private void CheckNeighbouringSections() //checking neighbours for BFS algorithm
        if (!pathFindingInProgress)
        }                                       //stop checking neighbours when path finding is done

        //for every neighbouring section
        foreach (Vector2Int section in neighbours)
            Vector2Int neighbouringPosition = checkingFrom.GetPositionOfSectionInGrid() + section; //get the neighbour (section)

            if (maze.ContainsKey(neighbouringPosition))                                            //check if the neighbour exists in the grid then queue the new neighbour
                GridSection neighbouringSection = maze[neighbouringPosition];                      //assign the neighbouring section

                if (neighbouringSection.alreadyChecked || queue.Contains(neighbouringSection))     //skip section if it has already been checked or is already in the queue (requires checking both for edge and end cases)
                else //otherwise
                    queue.Enqueue(neighbouringSection); //queue the neighbour
                    neighbouringSection.checkedFrom = checkingFrom; //keep track of section the neighbour was checked from
Esempio n. 2
    void Update()
        GroundGrid gridScript = floorGrid.GetComponent <GroundGrid>();

        if (gridScript.grid != null)
            currentOver = SectionFromWorldPoint(transform.position, gridScript.grid, gridScript.gridSize);
            if (previousOver != currentOver)
                if (previousOver != null)
                    previousOver.overHead = false;
                previousOver = currentOver;
            currentOver.overHead = true;

            if (transform.position.y - currentOver.position.y < 0.5 && currentOver.occupied == false)
            else if (transform.position.y - currentOver.position.y < 1 && currentOver.occupied == true)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the HTML of the specified <paramref name="section" /> or falls back to <paramref name="fallbackPartial"/> if no section view is found.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">The instance of <see cref="T:System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper" /> used for rendering the section.</param>
 /// <param name="section">The section to be rendered.</param>
 /// <param name="fallbackPartial">The fallback partial view to be used if no section partial is found by <see cref="GridSection.Name"/> for the rendering.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:System.Web.HtmlString" />.</returns>
 public static HtmlString RenderGridSectionOrFallback(this HtmlHelper helper, GridSection section, string fallbackPartial)
     if (helper == null || section == null)
         return(new HtmlString(""));
     return(RenderGridSectionOrFallback(helper, section, section.Name, fallbackPartial));
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the HTML of the specified <paramref name="section"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">The instance of <see cref="HtmlHelper"/> used for rendering the row.</param>
 /// <param name="section">The section to be rendered.</param>
 /// <param name="partial">The partial view to be used for the rendering.</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="HtmlString"/>.</returns>
 public static HtmlString RenderGridSection(this HtmlHelper helper, GridSection section, string partial)
     if (helper == null || section == null)
         return(new HtmlString(""));
     return(section.GetHtml(helper, partial));
Esempio n. 5
    private int CalculateDistance(GridSection start, GridSection end)
        int disX = Mathf.Abs((int)start.pos.x - (int)end.pos.x);
        int disY = Mathf.Abs((int)start.pos.y - (int)end.pos.y);
        int dis  = Mathf.Abs(disX - disY);

        return(DIAGONAL_COST * Mathf.Min(disX, disY) + STRAIGHT_COST * dis);
Esempio n. 6
            public IGridSectionSyntax AddSection(int layoutColumnCount)
                var gridSection = new GridSection(layoutColumnCount);


                return(new GridSectionSyntax(this, gridSection));
    private void FindShortestPathToExit()                //Main BFS algorithm implementation (fragmented into smaller functions for easier editing and undertsanding)
        queue.Enqueue(mazeStart);                        //start by adding the starting section to the queue

        while (queue.Count > 0 && pathFindingInProgress) //while the queue is not empty and finding algorithm has not been halted
            checkingFrom = queue.Dequeue();              //dequeue the section the current one was reached/checked from
            CheckIfGoalFound();                          //check if the goal was reached
            CheckNeighbouringSections();                 //explore the neighbouring sections
            checkingFrom.alreadyChecked = true;          //mark the current section as checked/visisted
Esempio n. 8
    void LockPosition(GridSection sectionToLock)
        sectionToLock.overHead = false;
        sectionToLock.occupied = true;
        GameObject building = Instantiate(groundBuilding, sectionToLock.position, transform.rotation);

        sectionToLock.currentOccupant = building;
        StationaryBlockBehaviour buildingScript = building.GetComponent <StationaryBlockBehaviour>();

        buildingScript.CurrentSection = sectionToLock;
Esempio n. 9
            private IJsonArrayBuilder GetGridSectionRows(GridSection section, IJsonArraySyntax arraySyntax)
                var builder = new FluentJsonBuilder();

                return(arraySyntax.WithItems(section.Rows.Select(gridRow => builder.CreateNew()
                                                                 .WithProperty("id", GetComponentId())
                                                                 .WithProperty("name", gridRow.LayoutName)
                                                                 .WithProperty("hasConfig", gridRow.HasConfig)
                                                                 .WithObject("config", GetDictionaryObject(gridRow.Config))
                                                                 .WithObject("styles", GetDictionaryObject(gridRow.Styles))
                                                                 .WithArray("areas", stx => GetGridRowColumns(gridRow, stx))
    // creates grid of gridsections based on gridsize
    GridSection[,] CreateGrid(int gridSize, Vector3 position)
        GridSection[,] grid = new GridSection[gridSize, gridSize];
        Vector3 bottomLeft = new Vector3(position.x - gridSize / 2f, position.y - gridSize / 2f);

        for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                grid[x, y] = new GridSection(new Vector3(bottomLeft.x + x + 0.5f, 0, bottomLeft.y + y + 0.5f));
Esempio n. 11
    private GridSection GetLowestFCostGridSection(List <GridSection> GridSectionList)
        GridSection lowestCostGridSection = GridSectionList[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < GridSectionList.Count; i++)
            if (GridSectionList[i].fCost < lowestCostGridSection.fCost)
                lowestCostGridSection = GridSectionList[i];

Esempio n. 12
    private List <GridSection> CalculatePath(GridSection endGridSection)
        List <GridSection> path = new List <GridSection>();

        GridSection currentGridSection = endGridSection;

        while (currentGridSection.lastSection != null)
            currentGridSection = currentGridSection.lastSection;

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the HTML of the specified <paramref name="section" /> or falls back to <paramref name="fallbackPartial"/> if <paramref name="partial"/> isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The instance of <see cref="T:System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper" /> used for rendering the section.</param>
        /// <param name="section">The section to be rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="partial">The partial view to be used for the rendering.</param>
        /// <param name="fallbackPartial">The fallback partial view to be used if <paramref name="partial"/> isn't found.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:System.Web.HtmlString" />.</returns>
        public static HtmlString RenderGridSectionOrFallback(this HtmlHelper helper, GridSection section, string partial, string fallbackPartial)
            if (helper == null || section == null)
                return(new HtmlString(""));

            // Determine the partial view
            if (GridUtils.IsValidPartialName(partial))
                partial = "TypedGrid/Sections/" + partial;

            // Do we have a partial view or should we use the fallback?
            return(helper.ViewExists(partial) ? helper.RenderGridSection(section, partial) : helper.RenderGridSection(section, fallbackPartial));
    private void ProcessFoundPath()                              //with the path obtained from the main part of the BFS algorithm, process the list for the follower to use
        path.Add(mazeExit);                                      //add the maze exit as it is not in the path due to the way the BFS is implemented here (same for the start later)

        GridSection sectionReachedFrom = mazeExit.checkedFrom;   //start the backtracking process

        while (sectionReachedFrom != mazeStart)                  //while the start has not been reached during the backtracking process
            path.Add(sectionReachedFrom);                        //add successive waypoints
            sectionReachedFrom = sectionReachedFrom.checkedFrom; //moving backwards through the path from start to finish to record and construct the path in a list

        path.Add(mazeStart); //add the start position as it is not recorded the way the start of the algorithm is implemnted

        path.Reverse();      //reverse the list from the backtracking process to get a list of sections from the maze start to the maze exit (in correct order)
Esempio n. 15
 void buildingCollide(GridSection spotToCollide)
     spotToCollide.occupied = false;
     spotToCollide.overHead = false;
     if (spotToCollide.currentOccupant.GetComponent <StationaryBlockBehaviour>().Good == true)
         scoreManager.Score -= 1;
         scoreManager.Lives -= 1;
     Instantiate(explosionEffect, transform.position, transform.rotation);
     if (Collided != null)
Esempio n. 16
    public void CreateGrid()                                                                                                  //---------------------------------------Creates terrain----------------------------------//
        for (int x = 0; x < GridSize.x; x++)                                                                                  //------loops in x------//
            for (int y = 0; y < GridSize.y; y++)                                                                              //-----loops in y------//
                grid[x, y]         = new GridSection(new Vector2(x, y));                                                      //------------ creates the new girdSection ---------------//
                grid[x, y].segment = Instantiate(Segment, new Vector3(x * gridScale, 0, y * gridScale), Quaternion.identity); //----- spawn prefab -------//
                grid[x, y].segment.transform.localScale = new Vector3(gridScale, 1, gridScale);

                if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == GridSize.x - 1 || y == GridSize.y - 1)                  //----if on border
                    grid[x, y].segment.transform.localScale = new Vector3(gridScale, 25, gridScale); //------------------------- create wall border -----------//
                    grid[x, y].wall = true;
                    float pixelValue = perlinNoise.GetPixel(x, y).r * 10;   //----------get pixel from perlin noise --------//

                    if (pixelValue == 0)
                        pixelValue = 1;

                    if (pixelValue <= noiseCutoff)  //---if above 5 = wall if below = floor ----//
                        pixelValue = 1;
                        grid[x, y].wall = true;

                    grid[x, y].segment.transform.localScale = new Vector3(gridScale, pixelValue, gridScale); //------scales on y axis by pixels value to create walls -----//

                    if (grid[x, y].wall)
                        grid[x, y].segment.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = wallMat;  //-----color of wall -------//
Esempio n. 17
    private void GridSetup()
        for (int i = 0; i < GridSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GridSize; j++)
                //getting the modulus if the index to use for the grid colour
                int k = (i + j) % 2;

                GameObject G = Resources.Load("GridSect") as GameObject;

       = ("Grid" + i + "//" + j);

                GridSection TempAccess = G.GetComponent <GridSection>();
                TempAccess.TileSection = k;

                GameObject.Instantiate(G, new Vector3(i * roomSize, 0, j * roomSize), Quaternion.identity);
Esempio n. 18
    private List <GridSection> GetNeighbourGridSections(GridSection currentGridSection)
        List <GridSection> neighbourList = new List <GridSection>();

        if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.x - 1 > 0)                                                     //Gets X Minus Neigbours
            neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x - 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y]); //Left

            if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1 > 0)
                neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x - 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1]); //Left Down
            if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1 > 0)
                neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x - 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1]); //Left Up
        if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.x + 1 < grid.GetLength(0))                                     //Gets X Plus Neighbours
            neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x + 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y]); //Right

            if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1 > 0)
                neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x + 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1]); //Right Down
            if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1 > 0)
                neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x + 1, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1]); //Right Up

        if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1 > 0)                                                     //Gets Y Above
            neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y - 1]); //Down
        if ((int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1 < grid.GetLength(1))                                     //Gets Y Below
            neighbourList.Add(grid[(int)currentGridSection.pos.x, (int)currentGridSection.pos.y + 1]); //UP
Esempio n. 19
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void Start()
        outerGridSizeX = innerGridSizeX + (innerGridDistance * 2);
        outerGridSizeY = innerGridSizeY + (innerGridDistance * 2);
        gridMap        = new GridSection[outerGridSizeX, outerGridSizeY];
        for (int x = 0; x < outerGridSizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < outerGridSizeY; y++)
                gridMap[x, y] = new GridSection();

        previousHall = new int[3] {
            innerGridDistance, innerGridDistance - 1, 0
        createHall(innerGridDistance, innerGridDistance, 0, 0);

 void DrawIndicators()
     for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
             GridSection currentSquare = grid[x, y];
             if (currentSquare.overHead == true && currentSquare.occupied != true && currentSquare.currentIndicator == null)
                 currentSquare.currentIndicator = Instantiate(markerSquare, grid[x, y].position + (Vector3.up * 1.2f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0));
             if (currentSquare.overHead == true && currentSquare.occupied == true && currentSquare.currentIndicator == null)
                 currentSquare.currentIndicator = Instantiate(floorOccupiedMarker, grid[x, y].position + (Vector3.up * 1.2f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0));
             if (currentSquare.overHead == false)
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public virtual GridRow CreateGridRow(JObject json, GridSection section)
     return(new(json, section, this));
Esempio n. 22
    public List <GridSection> FindPath(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
        GridSection startGridSection = grid[startX, startY];
        GridSection endGridSection   = grid[endX, endY];

        openList = new List <GridSection> {
        closedList = new List <GridSection>();

        for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetLength(0); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetLength(1); y++)
                GridSection GridSection = grid[x, y];
                GridSection.gCost = int.MaxValue;
                GridSection.lastSection = null;

        startGridSection.gCost = 0;
        startGridSection.hCost = CalculateDistance(startGridSection, endGridSection);


        while (openList.Count > 0)
            GridSection currentGridSection = GetLowestFCostGridSection(openList);

            if (currentGridSection == endGridSection)  //
                return(CalculatePath(endGridSection)); //


            foreach (GridSection neighbourGridSection in GetNeighbourGridSections(currentGridSection)) //
                if (closedList.Contains(neighbourGridSection))

                if (neighbourGridSection.wall)

                int tempGCost = currentGridSection.gCost + CalculateDistance(currentGridSection, neighbourGridSection); //

                if (tempGCost < neighbourGridSection.gCost)                                                             //
                    neighbourGridSection.lastSection = currentGridSection;                                              //
                    neighbourGridSection.gCost       = tempGCost;                                                       //
                    neighbourGridSection.hCost       = CalculateDistance(neighbourGridSection, endGridSection);         //
                    neighbourGridSection.CalculateFCost();                                                              //

                    if (!openList.Contains(neighbourGridSection))                                                       //
Esempio n. 23
 public GridSectionSyntax(IGridEditorLayoutSyntax gridEditorLayoutSyntax, GridSection section)
     _gridEditorLayoutSyntax = gridEditorLayoutSyntax;
     _gridSection            = section;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance based on the specified <paramref name="section"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="section">The section the new instance should be based on.</param>
 public SpaGridSection(GridSection section)
     Grid = section.Grid;
     Rows = new List <SpaGridRow>();
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance based on the specified <paramref name="section"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="section">The section the new instance should be based on.</param>
 /// <param name="rows">The rows that should be added to the section.</param>
 public SpaGridSection(GridSection section, IEnumerable <SpaGridRow> rows)
     Grid = section.Grid;
     Rows = rows.ToList();
Esempio n. 26
    GridSection gridSection;                   //establish the section of the grid this script belongs to

    private void Awake()
        gridSection = GetComponent <GridSection>(); //get the grid section component on this object before executing anything elsd