public static void ProcessUser(string userId, User profileToProcess = null)
            var db   = new ApplicationDbContext();
            var repo = new GriddingRepository();
            var user = db.Users.Include(u => u.Zone).First(u => u.Id == userId);

            if (profileToProcess != null)
                user.Latitude  = profileToProcess.Latitude;
                user.Longitude = profileToProcess.Longitude;

            var zones = repo.GetZones().ToList();

            GetStatus(user, zones);
        public static bool CheckUserZoneForISPOrdering(User user)
            var repo     = new GriddingRepository();
            var zones    = repo.GetZones().ToList();
            var response = false;

            UserSyncResponseDto result = GetStatus(user, zones);

            if (result.User != null && result.User.ZoneId != null)
                var zone = zones.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ZoneId == result.User.ZoneId);
                //if the map result == true and Zone == true or Location == true
                if (result.IsPossible && zone != null && zone.AllowOrder)
                    response = true;
        public static void ProcessUsersTask(string precinctCode)
            var db             = Db.GetInstance();
            var repo           = new GriddingRepository();
            var zones          = repo.GetZones().ToList();
            var usersToProcess = GetUsersForZoneProcessing(precinctCode, db);
            var results        = new ResponseModel {
                TotalRequest = usersToProcess.Count

            foreach (var u in usersToProcess)
                results.ResponseList.Add(GetStatus(u, zones));

            var usersWithErrorsString = "<table><thead><tr> <th>FullName</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Estate</th> <th>Lat-Long</th> <th>Address</th> <th>Message</th></tr></thead><tbody>";

            foreach (var r in results.ResponseList)
                usersWithErrorsString += string.Format("<tr><td>{0} {1}</td> <td>{2}</td> <td>{3}</td> <td>{4}</td> <td>{5},{6}</td> <td>{7}</td> <td>{8}</td> </tr>", r.User.FirstName,
                                                       r.User.LastName, r.User.Email, (r.User.Location != null ? r.User.Location.Name : ""), (r.User.Estate != null ? r.User.Estate.Name : ""), r.User.Latitude, r.User.Longitude,
                                                       r.User.Address, r.ErrorMessage);

            usersWithErrorsString += "</tbody>";

            var email = new EmailDto
                Subject = precinctCode + " sync results",
                Body    = "Precinct synced:" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(precinctCode) ? "All precincts" : precinctCode) +
                          "<br/><br/>No. of users attempted: " + results.TotalRequest +
                          "<br/><br/>No. successfully processed users: " + results.ResponseList.Count(u => !u.Error) +
                          "<br/><br/>No. of users where map responded with IsPossible = TRUE: " + results.ResponseList.Count(u => u.IsPossible) +
                          "<br/><br/>No. of users where map responded with IsPossible = FALSE: " + results.ResponseList.Count(u => !u.IsPossible) +
                          "<br/><br/>Users with Errors: " + usersWithErrorsString
