protected void Gridview7_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { GridView theGrid = sender as GridView; // refer to the GridView int newPageIndex = 0; if (-2 == e.NewPageIndex) { TextBox txtNewPageIndex = null; GridViewRow pagerRow = Gridview7.BottomPagerRow; if (null != pagerRow) { txtNewPageIndex = (TextBox)pagerRow.FindControl("textbox"); // refer to the TextBox with the NewPageIndex value } if (null != txtNewPageIndex && txtNewPageIndex.Text != "") { newPageIndex = int.Parse(txtNewPageIndex.Text) - 1; // get the NewPageIndex } } else { newPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; } BindGridview7(""); Gridview7.DataBind(); newPageIndex = newPageIndex < 0 ? 0 : newPageIndex; newPageIndex = newPageIndex >= Gridview7.PageCount ? Gridview7.PageCount - 1 : newPageIndex; Gridview7.PageIndex = newPageIndex; Gridview7.DataBind(); }
protected void odswiez() { string idDzialu = (string)Session["id_dzialu"]; string txt = string.Empty; DataTable tabelkaGW1 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW2 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW3 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW4 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW5 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW6 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW7 = new DataTable(); DataTable tabelkaGW8 = new DataTable(); try { //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 1"); tabelkaGW1 = dr.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_sedziowskiej_2019(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 1, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 30, tenPlik); Session["tabelka001"] = tabelkaGW1; Tabela1.DataSource = null; Tabela1.DataSourceID = null; Tabela1.DataSource = tabelkaGW1; Tabela1.DataBind(); //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 2"); tabelkaGW2 = dr.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_sedziowskiej_2019(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 2, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 30, tenPlik); Session["tabelka002"] = tabelkaGW2; Gridview2.DataSource = null; Gridview2.DataSourceID = null; Gridview2.DataSource = tabelkaGW2; Gridview2.DataBind(); //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 3"); tabelkaGW3 = dr.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_sedziowskiej_2019(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 3, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 30, tenPlik); Session["tabelka003"] = tabelkaGW3; Gridview3.DataSource = null; Gridview3.DataSourceID = null; Gridview3.DataSource = tabelkaGW3; Gridview3.DataBind(); try { //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 4"); tabelkaGW4 = dr.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy2018(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, (string)Session["id_dzialu"], 4, 1, 8, tenPlik); Session["tabelka004"] = tabelkaGW4; //pisz("tab_05_", 10, 9, tabela02); tab_05_w01_c1.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c2.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][2].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c3.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][3].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c4.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][4].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c5.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][5].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c6.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][6].ToString().Trim(); tab_05_w01_c7.Text = tabelkaGW4.Rows[0][7].ToString().Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " tabela 4 " + ex.Message); } try { //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 5"); tabelkaGW5 = dr.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy2018(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, (string)Session["id_dzialu"], 5, 8, 2, tenPlik); Session["tabelka005"] = tabelkaGW5; tab_06_w01_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[0][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w02_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[1][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w03_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[2][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w04_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[3][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w05_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[4][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w06_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[5][1].ToString().Trim(); tab_06_w07_c01.Text = tabelkaGW5.Rows[6][1].ToString().Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error("OGLR2: " + ex.Message); } try { Session["tabelka006"] = dr.tworzTabele(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 6, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 30, Gridview6, tenPlik); Gridview6.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error("OGLR2: " + ex.Message); } //cm.log.Info("OGLR2: wczytywanie danych do tabeli 7"); Session["tabelka007"] = dr.tworzTabele(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 7, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 9, Gridview7, tenPlik); Gridview7.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error("OGLR2: " + ex.Message); } // dopasowanie opisów makeLabels(); try { Label11.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel2.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel3.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel4.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel5.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel5.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel7.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); infoLabel8.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(idDzialu)); } catch { Label11.Visible = false; infoLabel2.Visible = false; infoLabel3.Visible = false; infoLabel4.Visible = false; infoLabel5.Visible = false; infoLabel6.Visible = false; infoLabel7.Visible = false; infoLabel8.Visible = false; } Label11.Text = txt; Label3.Text = cl.nazwaSadu((string)Session["id_dzialu"]); }
//采购订单表 private void BindGridview7(string condition) { Gridview7.DataSource = ppb.SelectPMPurchaseOrder(condition); Gridview7.DataBind(); }