }
protected void OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { var currentEntity = new GroupInfoEntity(); currentEntity.GroupID = _Id; currentEntity.GroupTypeID = this.GroupTypeID; currentEntity.OrderType = 0; currentEntity.OrderNo = 0; currentEntity.GroupName = txtGroupName.Text; currentEntity.GroupDesc = txtGroupDesc.Text; currentEntity.GroupTips = ""; currentEntity.GroupPicUrl = ThumbPicUrl.Value; currentEntity.Remarks = ""; currentEntity.StartTime = this.txtStartTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(DateTime.Now); currentEntity.EndTime = this.txtEndTime.Text.Trim().Convert <DateTime>(new DateTime(2048, 1, 1)); currentEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; currentEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; currentEntity.Status = 1; // 开启 currentEntity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; currentEntity.Remarks = string.Empty; currentEntity.SchemeID = this.SchemeID; bool result = false; if (_Id <= 0) { //新增 currentEntity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; int newId = new GroupBLL().InsertInfoForId(currentEntity); if (SchemeID == 104) { OperateRecordEntity info = new OperateRecordEntity() { ElemId = newId, reason = "", Status = 1, OperateFlag = "1", SourcePage = 61, OperateType = "5", OperateExplain = "新增专题", OperateContent = currentEntity.GroupName, UserName = GetUserName(), }; new OperateRecordBLL().Insert(info); } this.Alert("新增成功", "SpecialTopicEdit.aspx?id=" + newId.ToString() + "&page=" + PageType + "&SchemeID=" + SchemeID.ToString() + "&GroupTypeID=" + GroupTypeID.ToString()); } else { result = new GroupBLL().SpecialTopicUpdate(currentEntity); if (SchemeID == 104) { OperateRecordEntity info = new OperateRecordEntity() { ElemId = _Id, reason = "", Status = 1, OperateFlag = "2", SourcePage = 61, OperateType = "5", OperateExplain = "编辑专题", OperateContent = currentEntity.GroupName, UserName = GetUserName(), }; new OperateRecordBLL().Insert(info); } } if (result) { this.Alert("保存成功"); Bind(); } else { this.Alert("保存失败!"); } }
public int InsertInfoForId(GroupInfoEntity entity) { return(new GroupInfoDAL().InsertForId(entity)); }