Esempio n. 1
 public override void Move(GridLayout grid, GameObject layer, BoundsInt from, BoundsInt to)
     for (int i = 0; i < selection.Count; ++i)
         selection[i].transform.Translate(grid.CellToWorld(to.min) - grid.CellToWorld(from.min));
Esempio n. 2
        private void SelectWalkable(Tilemap tilemap)
            Vector3Int gridMousePosition = GridMousePosition();

            Vector3 cellPosition = grid.CellToWorld(gridMousePosition) + new Vector3(0, .5f, 0);

            selectionOutline.transform.position = cellPosition;

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                List <Vector3Int> availableDestinationTiles = player.AvailableDestinationTiles(tilemap);

                if (availableDestinationTiles.Contains(gridMousePosition))
                    Debug.Log("AvailableDestinationTiles contains GridMousePosition!");

                    BoundsInt cellBounds = tilemap.cellBounds;

                    Vector2Int navGridDestination = GameManager.instance.TileIndexOnNavGrid(cellBounds, gridMousePosition);

                    player.Move(navGridDestination, tilemap.CellToWorld(gridMousePosition) + new Vector3(0, .25f, 0)); //cellPosition?
                    Debug.Log("AvailableDestinationTiles does NOT contain GridMousePosition!");
Esempio n. 3
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            clickCellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(ray.origin);
            clickDistance     = Vector3.Distance(gridLayout.CellToWorld(clickCellPosition), gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition));
            //Debug.Log("Click distance: " + clickDistance);
            Debug.Log("Click position: " + clickCellPosition);

            //Debug.Log(Vector3.Distance(gridLayout.CellToWorld(clickCellPosition), gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition)));
            if (clickDistance < 0.35f)
                //Debug.Log("Pre Player Transform: "+playerTransform.position);
                playerTransform.position += (gridLayout.CellToWorld(clickCellPosition) - gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition));
                //Debug.Log("Post Player Transform: " + playerTransform.position);
                //Debug.Log("Delta Click Cell Position: " + (gridLayout.CellToWorld(clickCellPosition) - gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition)));
                movementController.playerCellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(playerTransform.position);
                playerTransform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition);
                //Debug.Log("Adj Player Transform: " + playerTransform.position);
                mapManager.UpdateFogOfWar(movementController.Vision, movementController.playerCellPosition);
                //Debug.Log("Player Cell Position: " + gridLayout.CellToWorld(movementController.playerCellPosition));
Esempio n. 4
 public static void DrawQuadBatched(GridLayout grid, Vector3Int position)
     GL.Vertex(grid.CellToWorld(position + Vector3Int.up));
     GL.Vertex(grid.CellToWorld(position + Vector3Int.up + Vector3Int.right));
     GL.Vertex(grid.CellToWorld(position + Vector3Int.right));
    public override void Move(GridLayout grid, GameObject layer, BoundsInt from, BoundsInt to)
        Tilemap         map   = GetTilemap();
        List <TileBase> tiles = new List <TileBase>();

        foreach (var pos in from.allPositionsWithin)
            map.SetTile(pos, null);
        int index = 0;

        foreach (var pos in to.allPositionsWithin)
            map.SetTile(pos, tiles[index++]);

        Vector3 worldFrom = grid.CellToWorld(from.min);
        Vector3 worldTo   = grid.CellToWorld(to.min);

        foreach (var turret in m_Selected)
            turret.transform.Translate(worldTo - worldFrom);
Esempio n. 6
    private void SpawnThings()
        BoundsInt bounds            = groundMap.cellBounds;
        int       enemyCount        = 0;
        int       enemyShotGunCount = 0;
        int       chestCount        = 0;

        while (enemyCount < enemyCountToSpawn)
            Vector3Int pos  = new Vector3Int(Random.Range(bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax), Random.Range(bounds.yMin, bounds.yMax), 0);
            TileBase   tile = groundMap.GetTile(pos);
            Vector3 where = gridLayout.CellToWorld(pos);

            if (tile == groundTile)
                if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, where) > 2)
                    GameObject enemyI = Instantiate(enemy, where, Quaternion.identity);

        while (chestCount < chestCountToSpawn)
            Vector3Int pos  = new Vector3Int(Random.Range(bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax), Random.Range(bounds.yMin, bounds.yMax), 0);
            TileBase   tile = groundMap.GetTile(pos);
            Vector3 where = gridLayout.CellToWorld(pos);

            if (tile == groundTile)
                if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, where) > 2)
                    Instantiate(chest, where, Quaternion.identity);
        while (enemyShotGunCount < enemyShotGunCountToSpawn)
            Vector3Int pos  = new Vector3Int(Random.Range(bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax), Random.Range(bounds.yMin, bounds.yMax), 0);
            TileBase   tile = groundMap.GetTile(pos);
            Vector3 where = gridLayout.CellToWorld(pos);

            if (tile == groundTile)
                if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, where) > 2)
                    Instantiate(enemyShotGun, where, Quaternion.identity);
Esempio n. 7
    } //! findPath

    public bool findActivableTarget(WireChunk iChunk)
        Vector3Int up    = iChunk.coord + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0);
        Vector3Int down  = iChunk.coord + new Vector3Int(0, -1, 0);
        Vector3Int left  = iChunk.coord + new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0);
        Vector3Int right = iChunk.coord + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0);

        // switch to woorld coordinate
        Vector3 worldcoord_up    = GL.CellToWorld(up);
        Vector3 worldcoord_down  = GL.CellToWorld(down);
        Vector3 worldcoord_left  = GL.CellToWorld(left);
        Vector3 worldcoord_right = GL.CellToWorld(right);

        // ALT solution : Make a cache with activable objects pos and compare distance with woorldcoord_x
        // check if there is an activable object in current radius
        Vector2 up_center    = new Vector2(worldcoord_up.x, worldcoord_up.y);
        Vector2 down_center  = new Vector2(worldcoord_down.x, worldcoord_down.y);
        Vector2 left_center  = new Vector2(worldcoord_left.x, worldcoord_left.y);
        Vector2 right_center = new Vector2(worldcoord_right.x, worldcoord_right.y);
        float   radius       = 1.0f;

        ContactFilter2D filter = new ContactFilter2D();


        List <Collider2D> up_col    = new List <Collider2D>(5),
                          down_col  = new List <Collider2D>(5),
                          left_col  = new List <Collider2D>(5),
                          right_col = new List <Collider2D>(5);
        int res_up    = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(up_center, radius, filter, up_col);
        int res_down  = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(down_center, radius, filter, down_col);
        int res_left  = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(left_center, radius, filter, left_col);
        int res_right = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(right_center, radius, filter, right_col);

        if (res_up > 0)
        if (res_down > 0)
        if (res_left > 0)
        if (res_right > 0)

        return(iChunk.targets.Count > 0);
Esempio n. 8
    public override void Move(GridLayout grid, GameObject layer, BoundsInt from, BoundsInt to)
        Vector3 fromWorld = grid.CellToWorld(from.min);
        Vector3 toWorld   = grid.CellToWorld(to.min);
        Vector3 move      = toWorld - fromWorld;

        foreach (var turret in m_Selection)
Esempio n. 9
    void PopulateCloud()
        GameObject cloudParent = new GameObject("Clouds");
        var        bottomBound = gridLayout.CellToWorld(bottomLeftCell);
        var        topBound    = gridLayout.CellToWorld(topRightCell);
        var        centre      = (bottomBound + topBound) / 2;
        var        dist        = (topBound - bottomBound) / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            clouds.Add(Instantiate(cloudPrefab, new Vector3(Random.Range(-dist.x, dist.x), Random.Range(-dist.y, dist.y), 0) + centre, Quaternion.identity, cloudParent.transform));
    public bool CheckLine(Vector3Int startPos_w, Vector3Int endPos_w, int maxdist = 20, bool checkentities = false)
        Vector3 offset   = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
        Vector3 startPos = grid.CellToWorld(startPos_w) + offset;
        Vector3 endPos   = grid.CellToWorld(endPos_w) + offset;

        startPos[2] = 0;
        endPos[2]   = 0;
        if ((startPos - endPos).magnitude > maxdist)
        Debug.Log("started:" + startPos);
        Debug.Log("ended:" + endPos);
        RaycastHit2D hit2D = Physics2D.Linecast(startPos, endPos, LayerMask.GetMask("Walls"));

        if (hit2D)

        /*Vector3Int offset = new Vector3Int(xmin, ymin, 0);
         * Vector3Int startPos = startPos_w - offset;
         * startPos[2] = 0;
         * Vector3Int endPos = endPos_w - offset;
         * endPos[2] = 0;
         * Vector3 checkPos = startPos_w - offset;
         * Vector3 step = (new Vector3(endPos.x - startPos.x,
         *                         endPos.y - startPos.y,
         *                          0)).normalized;
         * if ((startPos - endPos).magnitude > maxdist) { return true; }
         * int i, j;
         * int breaker = 0;
         * while (Vector3Int.FloorToInt(checkPos) != endPos && breaker < maxdist)
         * {
         *  breaker++;
         *  checkPos += step;
         *  i = Mathf.RoundToInt(checkPos.x);
         *  j = Mathf.RoundToInt(checkPos.y);
         *  Debug.Log(checkPos+offset + " " + passable[i, j]);
         *  if (i == startPos.x && j == startPos.y) { continue; }
         *  if (!passable[i, j]) { return true; }
         *  if (checkentities && HasObj(i + xmin, j + ymin)) { return true; }
         * }
         * return false;*/
Esempio n. 11
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            lastBoundsInt = position;
            //base.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            //Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(position.position), position.position.ToString());
            var       zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.min.z);
            BoundsInt newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
            Vector3   offset      = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.1f);

            Vector3[] cellLocals = new Vector3[]
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset,
                gridLayout.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)) + offset
            Handles.color =;
            int index = 0;

            for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; index < cellLocals.Length; j = index++)
                Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[index]);

            var labelText = "Pos: " + new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z);

            if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                labelText += " Size: " + new Vector2Int(position.size.x, position.size.y);

            Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z)) + offset, labelText);
Esempio n. 12
 Vector3Int cellPosition; //Create a variable to store the cellPosition of the object
 void Awake()
     //Awake should run before anything else in the game
     gridLayout         = GameObject.Find("Grid").GetComponent <GridLayout>(); //Get and store reference to the grid object
     cellPosition       = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);          //Get the position of this object and convert it to the coordinates of the nearest hex
     transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);                //Take the coordinates of the nearest cell, convert them back to world coordinates and assign that position to this object.
Esempio n. 13
    void Start()
        GridLayout gridLayout   = transform.parent.GetComponentInParent <GridLayout>();
        Vector3Int cellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);

        transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);
Esempio n. 14
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3    world = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z);
        Vector3Int iso   = grid.WorldToCell(world);

        transform.position = grid.CellToWorld(iso);
Esempio n. 15
    public IEnumerator firePipe(int manaUsed, Spells s)
        s.showSpell(0, 5); //change 1 to the animation
        Destroy(s.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>());
        BoxCollider2D bc = s.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();

        bc.offset    = new Vector2(0, 0);
        bc.size      = new Vector2(1, 1.2f);
        bc.isTrigger = true;
        Vector3 mouse = Input.mousePosition;

        mouse = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mouse);
        GridLayout gl         = floorCreator.main.transform.parent.GetComponent <GridLayout>();
        Vector3Int cellCoords = gl.WorldToCell(mouse);
        Vector3    finalPos   = gl.CellToWorld(cellCoords) + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0);

        s.gameObject.transform.parent.position = finalPos;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f));

        s.onEnter = fireEnter;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            hitList(s.inside, manaUsed / 1.5f, "fire");
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));
Esempio n. 16
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position,
                                             GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            if (coordinateBrush.z != 0)
                var zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, coordinateBrush.z);
                var newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
                var cellLocals  = new[]
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z))

                Handles.color =;
                var i = 0;
                for (var j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

            Handles.Label(grid.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, coordinateBrush.z)),
                          new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, coordinateBrush.z).ToString());
Esempio n. 17
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(grid, brushTarget, position, tool, executing);
            if (position.z != 0)
                var       zPosition   = new Vector3Int(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.min.z);
                BoundsInt newPosition = new BoundsInt(zPosition, position.size);
                Vector3[] cellLocals  = new Vector3[]
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.min.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.max.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z)),
                    grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(newPosition.min.x, newPosition.max.y, newPosition.min.z))

                Handles.color =;
                int i = 0;
                for (int j = cellLocals.Length - 1; i < cellLocals.Length; j = i++)
                    Handles.DrawLine(cellLocals[j], cellLocals[i]);

            var labelText = "Pos: " + new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z);

            if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                labelText += " Size: " + new Vector2Int(position.size.x, position.size.y);

            Handles.Label(grid.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, position.z)), labelText);
Esempio n. 18
    public static Vector3 GetMapWorldCenter(Vector2 mapSize, Vector3Int cellPos, GridLayout gridLayout)
        Vector3 vector3 = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPos);

        vector3.y = vector3.y + mapSize.y * 0.5f;
Esempio n. 19
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(player_location);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
            if (cooldown == false)
                move.y -= 1;
                ti.tick = true;
                Invoke("ResetCooldown", 0.25f);
                cooldown = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
            if (cooldown == false)
                move.y += 1;
                ti.tick = true;
                Invoke("ResetCooldown", 0.25f);
                cooldown = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
            if (cooldown == false)
                move.x += 1;
                ti.tick = true;
                Invoke("ResetCooldown", 0.25f);
                cooldown = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            if (cooldown == false)
                move.x -= 1;
                ti.tick = true;
                Invoke("ResetCooldown", 0.25f);
                cooldown = true;

        /// Debug.Log(System.Array.IndexOf(nonwalkable_tiles, obstacles.GetTile(player_location)) == -1);
        if (System.Array.IndexOf(nonwalkable_tiles, obstacles.GetTile(player_location + move)) == -1)
            player_location += move;
            player_tilemap.SetTile(player_location, player_tile);
        move =;
Esempio n. 20
        public override void Paint(GridLayout grid, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
            Vector2    halfCellSize = grid.cellSize / 2;
            GameObject go           = Instantiate(BlockPrefab,
                                                  (Vector2)grid.CellToWorld(position) + halfCellSize, Quaternion.identity);

            go.transform.parent = grid.transform;
Esempio n. 21
    public Vector3 mapV3ToWorldPos(Vector2Int pos)
        Vector3 WorldPos = gridLayout.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(pos.x, pos.y, 0));

        WorldPos.x += 0.5f;
        WorldPos.y += 0.5f;
    //public string script = "otherRoom";
    //public System.Type script_type = System.Type.GetType(script + ",Assembly-CSharp");

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GridLayout gridLayout   = transform.parent.GetComponentInParent <GridLayout>();
        Vector3Int cellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);

        transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);
        self_extent        = (Vector3)transform.GetComponent <TilemapRenderer>().bounds.extents;
Esempio n. 23
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (canMove)
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Click"))
                a = Input.mousePosition;

                destPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(a);

            tempPosition = Vector2.MoveTowards(tempPosition, destPosition, step);

            // convert continous to discrete, if same cell then no movement
            Vector3Int cellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(tempPosition);
            if (transform.position != gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition))
                if (GetComponent <Collider2D>().IsTouchingLayers(LayerMask.GetMask("highLand")))
                    if ((availablePoint - 2) >= 0)
                        availablePoint    -= 2;
                        transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);
                    // normal place
                    transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);

                tempPosition = transform.position;
            if (availablePoint == 0)
Esempio n. 24
    void Start()
        startingDir     = direction;
        _playerLocation = spawnLocation;
        Vector3 cellPosition = grid.CellToWorld(_playerLocation);

        cellPosition.y += grid.cellSize.y / 2f;
        player          = Instantiate(boat, cellPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        particle        = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(4).gameObject;
        playerAnim      = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();

        north = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;
        south = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).gameObject;
        west  = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(2).gameObject;
        east  = player.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(3).gameObject;

        cellPosition    = grid.CellToWorld(endLocation);
        cellPosition.y += grid.cellSize.y / 2f;
        finish          = Instantiate(end, cellPosition, Quaternion.identity);

        for (int i = 0; i < trashLocations.Count; i++)
            cellPosition    = grid.CellToWorld(trashLocations[i]);
            cellPosition.y += grid.cellSize.y / 2f;
            trashList.Add(Instantiate(trash, cellPosition, Quaternion.identity));
        trashTotal = trashLocations.Count;
Esempio n. 25
        public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing)
            BoundsInt gizmoRect = position;
            bool refreshPreviews = false;
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)
                int newPreviewRefreshHash = GetHash(gridLayout, brushTarget, position, tool, m_GridTileBrush);
                refreshPreviews = newPreviewRefreshHash != m_LastPreviewRefreshHash;
                if (refreshPreviews)
                    m_LastPreviewRefreshHash = newPreviewRefreshHash;
            // Move preview - To be fully implemented on the next version
            if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Move)
                if (refreshPreviews && executing)
                    PaintPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min);
            // Paint preview
            if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint || tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase)
                if (refreshPreviews)
                    if (tool != GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase)
                        PaintPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min);
                gizmoRect = new BoundsInt(position.min - m_GridTileBrush.pivot, m_GridTileBrush.size);
            // BoxFill Preview
            else if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Box)
                if (refreshPreviews)
                    BoxFillPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position);

            base.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, gizmoRect, tool, executing);

            // Paint the hovered grid position onto the scene
            var labelText = "Grid Position: " + position.position;
            if (position.size.x > 1 || position.size.y > 1)
                labelText += " Size: " + position.size;
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
            style.normal.textColor =;
            Handles.Label(gridLayout.CellToWorld(position.position), labelText, style);
Esempio n. 26
    public Vector2 CalculateBuildPosition(int cellIndex)
        int maxX = constructableGrid[cellIndex].Select(g1 => g1.x).Max();
        int maxY = constructableGrid[cellIndex].Select(g2 => g2.y).Max();

        Vector3Int currentCellPosition = constructableGrid[cellIndex].SingleOrDefault(g => g.x == maxX && g.y == maxY);

        return(gridLayout.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int(currentCellPosition.x + BUILDING_POSITION_OFFSET, currentCellPosition.y + BUILDING_POSITION_OFFSET, 0)));
Esempio n. 27
 public static Vector2 NormalizedPosition(Vector2 worldPosition)
     if (GridLayout != null)
         var cellPos = GridLayout.WorldToCell(worldPosition);
         return(GridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPos) + new Vector3(0, CellSize.y / 2));
     return(new Vector2());
Esempio n. 28
    //public void GetMovementDirection()
    //    //The GetMovementDirection function determines the players intended movement based on updown and left right keys
    //    if (upDownMovement < 0)
    //    {
    //        if (sidewaysMovement > 0)
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f); //Move player down right
    //        }
    //        else if (sidewaysMovement < 0)
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f); //Move player down left
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(0, -1, 0); //Move player down
    //        }
    //    }
    //    else if (upDownMovement > 0)
    //    {
    //        if (sidewaysMovement > 0)
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f); //Move player up right
    //        }
    //        else if (sidewaysMovement < 0)
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f); //Move player up left
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            direction = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //Move player up
    //        }
    //    }
    //    //Once direction is determined, the player transform is moved to that location and centered in the destination cell
    //    transform.position += direction * moveScale;
    //    playerCellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);
    //    transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(playerCellPosition);
    //    mapManager.UpdateFogOfWar(vision, playerCellPosition); //A call to the fog of war function is made to update what the player can see

    public void MovePlayer(Vector3Int moveTarget, bool regularMove)
        SetOrientation(gridLayout.CellToWorld(moveTarget));                                                      //first, orient the ship correctly for the hex it will be moving to
        transform.position += (gridLayout.CellToWorld(moveTarget) - gridLayout.CellToWorld(playerCellPosition)); //update the player game object transform position to the new coordinates from the clicked cell (look at how to do this smoothly)
        playerCellPosition  = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);                                        //update the player cell position
                                                                                                                 //transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(playerCellPosition); //use the updated player cell position to ensure the player game object is centered in the cell
        playerCellPositionCubeCoords = mapManager.evenq2cube(playerCellPosition);
        //transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,gridLayout.CellToWorld(playerCellPosition),Time.deltaTime); //use the updated player cell position to ensure the player game object is centered in the cell
        mapManager.UpdateFogOfWar(vision, playerCellPosition); //clear the fog of was from the new position
        if (regularMove)
            hasMoved = true;
            if (turnManager.combatActive && abilityController.AbilityUsed)
        //Debug.Log("has moved is "+hasMoved);
Esempio n. 29
 void Awake()
     //Awake should run before anything else in the game
     gridLayout         = GameObject.Find("Grid").GetComponent <GridLayout>(); //Get and store reference to the grid object
     mapManager         = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <ManageMap>();
     cellPosition       = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);          //Get the position of this object and convert it to the coordinates of the nearest hex
     transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);                //Take the coordinates of the nearest cell, convert them back to world coordinates and assign that position to this object.
     planetMinedIcon    = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
Esempio n. 30
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // snaps object to the grid
        GridLayout gridLayout   = transform.parent.GetComponentInParent <GridLayout>();
        Vector3Int cellPosition = gridLayout.WorldToCell(transform.position);

        transform.position = gridLayout.CellToWorld(cellPosition);
